203 research outputs found
High humidity of the stone chamber of the Takamatsuzuka Tumulus and high water content of its lime plaster walls have caused fungi to appear on the walls inside the stone chamber of Takamatuzuka Tumulus. It was decided finally to take out the stones for the restoration of the paintings on the lime plaster walls. But as a tentative measure, it was decided to cool the stone chamber in order to reduce fungal activities. Five methods were proposed for this, including sending cool air into the stone chamber. Among them, the method of installing cooling pipes on the mound and below the stone chamber was selected, because it allows uniform cooling and it does not damage the mound so severely. Undisturbed soil sample was obtained by boring and its thermal properties were measured. Based on these measurements, temperature changes were simulated by numerical simulation. After the cooling system was completed, the coling of the mound was started in September 2005. The measured temperature profile corresponded well with the simulated results
A new rice cultivar, ‘Tsukiakari’, has been developed at the Hokuriku Research Station, Central Region Agricultural Research Center, NARO. The grains of this cultivar are non-glutinous and have excellent palatability. ‘Tsukiakari’ was bred from the progeny of a three-way cross of “Kabashiko/Hokuriku 200//Hokuriku 208” in 2005~2006. A promising line was selected and named Hokuriku 255 at the F8 generation in 2013. Hokuriku 255 was submitted to various locations for evaluation of local adaptability, and in 2016 it was named ‘Tsukiakari’. The agronomic characters of ‘Tsukiakari’ are as follows. The heading date and the ripening date is 2 weeks earlier than those of ‘Koshihikari’ and almost same those of ‘Akitakomachi’. Compared with ‘Akitakomachi’, the culm length is about 10cm shorter, the panicle is slightly longer, and there are fewer panicles. The plant type is classified as partial panicle weight type. The yield of ‘Tsukiakari’ is higher than that of ‘Akitakomachi’. The 1000-grain weight is 2g more than that of ‘Akitakomachi’. Grain appearance is equal or inferior to that of ‘Akitakomachi’, due to white belly rice. ‘Tsukiakari’ is estimated to possess the true blast resistance gene Pii and Pik. Field resistance to leaf blast and panicle blast is classified as medium. The cooked appearance and eating quality of ‘Tsukiakari’ rice is equal or superior to that of excellent standard as those of ‘Koshihikari’. ‘Tsukiakari’ can be grown from Middle- Tohoku area to Kyushu area.「つきあかり」は,極良食味品種の開発を目標と して,中央農業総合研究センター北陸研究センター において,宮崎県の在来品種「かばしこ(ジーンバンクJP10698)」を母とし,「北陸 200 号」を父とした人工交配を行い,さらに,そのF1を母に,「北陸208 号」を父として三系交配を行って選抜・育成された品種である.2013 年から「北陸 255 号」の系統名で関係各県に配付し,奨励品種決定基本調査および特性検定試験に供試してきた.2016 年 4 月に品種登録出願し,2016 年 7 月 27 日に出願公表された.「つきあかり」は早生で多収の極良食味品種で あり,特性の概要は以下のとおりである.1.出穂期・成熟期は「コシヒカリ」より 2 週間ほど早く,「あきたこまち」よりわずかに遅く育成 地では“ 早生” である.2. 稈長は「あきたこまち」より 10cm 程度短く, 穂長は「あきたこまち」よりやや長い.穂数は「あきたこまち」より少なく,草型は“ 偏穂重型” である.脱粒性は“ 難”,粒形は “ 長円型”,粒大は“ やや大” である.耐倒伏性は「あきたこまち」より強く,“ やや強” である.3.収量性は,標肥区,多肥区のいずれも「あきたこまち」より多収で.千粒重は,「あきたこまち」 より 2gほど重い.玄米外観品質は「あきたこまち」並かやや劣り,腹白が出やすい.4.「つきあかり」の炊飯米は,「コシヒカリ」と比較して,外観と味が良く,粘りは強いが硬い特徴があり,総合評価では「あきたこまち」に優り,「コシヒカリ」と同等以上である.冷めても食味 が良く,4 時間保温後も食味の低下が少ないことから,中食・外食向けの業務用米としても利用が 期待される.5.いもち病真性抵抗性遺伝子はPii およびPikと推定され,葉いもち圃場抵抗性は“ 中”,穂いもち圃場抵抗性も“ 中” である.穂発芽性は“ 難”,障害型耐冷性は“ やや強” である
We developed a high yielding rice cultivar with high amylose content, which we named ‘Ajianokaori’, from a cross between a high-amylose content line, ‘Hokuriku 207’ (Koshinokaori), and a high-yielding line, ‘Kanto 239’ (Yamadawara). In 2018, we applied to have this new cultivar officially registered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery. The maturity of ‘Ajianokaori’ is similar to that of ‘Akidawara’. Thus, ‘Ajianokaori’ plants can grow in the Hokuriku and Kanto regions as well as the southern and western areas. The culm length, panicle length and panicle number of ‘Ajianokaori’ are slightly less than those of ‘Akidawara’, The yielding ability of ‘Ajianokaori’ is similar to ‘Akidawara’, and 20% and 25% higher than that of ‘Koshinokaori’ under normal and high fertilization conditions, respectively. The ‘Ajianokaori’ 1000-grain weight is 26 to 27 g, and the appearance of ‘Ajianokaori’ grains is inferior to that of the ‘Akirawara’ and ‘Koshinokaori’ grains. The amylose content of ‘Ajianokaori’ rice is 30% to 35%, and the rice is not gelatinized in urea solution, which is similar to ‘Koshinokaori’ rice. There is no difference between the palatability of rice noodles made with ‘Ajianokaori’ and ‘Koshinokaori’. The field resistance of ‘Ajianokaori’ to leaf blast is “moderately strong” and that to panicle blast is “weak”. ‘Ajianokaori’ is susceptible to rice stripe disease. The resistance to bacterial leaf bright is “medium”, lodging resistance is “medium”, cold tolerance is “weak”, and sprouting resistance is “moderately strong”.「亜細亜のかおり」は多収の高アミロース米品種の育成を目的として, 高い収量性をもつ「関東239号」(後の「やまだわら」)を母とし, 高アミロース米系統「北陸207号」(後の「越のかおり」)を父とする人工交配から育成され, 2018年に品種登録出願された. 移植栽培での「亜細亜のかおり」の出穂期および成熟期は「あきだわら」並で, その早晩性から, 「亜細亜のかおり」の栽培適地は北陸および関東以西である. 稈長および穂長は「あきだわら」よりやや短く, 穂数はやや少ない. 精玄米重は「あきだわら」並で, 「越のかおり」と比較し標肥で20%, 多肥で25%程度多収である. 玄米千粒重は26〜27gで, 玄米外観品質は「あきだわら」「越のかおり」より劣る. 「亜細亜のかおり」のアミロース含有率は「越のかおり」並の30~35%で, 尿素崩壊性は“難”であり, 米麺の食味は「越のかおり」並である. 葉いもち圃場抵抗性は“やや強”, 穂いもち圃場抵抗性は“弱”である. 白葉枯病圃場抵抗性は“中”, 縞葉枯病には“罹病性”, 耐倒伏性は“中”, 障害型耐冷性は“弱”, 穂発芽性は“やや難”である
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