5,530 research outputs found

    Code Design for Non-Coherent Detection of Frame Headers in Precoded Satellite Systems

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    In this paper we propose a simple method for generating short-length rate-compatible codes over ZM\mathbb{Z}_M that are robust to non-coherent detection for MM-PSK constellations. First, a greedy algorithm is used to construct a family of rotationally invariant codes for a given constellation. Then, by properly modifying such codes we obtain codes that are robust to non-coherent detection. We briefly discuss the optimality of the constructed codes for special cases of BPSK and QPSK constellations. Our method provides an upper bound for the length of optimal codes with a given desired non-coherent distance. We also derive a simple asymptotic upper bound on the frame error rate (FER) of such codes and provide the simulation results for a selected set of proposed codes. Finally, we briefly discuss the problem of designing binary codes that are robust to non-coherent detection for QPSK constellation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Constellation Design for Channels Affected by Phase Noise

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    In this paper we optimize constellation sets to be used for channels affected by phase noise. The main objective is to maximize the achievable mutual information of the constellation under a given power constraint. The mutual information and pragmatic mutual information of a given constellation is calculated approximately assuming that both the channel and phase noise are white. Then a simulated annealing algorithm is used to jointly optimize the constellation and the binary labeling. The performance of optimized constellations is compared with conventional constellations showing considerable gains in all system scenarios.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, submitted to IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC) 201

    Phase separation in fermionic systems with particle-hole asymmetry

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    We determine the ground-state phase-diagram of a Hubbard Hamiltonian with correlated hopping, which is asymmetric under particle-hole transform. By lowering the repulsive Coulomb interaction U at appropriate filling and interaction parameters, the ground state separates into a hole and an electron conducting phases: two different wave vectors characterize the system and charge-charge correlations become incommensurate. By further decreasing U another transition occurs at which the hole conducting region becomes insulating, and conventional phase separation takes place. Finally, for negative U the whole system eventually becomes a paired insulator. It is speculated that such behavior could be at the origin of the incommensurate superconducting phase recently discovered in the 1D Hirsch model. The exact phase boundaries are calculated in one dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    On the Performance Limits of Pilot-Based Estimation of Bandlimited Frequency-Selective Communication Channels

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    In this paper the problem of assessing bounds on the accuracy of pilot-based estimation of a bandlimited frequency selective communication channel is tackled. Mean square error is taken as a figure of merit in channel estimation and a tapped-delay line model is adopted to represent a continuous time channel via a finite number of unknown parameters. This allows to derive some properties of optimal waveforms for channel sounding and closed form Cramer-Rao bounds

    Non-Local Order Parameters as a Probe for Phase Transitions in the Extended Fermi-Hubbard Model

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    The Extended Fermi-Hubbard model is a rather studied Hamiltonian due to both its many applications and a rich phase diagram. Here we prove that all the phase transitions encoded in its one dimensional version are detectable via non-local operators related to charge and spin fluctuations. The main advantage in using them is that, in contrast to usual local operators, their asymptotic average value is finite only in the appropriate gapped phases. This makes them powerful and accurate probes to detect quantum phase transitions. Our results indeed confirm that they are able to properly capture both the nature and the location of the transitions. Relevantly, this happens also for conducting phases with a spin gap, thus providing an order parameter for the identification of superconducting and paired superfluid phasesComment: 7 pages, 3 figures; Submitted to EPJ Special Topics, Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherenc

    Detecting the tunneling rates for strongly interacting fermions on optical lattices

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    Strongly interacting fermionic atoms on optical lattices are studied through a Hubbard-like model Hamiltonian, in which tunneling rates of atoms and molecules between neighboring sites are assumed to be different. In the limit of large onsite repulsion U, the model is shown to reproduce the t-J Hamiltonian, in which the J coefficient of the Heisenberg term depends on the particle-assisted tunneling rate g: explicitly, J=4g2/UJ=4 g^2/U. At half-filling, g drives a crossover from a Brinkman-Rice paramagnetic insulator of fully localized atoms (g=0) to the antiferromagnetic Mott insulator of the standard Hubbard case (g=t). This is observed already at the intermediate coupling regime in the number of doubly occupied sites, thus providing a criterion to extract from measurements the effective value of g.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement in extended Hubbard models and quantum phase transitions

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    The role of two-point and multipartite entanglement at quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in correlated electron systems is investigated. We consider a bond-charge extended Hubbard model exactly solvable in one dimension which displays various QPTs, with two (qubit) as well as more (qudit) on-site degrees of freedom involved. The analysis is carried out by means of appropriate measures of bipartite/multipartite quantum correlations. It is found that all transitions ascribed to two-point correlations are characterized by an entanglement range which diverges at the transition points. The exponent coincides with that of the correlation length at the transitions. We introduce the correlation ratio, namely, the ratio of quantum mutual information and single-site entanglement. We show that at T=0, it captures the relative role of two-point and multipartite quantum correlations at transition points, generalizing to qudit systems the entanglement ratio. Moreover, a finite value of quantum mutual information between infinitely distant sites is seen to quantify the presence of off-diagonal long-range order induced by multipartite entanglement.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 table
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