1,559 research outputs found

    N2H+(1-0) survey of massive molecular cloud cores

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    We present the results of N2H+(1-0) observations of 35 dense molecular cloud cores from the northern and southern hemispheres where massive stars and star clusters are formed. Line emission has been detected in 33 sources, for 28 sources detailed maps have been obtained. The optical depth of (23-12) component toward peak intensity positions of 10 sources is ~ 0.2-1. In total, 47 clumps have been revealed in 26 sources. Integrated intensity maps with aspect ratios < 2 have been fitted with a power-law radial distribution rpr^{-p} convolved with the telescope beam. Mean power-law index is close to unity corresponding to the r2\sim r^{-2} density profile provided N2H+ excitation conditions do not vary inside these regions. Line widths of the cores either decrease or stay constant with distance from the center. The ratio of rotational to gravitational energy is too low for rotation to play a significant role in the dynamics of the cores. A correlation between mean line widths and sizes of clumps has been found.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    Mass media as an Effective Tool for Prevention of Socio-psychological Factors in the Development of Terrorism

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    Recently mass media play crucial role in social counterterrorism activity. The article is devoted to analysis of possibilities of mass media in prevention of the development of terrorism. Socio-psychological factors of development of terrorism, including concept of “contributing events” as well as hypothesis “frustration-aggression” are studied. The psychological component of terrorism in three major attitudes is considered in the article: psychology of terrorism, psychology of counteraction to terrorism, and using mass media for prevention the development of terrorism. Specific features and the external factors promoting involving into terrorism are analysed. Role of mass media in covering the information about terrorism events is analysed from point of view related to prevention of development of terrorism. Some key recommendations on counterterrorism activity using mass media means are formulated

    About discovery of some species hemipterous Gvmnocerata and cockroaches in the territory of Shatsk NPP.

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    На території Шацького національного природного парку зареєстровано 7 видів напівтвердокрилих (Hemiptera), підряду вільновусих клопів (Gymnocerata), що не були зазначені у літописах Шацького НПП: Reduvius personatus, Pyrrhocoris apterus, Adelphocoris lineolatus, Trigonotylus caelestialium, Pentatoma rufipes, Carpocoris fuscispinus, Graphosoma lineatum. Також підтверджено знахідки 4 видів клопів Coreus marginatus, Eurydema oleracea, Eurygaster testudinaria, Aelia acuminate. Всі зареєстровані види належать до різних екологічних груп і характеризуються різними способами живлення: хижацтвом, сапротрофністю та фітофагією. Підтверджено знахідки Ectobius sylvestris родини Ectobiidae. який належить до сапротрофів.Роботу виконано на кафедрі зоології СНУ ім. Лесі Українк

    Chemical differentiation in regions of high mass star formation II. Molecular multiline and dust continuum studies of selected objects

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    The aim of this study is to investigate systematic chemical differentiation of molecules in regions of high mass star formation. We observed five prominent sites of high mass star formation in HCN, HNC, HCO+, their isotopes, C18O, C34S and some other molecular lines, for some sources both at 3 and 1.3 mm and in continuum at 1.3 mm. Taking into account earlier obtained data for N2H+ we derive molecular abundances and physical parameters of the sources (mass, density, ionization fraction, etc.). The kinetic temperature is estimated from CH3C2H observations. Then we analyze correlations between molecular abundances and physical parameters and discuss chemical models applicable to these species. The typical physical parameters for the sources in our sample are the following: kinetic temperature in the range ~ 30-50 K (it is systematically higher than that obtained from ammonia observations and is rather close to dust temperature), masses from tens to hundreds solar masses, gas densities ~ 10^5 cm^{-3}, ionization fraction ~ 10^{-7}. In most cases the ionization fraction slightly (a few times) increases towards the embedded YSOs. The observed clumps are close to gravitational equilibrium. There are systematic differences in distributions of various molecules. The abundances of CO, CS and HCN are more or less constant. There is no sign of CO and/or CS depletion as in cold cores. At the same time the abundances of HCO+, HNC and especially N2H+ strongly vary in these objects. They anti-correlate with the ionization fraction and as a result decrease towards the embedded YSOs. For N2H+ this can be explained by dissociative recombination to be the dominant destroying process. N2H+, HCO+, and HNC are valuable indicators of massive protostars.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Preliminary results of the study of fossil blackflies from Rivne Amber

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    Проведено вивчення 12 зразків інклюзій Рівненського бурштину з колекції Інституту зоології ім. І. І. Шмальгаузена НАН України. Описані екземпляри походять з кар’єру «Пугач», що знаходиться біля смт Клесів Рівненської обл. Виділено і описано три нові види: Greniera ukrainica sp. n., Greniera yankovskyi sp. n. Hellichiella pugach sp. n. (Simuliidae, Simuliinae). Від відомих представників роду Greniera (G. affinis, G. importuna, G. pulchella), нові види відрізняються великими розмірами тіла і крила, особливостями будови вусика і щупика. Від Hellihiella oligocenica H. pugach відрізняється меншими розмірами тіла, меншою шириною голови, 11-члениковим вусиком, великою кількістю рядів макрооматидій в очах, циліндричним базітарсусом третьої пари ніг, звуженими гоностілями. Симуліїдофауна рівненського бурштину включає ті ж роди мошок, що і балтійська, але спільні з балтійською фауною види в ній не виявлені. Сучасні ареали родів мошок, відомих з балтійського і рівненського бурштину, обмежені Голарктикою.Роботу виконано на кафедрі зоології СНУ імені Лесі Українк

    Preliminary analysis of blackflies fauna (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the natural reserve "Roztochchya"

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    На території природного заповідника «Розточчя» зареєстровано 9 видів мошок з 5 родів. Дослідження проводили на стаціонарі поблизу науково-просвітницького осередку «Гуцулка» природного заповідника «Розточчя» (Яворівський район Львівської області). Матеріал зібраний у обвідному руслі р. Верещаниця навколо північно-східного берега Янівського ставу та двох струмках. Найбільше видове різноманіття відзначене у струмках - 7 видів. Щільність преімагінальних фаз розвитку в ІІ декаді травня у середньому становила 242 особини дм2. У цей час у річці Верещаниця завершується розвиток S. truncatum. інтенсивно розвивається Od. ornata і починається розвиток N. volhynica та N. lundstromi. У струмках завершується розвиток S. truncatum, N. volhynica, N. lundstromi, Od ornata і відбувається інтенсивний розвиток S. posticatum, S. rostratum, Arg. behningi, Arg. dolini.Роботу виконано на кафедрі зоології СНУ імені Лесі Українк

    Multi-wavelength study of the star-formation in the S237 H II region

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    We present a detailed multi-wavelength study of observations from X-ray, near-infrared to centimeter wavelengths to probe the star formation processes in the S237 region. Multi-wavelength images trace an almost sphere-like shell morphology of the region, which is filled with the 0.5--2 keV X-ray emission. The region contains two distinct environments - a bell-shaped cavity-like structure containing the peak of 1.4 GHz emission at center, and elongated filamentary features without any radio detection at edges of the sphere-like shell - where {\it Herschel} clumps are detected. Using the 1.4 GHz continuum and 12^{12}CO line data, the S237 region is found to be excited by a radio spectral type of B0.5V star and is associated with an expanding H{\sc ii} region. The photoionized gas appears to be responsible for the origin of the bell-shaped structure. The majority of molecular gas is distributed toward a massive {\it Herschel} clump (Mclump_{clump} \sim260 M_{\odot}), which contains the filamentary features and has a noticeable velocity gradient. The photometric analysis traces the clusters of young stellar objects (YSOs) mainly toward the bell-shaped structure and the filamentary features. Considering the lower dynamical age of the H\,{\sc ii} region (i.e. 0.2-0.8 Myr), these clusters are unlikely to be formed by the expansion of the H\,{\sc ii} region. Our results also show the existence of a cluster of YSOs and a massive clump at the intersection of filamentary features, indicating that the collisions of these features may have triggered cluster formation, similar to those found in Serpens South region.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The biology of Simulium noelleri and Simulium dolini: morphological, ecological and molecular data

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    Molecular genetic research has revolutionized the taxonomy and systematics of the Simuliidae family. Simulium noelleri Friederichs, 1920 is a species of blackfly, common in the Holarctic, reported for 33 countries. In 1954, Topchiev recorded it in Ukraine for the first time. Simulium dolini Usova et Sukhomlin, 1989 has been recorded at the borders of Ukraine and Belarus. It was described for the first time by Usova and Sukhomlin in 1989 from the collection from the territory of Volyn region in 1985. Usova and Sukhomlin, Yankovsky, Adler state that S. noelleri and S. dolini are different species by the morphological characteristics that differ in all phases of development. Adults differ in the structure of the genital appendages, palps, the margin and shape of the face and forehead, the colour of the legs; the larva – in the pattern on the frontal capsule, the number of rays in the fans, mandibular teeth and the hypostoma, the structure of the hind organ of attachment; pupae – in the branching way of gills. Molecular data are becoming an increasingly important tool in insect taxonomy. Therefore, we had to check that these two closely related species also have genetic difference. The development of S. noelleri and S. dolini was studied in four small rivers of Volyn region, Ukraine (Chornohuzka, Konopelka, Putylivka, Omelyanivka) in the period from 2017 to 2019. During initial processing of insect samples, we used the standard protocols EPPO PM7/129. We obtained the nucleotide sequence of S. dolini. It was proved that the populations of S. noelleri and S. dolini from medium and small rivers of Volyn differ in biological, morphological, behavioural and genetic characteristics. Comparison of the species S. noelleri with the data of the GenBank confirms the identification of three distinct morphotypes from Volyn, Great Britain and Canada. As a result of the conducted researches, it was confirmed that two close species of S. dolini and S. noelleri from the noelleri species group differ in the structure of mitochondrial DNA, which confirms their independent taxonomic status. Additional studies comprising more individuals from larger areas of Europe are required to verify the taxonomic position of these two species

    The Spatial-Kinematic Structure of the Region of Massive Star Formation S255N on Various Scales

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    The results of a detailed analysis of SMA, VLA, and IRAM observations of the region of massive star formation S255N in CO(2---1), \nh, \nhh, \co and some other lines is presented. Combining interferometer and single-dish data has enabled a more detailed investigation of the gas kinematics in the moleclar core on various spatial scales. There are no signs of rotation or isotropic compression on the scale of the region as whole. The largest fragments of gas (\approx0.3 pc) are located near the boundary of the regions of ionized hydrogen S255 and S257. Some smaller-scale fragments are associated with protostellar clumps. The kinetic temperatures of these fragments lie in the range 10---80 K. A circumstellar torus with inner radius Rin_{in} \approx 8000 AU and outer radius Rout_{out} 12 000 AU has been detected around the clump SMA1. The rotation profile indicates the existence of a central object with mass \approx 8.5/ sin 2 (i) M_\odot . SMA1 is resolved into two clumps, SMA1---NE and SMA1---SE, whose temperatures are \approx150 K and \approx25 K, respectively. To all appearances, the torus is involved in the accretion of surrounding gas onto the two protostellar clumps

    Chemical differentiation in regions of high-mass star formation I. CS, dust and N2H^+ in southern sources

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    Aims. Our goals are to compare the CS, N2H+ and dust distributions in a representative sample of high-mass star forming dense cores and to determine the physical and chemical properties of these cores. Methods. We compare the results of CS(5-4) and 1.2 mm continuum mapping of twelve dense cores from the southern hemisphere presented in this work, in combination with our previous N2H+(1-0) and CS(2-1) data. We use numerical modeling of molecular excitation to estimate physical parameters of the cores. Results. Most of the maps have several emission peaks (clumps). We derive basic physical parameters of the clumps and estimate CS and N2H+ abundances. Masses calculated from LVG densities are higher than CS virial masses and masses derived from continuum data, implying small-scale clumpiness of the cores. For most of the objects, the CS and continuum peaks are close to the IRAS point source positions. The CS(5-4) intensities correlate with continuum fluxes per beam in all cases, but only in five cases with the N2H+(1-0) intensities. The study of spatial variations of molecular integrated intensity ratios to continuum fluxes reveals that I(N2H+)/F{1.2} ratios drop towards the CS peaks for most of the sources, which can be due to a N2H+ abundance decrease. For CS(5-4), the I(CS)/F{1.2} ratios show no clear trends with distance from the CS peaks, while for CS(2-1) such ratios drop towards these peaks. Possible explanations of these results are considered. The analysis of normalized velocity differences between CS and N2H+ lines has not revealed indications of systematic motions towards CS peaks.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic