216 research outputs found

    The Catholicism and Chinese Social Relations' Extension and Reconstruction in the Spanish Philippines

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    西班牙殖民时期,面对占主导地位的天主教意识形态,菲律宾华人教徒充分利用了天主教所赋予的制度文化资源,建立了与西班牙殖民者、天主教会以及菲律宾人的联系,同时也巩固了华人族群自身的关系网络,拓展了华人的生存和发展空间。菲律宾华人教徒巧妙整合自身与异质文化的实践过程充分反映了华人的灵活性与适应性。The Catholic Chinese made full use of the institutional culture resources given by the Catholicism,successfully established relations with the Spanish colonists,Catholic Church,and the natives,at the same time strengthened the Chinese ethnic network,and expanded space for survival and development in the Spanish Philippines,in response to the dominant ideology. The Catholic Chinese' s practice process which ingeniously integrating of their own and the heterogeneous culture fully reflects the flexibility and adaptability of themselves

    The Study of Xiafangtongzhi in Qing Dynasty,1686-1911

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    康熙二十五年(1686),泉州府海防同知署从泉州移驻厦门,是为厦防同知。厦防同知的设立,反映了王朝行政机构在地方社会的变动,同时又参与了东南沿海明清易代的历史转折。自此之后,厦防同知作为地方行政组织贯穿于有清一代。本文以历时性和共时性的两个维度考察厦防同知的职能演变,同时关注厦防同知与地方社会的互动关系。 通过研究可以发现,厦防同知职能表现为以下四个方面:第一,作为司口专员的厦防同知履行港务管理的职能,专司稽查船只,挂验牌照与人员出入。第二,厦门岛处于闽台中轴,处理对台事务,比如盘收台运兵谷、兵米与传递台湾文书夹板等是厦防同知不同于其他海防同知的最大特色。第三,同光之后,中外交涉案件迭起,厦...In 1686, Haifangtongzhi(海防同知) of Quanzhou Fu(泉州府) moved from Quanzhou(泉州) to Xiamen(厦门) .which opened a new era.The setting of Xiafang -tongzhi(厦防同知) reflected of the change of the administrative system in local society ,and it went through a time of change from Ming to Qing Dynasty ,and kept functioning until the end of the Qing Dynasty . In this paper ,I will analysis the function evolution...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:1032009115187


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    A Practice Report on the Chinese – English Translation of Crane Dao

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    当今世界,无人不知中国功夫,无人不晓李小龙。中国武术已被世界所认知。随着中华武术国际地位的提升,有越来越多的国外朋友对其进行探讨,为了激发他们越来越多来华学习的兴趣,需要将大量的汉语武术书籍译成高质量的英语文本;为了把我国的武术发扬光大的必经之路也要先把中文文本的武术翻译成英文。中国武术的翻译目前存在种种问题,比如,武术术语的翻译不够准确,武术精神的内涵在翻译过程中的流失等等。 本文是关于中华武术之永春白鹤拳功夫的英译翻译实践的实践报告。本文详细阐述了永春白鹤拳的书本《鹤道》汉英翻译实践过程。具体结构如下: 第一章阐述此次翻译实践的背景、意义、具体范围、研究方法、论文结构及文献综述。作为译...Today, Chinese martial arts is well known in the world, so is Bruce Lee. With the promotion of international status of Chinese martial arts, it is necessary to translate the books on Chinese martial arts in Chinese into high qualified texts in English in order to intrigue more foreigners coming to China for further study. The books on Chinese martial arts in Chinese must be translated into texts i...学位:翻译硕士院系专业:外文学院外语教学部_翻译硕士学号:X200911001

    “A Wound That Is Wide Open”——A Study on the Hair Style of Overseas Chinese since the Sixteenth Century

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    论文对明亡之前华人的发型问题,明末清初中国人的出洋与辫子问题,华人、当地人与西方人的辫子观以及19世纪末20世纪初发型(辫子)观的改变等问题进行了分析阐述,认为历史上海外华人的辫子,并非界定“谁是华人“的唯一要素,然而却是极为显眼的标志。华人的辫子从无到有,以致最终消失,经历了一个被排斥、接受直至“污名化“的历程。而发生在海外侨居地的这一过程比中国本土更早、更复杂,其主体感受也更深刻。小小的发型问题背后呈现的是深刻的文化认同、利益选择以及政策制度问题,是大时代在华人个体及整个族群身上的长长的投射。This paper discusses the hairstyle of overseas Chinese since the fall of the Ming Dynasty.Since then,Chinese started to go abroad and the "braid issue"during the period of late-Ming and early-Qing became a critical issue for overseas Chinese communities.After that all the way to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries different perceptions on braid,a cultural symbol referencing to their Chinese roots came into being among local peoples.The braid of overseas Chinese was not the single factor to define "who is Chinese"rather than a symbolic sign.From appearance to disappearance,Chinese braid experienced a process from being rejected,accepted and even stigmatized.Overseas Chinese experience reflected some deeper cultural conflicts than it in their home country.The braid issue is related to the problems on cultural identity,interest choice and political milieu


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    分部报告作为财务报告体系的重要组成部分 ,其意义和作用正日益受到报表分析人士的关注 ,但如何分析和利用分部报告 ,对于大多数分析者来说还很陌生。本文从分析企业分部的划分标准、报告分部的测试标准和分部报告所选用的会计政策入手 ,把握分部报告分析的切入点 ,在此基础上 ,进一步分析了分部报告中主要财务指标对企业内部管理层和外部信息使用者进行决策时的指导意义。同时 ,本文还对财政部和证监会有关分部信息披露的要求进行了简要的评述。2002年国家社会科学基金课题《加入WTO与我国会计准则体系建设》的阶段性研究成