60 research outputs found

    Pisma Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić Milanu Ševiću Od građe za enciklopediju do diferenciranja u književnom polju

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    In this study, the letters of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić addressed to Milan Šević are published for the first time. From this material, it is clear that Milan Šević asked Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić for the letters of Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, and for her own biographical data, and that he planned to publish in Cyrillic script Croatian Tales of Long Ago, or some of her other literary writings. Šević`s view that children’s literature should be established on its own and become an independent fictional genre (Šević used to call it “differentiation”) obtained its approval in the creative work of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić. The letters of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić repeat facts and details noted earlier in her autobiography, treating her own poetry collection Slike [Images] (1912) in the same way in both sources (the letters and the autobiography). Her repeated insistence on the special status of this poetry collection suggests that she intended to position herself beyond children’s literature, i.e. to differentiate herself. Many spots in her “Autobiography” which speak of poetry support such a statement, as does the attestation of Želimir Mažuranić in his letters to Milan Šević that Croatian Tales of Long Ago is certainly not children’s literature, even though the tales may be read by children, too, and even though the book has educational value.Rad donosi dosad neobjavljena pisma Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić upućena Milanu Ševiću 1909. i 1924. godine. Iz pisama se vidi da je Milan Šević tražio od Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić pisma Jovana Jovanovića Zmaja, biografske podatke o njoj kao i da je želio objaviti ćirilično izdanje Priča iz davnine ili nekoga drugoga djela. Ševićeva namjera da se dječja književnost formira i osamostali (sam Šević koristi izraz „diferencijacija“) dobila je potvrdu u stvaralaštvu Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić. Pisma Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić ponavljaju činjenične detalje ranije zabilježene u autobiografiji i donose jednak odnos prema pjesničkoj zbirci Slike (1912.). Ponovno ustrajanje na posebnom statusu pjesničke zbirke otvara mogućnost uočavanja namjera Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić da se u književnom polju pozicionira i izvan dječje književnosti, odnosno da se diferencira od nje, o čem mogu posvjedočiti brojna mjesta iz Autobiografije na kojima se govori o poeziji, ali i ustrajanje Želimira Mažuranića u pismu Milanu Ševiću na tom da Priče iz davnine nikako nisu knjiga za djecu iako ju i djeca mogu čitati zato što ima odgojnu vrijednost

    Imagological Aspects Of Borislav Pekić’s Rabies: On The World That “Keeps To Its Favourite Misconceptions When Standing Before Death”

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    The novel Rabies (1983) focuses on the outbreak of a rabies epidemic at London’s Heathrow Airport and efforts to stop it from escalating into a pandemic. Rabies is the first part of a trilogy that includes novels 1999 (1984) and Atlantis (1988). This trilogy, most often defined as anti-utopian, is rich in literary interventions characteristic not only of popular literature, but also of postmodern literature that accepted the creative homogenization of “highbrow” and “lowbrow” literature. The schematized literary devices of popular literature include the superficial characterization of protagonists. Such characterization, considering that the plot of Rabies takes place in the international context of an airport, implies the presence of ethnotypes, which have the power to motivate the protagonists’ behaviour in a decisive way. Starting from the recent methodological assumptions of imagology, the paper examines the presence of genre-related stereotypical characterization of protagonists (the author himself never denied the popular genre influences in the work), the protagonists’ attitude towards the culture of the Other and the possible correlation of national characterization and behaviour. Despite the emphasis on the dependency of culture on nature, the plot twist at the end of the novel testifies to Pekić’s departure from the belief that collective identities take precedence over individual ones: in the altercation of newly created superhumans, who not only have a chance to be the sole survivors of rabies, but also to establish a new species on Earth, there are no winners, because they are no different from people who believe that the collective is above the individual. The imagological reading of Pekić’s novel is not an alibi for its dominant genre-centred poetics, but an attempt to understand, conditionally speaking, the imagological aspects of the pandemic that was raging at the time of the novel’s writing. Without the idea of possible extrapolations that Pekić’s work could provide, the conclusion of the paper discusses the agreement between the imagological objectives of the research, which are often not exclusively of a literary nature, and Pekić’s novel

    Imagological Aspects Of Borislav Pekić’s Rabies: On The World That “Keeps To Its Favourite Misconceptions When Standing Before Death”

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    The novel Rabies (1983) focuses on the outbreak of a rabies epidemic at London’s Heathrow Airport and efforts to stop it from escalating into a pandemic. Rabies is the first part of a trilogy that includes novels 1999 (1984) and Atlantis (1988). This trilogy, most often defined as anti-utopian, is rich in literary interventions characteristic not only of popular literature, but also of postmodern literature that accepted the creative homogenization of “highbrow” and “lowbrow” literature. The schematized literary devices of popular literature include the superficial characterization of protagonists. Such characterization, considering that the plot of Rabies takes place in the international context of an airport, implies the presence of ethnotypes, which have the power to motivate the protagonists’ behaviour in a decisive way. Starting from the recent methodological assumptions of imagology, the paper examines the presence of genre-related stereotypical characterization of protagonists (the author himself never denied the popular genre influences in the work), the protagonists’ attitude towards the culture of the Other and the possible correlation of national characterization and behaviour. Despite the emphasis on the dependency of culture on nature, the plot twist at the end of the novel testifies to Pekić’s departure from the belief that collective identities take precedence over individual ones: in the altercation of newly created superhumans, who not only have a chance to be the sole survivors of rabies, but also to establish a new species on Earth, there are no winners, because they are no different from people who believe that the collective is above the individual. The imagological reading of Pekić’s novel is not an alibi for its dominant genre-centred poetics, but an attempt to understand, conditionally speaking, the imagological aspects of the pandemic that was raging at the time of the novel’s writing. Without the idea of possible extrapolations that Pekić’s work could provide, the conclusion of the paper discusses the agreement between the imagological objectives of the research, which are often not exclusively of a literary nature, and Pekić’s novel

    Kinematische Analyse der speerabwurfphase - die Analyse eines Falles

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    Many studies have recently dealt with the javelin throw in elite competitions such as Olympic Games and international competitions. Owing to them it has become possible to compare throwing techniques of any athlete with those achieved by athletes who, according to official results, rank as the best in the world. The purpose of this study was to compare javelin release characteristics performed by one Croatian athlete with those performed by the best male throwers in the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. The achieved results have shown significant differences in numerous parameters: javelin release angle, release velocities, knee and elbow angles, grip distance, as well as differences in timing of peak joint centers speed. Since those technical shortcomings significantly influence the distance of the throw, they should be corrected during the training process in order to increase the distance.In letzter Zeit wurden viele Analysen des Speerabwurfes während der großen Wettbewerbe, wie z.B. die Olympischen Spiele, Weltmeisterschaften, usw., durchgeführt. Dank dieser Analysen ist es möglich die Wurftechniken von vielen Sportlern mit denjenigen zu vergleichen, die, gemäß der offiziellen Ergebnisse, zu den besten Sportlern auf der Welt zahlen. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist der Vergleich von Abwurfcharakteristiken bei einem kroatischen Sportler mit denjenigen Charakteriken, die den Abwurfbei den besten Speerwerfern im Finale der Olympischen Spiele in Barcelona (1992) gekennzeichnet haben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß es bedeutende Unterschiede in vielen Parametern gibt, wie z.B. im Abwurfwinkel, in der Abwurfschnelligkeit, im Knie- und Ellbogenwinkel, in der Griffdistanz, und in der Reihenfolge, in der die Spitzengelenkszentrenschnelligkeit erzielt wird. Da die diagnostizierten technischen Fehler die Wurfdistanz bedeutend beeinflussen, müssen sie während des Trainingsprozesses korrigiert werden


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    Novija istraživanja pokazuju da komplementarnu i alternativnu medicinu (KAM) koristi veliki broj stanovnika zapadnih zemalja. Polazeći od ranijih istraživanja i postojećih objašnjenja ovoga fenomena, u ovome se radu testiraju tri hipoteze: hipoteza postmodernih vrijednosti, hipoteza dehumanizacije te hipoteza komplementarnosti. Rezultati korelacijskog istraživanja provedenog na uzorku hrvatske populacije (N=500) pokazali su da je oko 15% sudionika istraživanja koristilo KAM u posljednjih 5 godina, kao i da oko 45% sudionika istraživanja ima više ili podjednako povjerenja u KAM u usporedbi s konvencionalnom medicinom. Također je utvrđeno da se na temelju podataka iz ovoga istraživanja hipoteza dehumanizacije može u potpunosti odbaciti, dok hipoteza postmodernih vrijednosti može biti djelomično, a hipoteza komplementarnosti potpuno prihvaćena. Testiranje sociodemografskih korelata pokazalo je rezultate slične onima iz prethodnih istraživanja – obrazovaniji pojedinci, pojednici s višim prihodima i žene češći su korisnici KAM-a. Autori ovoga rada stoga zaključuju da u Hrvatskoj KAM predstavlja dodatnu opciju za one pojedince koji vjeruju da se zdravlje treba definirati i postizati na holistički način, a ne isključivo korištenjem farmaceutskih sredstava. Ovi rezultati mogu biti protumačeni pomoću hrvatskog društvenog konteksta, tj. djelomično objašnjeni specifičnim razvojem hrvatskog zdravstvenog sustava. Uz metodološka ograničenja ovog istraživanja, ovakav specifičan društveni kontekst u određenoj mjeri otežava generaliziranje utvrđenih rezultata.Recent studies show that complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is being used by a large number of citizens in Western countries. Based on the previous research and various explanations of this phenomenon, in this study three hypotheses have been tested: postmodern, dehumanization and complement hypotheses. The results of the conducted cross-sectional research based on a nationally representative sample of Croatian population (N=500) revealed that around 15% of respondents had used CAM in the previous five years, and that around 45% of all respondents have more trust in CAM or equally trust CAM and conventional medicine. The data also showed that dehumanization hypothesis can be fully rejected, whilst postmodern hypothesis can be partially and complement hypothesis fully accepted. The test of sociodemographic correlates showed results that are similar to the previous research. These results can be interpreted within Croatian social context, i.e. tentatively explained by specific developments of Croatian health care system. In addition to methodological limitations, this social context hinders the generalizability of the obtained results to some extent.Die neuste Forschung zeigt, dass sich eine große Anzahl von Bewohnern in westlichen Ländern der komplementären und der alternativen Medizin (CAM) bedient. Von früheren Studien und bestehenden Erklärungen dieses Phänomens ausgehend werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit drei Hypothesen getestet: Hypothese der postmodernen Werte, Hypothese der Dehumanisierung und die Hypothese der Komplementarität. Die Resultate der Korrelationsforschung, die an einem Muster der kroatischen Bevölkerung (N=500) durchgeführt wurde, zeigen, dass etwa 15% der Befragten in den letzten 5 Jahren CAM in Anspruch genommen haben, außerdem haben 45% der Befragten mehr oder gleich viel Vertrauen in CAM im Vergleich zur konventionellen Medizin. Es wurde auch festgestellt, dass man auf Grund der Angaben aus der Forschung die Hypothese über Dehumanisierung völlig verwerfen kann, während die Hypothese der postmodernen Werte teilweise, und die Hypothese der Komplementarität vollständig akzeptiert werden kann. Das Testen von soziodemographischen Korrelaten hat Resultate gezeigt, die ähnlich denen aus der vorhergehenden Forschung sind – Personen mit besserer Bildung, Personen mit einem höheren Einkommen und Frauen nehmen CAM öfter in Anspruch. Die Autoren dieser Arbeit schließen deshalb, dass CAM in Kroatien eine zusätzliche Option für diejenigen darstellt, die glauben, dass man die Gesundheit auf eine holistische Art und Weise definieren und erzielen soll und nicht nur ausschließlich durch Anwendung pharmazeutischer Mittel. Diese Resultate können im Kontext der kroatischen Gesellschaft erklärt werden, d.h. man kann sie teilweise mit der spezifischen Entwicklung des kroatischen Gesundheitssystems erklären. Neben methodologischen Einschränkungen dieser Forschung erschwert ein solcher gesellschaftlicher Kontext im bestimmten Ausmass die Verallgemeinerung der festgestellten Ergebnisse

    A Dystopian Perspective of (Auto)biography Transponed to Storytelling

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    The article presents for the first time a section of Vasa Stajić\u27s autobiographical notes, which describe his stay in Paris in 1901 and encounters with A.G. Matoš. The credibility of Stajić’s memories is confirmed by comparison to other documents that refer to the same people and events as Stajić. The notes on Matoš have triggered an inquiry into processes of transformation of real into literary character, which was also detected in prior studies on Matoš’s prose. The conclusions that we have reached confirm earlier views on Matoš as an autobiographical prose writer and reinforce moreover Mladen Leskovac’s assertion that Vasa Stajić is actually transposed into a character of Matoš\u27s novella named „Duševni čovjek” (The Spiritual Man). Understanding Matoš\u27s affinity toward autobiographical inclusion even in his less known novellas evinces his posture regarding possible transformation of society, which was present both in his work and his Parisian sojourn, and found its counterpart in Vasa Stajić\u27s work. Matoš\u27s literary relocation of Vasa Stajić indicates Matoš\u27s dystopian attitude toward possibilities for change in a society that he describes or that forms part of his surrounding during his stay in Paris, but also points out to so far unnoticed motivation of his characters which are related to both theory and practice of anarchism

    Der Einfluss von defensiven und offensiven Rebounds auf den Endresultat eines Basketball Matches

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    The goal of this research was to determine the relationship between DEFENSIVE AND OFFENSIVE REBOUNDS as indicators of situation-related efficiency which influences the final score in a basketball game. The rebounds have been defined by the number of the balls being caught both on defense and on offense. The result was defined by the binary variable VICTORY - DEFEAT. The data have been collected during 64 games of the World Basketball Championship in Toronto in 1994. The results of the regression analysis have shown a significant influence of defensive and offensive rebounds on the final score in the basketball game. The number of the balls being caught during the play, ie. the number of defensive rebounds, is a more significant indicator of the situation-related efficiency of the play in basketball than the number of the balls being caught on offense, ie. than the number of offensive rebounds.Das Ziel dieser Forschung war, die Relationen zwischen den defensiven und offensiven Rebounds als der Indikatoren der situationsbezogenen Effizienz, die den Endresultat eines Basketballmatches beeinflußt, festzustellen. Die Rebounds wurden. mittels der Anzahl von Ballen, die sowohl in der Angriffs- als auch in der Verteidigungsphase gefangen wurden, definiert. Das Ergebnis wurde mittels der binären Variabel SIEG – NIEDERLAGE definiert. Die Daten wurden während 64 Matches der Basketball Weltmeisterschaft in Toronto in 1994 gesammelt. Die Ergebnisse der Regressionsanalyse haben einen bedeutenden Einfluß von sowohl defensiven als auch offensiven Rebounds auf den Endresultat eines Basketballmatches gezeigt. Die Anzahl der Bälle, die während des Spiel angefangen wurden, d.h. die Anzahl der defensiven Rebounds, ist ein bedeutendender Indikator der situationsbezogenen Effizienz des Spieles als die Anzahl der offensiven Rebounds