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    U radu su prikazani rezultati kompleksnih inženjerskogeoloških istraživanja provedenih na uvjetno stabilnoj kosini iznad separacije kamenoloma »Očura« kraj Lepoglave. Snimanjem elemenata tektonskog sklopa i obradom dobivenih podataka određeni su diskon-tinuiteti referentni za stabilnost kosine na ravni i klinasti lom. Mjerenjem veličina stijenskih fragmenata duž kosine, prirodno odvojenih diskontinuitetima, nastojalo se ocijeniti vjerojatne brzine Širenja uzdužnih seizmičkih valova, koje su korelirane s brzinama određenim metodom plitke refrakcijske seizmike. Na osnovu brzina Širenja seizmičkih valova i »RMR«-klasifikacije, procijenjena su fizičko-mehanička svojstva stijenske mase. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to da se kosina iznad separacije u kamenolomu »Očura« mora smatrati uvjetno stabilnom, s realnom perspektivom da će potresni valovi nastali miniranjem tijekom planirane eksploatacije u zaleđu kosine, dovesti do dinamičkih promjena, otvaranja sada zatvorenih diskontinuiteta i obrušavanja velikih blokova koji se nalaze iznad diskontinuiteta.The complex engineering investigation, in the nearest surroun-dig of the conditionally stable high slope, close to ore processing facilities in the dolomite quarry »Očura« near Lepoglava (North Croatia), was carried out. Studying the tectonic features of the rock mass, discontinuities referent to the slope stability, was found out. Rock fragment size was measured and data processed using statistical design. According to rock fragment mean values, velocity of the longitudinal seismic waves was predicted. This values was compared with velocities of the longitudinal seismic waves, determined using gcophisical refraction seismic method. Physical and mechanical properties of the dolomite rock mass, considering longitudinal and transversal seismic wave velocities, and »RMR«-classification was assesed. All the results indicate, that the slope above the ore processing facilities should be consider as conditionally stable, with real probability to get unstable under the vibrations caused by blasting, during the exploitation in the field, close behind the investigated slope