13 research outputs found


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    梅姬颱風 (2010) 與東北季風之共伴效應於台灣宜蘭縣蘇澳地區帶來了豐沛降雨,高累積雨量造成了台9 線蘇花公路群集性土砂災害,尤其在115.9K 上邊坡更誘發了約210 萬m3 之大規模崩塌土砂災害。本文從現地地質調查、致災機制、水文分析及遙測影像判釋等面向進行討論。由降雨-延時-頻率分析得知近年來誘發重大崩塌事件的雨量皆高於200 年回歸週期,並獲致良好判別致災雨場之I-R 圖降雨臨界線關係(Re+53.5Iave=1,146)。多時期遙測影像判釋指出東澳嶺坡頂之弧型張力裂隙仍有持續溯源發展之趨勢。裸露崩塌地不連續面方位密度分布圖之裂隙位態大致與區域地質構造位態 (N70°W) 相近,顯示本區域崩塌主要仍受地質條件主控。此外,蝕溝溯源侵蝕、剪裂帶分布及凹漥坡型亦為影響研究區崩塌地地貌變遷之重要因子,而前期地震或長延時高強度降雨則為外在促崩因子。Typhoon Megi coupled with the northeastern monsoon induced an extreme rainfall of 939 mm on the Suao area, Yilan County, in eastern Taiwan on October 21st, 2010, causing the Dong-Ao Peak landslide of 2.1 million m3 along the coastal Su-Hua Section of Highway Route 9. This study adopts a geological survey, rainfall data, satellite images, orthophotos, and high-resolution DEM based on airborne laser scanner surveys to quantify the morphological changes before and after landslide events following major rainfall events since 2010. Rainfall frequency analysis indicates the cumulative precipitation triggering landslide events is greater than the 200-year return period. In addition, both the entrainment effect of debris flow and toe erosion on the down-slope is shown to induce regressive sliding failure at the adjacent roadbed. The results suggest that geological factors such as head-cutting erosion and the concave landform shape the landform evolution of the catchment. The occurrence of landslides also depends on antecedent earthquake events and extreme intense rainfalls


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    [[abstract]]採用孔內攝影(Borehole Imaging)進行岩石弱面調查,可避免以往採用岩心檢視方式遭遇的 諸多限制並提供更高之精度,逐漸受到工程師重視。本文所介紹之音射式孔內探測儀(High Resolution Acoustic Televiewer)採用一固定式超音波發射源及一旋轉反射鏡系統,藉由擷取音射 訊號撞擊鑽孔孔壁之走時及反射訊號振幅,以判斷弱面位態及岩層狀況。由於其具有解析度 高、穿透能力強、適用於鑽孔中充滿混濁水環境等優點,因此較一般常見之光學式孔內攝影 更適用於台灣之地質環境。此外,本系統具有強大的後處理能力,根據攝錄影像可自動計算 弱面、構造之深度、位態,並一步進行弱面統計、立體投影分析及鑽孔變形預測,提供工程 師豐富的工程地質資料


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    [[abstract]]採用孔內攝影(Borehole Imaging)進行岩石弱面調查,可避免以往採用岩心檢視方式遭遇的諸多限制並提供更高之精度,因此受到工程師所歡迎。本文所介紹之音射式孔內探測儀(High Resolution Acoustic Televiewer)採用一固定式超音波發射源及一旋轉反射鏡系統,藉由擷取音射訊號撞擊鑽孔孔壁之走時及反射訊號振幅,以判斷弱面位態及岩層狀況。由於其具有解析度高、穿透能力強、適用於鑽孔中充滿混濁水環境等優點,因此較一般常見之光學式孔內攝影(Borehole Optical Televiewer)更適用於台灣之地質環境。此外,本系統具有強大的後處理能力,根據攝錄影像可自動計算弱面、構造之深度、位態,並一步進行弱面統計、立體投影分析及鑽孔變形預測,提供工程師豐富的工程地質資料


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    The sediment volume of deep-seated landslide and debris flows triggered by torrential rains often causes loss of lives and property in mountainous areas. For the purpose of understanding the characteristics of rapid mass movement on a watershed scale, this study utilized micro-photography interpretation based on the LiDAR scanning technique to determine unstable landslide zonation. In addition to multi-temporal satellite image interpretation and field investigation, the rapid mass movement process in a gravity deformation area was simulated by adopting the Voellmy-Salm model (RAMMS). The hydrograph variation in a catchment basin is introduced to investigate the detailed dynamic transportation behavior of debris flow such as super-elevation in a curve channel and alluvial fan formation in a valley. Finally, a hazard matrix concept is also proposed to classify the Debris flow hazard. The corresponding results may contribute to identifying the potential influence areas of sediment-disasters in the future.颱風豪雨所誘發山區大規模崩塌或土石流災害,其所挾帶之巨大衝擊力與土砂,常造成下游保全對象生命財產威脅。為瞭解集水區尺度之潛在崩塌地土砂運移特性,本研究以光達掃瞄產製之高精度數值地形進行崩塌地擴大之山崩微地形判釋。整合前期遙測影像比對與地質調查成果,採用 Voellmy-Salm model 為理論基礎之三維土砂運移數值模擬程式 (RAMMS),以圈繪後之潛在重力變形區進行崩塌模擬。本文進一步考慮集水區水文歷線特性,探討邊坡崩積土體轉化為土石流之動態特徵,如河流彎道超高、沖積扇堆積等,最後導入危害矩陣 (hazard matrix) 概念進行危險度分級,以預測邊坡潛在土砂災害之影響範圍