4 research outputs found
The Impact of Word Volume, Text Sentiment, Sentiment Entropy and Structure in eWOM on Product Sales Performance – The Case of Motion Picture Industry
過去有不少研究旨在分析網路口碑之於電影票房的影響,常以口碑的數量和評價、及其他電影特徵資料作為票房預測模型之主要自變數。其中口碑數量多取自電影網站上之評論篇數,口碑評價則取電影網站於該電影之統計評分;少有研究探討口碑的文字內容與文本情感之於銷售績效的影響。這份研究旨在探討口碑文字的力量,透過文本挖掘與資料探勘方法,分析口碑的文字數量、文本情感、熵值與結構之於電影銷售績效的解釋能力。 此研究針對口碑文字之影響力以及傳統的口碑數量及評價之影響力進行比較分析,在不考慮其他電影變數的情況下,研究結果指出口碑之文字數量與文本情感不僅能夠取代,甚至超越了傳統的評論數量與統計評價之於電影票房的預測能力,其參數之顯著水準更高,模型之整體解釋能力也更強。 此外,研究發現口碑的文本情感熵值(字群亂度)之於電影票房有負向影響。具體而言,當特定的正面或負面字群比例減少、與其他特定正面或負面字群比例增加之共同作用下,將有助於電影銷售績效之提升。A lot has been studied in the influences of WOM volume and valence on box office revenues by applying online review quantities and ratings. However, little is known about the force of the quantities and sentiments of words in WOM. This research is conducted to explore the force of words in WOM. With text mining and sentiment analysis techniques, the study is to examine the explanatory power of words to box office performances by word volumes, sentiment scores, and sentiment structures of words, including the entropy and the composition. The study compares the effects of words and of the classical review volume and valence without involving other variables of the movies. The result indicates that the volume and valence of words can substitute, or even surpass, those of reviews by both higher significant level and stronger explanatory power. In addition, the study has found that the entropy of text sentiment (score clusters) has negative effects on box office performances. Specifically, the decrease in the ratios of certain negative or positive word clusters, along with the increase in the ratios of certain negative or positive word clusters, collaboratively generate a positive synergy on box office performances
Effects of oxide on the microstructure and properties of n-type GaAs wafer bonding interface
本實驗探討N-type砷化鎵接合晶圓在不同的退火溫度下其界面微結構的型態變化,利用高解析電子顯微鏡(high resolution transmission electron microscope,HRTEM)所得到的plan-view結果配合JEMS(Java Electron Microscopy Software)模擬軟體印證界面氧化層三度空間的型態改變。此外藉由導電原子力顯微鏡(CAFM)對照電性分析結果得知界面氧化層扮演阻障的角色,使電流無法通過,造成I-V curve呈現非線性徵。一、 序論
1.1 前言
1.2 研究動機
二、 文獻回顧與理論背景
2.1 晶圓接合技術簡介
2.1.1 定義
2.1.3 技術基本要求
2.1.4 接合種類
2.1.5 接合參數
2.2 III-V化合物半導體
2.2.1 砷化鎵的優勢
2.2.2 砷化鎵的結構
2.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡
2.4 multislice method基本理論
2.5 導電原子力顯微鏡
2.6 VASP
2.7 自身交互運算函數
3.1 試片準備
3.2 HRTEM影像觀察
3.3 JEMS和VASP模擬軟體的設定
3.3.1 JEMS軟體的設定
3.3.2 VASP軟體的設定
3.4 FTIR和UV光譜儀
四 . 結果與討論
4.1 JEMS模擬影像
4.2 穿透式電子顯微鏡( TEM ) 影像
4.2.1 反相接合(接合角度180°)的影像
4.1.2 順相接合(接合角度90°)的影像
4.1.3 Ga2O3的介穩定態
4.1.4 Auto-correlation function
4.3 接合界面的電性探討五、結論
Why the Housing Price so High in Taipei? An Analysis on Rent, Price, Macroeconomic Factors and Expectations
近年來,台灣許多縣市的住宅價格不斷高漲,身為政經重鎮之台北市首當其衝,於2008~2009年金融海嘯時期,政府為維持經濟發展而全面將遺產及贈與稅調降為單一稅率10% 後尤然。以產品價值而言,此波上漲很可能來自於「逢低買進,逢高賣出」之投資心理造成。由於不動產最終用途為使用,當真實需求者無力負擔時將導致房市泡沫,更因房市的經濟佔額高,進而可能引發經濟泡沫。為檢視台北市住宅價格的合理性,鑒於出租住宅需求者動機單純,本文以租價關係探討台北市住宅價格是否已有偏離實際使用需求之現象;且是否因未來的住宅價格在預期之引導下,使房價似遵循著過去價格的成長而逐步提高,有不效率之現象。實證結果顯示,台北市住宅價格與租金間已然背離,在金融海嘯過後種種非理性現象更為嚴重,導致房價有偏離其合理結構之虞,成交總價越高的住宅、偏離情況越為明顯,而存在泡沫化危機。In recent years, the housing market has been awash with funds. The phenomenon resulted in domestic housing prices in Taipei rising year by year, especially after the Subprime mortgage crisis. From the viewpoint of economics, the price is decided by supply and demand. However, with regard to the value of product, this rising of housing price probably comes from the artificial demand. In other words, this kind of demand is just like "buy low and sell high". In addition, real estate is a special commodity, except as an investment good, it is also a necessary consumption good. Furthermore, real estate is expense, making housing the biggest item among households’ assets. Once housing price is too high and the actual demanders cannot burden with; that is likely to trigger a market bubble, which caused the imbalance of trade market.
According to the aforementioned, this study will observe whether the housing price has deviated from the fundamentals in Taipei City. Since the demand of rent is only for living, we probing into the relationship between housing price and rent in order to observe the rationality of housing price; and if the future housing price in the anticipated guided, the price seems to follow the historical trend, and the higher the housing price of an area, the more significant. The empirical results show that, the housing price seems to prevail in unreasonable investment in Taipei City, which may lead into a bubble crisis
[[alternative]]Formaldehyde in Indoor Leisure Environment —Measurements at KTV
[[abstract]]論文摘要 據世界衛生組織統計,人們約80~90%的時間在室內活動。而研究顯示室內空氣污染嚴重,其中常見的甲醛會危害健康,已確定為人類致癌物(Group 1 : carcinogenic to humans)。KTV為華人特有之室內休閒活動,其為密閉空間,依法需使用防焰建材,常使用尿素泡沫甲醛樹脂來隔熱絕緣、隔間多、高度裝潢及包廂內常見吸煙行為,故推測其甲醛濃度可能偏高。因此本研究目的在分析KTV包廂中甲醛之潛在暴露途徑,利用直讀式甲醛偵測器實地測量KTV包廂中甲醛濃度,並以實測結果推估可能慢性健康影響,同時進一步探討甲醛去除方法。從文獻探討推估KTV內甲醛之潛在暴露途徑為甲醛由防火建材、室內裝修等固定逸散源及香菸燃燒之移動逸散源,逸散至空氣中經呼吸道被人體吸收。於7家KTV包廂8次實測的結果,30分鐘平均值最大值為0.14ppm、最小值為0.03ppm,平均為0.09ppm,另外五次在包廂中有香菸燃燒的測量結果,香煙未燃燒前的平均值為0.03ppm,香菸燃燒時的30分鐘平均值最大值為0.16ppm,最小值為0.09ppm,平均為0.12ppm。而以實測結果所評估的可能慢性健康影響方面,非致癌慢性健康危害指數皆大於1,消費者之終生致癌風險最小值0.40×10-7,最大值1.05×10 -6,平均0.31×10 -6。在甲醛去除方式之初探結果,200ppm之二氧化氯超音波霧化機與HEPA濾心及活性炭濾網空氣清靜機去除率為90%以上。根據本研究結果,此次所測量之KTV室內休閒環境確實存在甲醛濃度偏高問題,而經由潛在暴露途徑,發現污染源應為消費者吸煙行為以及建材、室內裝修使用之材料、塗料等。最後建議KTV在設置或整修時應採用無甲醛或低甲醛釋放之建材、塗料,同時確實區隔吸煙與非吸煙包廂之空調系統,並可採取可行之甲醛去除方法,例如:加強通風換氣量,HEPA濾心及活性炭濾網等。關鍵字: 甲醛、KTV、暴露途徑分析[[abstract]]Abstract There have been an increasing number of instances where occupants of a building have complained of a general feeling of being uncomfortable. This phenomenon is appearing in the medical literature as a concept called “sick building syndrome”. In Taiwan, there has been growing concern in the past decade over health complaints attributed to the poor indoor air quality. However, little research is concerned about the indoor air quality (IAQ) problems in Taiwan and no adequate approach for indoor entertainment managers to assess the IAQ has been developed. In addition, formaldehyde is regarded as an important indoor pollutant that will affect the health of people. Hence, the purpose of this study is to establish the formaldehyde audit approach for indoor entertainment buildings with the portable equipment, Formaldemeter 400. Seven KTV buildings were selected as example to investigate the formaldehyde risk to guests and staff, since many people in Taiwan like to sing songs in the KTV. According to the results of this study, the concentrations of formaldehyde exceed the recommended threshold level (0.1ppm) in Taiwan. In addition, the pollution sources of formaldehyde at KTV may be urea-formaldehyde form insulation (UFFI), decoration, wood products, and smoking activities based on the potential exposure pathway analysis. Finally, some air control equipments were also tested to solve formaldehyde problems in order to provide more health and comfortable interior environment for guests and staff. Key words: Formaldehyde, KTV, Exposure pathway analysi