88 research outputs found

    Oksidacijski stres u toksičnosti triazinskih pesticida - pregled glavnih biomarkera

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    This review article provides a summary of the studies relying on oxidative stress biomarkers (lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes in particular) to investigate the effects of atrazine and terbuthylazine exposure in experimental animals and humans published since 2010. In general, experimental animals showed that atrazine and terbuthylazine exposure mostly affected their antioxidant defences and, to a lesser extent, lipid peroxidation, but the effects varied by the species, sex, age, herbicide concentration, and duration of exposure. Most of the studies involved aquatic organisms as useful and sensitive bio-indicators of environmental pollution and important part of the food chain. In laboratory mice and rats changes in oxidative stress markers were visible only with exposure to high doses of atrazine. Recently, our group reported that low-dose terbuthylazine could also induce oxidative stress in Wistar rats. It is evident that any experimental assessment of pesticide toxic effects should take into account a combination of several oxidative stress and antioxidant defence biomarkers in various tissues and cell compartments. The identified effects in experimental models should then be complemented and validated by epidemiological studies. This is important if we wish to understand the impact of pesticides on human health and to establish safe limits.Ovaj pregledni članak daje sažetak studija objavljenih od 2010. godine o djelovanju atrazina i terbutilazina na parametre oksidacijskog stresa (osobito lipidnu peroksidaciju i antioksidacijske enzime) u eksperimentalnih životinja i ljudi. Općenito je utvrđeno da izloženost eksperimentalnih životinja atrazinu i terbutilazinu najviÅ”e utječe na njihovu antioksidacijsku obranu i u manjoj mjeri na lipidnu peroksidaciju, ali učinci variraju ovisno o vrsti, spolu, dobi, koncentraciji herbicida i trajanju izlaganja. Većina studija uključivala je vodene organizme kao korisne i osjetljive bio-pokazatelje onečiŔćenja okoliÅ”a i važan dio prehrambenog lanca. U laboratorijskih miÅ”eva i Å”takora promjene u markerima oksidacijskog stresa bile su vidljive samo nakon izloženosti visokim dozama atrazina. U svojem smo nedavnom izvjeŔću iznijeli podatak da niske doze terbutilazina također mogu inducirati oksidacijski stres u Wistar Å”takora. Očigledno je da pri svakoj eksperimentalnoj procjeni toksičnih učinaka pesticida treba uzeti u obzir kombinaciju nekoliko biomarkera oksidacijskog stresa i antioksidacijske obrane u različitim tkivima i stanicama. Učinci identificirani u eksperimentalnim modelima trebaju se nadopunjavati i potvrditi epidemioloÅ”kim istraživanjima. To je važno ako želimo razumjeti utjecaj pesticida na ljudsko zdravlje i uspostaviti sigurnu granicu izloženosti

    Ekklesiogene Neurosen in psychopathologischen Formen von ReligiositƤt

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    Uz neprijeporno velike pozitivne doprinose religioznosti u psihičkom životu pojedinca, religioznost može katkada biti i rizičan faktor za njegovo duÅ”evno zdravlje. Jedan od tih rizičnih faktora, odnosno bolesti, jesu ekleziogene neuroze. Pojam ekleziogenih neuroza ā€“ neuroza uvjetovanih crkvenom institucijom ā€“ nerijetko se susreće u psiholoÅ”koj i psihoanalitičkoj literaturi, no najčeŔće usputno i bez detaljne analize. Ovo istraživanje kani razmotriti prisutnost ekleziogenih neuroza kod osoba nezrele i ekstrinzične religioznosti unutar crkvene institucije. Polazeći od neurotičnih simptoma suvremenoga druÅ”tva, autori se zaustavljaju na ekleziogenim neurozama kod psihopatoloÅ”kih tipova religioznosti i nastoje otkriti njihove temeljne predispozicije. U analizi psihopatoloÅ”kih bolesti vjernika autori predočuju psihopatoloÅ”ke stilove kanaliziranja njihovih psiholoÅ”kih poteÅ”koća kroz sustave vjerskih vrednota. Posljednji dio ovoga multidisciplinarnog pristupa teoloÅ”ko-medicinskih i psiholoÅ”kih spoznaja usredotočen je na psiholoÅ”ko i duhovno pružanje pomoći osobama oboljelima od ekleziogenih neuroza.Along with the undoubtedly very positive contributions of religiosity to the mental life of an individual, religiosity could sometimes be a risk factor for oneā€™s mental health. One of these risk factors, i.e. diseases, is ecclesiogenic neuroses. The term ecclesiogenic neurosis ā€“ neurosis caused by the institution of the church ā€“ is often encountered in psychological and psychoanalytical literature, but mostly in a superficial manner and without detailed analysis. This research intends to examine the occurrence of ecclesiogenic neuroses in persons of immature and extrinsic religiosity within the institution of the church. Drawing on the neurotic symptoms of contemporary society, the authors concentrate on ecclesiogenic neuroses in psychopathological types of religiosity and strive to discover their basic predispositions. In the analysis of psychopathological diseases of religious persons the authors present the psychopathological styles of channelling their mental problems through the systems of religious values. The final part of this paper presenting the multidisciplinary approach of theological-medical and psychological learning focuses on psychological and spiritual assistance to persons diagnosed with ecclesiogenic neuroses.Auch wenn sich ReligiositƤt zweifelsohne ƤuƟerst positiv auf das Seelenleben des Einzelnen auswirken kann, kann sie mitunter auch bestimmte Risikofaktoren bergen, die die seelische Gesundheit gefƤhrden. Zu diesen Risikofaktoren bzw. Erkrankungen gehƶren sog. ekklesiogene Neurosen. Der Begriff der ekklesiogenen Neurosen ā€“ durch die Institution der Kirche hervorgerufene Neurosen ā€“ ist hƤufig in der psychologischen und psychoanalytischen Fachliteratur anzutreffen, wo er jedoch meist nur beilƤufig und ohne detaillierte Analysen erwƤhnt wird. Die vorliegende Untersuchung widmet sich dem Bestehen ekklesiogener Neurosen bei Personen, die eine unreife und extrinsische Form von ReligiositƤt innerhalb der Kircheninstitution manifestieren. Die Verfasser gehen von den neurotischen Symptomen der modernen Gesellschaft aus, konzentrieren sich auf ekklesiogene Neurosen im Falle psychopathologischer Typen von ReligiositƤt und versuchen, deren Grundvoraussetzungen aufzudecken. In ihrer Analyse psychopathologischer Erkrankungen von GlƤubigen prƤsentieren die Verfasser psychopathologische VerhaltensausprƤgungen, anhand deren psychologische Probleme durch religiƶse Wertesysteme kanalisiert werden sollen. Der letzte Teil dieses multidisziplinƤren Ansatzes theologisch-medizinischer und psychologischer Erkenntnisse konzentriert sich auf psychologische und geistige Hilfeleistungen fĆ¼r Menschen, die an ekklesiogenen Neurosen leiden

    Cytokinins and urea derivatives stimulate seed germination in Lotus corniculatus L.

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    We studied the effects of various cytokinins and urea derivatives on germination of aged seeds of in Lotus corniculatus L. The following substances were applied: N6-isoprenoid cytokinins (isopentenyl adenine and zeatin), adenine sulfate, N6-aromatic cytokinins (kinetin, benzyladenine) and their N9-ribosides, N-benzyl-9-(2- tetrahydropyranyl)adenine, and urea derivatives (diphenylurea, thidiazuron, and chloro-pyridyl phenylurea). With the exception of adenine sulfate, all cytokinins increased the percentage of seed germination up to twofold, depending on their kind and concentration. It is concluded that cytokinins may be among the missing factors in aged seeds of L. corniculatus contributing to the implementation of their full germination potential. They could be used to improve germination of both freshly harvested and aged seed samples, if necessary.

    Zastupljenost i specijacija žive u jadranskom planktonu, Å”koljkaÅ”ima i ribi ā€“ pregled

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    This article presents an overview of available research on mercury speciation in the most studied biota of the Adriatic Sea as a specific biogeochemical subunit of the Mediterranean. We present current knowledge about mercury concentration, speciation, spatial distribution and temporal changes in plankton, bivalves and fish from the Adriatic Sea. Results from mercury speciation studies in marine organisms are used to describe the extent of mercury bioaccumulation in the Adriatic Sea. Mercury biogeochemical cycle in the Adriatic is characterised by increased mercury concentrations from the water column, through plankton, bivalves and smaller fish to predator fish species. Although the Adriatic Sea has the highest mercury concentration in the whole Mediterranean Sea, fish species at the higher trophic levels have similar mercury concentrations everywhere in the Mediterranean, indicating incomplete understanding of the transfer mechanisms of mercury from seawater to upper trophic levels. As consumption of (contaminated) food is the main route of human exposure to mercury, it is of great importance to understand the influence of mercury contamination in the Adriatic Sea.Ovaj članak predstavlja pregled dostupnih istraživanja o specijaciji žive u najproučavanijoj bioti Jadranskog mora kao posebne biogeokemijske podjedinice Mediterana. Predstavljamo postojeće znanje o koncentraciji žive, specijaciji, prostornoj raspodjeli i vremenskim promjenama u planktonu, Å”koljkaÅ”ima i ribi Jadranskog mora. Rezultati studija o specijaciji žive u morskim organizmima su koriÅ”teni za opis razdiobe bioakumulacije žive u Jadranskom moru. Biogeokemijski ciklus žive u Jadranu karakterizira povećanje koncentracije žive od vodenog stupca, preko planktona, Å”koljkaÅ”a i manjih riba do predatorskih ribljih vrsta. Iako Jadransko more sadrži najviÅ”e koncentracije žive u cijelom Mediteranu, riblje vrste na viÅ”im trofičkim razinama imaju slične koncentracije žive posvuda u Mediteranu, ukazujući na nepotpuno razumijevanje prijenosnih mehanizama žive iz morske vode na viÅ”e trofičke razine. Budući da je konzumiranje (kontaminirane) hrane glavni put ljudske izloženosti živi, od iznimne je važnosti razumijevanje utjecaja kontaminacije živom u Jadranskom moru

    Superoxide dismutase activity and isoenzyme profiles in bulbs of snake's head fritillary in response to cold treatment

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    The activities and isoenzyme profiles of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in in vitro Fritillaria meleagris bulbs in response to cold treatment (4Ā°C) were investigated. Differences in SOD activity and isoenzyme profiles in bulbs under standard growth conditions, six weeks chilling, as well as seven days after the completion of cold treatment are presented. SOD activity initially decreased but then rapidly increased seven days after cold treatment. Four isoforms of SOD are active under standard and chilling conditions, while three isoforms are presented 7 days after cold treatment. Native gel electrophoresis indicated the presence of mitochondrial and chloroplast localized SODs.

    Superoxide dismutase activity and isoenzyme profiles in bulbs of snake's head fritillary in response to cold treatment

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    The activities and isoenzyme profiles of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in in vitro Fritillaria meleagris bulbs in response to cold treatment (4Ā°C) were investigated. Differences in SOD activity and isoenzyme profiles in bulbs under standard growth conditions, six weeks chilling, as well as seven days after the completion of cold treatment are presented. SOD activity initially decreased but then rapidly increased seven days after cold treatment. Four isoforms of SOD are active under standard and chilling conditions, while three isoforms are presented 7 days after cold treatment. Native gel electrophoresis indicated the presence of mitochondrial and chloroplast localized SODs.Proučavana je aktivnost i izoenzimski profil superoksid dizmutaze (SOD) u lukovicama Fritillaria meleagris gajenim u uslovima in vitro kao odgovor na tretman hlađenja. Prikazane su razlike u aktivnosti SOD kao i izoenzimskim profilima kod lukovica na standardnim uslovima gajenja, posle Å”est nedelja hlađenja i sedam dana posle zavrÅ”etka tretmana hlađenja. Aktivnost SOD se smanjuje tokom hlađenja dok se značajno povećava sedam dana posle hlađenja. Četiri SOD izoforme su aktivne tokom gajenja u standardnim uslovima i tokom hlađenja dok su tri izoforme detektovane sedam dana posle hladnog tretmana. Nativna gel elektroforeza je pokazala prisustvo aktivnosti mitohondrijalne i hloroplastne SOD.Projekat ministarstva br. 143026

    Dehydration-related changes of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity in fronds of the resurrection fern Asplenium ceterach L.

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    Asplenium ceterach belongs to a group of poikilohydric ferns and it can recover uninjured from an almost completely dehydrated state. In our study, short term dehydration (24h) at four different water potentials, resulted in moderate water loss (partial desiccation) in fern tissue. The main phenolic acids represented in A. ceterach were chlorogenic (CGA) and caffeic acid (CA) and their content decreased during the dehydration process. For the first time, peroxidase (POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) isoforms were determined in the rustyback fern. The results exhibit the presence of numerous anionic POD isoforms, with pI ranging from 4.4 to 5.8, but none of the cationic isoforms was detected. Two PPO isoforms were identified, one anionic with pI 6.3 and one cationic with pI of about 9.0. Short-term dehydration brought about a remarkable increase in POD and PPO activity using CGA as a substrate. Changes in enzyme activity and content of substrates during dehydration may play an important role in the adaptation of the rustyback fern to water deficit, and increase the overall plant resistance to stress conditions.nul


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    Shizofrenija je etioloÅ”ki kompleksna, kronična progresivna bolest, koja zbog svoje dugotrajnosti i prirode simptoma nosi rizik za razvoj različitih tjelesnih bolesti. Poremećaj metabolizma poznat kao metabolički sindrom ili sindrom X (kao konstelacija visceralne debljine, poviÅ”enog krvnog tlaka, dislipidemije i intolerancije glukoze), ženski spol, etnička pripadnost, viÅ”a životna dob, dužina trajanja bolesti, puÅ”enje i uzimanje antipsihotične terapije, rizični su čimbenici za razvoj kardiovaskularnih i cerebrovaskularnih bolesti, dijabetesa melitusa tipa 2 i rani mortalitet shizofrenih bolesnika. Primjena antipsihotika u shizofrenih bolesnika, naročito antipsihotika nove generacije, bitno povećava pojavnost metaboličkog sindroma. DosadaÅ”nje studije nedvojbeno su utvrdile povezanost primjene nekih novih antipsihotika i povećanu pojavnost metaboličkog sindroma. Sukladno toj spoznaji proveli smo tijekom jedne godine istraživanje čiji je cilj bio probir shizofrenih bolesnika s kriterijima za metabolički sindrom koji su zbog akutne bolesti primani na bolničko liječenje u Kliniku za psihijatriju KBC-a Zagreb i Neuropsihijatrijsku bolnicu ā€žDr. Ivan Barbotā€œ u Popovači. Analizom rezultata utvrdili smo da je pretilost značajno povezana s pojavom metaboličkog sindroma kao i da pojavnost metaboličkog sindroma pokazuje tendenciju čeŔćeg javljanja u bolesnika s pet i viÅ”e godina trajanja bolesti. U zaključku ističemo da je debljina temeljni čimbenik razvoja metaboličkog sindroma te sukladno s tim nalazom smatramo uputnim uvesti rutinsko praćenje pokazatelja metaboličkog sindroma s ciljem prevencije tjelesnih komplikacija i angažiranjem samih bolesnika u brizi za osobni izgled, socijalno i tjelesno zdravlje i poboljÅ”anje kvalitete života


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    Shizofrenija je etioloÅ”ki kompleksna, kronična progresivna bolest, koja zbog svoje dugotrajnosti i prirode simptoma nosi rizik za razvoj različitih tjelesnih bolesti. Poremećaj metabolizma poznat kao metabolički sindrom ili sindrom X (kao konstelacija visceralne debljine, poviÅ”enog krvnog tlaka, dislipidemije i intolerancije glukoze), ženski spol, etnička pripadnost, viÅ”a životna dob, dužina trajanja bolesti, puÅ”enje i uzimanje antipsihotične terapije, rizični su čimbenici za razvoj kardiovaskularnih i cerebrovaskularnih bolesti, dijabetesa melitusa tipa 2 i rani mortalitet shizofrenih bolesnika. Primjena antipsihotika u shizofrenih bolesnika, naročito antipsihotika nove generacije, bitno povećava pojavnost metaboličkog sindroma. DosadaÅ”nje studije nedvojbeno su utvrdile povezanost primjene nekih novih antipsihotika i povećanu pojavnost metaboličkog sindroma. Sukladno toj spoznaji proveli smo tijekom jedne godine istraživanje čiji je cilj bio probir shizofrenih bolesnika s kriterijima za metabolički sindrom koji su zbog akutne bolesti primani na bolničko liječenje u Kliniku za psihijatriju KBC-a Zagreb i Neuropsihijatrijsku bolnicu ā€žDr. Ivan Barbotā€œ u Popovači. Analizom rezultata utvrdili smo da je pretilost značajno povezana s pojavom metaboličkog sindroma kao i da pojavnost metaboličkog sindroma pokazuje tendenciju čeŔćeg javljanja u bolesnika s pet i viÅ”e godina trajanja bolesti. U zaključku ističemo da je debljina temeljni čimbenik razvoja metaboličkog sindroma te sukladno s tim nalazom smatramo uputnim uvesti rutinsko praćenje pokazatelja metaboličkog sindroma s ciljem prevencije tjelesnih komplikacija i angažiranjem samih bolesnika u brizi za osobni izgled, socijalno i tjelesno zdravlje i poboljÅ”anje kvalitete života
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