70 research outputs found
Phenotypic plasticity of ecophysiological, morfological and phenological traits of Iris variegata L. (Iridaceae) and differentiation of genotypes originating from contrasting light habitats
Osnovni ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su proučavanje efekata heterogenih uslova
svetlosti na veličinu i obrazac fenotipske plastičnosti morfoloških, ekofizioloških,
fenoloških osobina i njihov uticaj na reproduktivni potencijal kod genotipova Iris
variegata u kontrolisanim eksperimentalnim uslovima.
Iris variegata kao i kongenerična vrsta Iris pumila su se u dosadašnjim
istraživanjima pokazale kao pogodni model sistemi za istraživanja u oblasti evolucione
biologije biljaka. Prirodna staništa Iris variegata, mađarskog ili žutog irisa, na teritoriji
Srbije se nalaze u severnom, istočnom i južnom delu. U ovo istraživanje uključene su
biljke Iris variegata iz specijalnog rezervata prirode "Deliblatska peščara". Izabrani su
genotipovi koji su u svojim prirodnim staništima izloženi heterogenim uslovima
svetlosti: otvorena staništa u kojima su izloženi punom sunčevom zračenju, i zasenčena
staništa u okviru sprata zeljastih biljaka različitih šumskih sastojina sa smanjenim
intenzitetom i promenjenim kvalitetom svetlosti (vegetacijska senka). Delovi
genotipova su transplantirani na eksperimentalnu površinu sa jasno definisanim
intenzitetima i kvalitetima svetlosti. Eksperimentalna površina se sastojala od dva
svetlosna tretmana: jednog sa višim intenzitetom svetlosti i višim odnosom crvene i
tamnocrvene svetlosti i drugog sa nižim intenzitetom i nižim odnosom crvene i
tamnocrvene svetlosti. Eksperiment je trajao dve godine, a vrednosti morfoloških i
ekofizioloških osobina su merene tri puta tokom godine - u proleće, leto i jesen.
Osobine cvetanja i plodonošenja su praćene tokom perioda cvetanja i formiranja
plodova (maj, juni).
Varijabilnost praćenih osobina Iris variegata procenjena je analizom varijanse
ponovljenih merenja, dok su međusobni odnosi osobina procenjeni korelacionom
analizom...The main aims of this research were to study the effects of heterogeneous light
conditions on the amount and pattern of phenotypic plasticity of morphological,
ecophysiological and phenological traits as well as their influence on the reproductive
potential in genotypes of Iris variegata growing in controlled experimental conditions.
It has been shown in the previous research, that Iris variegata as well as the
congeneric Iris pumila are good model systems for research in evolutionary studies of
the plants. The natural habitats of Iris variegata, hungarian or yellow iris, are on the
territory of Serbia in the north, east and south parts. This research included plants of
Iris variegata from the protected natural reserve of the Deliblato Sands. We have
selected genotypes which are in their natural habitats exposed to heterogeneous light
conditions: open habitats where they are exposed to full sun light, and the shade habitats
under a cover of green plants of different forest stands with less intensity and
changeable light quality (vegetative shade). The parts of genotypes have been
transplanted to the experimental garden with clearly defined light intensities and
qualities. The experimental garden consisted of two light treatments: one with higher
light intensity and higher red/far-red ratio and the other with lower intensity and lower
red/far-red ratio. The experiment lasted two years, and the values of morphological and
ecophysiological traits were measured three times during a year - in spring, summer and
autumn. Flowering and fruiting output were recorded during the flowering time and
fruit forming (May and June).
The variability of researched traits of Iris variegata has been evaluated by the
analysis of the variance of repeated measurements, and the mutual relation of traits by
correlation analysis..
Urban Management Model in the Implementation of Strategic Projects in Serbia
In the last twenty-five years world cities are using strategic urban projects in the global competition to attract investment and international companies in the promotion of the city as a place for enhanced quality of life. Sometimes these projects trigger the creation of new urban policies that have wider economic and social importance for the cities, but often they are an instrument of implementation of already developed strategies. Additionally, strategic urban projects challenge, and frequently break up conventional planning models of the development of cities through comprehensive urban plans as the only instrument of governance. New models, methods and instruments for transformative action in urban governance, planning and management are needed, which take into consideration both the logic and functioning of property markets on the global competitive level and sustainable, economic and social impacts and benefits for the locality where they originate. We will present the urban management model in the implementation of strategic urban projects on the initiated case of Belgrade waterfront project. We argue that beside many similarities with worldwide cases in the process of planning and management in the realization of strategic projects, namely the private sector initiative, the Serbian case illustrates strong entrepreneurial direction of the public sector, namely the state itself. We also argue based on our methodology and research, in spite of collaborative theorists and practitioners, that it is not necessary to involve general public at large in the participatory process, but instead to focus on fair and just outcomes in the planning and management of such large scale projects, as well as obtaining a broader social support. Practical implications of this research in Serbian context are in the introduction of new models, approaches and instruments at the local government level for responsible, effective, and efficient planning and management of its territory, along with representatives of the private sector and the civil society
Urban Design Education for Placemaking: Learning From Experimental Educational Projects
Placemaking is a people-centred, multi-faceted approach which aims at strengthening connections between people and the places they share as a basis for sustainable urban development. It creates a new context for urban design practice, a context in which urban designers should value the lay knowledge of "ordinary people" (who are considered to be place-makers too); should recognise the importance of both cognitive and emotional connections between people and spaces for creating a sense of place; and should participate as partners in a collaborative process of making a place.
Traditional studio-based urban design education, featuring solipsistic, elite, and abstract design practices, proves to be inadequate in relation to the placemaking paradigm of urban development. In search for a new approach, we argue that for urban design education to be relevant for the placemaking practice, it should broaden its basis to include not only gaining knowledge and developing skills in urban design, but also valuable site-specific and community-based learning experiences aimed at developing cognitive and emotional connections between people and spaces so as to produce a sense of place and a sense of sharing a place.
Opportunities and constraints of urban design education for placemaking, relying upon place-based and community-based learning approaches, were explored and discussed within the frames of two experimental urban design educational projects at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, that were conducted in collaboration with local communities in Belgrade and Negotin (Serbia). Lessons learned from these projects have been further used as recommendations for shaping a curriculum of urban design education for placemaking
Efekti spontane i inokulisane fermentacije na sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja i antioksidativnu aktivnost vina Cabernet Sauvignon i prevrele komine
The total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of wine and fermented pomace (FP) from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes harvested at the stage of full ripeness were evaluated by spectrophotometric analysis. Wine and pomace were obtained after prolonged maceration during spontaneous and inoculated fermentation of fully ripe grapes. Three individual vinifications were inoculated with the following commercial yeasts: BDX (Lallemand, Montréal, QC, Canada), FX10 (Laffort, Bordeaux, France) and Qa23 (Lallemand, Montréal, QC, Canada). For each vinification, maceration lasted 0, 3, 5, 7, 14 and 21 days, respectively. The total phenolic content was determined spectrophotometrically using the Folin-Ciocalteu method. Two different methods were used to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the wine and pomace samples: the Ferric Reducing Activity of Plasma (FRAP) and the Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC). The use of a winemaking process that included different maceration times and inoculation with yeasts, as well as spontaneous fermentation, significantly modulated the total phenolic content of the obtained wines and FP. This study could provide a good basis for the practical application and obtaining wines with a high content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties. © 2024 University of Novi Sad Institute of Food Technology in Novi Sad.Sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja i antioksidativna aktivnost vina i prevrele komine grožđa sorte vinove loze Cabernet Sauvignon, ubranog u fenofazi pune zrelosti, su određeni spektofotometrijskom analizom. Vino i komina su dobijeni posle produženog perioda maceracije tokom spontane i inokulisane fermentacije grožđa pune zrelosti. Tri posebne vinifikacije su sprovedene koristeći sledeće komercijalne kvasce: BDX (Lallemand, Montréal, QC, Canada), FX10 (Laffort, Bordeaux, France) and Qa23 (Lallemand, Montréal, QC, Canada). Za svaku vinifikaciju maceracija je trajala 0, 3, 5, 7, 14 i 21 dan, respektivno. Sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja je određen spektrofoto-metrijski Folin-Ciocalteu metodom. Antioksidativna aktivnost vina i uzoraka komine je određena sledećim metodama: Ferric Reducing Activity of Plasma (FRAP) i Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC). Upotreba procesa proizvodnje vina koji je uključivao različita vremena maceracije i inokulacije kvascima, kao i spontanu fer-mentaciju, značajno je menjao ukupan sadržaj fenola dobijenih vina i prevrele komine. Ova studija bi mogla biti dobra osnova za praktičnu primenu i dobijanje vina sa visokim sadržajem fenolnih jedinjenja i antioksidativnim svojstvima
An Integral Approach to the Modeling of Information Support for Local Sustainable DevelopmentExperiences of a Serbian Enabling Leadership Experiment
Collaborative strategic decision making has to be widely informed, communicated and knowledge-based in order to innovate transformations toward local and global sustainability. It is unimaginable that this process could be effective without computer-aided information support, but the research indicates the utilization constraints within human capacities to recognize their usability and usefulness. These constraints seem to be even more challenging within the intensively transitional social contexts, such as Serbia. We argue that understanding the relationships between sustainability, governance, and planning in a specific social context has profound importance to gain usefulness of information support and to ensure its increasing utilization. Identifying the practical path of information support modeling requires an operational framework that encompasses innovative and socially valid initiatives. Therefore, an integral theory framework was chosen to comprehend all social influences on the information support of successful utilization. This article presents the integral framework of the information support's conceptual setting, which was used to build up community-based collaborative action research (CBCAR) as a transformative social learning process that enables information support utilization, and it was tested in six municipalities of Serbia. The implementation of pilot territorial information support (TIS) initiatives resulted in continuous and proactive local community efforts in information support development and usage
Nodes and Networks: The Generative Role of Cultural Heritage for Urban Revival in Kikinda
Using heritage as a cultural artifact in city development is not new, but little has been explored about how urban heritage can be utilized as new generative value and a new planning instrument for the revival of cities. The purpose of this paper is to show the creative and the generative use of urban heritage, both for the extension of cultural and tourist offer of the city and for the improvement of the quality of life in physical, social and economic terms for the community. The case study method was used for the adaptive reuse of projects for heritage buildings and urban revival in Kikinda. We argue that urban heritage has to be used, bearing in mind its spatial, economic and social sustainability aspects, and become a generator of urban revival. We go beyond recognition of the value of heritage as a cultural artifact that should solely be preserved and used as a static element in urban development, and view it more as a dynamic asset for city revival processes. We found that for the heritage nodes to be utilized as the new generative value for the revival of cities, they have to be perceived from the network perspective, thus influencing the urban environment in a sustainable way
We analyzed genetic variability and phenotypic plasticity of flowering
pattern and reproductive success in 97 clonal genotypes of Iris
variegata originating from contrasting light habitats in Deliblato Sands
and expressed under different experimental light conditions. Rhizome
segments were taken from each of these clones and transplanted in the
experimental garden near the Institute for Biological Research in
Belgrade. Significant differences between genotypes were found for two
traits (start of flowering, average flowering time). Genotypes
originating from open and understory habitats significantly differed for
three traits (number of flowers, number of capsules/number of flowers,
seed mass/capsule). Significant effect of light treatment were found for
three traits (number of capsules/number of flowers, seed mass/capsule,
average seed mass). Statistically significant correlations between
explored traits were generally similar but also to some extent habitat
and treatment specific. Comparing these results with research carried
out on congeneric species we noted that there are similar responses for
some traits, but also significant differences in some components of
flowering and fruiting success.Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of
Serbia ``Evolution in heterogeneous environments: mechanisms of
adaptation, biomonitoring and conservation of biodiversity{''}
Radial and Bilateral Fluctuating Asymmetry of Iris pumila Flowers as Indicators of Environmental Stress
In this study we compared the biomonitoring potential of various types of flower asymmetry indices in Iris pumila (Dwarf Bearded Iris). We chose 197 naturally growing clones from the arid steppe habitat in the largest sandy area in Europe (Deliblato Sands Nature Reserve), and we transplanted two replicates of each clone to a polluted highway site with a heavy traffic flow. After a period of acclimatization, lower levels of photosynthetic pigment concentrations and higher stomatal density and specific leaf area in transplants verified that the chosen highway site was indeed more stressful and therefore suitable for estimation of the flower asymmetry biomonitoring potential. We analyzed radially and bilaterally symmetrical flower structures (radial fluctuating asymmetry (RA) and bilateral fluctuating asymmetry (FA)) on three perianth parts—falls, standards, and styles—and calculated various asymmetry indices based on linear and geometric morphometrics. Despite utilizing a heavily polluted environment and fairly large sample sizes, only one asymmetry index was significantly higher on the polluted site with demonstrated stressful effects on utilized plants, indicating that flower asymmetry was not an efficient method for biomonitoring in the case of I. pumila RA and FA indices
Urban design education for placemaking: between cognition and emotion
The paper explores possibilities for linking knowledge and emotions in urban design education for
The concept of placemaking emphasises the need for strengthening connections between people
and the places they share. These connections are based not only on knowing but also on
experiencing and loving particular places. Besides that, place making refers to a collaborative
process of shaping public realm in order to maximize shared value. In this process, urban
designers are just one of the actors involved. Therefore, placemaking, as a new paradigm in urban
design, asks for reconsidering and strengthening links between aesthetic, social, and technical
dimensions of urban design process.
All of this implies not only changes in professional domain, but in the education for urban design
as well. The research is based on experiences of two urban design projects from the elective
course “Art in Urban Public Spaces – PaPs” at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture.
We analyse various paths of educational urban design process that have been conducted in
collaboration with local communities in Belgrade and Negotin, and discuss different possibilities
of linking cognitive and emotional aspects in urban design process for placemaking
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