17 research outputs found

    Validation of the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire

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    Raznolikost definicija i mjernih instrumenata religioznosti najveće su poteškoće u njezinu istraživanju. Mjerenje religioznosti trebalo bi uključivati teorijski vidik, psihometrijska obilježja mjernoga alata, reprezentativni uzorak te društvenu i kulturalnu osjetljivost mjernoga alata. Cilj je ovog istraživanja validacija hrvatske verzije Upitnika snage religijske vjere Sv. Klara (Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire). Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na zaključak kako taj upitnik na hrvatskoj populaciji pokazuje izrazito dobra psihometrijska svojstva, čime je otvorena mogućnost primjene u različitim istraživanjima.The purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Croatian version of the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire. Measuring religiosity should include a theoretical basis, psychometric properties of the measuring instruments, representative sampling, and social and cultural sensitivity. The diversity of definitions and instruments required for measuring religiosity pose the greatest difficulties in its research. The theoretically predicted single-factor structure of the SCSORF Questionnaire has been confirmed herein. Analyses of the primary components reveal a profound dominance of a core dimension, which expounds nearly 70% of the variance. Dimensional stability proves an identical factor structure confirmed through sub-samples based on gender and occupation, as well as congruence coefficients between factor structures obtained in various sub-samples. Convergent and divergent validity confirm a major correlation with daily spiritual experiences and self-reports of religiosity. This is combined with a feeling of fulfilment with one\u27s spirituality and - based on past empirical knowledge - a positive association with subjective well-being. The results acquired indicate that the Croatian version of the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire elicits highly positive psychometric properties, which opens the possibility for its use and application

    Smoking Habit and Nicotine Effects

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    Smoking is a gained habit with which one starts experimenting at the age of 10, and it usually becomes part of the habit at the age of 20. It is the combination of narcotic addiction and deep-seated smoking habits. Nicotine is the main cause of smoking addiction, and the custom of preparation for smoking itself and smell of cigarettes create addictive behavior among smokers. Today, nicotine is socially most widely accepted legal drug in the world, and its uptake into the organism through the respiratory tract is 10 times stronger than heroin. Addiction and necessity for cigarettes are constant and intense, and the treatment for smoking addicts is long and difficult. Smoking is a worldwide epidemic, which is closely connected to other addictions such as coffee, alcohol, drugs, and gambling

    The Demographic Collapse of Croatia and Europe

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    Obiteljski profil stanovništva Republike Hrvatske bitno se promijenio. Od skladne obiteljske atmosfere uz pravovremenost braka i djece, deagrarizacijom i urbanizacijom obitelj je izgubila tradicionalan izgled. Prihvaćanjem razdvajanja neraskidivosti bračnog čina i rađanja otvara se prostor manipulacijama s plodnošću, kontracepcijom i medicinski pomognutom oplodnjom (MPO). Time je omogućena odgoda braka i rađanja za biološki već neprikladno vrijeme. Stvorena je anti–obiteljska atmosfera. Slične promjene događaju se u većini Europskih zemalja.The demographic profile of the family in the Republic of Croatia has changed fundamentally in the last forty years. The harmonious family atmosphere in which care was taken to preserve it from generation to generation and the timeliness of marriage and childbirth are no longer the rule, for deagrarianization and urbanization have caused the family to lose its traditional appearance. When young adults are at the age of optimal biological maturity, the planning of a family is not possible for various reasons, primarily economic in nature. Moreover, it has become acceptable to separate the marriage act from procreation, and this has created a space for the manipulation of fertility. For fifty years or so, various methods of contraception have been developed and are being used, including in vitro fertilization and stem cell storage at the KRIO Institute. Surrogate motherhood is also not a novelty. Contraception enables people to postpone marriage and childbirth even until this is biologically inappropriate, consequently, numerous complications are possible in relation to conception and pregnancy follow–ups, and birth to older primiparae. Whatever technique is used in delaying childbirth, the same effect is achieved in young adults, and that is fear of having a family, fear of having a child. An anti–family atmosphere has been created because of which children are unwanted and marriage without children is normal. A contraceptive mentality has been created. Similar changes are occurring in the majority of European countries, but at various rates, and these are leading us to extinction. It is of vital importance to change thought patterns, to again adopt a pro–family way of thinking since this has been neglected. Young people must be guided at an early age toward building an awareness of the importance of starting a family, producing offspring at the proper time and also maintaining and promoting the family unit as such

    The Bioethical Complexity of the Issues of Surrogate Motherhood

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    Zamjensko majčinstvo, kao najsloženija metoda medicinski pomognute oplodnje i posljednje sredstvo u borbi protiv neplodnosti, u svijetu pobuđuje velike rasprave, kucajući i na vrata našega zakonodavstva, medicine i pravosuđa, što je osnovni razlog za cjelovito promatranje takve pojave s bioetičkoga motrišta kako bi se ukazalo na kompleksne moralne posljedice koje zamjensko majčinstvo sa sobom nosi u složenim odnosima (zamjenske majke, supružnika, naručiteljskoga para, djeteta).Surrogate motherhood as the most complex method of medically assisted reproduction and the last tool in the fight against infertility, stirs great debates around the world, knocking also on the doors of our own legislation, medicine and judiciary, which is the main reason for a comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon from a bioethical point of view in order to show the complex moral consequences that follow surrogate motherhood in the complex relationships (of the surrogate mother, spouses, the client couple, the child)


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    Background: Pregnant women experience a set of biological and psychological disturbances. The aim of this study was to assess the appearance of depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts in pregnant women during the third trimester of pregnancy. Subjects and methods: A total of 110 pregnant women were included in the study. All of them filled out an anonymous questionnaire about sociodemographic data, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Results: Study participants were between 18-46 years of age. 45.45% of the pregnant women were between 37 and 39 weeks pregnant. According to the EPDS, the risk for perinatal depression was observed in 29 (23.36%) pregnant women: 15 (13.64%) of them had a total score on EPDS from 10-12, and 14 (12.72%) had a total score of 13-20. A higher score on both Beck scales was characteristic for pregnant women with a higher risk for the development of perinatal depression based on the results on EPDS. The prevalence of suicidal thoughts was 2.73%. Conclusions: Perinatal depression is a state which should be given more attention. The recognition of perinatal depression during pregnancy allows health medical workers to observe pregnant women at risk and then to make preventive and clinical interventions. The risk for perinatal depression is higher in pregnant women with more expressed depressive and anxiety symptoms. Pregnant women with suicidal thoughts are more anxious and depressed

    Palliative Care and Medical-spiritual Needs of Terminally Patients

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    Posljednjih se godina, nemoćnošću medicine da djelotvorno odgovori na sve veći broj smrtonosnih ishoda bolesti, javlja snažna potreba za uspostavom palijativne medicine, pokreta hospicija i terapeutske primjene duhovne skrbi, kako bi se bolesnicima s progresivnim neizlječivim bolestima omogućilo holističko ublažavanje tjelesne boli i psihološke patnje medicinskom i duhovnom skrbi, kojima bi se poboljšala preostala kvaliteta života i omogućilo dostojanstveno umiranje. S tim ciljem, ovaj članak opisuje osnovne značajke, organizacijske oblike, zakonodavne okvire, potrebu uspostave i pristup palijativne medicine uvažavajući medicinske i duhovne potrebe terminalnih bolesnika.According to the powerlessness of medicine to respond effectively to the growing number of lethal outcomes of the diseases, in recent years occurred an intense need for the establishment of palliative medicine, hospice movement and therapeutic applications of spiritual care. The purpose of these was to allow holistic relieve of physical pain and psychological suffering with the medical and spiritual care for the patients with progressive incurable diseases, to enhance the quality of remaining life and the allowance of dignified dying. To achieve that aim, this article describes the basic features, organizational forms, legal framework, the establishment and access to palliative care, while taking into account the medical and spiritual needs of terminal patients

    Palliative Care and Medical-spiritual Needs of Terminally Patients

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    Posljednjih se godina, nemoćnošću medicine da djelotvorno odgovori na sve veći broj smrtonosnih ishoda bolesti, javlja snažna potreba za uspostavom palijativne medicine, pokreta hospicija i terapeutske primjene duhovne skrbi, kako bi se bolesnicima s progresivnim neizlječivim bolestima omogućilo holističko ublažavanje tjelesne boli i psihološke patnje medicinskom i duhovnom skrbi, kojima bi se poboljšala preostala kvaliteta života i omogućilo dostojanstveno umiranje. S tim ciljem, ovaj članak opisuje osnovne značajke, organizacijske oblike, zakonodavne okvire, potrebu uspostave i pristup palijativne medicine uvažavajući medicinske i duhovne potrebe terminalnih bolesnika.According to the powerlessness of medicine to respond effectively to the growing number of lethal outcomes of the diseases, in recent years occurred an intense need for the establishment of palliative medicine, hospice movement and therapeutic applications of spiritual care. The purpose of these was to allow holistic relieve of physical pain and psychological suffering with the medical and spiritual care for the patients with progressive incurable diseases, to enhance the quality of remaining life and the allowance of dignified dying. To achieve that aim, this article describes the basic features, organizational forms, legal framework, the establishment and access to palliative care, while taking into account the medical and spiritual needs of terminal patients

    The Bioethical Complexity of the Issues of Surrogate Motherhood

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    Zamjensko majčinstvo, kao najsloženija metoda medicinski pomognute oplodnje i posljednje sredstvo u borbi protiv neplodnosti, u svijetu pobuđuje velike rasprave, kucajući i na vrata našega zakonodavstva, medicine i pravosuđa, što je osnovni razlog za cjelovito promatranje takve pojave s bioetičkoga motrišta kako bi se ukazalo na kompleksne moralne posljedice koje zamjensko majčinstvo sa sobom nosi u složenim odnosima (zamjenske majke, supružnika, naručiteljskoga para, djeteta).Surrogate motherhood as the most complex method of medically assisted reproduction and the last tool in the fight against infertility, stirs great debates around the world, knocking also on the doors of our own legislation, medicine and judiciary, which is the main reason for a comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon from a bioethical point of view in order to show the complex moral consequences that follow surrogate motherhood in the complex relationships (of the surrogate mother, spouses, the client couple, the child)


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    Razvoj tehnologije suočava nas s pitanjem bespomoćnosti osobe koja se nalazi u fazi smrtnog ishoda bolesti. Proces umiranja u svojoj jedinstvenosti i univerzalnosti nadilazi dimenziju čovjekove svijesti i podsvijesti te zahtijeva multidisciplinarni pristup članova tima koji skrbe o pacijentu i surađuje s članovima njegove obitelji. Temelj palijativnog pristupa je odnos utemeljen na razumijevanju, osjetljivosti, empatiji, fleksibilnosti, otvorenoj dvosmjernoj komunikaciji liječnik-bolesnik i raznovrsnoj komunikaciji u socijalnoj mreži. Komunikacija u palijativnoj skrbi zahtijeva znanje, kompetencije i vještine u specifičnosti obavljanja svakodnevnog posla, koji je težak proces. Jedna od najvažnijih vještina potrebnih u komunikaciji u palijativnoj skrbi je znati čuti i slušati. To je vrsta slušanja u kojem se pacijentu pokazuje da se doista sluša ono što on govori, pita i osjeća. U trenutku kada medicinski postupci i intervencije kod bolesnika od neizlječivih bolesti ne pokazuju pozitivne ishode, palijativna skrb umanjuje ljudsku patnju. Uključivanjem palijativne skrbi, koja nije dovoljno prepoznata kao prioritet u javnom zdravstvu, osobito u zemljama u razvoju poboljšali bismo kvalitetu života pacijenata i članova njihovih obitelji.Through the development of technology we are faced with the question of human helplessness experienced by the person who is in the terminal phase of the disease. The process of dying, in all its uniqueness and universality, surpasses the dimension of the human consciousness and sub consciousness, and requires a multidisciplinary approach of the team members who take care of the patient and cooperate with the members of their family. The base of the palliative approach is a relationship based on understanding, sensibility, empathy, flexibility, open and two-way doctor-patient communication and diverse communication in the social network. Communication in palliative care requires knowledge, competencies and skills in the peculiarity of doing that job, which is a difficult and demanding process. One of the most important and necessary skills in the palliative care communication is knowing how to hear and listen. It is a kind of listening where it is really important to show to the patient that you are really listening what he tells you, asks or feels. In the moment when medical procedures and interventions that include patients who suffer from terminal diseases do not show positive outcomes, the palliative care alleviates the human suffering. Through the implementation of palliative care, which is not recognized enough as a priority in the public health care, especially in developing countries, we could improve the quality of life of patients and members of their families

    Correction: Rakošec, Ž., et al. Psychometric Characteristics of Croatian Version of the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale. Religions 6 (2015): 712–23

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    The authors wish to make the following correction to [1]. The copyright attribution for Appendix A1 and Appendix A2 were missing. For Appendix A1, the caption should include “© Lynn Underwood. Permission required to copy or distribute. www.dsescale.org.” For Appendix B2, the caption should include “© Lynn Underwood Permission required to copy or distribute. www.dsescale.org; Translation collaboration with Ž. Rakošec, Š. Mikšić, and B. Juranić.” [...