120 research outputs found

    The use of drought resistance indices in the study of the spring bread wheat collection under the conditions of Aktobe Region

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    Background. Due to the global climate warming trend, the breeding of new drought-resistant cultivars of spring bread wheat remains a priority task for Western Kazakhstan breeders. However, an increase in resistance is often accompanied by a decrease in genotype productivity, and searching for an optimal combination of these characteristics is a trend in contemporary plant breeding.Materials and methods. In 2017–2019, 175 spring bread wheat accessions from the collection of the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) and locally developed contemporary cultivars were studied under the conditions of Aktobe Agricultural Station. The field study was carried out according to VIR’s guidelines. To assess the drought tolerance of the accessions, the following indices were used: mean productivity (MP), stress tolerance (TOL), yield stability index (YSI), drought resistance index (DI), and stress tolerance index (STI).Results and discussion. Drought tolerance indices were calculated for all accessions using yield data in the driest (2019) and more favorable (2017) year. The total score of ranks for all indices was calculated for each accession. The total score correlated most strongly with the yield in an unfavorable year. As a result, 20 cultivars with the best total scores were identified, including 11 accessions bred in Aktobe Region, the reference cultivar, and promising accessions from other countries.Conclusion. The cultivars identified according to a set of indices are promising in terms of their use in breeding for drought resistance under the conditions of Aktobe Region. The proposed index system makes it possible to combine assessments of different drought tolerance aspects

    Hexachlorocyclohexane and DDT in marine organisms from the Bering and the Okhotsk Seas

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    Organochlorine pesticides (HCHs and DDT) are harmful and toxic substances affected biota. HCHs and DDT are still used as pesticides in the Southern Hemisphere and from there can reach the North Pacific due to atmospheric transfer. Isomers of HCH and DDT and their metabolites were detected in organs of some marine mammals ( Eschrichtius robustus, Odobenus rosmarus divergens ) from the Bering Sea; the maximum concentration was found in the walrus liver (90263 ng/g lipids). To trace these pollutants spreading in the Okhotsk Sea, the seabirds (Pacific gull Larus schistisagus, crested auklet Aethia cristatella, auklet crumb Aethia pusilla, northern fulmar Fulmarus glacialis, and grey petrel Oceanodroma furcata ) and fishes (pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbusсha and chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta ) were sampled; the pesticides concentration in the birds tissues ranges from 29 ng/g lipids in plume of the fulmar to 16095 ng/g lipids in plume and skin of the auklet and in the salmons tissues - from 220-330 ng/g lipids for the pink salmon to 550-790 ng/g lipids for the chum salmon (both fish species were caught at Kuril Islands)

    Multifocal Intraocular Lenses Implantation in Presbyopia Correction. Literature Review

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    Reduced dependence on glasses is an increasingly common expectation among those who want to take advantage of new surgical opportunities, especially for patients who lead an active lifestyle. Currently, due to the increase in the duration of active life in people over 40, there is a need for effective correction of presbyopia. Multifocal intraocular lenses are increasingly used in the treatment of presbyopia. After implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses most patients have no need for spectacle or contact vision. However, complications can affect the patient’s quality of life and level of satisfaction. The most common complications of multifocal correction are blurred vision and the presence of optical phenomena (“halo” and “glare”), associated with residual ametropia, clouding of the posterior capsule, large pupil size, anomalies of the wave front, dry eye and lens decentration. The main reasons for this are the failure to attempt to neuroadapt a patient, the dislocation of the lens, the residual refractive error and the clouding of the lens. The review presents the main features of various models of multifocal intraocular lenses, their implantation techniques, associated complications and methods for their correction. The development of multifocal correction of presbyopia and ametropia seems to be a promising direction in ophthalmic surgery

    Reconstruction of epizootic outbreak provoked the largescale death of Rhinoceros auklet on the coast of the Japan Sea in the Southern part of Primorsky Krai (July, 2021)

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    Introduction. In July 2021, a mass mortality of seabirds of unclear etiology occurred on the coast of the Sea of Japan in the Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai. According to the Department for Protection of Wildlife and Specially Protected Natural Territories of Primorsky Krai, over a thousand dead birds were found on the coast. The main case occurred in the population of birds Rhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata, Alcidae), also among the dead birds were found several dozens of gulls (Larus spp.) and terns (Sterna spp.), single individuals of other species. The peak of mortality in bird populations occurred on July 13–17, 2021. This territory is a recreational area, in the summer months a large number of people rest there. The current situation has caused increased attention of the entire scientific community, as well as organizations that protect the citizens health and the environment. The aim. To establish possible etiology of the epizootic outbreak and describe the cause of birds’ death.Materials and methods. Comprehensive examination using classical methods of virology, microbiology and toxicology, as well as the most modern research methods such as MALDI TOF-mass spectrometry and NGS.Conclusion. As a result of the studies, it was determined that the cause of birds’ death was infectious peritonitis with endogenous intoxication syndrome induced by a complex of pathogenic microorganisms, such as enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus pennery, Enterococcus faecalis and Wickerhamomyces anomalus, related to Candida pelliculosa

    INTEGRAL/IBIS 17-yr hard X-ray all-sky survey

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    The International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL), launched in 2002, continues its successful work in observing the sky at energies E > 20 keV. The legacy of the mission already includes a large number of discovered or previously poorly studied hard X-ray sources. The growing INTEGRAL archive allows one to conduct an all-sky survey including a number of deep extragalactic fields and the deepest ever hard X-ray survey of the Galaxy. Taking advantage of the data gathered over 17 yr with the IBIS coded-mask telescope of INTEGRAL, we conducted survey of hard X-ray sources, providing flux information from 17 to 290 keV. The catalogue includes 929 objects, 890 of which exceed a detection threshold of 4.5 sigma and the rest are detected at 4.0 sigma-4.5 sigma and belong to known catalogued hard X-ray sources. Among the identified sources of known or suspected nature, 376 are associated with the Galaxy and Magellanic clouds, including 145 low-mass and 115 high-mass X-ray binaries, 79 cataclysmic variables, and 37 of other types; and 440 are extragalactic, including 429 active galactic nuclei (AGNs), 2 ultra-luminous sources, 1 supernova (AT2018cow), and 8 galaxy clusters. 113 sources remain unclassified. 46 objects are detected in the hard X-ray band for the first time. The LogN-LogS distribution of 356 non-blazar AGNs is measured down to a flux of 2 x 10(-12) erg s(-1) cm(-2) and can be described by a power law with a slope of 1.44 +/- 0.09 and normalization 8 x 10(-3) deg(-2) at 10(-11) erg s(-1) cm(-2). The LogN-LogS distribution of unclassified sources indicates that the majority of them are of extragalactic origin

    Electric Conductivity and Gas-Sensing Properties of Nickel Ferrite Thin Films Formed by Ion-Beam Sputtering Deposition

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    Ferrites with composition of NiMnxFe1-xO4, (with x = 0 ÷ 1.0) have been synthesized by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS). The particle size of the synthesized ferrite powder was about 10 nm. Additional heat treatment at 1270 K during 50 min allowed us to obtained product with the single phase composition NiFe2O4.  We found out that the increasing of the manganese content (x) increased the lattice constant of the ferrites from 0.833896 nm (x = 0) up to 0.836369 nm (x = 1). The synthesized powder contains two types of ferrite particles that are varied in size and shape. The magnetic properties significantly depend on the microstructure and chemical composition of synthesized ferrites. It has been found that the coercive force Hc increased from 1.75 (x = 0.2) to 2.85 (x = 1). By using of IBSD technology thin film of NiFe2O4 was sputtered on the Si (100) substrate. All sputtered films were X-ray transparent. The structure of ferrite films consisted of agglomerate less than 35 nm. The thickness of the sputtered film was about 600 nm. Additional heat treatment at 770 K during 90 min resulted to homogeneity of the film microstructure. The temperature range 400-750 K corresponds to working temperature range of gas-sensing devices. The ferrite compounds were studied by TOF-SIMS (Time-of-Flight Secondary-Ion-Mass-Spectrometry) for all depth of film. The resistivity R of synthesized film was 39 kΩ. Measurement of gas-sensing sensitivity RCH4/Rair for gas (2%v. CH4) – air mixture showed increase of R up to 12% at the present of methane at 403 K. For further research we plan to replace iron to manganese ions in chemical compounds of ferrite

    Новые возможности дренажной хирургии рефрактерной глаукомы

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    Glaucoma is a socially significant disease, which is consistently ranked first or second among causes of visual impairment and blindness. Difficulties with diagnosis verification, treatment algorithms, monitoring, patient compliance to treatment regimens that occur at a certain stage of therapy, as well as medication prescriptions inefficiency lead to progressive vision loss. Numerous surgical techniques often have limited effectiveness. Drainage use is aimed at reducing excessive scarring in filtration area and creating one or more paths of intraocular fluid resorption. The review presents currently existing approaches to refractory glaucoma drainage surgery. Different implant groups are described in details, including those reducing excessive scarring, intracameral drainages and Schlemm's canal implants. Current perceptions of viscocanalostomy and canaloplasty effectiveness in glaucoma surgery are recounted. The advantages of implants, designed to maintain the Schlemm's canal volume, are specified. NiTi is a promising new material for use in glaucoma drainage surgery. Technical characteristics of biocompatibility, possibilities of modern engineering and technical lasers for processing NiTi allow to use this material on microstructural level.Глаукома относится к социально значимым заболеваниям, стабильно находясь на первом или втором местах среди причин ухудшения зрения и слепоты. Трудности с верификацией диагноза, алгоритмами лечения, наблюдения, приверженностью пациента схемам лечения, возникающая на определенном этапе терапии неэффективность медикаментозных назначений приводят к прогрессирующей потере зрения. Многочисленные методики хирургического воздействия зачастую имеют ограниченную эффективность. Использование эксплантодренажей направлено как на снижение избыточного рубцевания в фильтрационной зоне, так и создание одного или нескольких путей резорбции внутриглазной жидкости. В обзоре представлены существующие на сегодняшний день подходы к дренажной хирургии рефрактерной глаукомы. Отдельно рассмотрены группы имплантатов, снижающих избыточное рубцевание, интракамеральные дренажи и имплантаты шлеммова канала. Описаны существующие представления об эффективности вискоканалостомии и каналопластики при хирургии глаукомы. Приведены преимущества имплантатов, направленных на поддержание объема шлеммова канала. Никелид титана - новый перспективный материал для использования в дренажной хирургии глаукомы. Технические характеристики, биологическая совместимость, возможности современного машиностроения и технических лазеров для обработки никелида титана позволяют использовать этот сплав на микроструктурном уровне

    Оценка эффективности высокореалистичной симуляции при обучении подбору параметров ИВЛ при ОРДС

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    The objective wasto evaluate the efficiency of the highly realistic simulator “Test Chest” in training residents in the specialty “Anesthesiology and Resus-citation” in the alveolar recruitment maneuver and the de-escalation option for setting positive end-expiratory pressure in ARDS during a practical session.Materials and methods. The study included 28 residents of the first year of study in the specialty «Anesthesiology and Resuscitation», who  were divided into two groups. The 1st group – residents who were given theoretical classes before the study: lectures and a seminar on the topic:  «Respiratory support in ARDS» and the 2nd group (simulation) – in addition to the lectures, the trainees had preliminary practical classes in the  simulation center with a demonstration of the method of selecting ALV parameters in ARDS and independent performance of the alveolar recruit[1]ment maneuver, setting the positive pressure at the end of exhalation. In the simulation center, students were offered a situational task, the solution  of which involved determining the clinical picture and selecting the necessary ALV parameters. The evaluation was carried out by two teachers  independently using a checklist modified for objective student evaluation.Results. In the 1st group, 4 (28%) trainees coped with the task, in the 2nd group, in 13 cases (95%), the task was successfully completed. In the course  of the study, the trainees of both groups revealed difficulties in selecting ALV parameters in ARDS, which required a more detailed consideration  of these issues, both in theoretical and practical classes. Conclusion. The use of the highly realistic simulator “Test Chest” in the selection of ALV parameters in ARDS during a practical session makes it  possible to increase the effectiveness of training in the alveolar recruitment maneuver and the de-escalation option for setting positive end-expiratory  pressure in ARDS for residents in the specialty “Anesthesiology and resuscitation”. Цель – оценить эффективность применения высокореалистичного симулятора «Test Chest» в обучении ординаторов по специальности  «Анестезиология и реаниматология» маневру рекрутирования альвеол и деэскалационному варианту настройки положительного давления  в конце выдоха при ОРДС во время практического занятия.Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 28 ординаторов первого года обучения по специальности «Анестезиология и реаниматология», которые были разделены на 2 группы. 1 группа – ординаторы, которым до исследования были проведены теоретические занятия:  лекции и семинар по теме «Респираторная поддержка при ОРДС» и 2 группа (симуляционная) – обучаемым помимо лекций проведены  предварительные практические занятия в симуляционном центре с демонстрацией методики подбора параметров ИВЛ при ОРДС и самостоятельным выполнением маневра рекрутирования альвеол, настройки положительного давления в конце выдоха. В симуляционном  центре обучающимся была предложена ситуационная задача, решение которой подразумевало определение клинической картины и подбора  необходимых параметров ИВЛ. Оценку осуществляли 2 преподавателя независимо друг от друга с использованием контрольного листа,  модифицированного для объективной оценки обучающихся.Результаты. В 1 группе с поставленной задачей справилось 4 (28%) обучаемых, во 2 группе в 13 случаях (95%) отмечено успешное выполнение задания. В ходе исследования у обучаемых обеих групп выявлены сложности при подборе параметров ИВЛ при ОРДС, что требовало  более детального рассмотрения данных вопросов как на теоретических, так и на практических занятиях.Заключение. Применение высокореалистичного симулятора «Test Chest» в подборе параметров ИВЛ при ОРДС во время практического  занятия позволяет повысить эффективность обучения маневру рекрутирования альвеол и деэскалационному варианту настройки положительного давления в конце выдоха при ОРДС у ординаторов по специальности «Анестезиология и реаниматология»