31 research outputs found

    Upgrading the fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocol in Romanian buffaloes

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    The present study describes the challenges of assisted reproduction in Romanian buffaloes while increasing the efficacy of artificial insemination by choosing the most suitable method. The modified fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocol with sexed semen was used to increase the conception rate. This study included a total of 80 buffalo heifers that received ovarian stimulation using the OvSynch protocol. Two groups (n = 40), namely, a control group, in which the classic FTAI method was performed, and an experimental group, in which deep intrauterine AI was performed in cows that had developed a dominant follicle (US+UcFTAI), were randomly selected. The conception rate (CR) was 63.6% in the experimental group, which was statistically higher (P < 0.05) than the control group (30%). The ultrasound examination indicated that, using the OvSynch protocol, 82.5% (33 out of 40) of buffaloes developed a dominant follicle (DF) while the distribution between the warm and cold seasons was 75 and 90%, respectively. The CR was 60% during the hot season and 66.6% during the cold season. At calving, 92.5% female fetuses were born. The improved FTAI method in this study enhanced the results by reducing the waste of sexed semen and maximizing the response to OvSynch, making it a recommendation for practitioners. This study presents preliminary results and highlights that genetic progress is difficult to achieve. A systematic approach is needed in order to choose the most suitable biotechnological method for each farm

    Ecological Influences on Tuber Aestivum Distribution in the Subcarpathian Region of Transylvania

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    The aim of this research was to identify the ecological factors which have influences on distribution, development and habitat suitability of the summer truffle (Tuber aestivum) in the Sub-Carpathian region of Transylvania. The ecological factors such as average annual temperature (°C), average annual precipitation (mm/year), the length of the bioactive period (months), land slope (grade), slope orientation, soil pH and its compaction level were analyzed having specific influences on forest vegetation development in Sub-Carpathian hills, and in the same time on the possibility of symbiosis existence between the trees and summer truffle. The most favorable regions from the Sub-Carpathians of Transylvania for summer truffle growth proved to be Dealurile Năsăudului and Homoroadelor Sub-Carpathians followed by Muscelele Năsăudului and hills of Bistrița, where the average annual temperature is between 6,8-11°C with an average annual precipitation of 900 mm/year, a 3-6 months long bioactive period and high humus content of the soil

    Uterine torsion with piometra in bitch case study

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    This study was made on a 7 years old Canish bitch. She was consulted because she acused seveare changes in general condition with abdominal distension, black vaginal, mopish, decrease of appetite and polidipsia. The pyometra diagnosis was made after corroboration the data of clinical and echografical date. The ovarianhysterectomia was an optimal solution for saving the femeles life and confirmed the existence of one uterine torsion of over 360°, wich indeed affected the pyometra simptomathology

    Spatial Analysis GIS Model for Identifying the Risk Induced by Landslides. A Case Study: A.T.U. of Şieu

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    The risk induced by landslides on residential infrastructure, transport infrastructure and agricultural land causes problems of local management that need to be solved by reducing negative effects and decrease the frequency of their occurrence. This study followed the development and implementation of a model for identifying the risk induced by landslides through the analysis of spatial occurrence probability for landslides at the administrative territorial unit of șieu, following the semi-quantitative method governed in Romania by G.D. no 447/2003 and then through the exposure of housing infrastructure at landslides was possible to frame landslides on risk classes. The entire approach was based on GIS spatial analysis, creating a specific detailed database of causing and triggering factors of landslides and not at least, a database for risk receptors, in this study, represented by the constructions of villages associated with the studied administrative territorial units. The final result of the model highlights the framing of constructions on qualitative risk classes at landslides, revealing the elements of infrastructure that need post and pre event measures of protection

    Bilateral uterine prolapse in queen: case study

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    An 10-month-old primiparus queen was sent to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from Iași, with a prominence of a mass through the vulva immediately after calving. Following the clinical examination, the diagnosis of bilateral uterine prolapse was established. Uterine prolapse in cats is rare and is a relatively uncommon complication of parturition. This pathology is an obstetrical emergency and requires immediate intervention. The treatment of uterine prolapse consisted in restoring the uterus to its normal position and preventing or eliminating uterine infection. In the present case the manual reduction of the prolabated portion was not possible and a two-step ovariohysterectomy was performed: ovariectomy and amputation of the uterine body. After ovariohysterectomy cat fully recovered

    Study on the correlations between the number of somatic cells and some milk constituents resulted from cows with clinical mammitis

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    The investigations conducted on three groups of dairy cows with mammites, found at different stages of lactation, pointed out the correlations between the number of somatic cells from milk and some of its constituents, represented by the content in total dry matter, total proteins, lipids, lactose, casein and chlorides. Analysing the number of somatic cells and the milk constituents, we found the presence of the positive ( + 0.91 ; + 0.96 ) and significant correlations ( p≤ 0.05 ) between the number of somatic cells and the evolution of the content in chlorides from milk in all the three groups of cows, which indicates that once with the increase in the number of somatic cells, the number of chlorides has proportionally increased, and the negative (-0.89; -0.96) and significant correlations (p≤0.05) between the number of somatic cells and the milk production, the content in lactose (-0.91; -0.96 and p≤ 0.05), casein (-0.87; -0.97 and p≤ 0.05), total proteins (-0.82; -0.93 and p≤ 0.05) and the fat content(-0.65; -0.91 and p≤ 0.05)


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    Land favorability to Crops in : Intercommunity Association For Development Alba Iulia. A Case Study. Specialty literature emphasizes on the major role of analyses and land pretability identification for different crops and agricultural use as a first step to economic evaluation of land productivity for different areas. Therefore, this study objective is represented by favourability identification for apple, pear, plum, cherry, sour cherry, peach and apricot crops. The framing on favourability classes for these crops gives the possibility to frame on favourability classes for orchards use for all the 11 administrative units belonging to AIDA. This was possible as a result of using GIS spatial analysis technique that allows modelling the favourability and restrictivity of environment factors on pomiculture and also drawing the areas having different favourability grades that will lead to making the best decisions regarding the land use for the studied territory

    A nation-wide census for future conservation actions

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    Citizen science is a type of research which could be crucial for wildlife monitoring in the developing countries due to low funding opportunities and trained specialists. In the Republic of Moldova, this concept is not fully understood and currently under-developed. The citizen science will bring new data in ornithological research, which is still in its early stages, due to the few ornithologists involved in scientific research. Thus, there is poor data and knowledge regarding occurrence and distribution of wild bird species across the country, which makes difficult to implement conservation strategies in order to conserve our bird fauna. White stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a common bird species which breeds near human settlements and is easily identifiable. This aspect makes the species to be a very good target for citizen science monitoring. The number of White stork nests in Republic of Moldova was estimated to be around 574 in 1984 and continued to decrease since then. During 1990-2010 the official numbers pointed to 180 nests, while the breeding stork population was considered to be around 400-600 breeding pairs. During June – August 2017 the Society for the Birds and Nature Protection (SPPN) carried out a national census when 283 nests were recorded. The nests were registered on a digital map with the help of citizen volunteers. The concept and the procedure were a novelty for Republic of Moldova, as the observations were uploaded using an online survey which provided additional information about the nests (type of support, condition, number of offspring). The impact among citizens was high: 90 volunteers participated in the census across the country. Most of the nests were installed on concrete pillars (57.24%), followed by wooden pillars (17.67%), 15.19% were found on trees, while 9.19% were installed on other types of support (towers, monuments and barns). Only one nest was found on a house. Comparative with the previous monitoring program, from 1984, the White stork population from Republic of Moldova changed the breeding behavior, using the electric poles in a much higher percent. These changes in species ecology should be included in the species conservation strategy for the next years. Out of the total number of 283 nests, 83% were occupied in the 2017 breeding season, with a breeding success of 1.51 offspring per nest during the study period. The 2017 White stork nest census in Republic Moldova proved to be an efficient tool for field data collection. Moreover, the information improved significantly the knowledge regarding the breeding status of White stork and raised awareness about the ecology of this species. For the Republic of Moldova scientific community, which is young and still developing, the census represents the first step for future conservation projects and a successful start of citizen science methods.peerReviewe

    Spatio-temporal evolution of forest in Târgu Lăpuș, northern Transylvania, Romania, using Landsat satellite data

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    The use of remote sensing indices in order to obtain information for vegetation distributions, heath and patterns is a popular practice with applicability at different scales of detail. The present article presents an example of using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Change Detection method to identify the spatio temporal evolution of forest area in Târgu Lăpuș city, northern Transylvania, Romania. NDVI method is applied at different NDVI threshold values such as 0.1, 0.15, 0.3, 0.45 and 0.6. For the analyzed area, an area of 1.56 km2 with forest gain and 3.59 km2 with forest loss was identified. The advantage of using this method is the large time gap for which it can be done, in our situation being an analysis for the period 1983-2020 so that we can identify the trend of evolution of areas occupied by forests in a city where spatially built it often extends uncontrollably, affecting the degree of compactness of the forests and implicitly their protection functions