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    油料安全事关国计民生,保障油料有效供给是我国必须坚守的国家粮食安全底线。站在全球视角,对2011/2012—2020/2021年度我国油料供需形势、生产形势及市场形势进行分析,明确我国油料产业在生产、加工、贸易等方面面临的挑战,并针对性地提出了统一科学谋划与增强政策扶持精准度相结合,强化科技支撑与耕地资源保护相结合,提高农户油料种植收益与增强自然灾害抵御能力相结合,坚持大宗油料品牌建设与特色油料资源开发相结合,稳定当前农业合作伙伴关系与扩宽油料进口来源相结合,实施差异化市场监管与引导居民科学消费相结合等发展对策,以期为促进油料生产、保障植物油有效供给、降低植物油对外依存度,维护国家粮油安全提供参考。 Oilseed security is related to national economy and people′s livelihood, and ensuring the effective supply of oilseeds is the bottom line of national food security that China must adhere to. From a global perspective, the supply and demand situation, production situation and market situation of oilseeds in China for the period of 2011/2012-2020/2021 were analyzed, further the challenges faced by China′s oilseed industry in terms of production, processing and trade were clarified, and six development countermeasures ,including the combination of unifying scientific planning and enhancing the accuracy of policy support, the combination of strengthening scientific and technological support and protecting arable land resources, the combination of improving farmers′ income from oilseed planting and enhancing natural disaster resistance, the combination of insisting on the brand building of bulk oilseed and developing characteristic oilseed resource, the combination of stabilizing the current agricultural industry cooperative partnership and expanding sources of oilseed imports, and the combination of implementing differentiated market supervision and guiding residents′ scientific consumption,were put forward, in order to provide a reference for promoting oilseed production, ensuring effective supply of vegetable oil, reducing external dependence of vegetable oil and maintaining national food and oil security