219 research outputs found

    Mythological, Historical and Personal: the Story of Creation of Mary Renault’s Dilogy “Theseus”

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    The article is devoted to the mythological, historical and personal aspects of the creation of the Theseus dilogy (“The King Must Die”, 1958; “The Bull from the Sea”, 1962) by the English author Mary Renault (1905-1983). The relevance of the study is due to the need to comprehend these mythocentric works, which are the result of the synthesis of various types of artistic mythologism. The study is based on the principles of comparative historical, biographical and historical-genetic methods of analysis of a work of art. The traditions of mythologism in the English literature of the twentieth century are analyzed. The following features are distinguished: the mythological tradition of the twentieth century reflects the pressing issues of our time; modern mythologism implies a change or destruction of the canon. It is stated that the principle of historicity of M. Renault novels is implemented on the basis of archaeological and anthropological works of her contemporaries. It is proved that two types of artistic mythologism are simultaneously used in dilogy: demythologization and remythologization. The authors argue that this approach makes mythogenesis possible within the framework of a realistic narrative. In addition, the question about the implementation of the author’s creative intention to attract public attention to the problems of same-sex relationships is raised

    Eddies in the Western Arctic Ocean From Spaceborne SAR Observations Over Open Ocean and Marginal Ice Zones

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    The Western Arctic Ocean is a host to major ocean circulation systems, many of which generate eddies that can transport water masses and corresponding tracers over long distances from their formation sites. However, comprehensive observations of critical eddy characteristics are currently not available and are limited to spatially and temporally sparse in situ observations. Here we use high‐resolution spaceborne synthetic aperture radar measurements to detect eddies from their surface imprints in ice‐free sea surface roughness, and in sea ice patterns throughout marginal ice zones. We provide the first estimate of eddy characteristics extending over the seasonally ice‐free and marginal ice zone regions of the Western Arctic Ocean, including their locations, diameters, and monthly distribution. Using available synthetic aperture radar data, we identified over 4,000 open ocean eddies, as well as over 3,500 eddies in marginal ice zones from June to October in 2007, 2011, and 2016. Eddies range in size between 0.5 and 100 km and are frequently found over the shelf and near continental slopes but also present in the deep Canada Basin and over the Chukchi Plateau. We find that cyclonic eddies are twice more frequent compared to anticyclonic eddies at the surface, distinct from the dominating anticyclonic eddies observed at depth by in situ moorings and ice‐tethered profilers. Our study supports the notion that eddies are ubiquitous in the Western Arctic Ocean even in the presence of sea ice and emphasizes the need for improved ocean observations and modeling at eddy scales

    Manipulative Potential of Colour Names in Creolized Texts of Decorative Cosmetics Advertising (by Material of French and Russian Languages)

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    The article is devoted to the pragmatic component of a choice of colour names in the advertising Internet discourse. Attention is paid to the concept of creolized text in advertising. The importance of colour in this type of texts is substantiated. The object of the research is colour naming for decorative cosmetics in French and Russian languages. The material of the study is the data obtained from the sites of the leading Russian- and French-language online stores of cosmetics. In the course of comparative analysis the problem of informative capacity of colour names is considered, and their influence on the psycho-emotional sphere of the potential consumer is established. How to manipulate the mind of a recipient by method of the metaphorization of colour names is demonstrated, in which certain layer is of synesthetic metaphors. In the study of the psychological component the authors describe the appeal of copywriters to the emotions, the psychological state of the individual. There are gender-oriented and spiritual-cultural conditionality of colour names of products of decorative cosmetics. It is proved that colour designations appeal to spiritual values, national stereotypes, cultural and historical memory of an addressee. It is concluded that the use of borrowings registered in both languages, the actualization of different meanings of the lexical-semantic field of one word, the appeal to the semes of language units for the formation of the associative-colour image among consumers testify to the language game used by copywriters for the implementation of manipulative influence on an addressee

    Studying Family Formation Trajectories’ Deinstitutionalization in Russia Using Sequence Analysis

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    This study focuses on changing family formation trajectories in the Russian Federation. In European countries, pathways to family ceased being stable several decades ago, while in Russia – as in any post-socialist country - such features of life course deinstitutionalization as postponement of marriage, rising cohabitation, and reordering of events were revealed only in the 1990s and explained from the perspective of the Second Demographic Transition (SDT). Our aim is to demonstrate how family formation trajectories of men and women from different generations were transforming with the incorporation of data mining. The three-wave panel data of the Russian part of the “Generations and Gender Survey” (2004, 2007, 2011; N=5321) and the retrospective data of the survey “Person, Family, Society” (2013; N=4477) are used for achieving this aim. Sequence Analysis shows that generations born after 1970 started to exhibit de-standardized family formation trajectories. As the proportion of Russians who raise children in cohabitation or while single rises, such models of behavior become more widely accepted and practiced in contemporary Russia. Women experience more events in the family trajectory, take steps toward family formation earlier, and stay alone with children more often than men. Matrimonial and reproductive behavior has become diverse, proving that Russia fully exhibits the SDT

    Use of sewage sludge compost as the restoration agent on the degraded soil of Tatarstan

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    One of the characteristics of soils in Tatarstan is their low organic matter content. The decrease in soil organic matter is paralleled by declines in soil fertility. One method to reverse this degradation in soil quality is the addition of organic matter. The use of sewage sludge on soils intended for growing of plant seedlings provides an alternative for sewage sludge disposal. Therefore, the evaluation of the feasibility of using compost from the municipal sewage sludge produced in Kazan for the soil restoration and growth of Pinus silvestris seedlings was carried out. The grey forest soil (Haplic Greyzem) was amended with compost at application rate 30, 60 and 90 Mg ha-1 on a dry matter basis. Organic matter content increased with the increase in sludge amendment. The concentrations of individual heavy metal were below the current limits established for Russia and European countries. Sludge amendments enhanced the germination and the number of the seedlings and the increase were more obvious for the soil with highest sludge treatment. The application of composted sludge to soil was followed by the increase in microbial biomass and basal respiration

    Studying Family Formation Trajectories’ Deinstitutionalization in Russia Using Sequence Analysis

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    This study focuses on changing family formation trajectories in the Russian Federation. In European countries, pathways to family ceased being stable several decades ago, while in Russia – as in any post-socialist country - such features of life course deinstitutionalization as postponement of marriage, rising cohabitation, and reordering of events were revealed only in the 1990s and explained from the perspective of the Second Demographic Transition (SDT). Our aim is to demonstrate how family formation trajectories of men and women from different generations were transforming with the incorporation of data mining. The three-wave panel data of the Russian part of the “Generations and Gender Survey” (2004, 2007, 2011; N=5321) and the retrospective data of the survey “Person, Family, Society” (2013; N=4477) are used for achieving this aim. Sequence Analysis shows that generations born after 1970 started to exhibit de-standardized family formation trajectories. As the proportion of Russians who raise children in cohabitation or while single rises, such models of behavior become more widely accepted and practiced in contemporary Russia. Women experience more events in the family trajectory, take steps toward family formation earlier, and stay alone with children more often than men. Matrimonial and reproductive behavior has become diverse, proving that Russia fully exhibits the SDT


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    Background. The problem of early diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischemia is still relevant today. In this connection, it is of interest to search for a diagnostic marker of this pathological condition. Up to 80 % of all immunocompetent cells are localized in the intestinal mucosa. So, we can assume that the mesenteric channel occlusion can result in changes in the subpopulation structure of lymphocytes. The aim of the study is to analyse some parameters of the subpopulation structure of lymphocytes at various stages of acute mesenteric ischemia in the experiment. Materials and methods. The experiment was performed on 32 adult male rats - with an average mass of 200 g. The animals were divided into 4 equal groups. The first group was a control group. All other animals underwent laparotomy, blood sampling from the posterior vena cava, ligation of the mesenteric artery at the base of the mesentery root, suturing the wound. After 3, 6 and 8 hours, blood sampling, small bowel biopsy were performed in the second, third and fourth groups. The subpopulation structure of lymphocytes was assessed by direct immunofluorescence staining. Morphological material was stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Results. The complete occlusion of the cranial mesenteric artery was revealed to be accompanied by a decrease in the lymphocytes level, an increase in CD4/CD8 ratio. Conclusion. The data obtained were to develop a diagnostic method for acute mesenteric ischemia (Patent N 2552338, Russian Federation)

    Audiovisual content analysis in the translation process

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    The article presents a comprehensive approach to the process of audiovisual translation that includes application of multimodal analysis of semiotic codes present in audiovisual productions. The article dwells on how the proposed approach can be applied to analyzing audiovisual productions for different types of audiovisual translation. Due to its multimodal nature, an audiovisual production is understood by the authors as an audiovisual text that combines image, sound and verbal means, that is, different modes conveying meaning. The means of conveying meaning in an audiovisual production include the visual non-verbal elements, visual verbal elements as well as audio non-verbal and verbal elements. The priority of these means of meaning transfer and their interaction in meaning generation differ significantly depending on the genre of audiovisual productions and the specifics of the process of its creation