5 research outputs found

    Stara Grčka. 5. Atena do bitke kod Salamine

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    Incidence of Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack in Croatia: A Population Based Study

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    The aim of this population based neuroepidemiological study was to establish the real incidence rate of acute cerebrovascular disease (CVD): stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) in the Republic of Croatia. Multicentric study included 89 501 persons of all ages in four regional centres in Croatia: Zagreb, Osijek + Slavonski Brod, Rijeka and Split. The following incidence rates of stroke, expressed at population of 100 000, have been established: Zagreb 290.52, Osijek + Slavonski Brod 302.14, Rijeka 219.39, Split 195.82. Incidence rate of stroke for the Republic of Croatia is 251.39. The following incidence rates of TIA, expressed at population of 100 000, have been established: Zagreb 87.15, Osijek + Slavonski Brod 156.53, Rijeka 90.11, Split 59.10. Incidence rate of TIA for the Republic of Croatia is 100.55. In the continental part of Croatia (Zagreb, Osijek + Slavonski Brod) incidence rate of stroke is higher by 45%, while incidence rate of TIA is higher by 82% than in the coastal part of Croatia, probably due to different lifestyle and environmental factors. The study has shown relatively high incidence rates of acute CVD (stroke and TIA) in the Republic of Croatia, which proves that CVD are a great public health problem

    Incidencija moždanog udara i tranzitorne ishemijske atake u hrvatskoj: populacijska studija

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    The aim of this population based neuroepidemiological study was to establish the real incidence rate of acute cerebrovascular disease (CVD): stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) in the Republic of Croatia. Multicentric study included 89 501 persons of all ages in four regional centres in Croatia: Zagreb, Osijek + Slavonski Brod, Rijeka and Split. The following incidence rates of stroke, expressed at population of 100 000, have been established: Zagreb 290.52, Osijek + Slavonski Brod 302.14, Rijeka 219.39, Split 195.82. Incidence rate of stroke for the Republic of Croatia is 251.39. The following incidence rates of TIA, expressed at population of 100 000, have been established: Zagreb 87.15, Osijek + Slavonski Brod 156.53, Rijeka 90.11, Split 59.10. Incidence rate of TIA for the Republic of Croatia is 100.55. In the continental part of Croatia (Zagreb, Osijek + Slavonski Brod) incidence rate of stroke is higher by 45%, while incidence rate of TIA is higher by 82% than in the coastal part of Croatia, probably due to different lifestyle and environmental factors. The study has shown relatively high incidence rates of acute CVD (stroke and TIA) in the Republic of Croatia, which proves that CVD are a great public health problem.Cilj ove populacijske neuroepidemioloÅ”ke studije bio je utvrditi stvarne stope incidencije akutne cerebrovaskularne bolesti (CVB): moždanog udara (MU) i tranzitorne ishemijske atake (TIA) na području Republike Hrvatske (RH). Multicentričnom studijom obuhvaćena je populacija od 89.501 osoba svih životnih dobi u četiri regionalna srediÅ”ta RH (Zagreb, Osijek + Slavonski Brod, Rijeka i Split). Utvrđene su slijedeće stope incidencije MU izražene na 100.000 stanovnika: Zagreb 290,52, Osijek + Slavonski Brod 302,14, Rijeka 219,65, Split 195,82. Stopa incidencije MU za cijelo područje RH iznosi 251,39. Utvrđene su slijedeće stope incidencije TIA: Zagreb 87,15, Osijek + Slavonski Brod 156,53, Rijeka 90,11, Split 59,10. Stopa incidencije TIA za cijelo područje RH iznosi 100,55. Na kontinentalnom području RH (Zagreb, Osijek + Slavonski Brod) stopa incidencije MU veća je za 45%, a stopa incidencije TIA veća je za 82% u odnosu na priobalni dio RH, vjerojatno zbog razlika u načinu života i okoliÅ”nih čimbenika. Studijom su utvrđene relativno visoke stope incidencije akutne CVB (MU i TIA) u RH Å”to potvrđuje da su cerebrovaskularne bolesti veliki javnozdravstveni problem