77 research outputs found

    Improving Wealth Management Strategies Through the Use of Reinforcement Learning Based Algorithms. A Study on the Romanian Stock Market

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    In the context of the growing pace of technological development and that of the transition to the knowledge-based economy, wealth management strategies have become subject to the application of new ideas. One of the fields of research that are increasing in influence in the scientific community is that of reinforcement learning-based algorithms. This trend is also manifesting in the domain of economics, where the algorithms have found a use in the field of stock trading. The use of algorithms has been tested by researchers in the last decade due to the fact that by applying these new concepts, fund managers could obtain an advantage when compared to using classic management techniques. The present paper will test the effects of applying these algorithms on the Romanian market, taking into account that it is a relatively new market, and compare it to the results obtained by applying classic optimization techniques based on passive wealth management concepts. We chose the Romanian stock market due to its recent evolution regarding the FTSE Russell ratings and the fact that the country is becoming an Eastern European hub of development in the IT sector, these facts could indicate that the Romanian stock market will become even more significant in the future at a local and maybe even at a regional level


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    The stressful climatic conditions of the last years have led to the need to pay more attention to the native varieties, which are adapted to the local conditions and ensure the obtaining of quality harvests. Autochthonous varieties of table grapes have dietary properties, attractive exterior appearance and excellent taste qualities.This work presents a 3-year study of the variability of grape composition of Codreanca (Black Magic) – a Moldavian grape variety, in a vineyard located in Purcari (Republic of Moldova). Grapevine were different pruned according to growth vigor: low - 18 – 22 buds (1 spur and 2 canes); medium vigor – 24 - 28 buds (1 spur and 3 canes) and high vigor – 30 - 34 buds (2 spurs and 4 canes). Climatic conditions and growth vigor had an important influence on vine fertility and productivity. Results showed that vine balance at which vegetative and reproductive growth can be sustained with adequate fruit production and desired fruit quality was found to be for Codreanca on vines with medium vigor. Grapes harvested from medium vigor vine recorded optimum values of quality (sugar and acid content, sugar/acid ratio) and cluster indexes (average weight, lenght and width, berry lenght and width, berry weight, grape and berry composition, cluster structure index, berry index, berry composition index, berry sfericity and cluster compactness). Viticultural practices used by grape growers can also increase or decrease vine growth as needed, to obtain high quality production

    Spatial Analysis GIS Model for Identifying the Risk Induced by Landslides. A Case Study: A.T.U. of Şieu

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    The risk induced by landslides on residential infrastructure, transport infrastructure and agricultural land causes problems of local management that need to be solved by reducing negative effects and decrease the frequency of their occurrence. This study followed the development and implementation of a model for identifying the risk induced by landslides through the analysis of spatial occurrence probability for landslides at the administrative territorial unit of șieu, following the semi-quantitative method governed in Romania by G.D. no 447/2003 and then through the exposure of housing infrastructure at landslides was possible to frame landslides on risk classes. The entire approach was based on GIS spatial analysis, creating a specific detailed database of causing and triggering factors of landslides and not at least, a database for risk receptors, in this study, represented by the constructions of villages associated with the studied administrative territorial units. The final result of the model highlights the framing of constructions on qualitative risk classes at landslides, revealing the elements of infrastructure that need post and pre event measures of protection

    The tourist map, scientific tool that supports the exploration of protected areas, Bihor County, Romania

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    The study area is a Nature 2000 protected site from Bihor County, Romania. The present study aims at identifying the opportunities for the implementation of a bioeconomic exploitation system, by tourism development, according to its necessities for conservation and protection of cultural and natural elements. The landscape value is assessed, using different available thematic layers, using a combination of GIS and graphics. The resulting visibility of the tourist map of natural and anthropic values can be a very useful tool for tourists, the conservational custodian of the Nature 2000 site, local public administration for tourism development and leisure activities, participative touristic planning etc

    Cercetări privind producerea băuturilor de tip bitter

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    The present study has as main objective the evaluation of the methods of obtaining a bitter type curative beverage to evaluate the possibility of superior utilization of the medicinal plants. Aromatic and condimentary plants have been used. Among the plants used: Angelica archangelica, artichoke (Cynara scolymus), basil (Ocimum basilicum), Thymus serpyllum, Achillea millefolium, Juniperus communis, Hyssopus officinalis, Salvia officinalis, Origanum vulgare, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Mentha piperita, Melissa officinalis and Fir resin. The variants used were V1 -sweetening sugar, V2 -sweetening with liquorice V3 -unsweetened and V4 -alcohol of 50 %vol. The analyzes were performed according to scientific literature. Alcoholic strength, pH, phenolic compounds and sensory analysis were evaluated. The study shows that it is appropriate to prepare an herbal beverage. The medicinal plants used imprinted the beverage with hints of wild flowers, coniferous trees and other aromaticplants. The liquorice sweetened variant was the most appreciated by the taster

    Melatonin: A Silent Regulator of the Glucose Homeostasis

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    In the human organism, the circadian regulation of carbohydrates metabolism is essential for the glucose homeostasis and energy balance. Unbalances in glucose and insulin tissue and blood levels have been linked to a variety of metabolic disorders such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Melatonin, the pineal hormone, is the key mediator molecule for the integration between the cyclic environment and the circadian distribution of physiological and behavioral processes and for the optimization of energy balance and body weight regulation, events that are crucial for a healthy organism. This chapter reviews the interplay between melatonin modulatory physiological effects, glucose homeostasis and metabolic balance, from the endocrinology perspective. The tremendous effect of melatonin in the regulation of metabolic processes is observed from the chronobiology perspective, considering melatonin as a major synchronizer of the circadian internal order of the physiological processes involved in energy metabolism