1 research outputs found

    article: Welfare State and Social Work in the Czech Republic after the fall of

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    Abstract This text shows the summary of the social state development in the Czech Republic from 1989 until 2013. It focuses on the changes done in the social security system which is the main holder of the social stability in social states of all kinds. The Czech Republic, similarly to the other post-communist countries, had to solvethe problem of transition from the deformed social policy of the totalitarian regime to modern welfare state systems based on democracy and respect towards human rights and freedom. Intended targets of the changes in newly designed social policy have been and still are unavailable, because the social, political and economic development in the Euro-American context would not wait until the work is done. This brings about special problems which -as we suppose -will be also reflected by the authors from other countries. This text tries to present intended and real changes in the social security system in the period of time named above. Let the kind reader evaluate