20 research outputs found

    Ventilatory capacity and intradermal skin tests in cotton workers

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    Kronični respiratorni simptomi, respiratorne bolesti, ventilacijske funkcije i alergijski kožni testovi promatrani su u skupini od 112 radnika zaposlenih u preradi pamuka. Učestalost pojave kroničnih respiratornih simptoma i bolesti bila je veća u eksponiranih nego u radnika kontrolne skupine premda su razlike bile statistički značajne samo za kronični kašalj, katar nosa i bisinozu u žena te za kronični kašalj, kronični iskašljaj i bisinozu u muškaraca. Bisinoza je registrirana u sličnoj prevalenciji u žena (29,4%) i u muškaraca (29,5%). U ispitivanih tekstilnih radnika pretežno se radilo o bisinozi stupnja 1/2 (žene 22,1 %, muškarci 20,5%). Rezultati ventilacijskih testova pokazuju tijekom radne smjene statistički značajne akutne redukcije forsiranog vitalnog kapaciteta (FVK) i forsiranog ekspiratornog volumena u prvoj sekundi (FEV1). U muškaraca su utvrđene nešto niže izmjerene vrijednosti testova u odnosu na normalne očekivane vrijednosti. Mali broj radnika reagirao je na alergen pamuka (eksponirani 8,2%, kontrola 1,8%). Naši rezultati pokazuju da ekspozicija prašini pamuka može dovesti do pojave respiratornih simptoma i bolesti te do akutnih promjena funkcionalnih testova ventilacije, ali bez alergijske reakcije.Ventilatory capacity, chronic respiratory symptoms and respiratory diseases as well as intradermal skin tests were registered in a group of 112 cotton workers. The prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms and respiratory diseases was higher among the exposed than among control workers although the differences were statistically significant only for chronic cough, nasal catarrh and byssinosis in women and for chronic cough, chronic phlegm and byssinosis in men. A similar prevalence of byssinosis was noted in women (29.4%) and in men (29.5%). Among textile workers mostly byssinosis grade 1/2 was found (women 22.l %, men 20.5%). There were statistically significant acute reductions over work shift for forced vital capacity (FVC) and one-second forced expiratory volume (FEV1). In men the values were somewhat lower than the expected normal values. A very small number of workers demonstrated positive intradermal skin tests to cotton allergen (exposed 8.2%, control 1.8%). Our data indicate that exposure to cotton dust may lead to the development of respiratory symptoms and diseases as well as to acute changes in ventilatory capacity but without an allergic reaction

    Procjena utjecaja modernizacije i novih tehnoloških procesa na izloženost buci u aluminijskoj industriji

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    The aim of this study was to assess to which extent modernisation of an aluminium production complex reduced occupational noise hazard for jobs with the highest potential of exposure. Periodical measurements of noise level were taken at the same workplaces using the same method, before and after modernisation of all plants. The results were compared with the recommended standard. After modernisation, the noise was significantly reduced in all sections of all plants. The greatest reduction was measured in the foundry. After modernisation, the portion of workplaces with excessive noise level dropped significantly (chi-square=21.315; p<0.0001) from 78.4 % to 13 %. Noise remained a problem in ingot casting and dross skimming section. In the anode plant, noise remained a problem in the green mill section where noise intensities generated by mills and vibrocompactors varied from 95 dB(A) to 102 dB(A). In the electrolysis plant, the portion of workplaces with extensive noise dropped from 77.8 % to 39.3 % after modernisation (p=0.0019). Noise remains to be a problem at the anode covering section where levels rise up to 100 dB(A). The modernisation of the factory has considerably reduced the noise level in the working environment of all plants, but it can not be reduced completely.Cilj je rada procijeniti utjecaj modernizacije tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje aluminija na prisutnost i razinu buke štetne za zdravlje radnika u radnom okolišu. U tu svrhu uspoređivani su rezultati periodičkih mjerenja razine buke prije i nakon modernizacije. Mjerenja intenziteta buke provedena su na istim radnim mjestima i istom metodom tijekom radnih smjena i uspoređeni s važećim nacionalnim standardom. Nakon modernizacije tvornice u svim odjelima proizvodnih pogona značajno se smanjila razina buke, kao i broj radnih mjesta na kojima su radnici izloženi prekomjernoj buci. Najbolji rezultati postignuti su u ljevaonici, gdje se broj radnih mjesta s prekomjernom razinom buke, tj. razinom buke višom od 90 dB(A) smanjio sa 78.4 % na 13 %. Na radnim mjestima gdje se izlijevaju ingoti i skida šljaka buka je i dalje prekomjerna. U pogonu anoda prekomjerna je buka i dalje prisutna pri proizvodnji sirovih anoda, gdje razina buke zbog rada mlinova i vibrokompresora varira od 95 dB(A) do 102 dB(A). U pogonu elektrolize buka viša od 100 dB(A) izmjerena je pri zasipanju anoda. Iako je modernizacijom tvornice i unaprjeđenjem tehnološkog procesa značajno reducirana razina buke, nije ju moguće u cijelosti ukloniti

    Dance as a Risk Factor for Injuries and Development of Occupational Diseases

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    Ozljede i bolesti mogu znatno utjecati na stvaralačku sposobnost, kreativnost i dostignuća umjetnika. Povezanost uvjeta i načina rada s pojavom bolesti u umjetnika prepoznata je već u srednjem vijeku. Tjelesna zahtjevnost izvedbe, gdje se tijelo koristi kao instrument izražavanja, može uzrokovati ozljede i razvoj profesionalnih bolesti koje mogu dovesti do nemogućnosti umjetničke interpretacije na očekivanoj razini, prekinuti aktivnosti i onemogućiti nastavak profesionalne karijere. Plesači su jedna od skupina umjetnika/izvođača koji su izloženi specifičnim rizicima i kojima treba specifična zdravstvena zaštita, što nije moguće ostvariti bez poznavanja mehanizama nastajanja ozljeda i uvažavanja posebnosti potreba plesača. Mnogi plesači teže visokim umjetničkim i estetskim kriterijima izvedbe, pri čemu često protežu svoje tjelesne mogućnosti i izdržljivost i zanemaruju vlastita tjelesna ograničenja. Zdravstveni problemi plesača obuhvaćaju čitav niz ozljeda, profesionalnih bolesti i bolesti vezanih uz rad koji se kreću od stresa i straha od nastupa sve do poremećaja u prehrambenim navikama. Također obuhvaćaju ozljede mišićno-koštanoga sustava, sindrome prenaprezanja i trenažnoga preopterećenja koje može uzrokovati karakterističnu topološku pojavu boli, koja je često početak kroničnih zdravstvenih problema kod plesača. Navedeni zdravstveni problemi plesača sve su češće područje zanimanja liječnika različitih specijalizacija, unaprjeđenja i provođenja preventivnih programa, dijagnostičkih metoda i liječenja u tom djelu populacije.Injuries and diseases can significantly affect the creativity and artistic performance. The link between working conditions and artistic performance had been recognised as early as the medieval age. Physically demanding performance arts such as dance can sometimes result in injuries, illnesses, inability to perform, and even end artist’s career. Dancers are exposed to specific risks and in need of specific medical care. Many dancers often stretch their physical capabilities and endurance and neglect their physical limitations. Their health problems include a number of work-related illnesses that range from stress and stage fright to metabolic and nutritional disorders. They also include musculoskeletal injuries due to overload training that are often the beginning of chronic health problems

    Human Lifespan: To Live and Outlive 100 Years?

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    Starenje populacije je dominantno demografsko obilježje razvijenih zemalja. Stogodišnjaci su selekcionirana skupina i samo jedna od 7.000 do 10.000 osoba dosegne tu dob. Čimbenici dugovječnosti vjerojatno su brojni i uključuju gensko predodređenje (lokus na 4. kromosomu), zdrav okoliš i zdrave životne navike (prehrana s malo kalorija), redovita tjelesna i psihička aktivnost, kao i dostupnost te učinkovitost zdravstvene zaštite s primjenom geroprofi lakse. Stogodišnjaci se adaptiraju na novi život i na gubitak tjelesnih funkcija koji bivaju postupno sve izraženiji kako se dob povisuje. Granice ljudskog života produžuju se - do sada najstarija poznata osoba doživjela je 128 godina. Pojedina zemljopisna područja bilježe izrazito veći broj stogodišnjaka. Navedene su i neke dugovječne osobe s više od 100 godina u svijetu i na području Republike Hrvatske i nekih susjednih zemalja. Iako se uglavnom smatra da se granica trajanja života čovjeka ne može produžiti iznad 120 godina, za sada je ipak teško predvidjeti gdje su njezine granice.Aged population dominates in developed countries. Centenarians are a select group, and only one in 7,000 to 10,000 reach that age. Factors of longevity are numerous and include genetic predisposition (a locus on chromosome 4), environment, healthy lifestyle (hypocaloric diet, regular physical and mental exercise), accessible health services, and effi cient health protection at old age. Centenarians are well adapted to the new life and compensate for the loss of functions with age. The limits of human life are extended, so that nowadays the oldest person has reached the age of 128. Some geographic areas are characterised by higher numbers of centenarians. This article mentions a few individuals who outlived 100 years in the world, Croatia, and neighbouring countries. Although some argue that the limits of human life cannot be extended over the age of 120 years, for now we cannot predict the actual limits of human life

    Relationship Between Osteonecrosis of the Jaw and Bisphosphonate Treatment

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    Terapija bisfosfonatima i njezina etiopatogenetska povezanost s aseptičkom osteonekrozom čeljusti važan je javnozdravstveni problem današnjice. Svrha je rada pregledom suvremene znanstvene literature utvrditi posljedice višestrukog djelovanja bisfosfonata (antiosteoklastična aktivnost, citotoksičnost na meka i koštana tkiva, antiangiogeneza, genski čimbenici, poremećena ravnoteža između osteoklasta i osteoblasta). Terapija bisfosfonatima jedan je od najčešćih uzroka razvoja osteonekroze čeljusti. Epidemiološki podaci pokazuju da se javlja u bolesnika koji su uzimali jedan ili kombinanciju nitrogenih bisfosfonata. Najvažniji čimbenici rizika za ovu nuspojavu su vrsta bisfosfonata (napose visokopotentni pamidronat i zoledronat koji se daju intravenski), njihova doza i duljina medikacije te vrsta bolesti zbog koje se propisuje terapija. Pojava osteonekroze čeljusti zabilježena je uglavnom u onkoloških bolesnika i u samo 5 % bolesnika s osteoporozom koji su liječeni bisfosfonatima. U patogenezi osteonekroze povezane s bisfosfonatima važno je, sa stajališta dentalnomedicinske prakse, dobro opće oralno zdravlje jer se osteonekroza javlja napose nakon prethodnoga parodontološkog i oralnokirurškog zahvata.Bisphosphonate treatment and its aetiopathogenic association with aseptic osteonecrosis of the jaw is one of the more prominent public health issues today. The aim of this review is to see into the mechanisms of bisphosphonate effects on bones described in literature (anti-osteoclastic activity, cytotoxicity, antiangiogenesis, genetic factors, and imbalance between osteoclasts and osteoblasts). Bisphosphonate treatment is the dominant cause of jaw necrosis. Epidemiological data show an exclusive incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients who took one or a combination of nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates. Risk factors vary by the bisphosphonate potency (particularly risky are the highly potent pamidronate and zoledronate, which are given intravenously), dosage, duration of treatment, and the illness. Jaw necrosis is most common in oncology patients, and only 5 % in patients with osteoporosis. From a dental-medical point of view, a good oral health is important because osteonecrosis often appears after a periodontal or oral surgical procedure

    Allergotoxicology: Research of Pollutant Influence on the Development of Allergic Reactions

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    Alergotoksikologija je znanstvenoistraživačko područje koje se bavi ispitivanjem utjecaja polutanata (onečišćivača zraka) na nastanak alergijskih reakcija i bolesti. Ispitivanja su prvobitno bila usmjerena na polutante vanjskih prostora, a u novije vrijeme sve više na polutante unutarnjih prostora u kojima ljudi provode većinu vremena. Polutanti po svojoj prirodi mogu biti krute, tekuće ili plinovite čestice, koje se razlikuju s obzirom na veličinu, sastav i izvor iz kojeg nastaju. S obzirom na izvor mogu biti biološkog i nebiološkog podrijetla. Polutanti koji su predmet suvremenih istraživanja s gledišta nastanka alergijskih bolesti su respirabilne krute čestice, ozon, dušični oksidi i bioaerosoli. Mehanizam djelovanja polutanata ovisi o veličini čestica, njihovoj topljivosti i mjestu ulaska u organizam. Dosadašnja ispitivanja su pokazala da različite čestice uvjetuju različite imunosne i neimunosne odgovore u organizmu. Interakcija polutanata i alergena može se zbivati izvan eksponirane osobe, tj. sa samim alergenom ili u eksponiranoj osobi na sluznicama i koži. Polutanti mogu biti nosioci alergena i mogu interferirati na različitim nivoima u nastanku alergijske reakcije. U ovom prikazu razma raju se dosadašnja saznanja o mehanizmima djelovanja polutanata na alergene, na imunosni sustav izloženih osoba na osnovi epidemioloških populacijskih istraživanja, kliničkih studija ekspozcije u kontroliranim uvjetima i eksperimentalnih testnih sistema in vivo i in vitro.Allergotoxicology studies the infl uence of pollutants on the development of allergic reactions and diseases. At the beginning, the research was focused on outdoor air pollutants, while recently it turns to the indoor environment, mainly because people this is where people spend most of their time. Air pollutants may be solid, soluble, or gaseous particles in nature, and they can differ in size, structure, and sources. Pollutants can be of biological or nonbiological origin. Currently interesting air pollutants include particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and bioaerosols. The mechanisms of pollutant activity depend on the particle size, solubility, site of deposition, and specifi c chemical properties. Recent studies have shown that different pollutants provoke different immunological and nonimmunological responses in exposed persons. Interaction between air pollutants and allergens can take place outside the exposed person i.e. with allergen itself, or inside the organism on mucous membranes and skin. Pollutants may be the carriers of allergens and may exacerbate allergic reactions and diseases. This review presents recent views about the mechanisms of pollutant activity on allergens and immune system response in exposed persons, based on epidemiological population studies, clinical studies of exposure under controlled conditions, and experimental tests in vitro and in vivo

    Navigation with ECDIS: Choosing the Proper Secondary Positioning Source

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    The completion of ECDIS mandatory implementation period on-board SOLAS vessels requires certain operational, functional and educational gaping holes to be solved. It especially refers to positioning and its redundancy, which represents fundamental safety factor on-board navigating vessels. The proposed paper deals with primary and secondary positioning used in ECDIS system. Standard positioning methods are described, discussing possibilities of obtained positions’ automatic and manual implementation in ECDIS, beside default methods. With the aim of emphasizing the need and importance of using secondary positioning source in ECDIS, positioning issue from the standpoint of end-users was elaborated, representing a practical feedback of elaborated topic. The survey was conducted in the form of international questionnaire placed among OOWs, ranging from apprentice officers to captains. The result answers and discussion regarding (non)usage of secondary positioning sources in ECDIS were analysed and presented. Answers and statements were elaborated focusing not only in usage of the secondary positioning system in ECDIS, but in navigation in general. The study revealed potential risks arising from the lack of knowledge and even negligence. The paper concludes with summary of findings related to discrepancies between theoretical background, good seamanship practice and real actions taken by OOWs. Further research activities are pointed out, together with planned practical actions in raising awareness regarding navigation with ECDIS

    Priorities for the Sustainability of Maritime and Coastal Passenger Transport in Europe

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    Maritime transport is both a major source of environmental pollution and a great opportunity for reducing road traffic. Moreover, for some Mediterranean countries, maritime transport offers a way to improve cross-border connectivity. However difficult this may be, improving maritime passenger transport is one way to increase cross-border connectivity and, in some cases, reduce the use of private cars. For this reason, the European Union is pursuing an intensive policy in support of the sustainable development of maritime transport, working on many fronts, including the strengthening of EU legislation on this topic, technical and financial support to reducing emissions from international shipping, investments for the improving of port facilities and infrastructures, involving national governments and regions in the definition of roadmaps and new targets towards 2050. There are many possible directions for improving maritime transport: ship technologies, port management, interchange connectivity, transit planning, and so on. The goal of this book is to collect rigorous contributions about what are currently considered to be the main areas of improvement to be pursued in cross-border maritime passenger transport. The book opens with an overview of EU policies on maritime and coastal transport. In the following chapters, a series of analyses and tools are proposed whose systematic application can significantly contribute to improving maritime passenger transport. This book was conceived within the framework of the MIMOSA project (Maritime and Multimodal Sustainable Passenger Transport Solutions and Services, Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme 2014-20). The project is focused on the improvement of cross-border connectivity between Italy and Croatia by tackling the common challenge of increasing multimodality and reducing the impact of transport on the environment

    Scientific and professional concepts of medically programmed active leisure

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    Tjelesna aktivnost je nezamjenjiv sanogeni faktor, posebno ako se provodi sukladno funkcionalnom i zdravstvenom statusu pojedinca. Jedan od najrazvijenijih oblika primjene programirane tjelesne aktivnosti je medicinski programirani aktivni odmor (MPAO). Njegovo se provođenje temelji na nizu znanstvenih spoznaja, koje čine osnovu doktrinarnih stavova o izboru, stanju i uključivanju osoba u MPAO. U SR Hrvatskoj MPAO je oblik specifične zdravstvene zaštite radnika reguliran Zakonom o zdravstvenoj zaštiti i zdravstvenom osiguranju.Physical activity is essential to health and should be exercised in accordance with one\u27s functional and health state. Among the most advanced forms of programmed physical activity is medically programmed active leisure (MPAL). The implementation of MPAL in practice relies on research and on scientifically based concepts and attitudes which control the selection of persons for and their inclusion in MPAL. In Croatia MPAL is a form of specific care for worker\u27s health, which is conducted in compliance with the health care and health insurance acts

    Cross-section of ECDIS education and training worldwide and in the Republic of Croatia: Relations Between Programs and User Perceptions

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    Besides its obvious benefits, the Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) continues to develop as a sophisticated, complex system. With ever-growing features and the integration of external data and sources, it is nowadays normally considered as one among the compact elements forming a part of an even more complex Integrated Navigation System (INS). The ECDIS handling requires a certain level of technical knowledge and operational skills to be gained, besides the usual navigational background. In order to utilize the system efficiently and safely, the navigator has to obtain several levels of education. The Generic ECDIS Training (GT), as defined in the respective International Maritime Organization (IMO) Model Course, introduces the navigator with fundamental, required operational (however introductory) and theoretical knowledge. Apart from the GT, there is an optional, ECDIS manufacturer-approved Equipment Specific Training (EST). The latter represents a special type of training where the navigator improves its theoretical knowledge, understanding, and proficiency, together with competence demonstration on a specific approved ECDIS model. This paper elaborates the dynamics of worldwide regulations pertaining to the ECDIS Education and Training (EET) plan. The reference is given to training procedures in the Republic of Croatia, placing its educational framework in the broader context. Although it is of a non-mandatory nature, the EST is unofficially considered that way, and there is a stable and reasonable ground to consider the opinions and arguments of the navigators who prefer the EST. This is also supported by the fact that there is a large number of approved systems on the market. Apart from fulfilling the performance standards regulated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), ECDIS models differ significantly regarding handling, interface, and interpretation of data and information, therefore biasing the required knowledge and the purposefulness of the system. The survey among navigational ranks was used to support the study and to relate the existing programs with the actual navigational situation. The motivation was the consideration of the current relationship between defined EET programs, their inequalities, and the actual user needs, referring to the systematisation of the fulfillment of the system as a basic navigation tool. The selected questions referred to the possession of ECDIS certificates and basic education and knowledge, and the navigational ranks’ opinions regarding the opportunity to enhance their knowledge during the EST. The latter considered lack of standardisation (including terminology), apart from different levels of education. As expected, the answers were not uniform, revealing differences in opinion as well as in basic system interpretation. The latter could have possible causes and relation to the particular education system in the first place. The current educational framework was discussed in terms of EET enhancements and the development of the navigation curricula. The study results have been presented and discussed systematically, leading to observations on the potential safety of navigation improvement