37 research outputs found

    Impact of rainfall infiltration on groundwater recharge of a deep quaternary aquifer

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    Verification of recharge of groundwater in the deep Quaternary sand layers covered with leaky deposits of silt and clay has been implemented using mathematical modelling of the aquifer system in conditions of test pumping and during the 10 year exploitation of the Osijek well field Vinogradi. An analytical method for the identification of local parameters of the leaky aquifer is shown using the Excel program that enables usage of data from the relatively short term testing period, while at the same time suppressing external impacts. Boundary conditions and regional aquifer parameters have been verified by a numeric aquifer model, calibrated on the basis of three years of data from functioning field wells. The 96 mm average yearly recharge of rainfall infiltration into the aquitard was identified by validation of the model, based on information obtained from observation of groundwater levels in piezometers and in the pumped wells over a ten year period. At the end of the validation period, there was a 20 month break in pumping of the entire well field, and the measured recovery of groundwater levels provided an additional check on the results. Variation in the groundwater levels from particular layers, and water quality during exploitation are explained by the combined effects of closing of some of the well screens and the heterogeneity of the aquifer system.</p


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    Na hidrogeološke odnose na području Baranje danas utječu pomaci strukturnih jedinica koji su započeli u pliocenu, a posebno su izraženi tijekom kvartara. U litologiji ovog područja dominira jedan ili najviše dva sloja jednoličnog srednjozrnastoga pijeska koji mjestimice prelazi u sitnozrni pijesak, a mjestimice u šljunkoviti pijesak. Spomenuti pomaci strukturnih jedinica imaju utjecaj i na prirodnu kakvoću podzemne vode. S obzirom na pojedine epizode izdizanja i spuštanja naslaga uzrokovanih pomacima duž pojedinih struktura dolazilo je do promjena oksidacijskih odnosno reduktivnih uvjeta taloženja. Posljedica toga je različita kakvoća vode na pojedinim crpilištima u Baranji.Shifts of structural units, which started in Pliocene are specifically expressed during the Quaternary. They last still today and affected the hydrogeological relations in the region of Baranja. Lithological development is dominated by one or maximum two layers of uniform midium grained sand which in places exceeds to fine grained sand, and in some places in the sand with gravel. Mentioned structures have impacted the natural quality of groundwater. Considering individual episodes of uplift and lowering of sediments, caused by movements along a particular structures, led to changes in oxidative and reductive conditions of deposition. Consequently, different quality of water occurs in wellfields of Baranj


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    Područje Koprivničke Podravine u strukturnom pogledu pripada strukturnoj jedinici Dravskog bazena, a posebnu ulogu u tom području ima struktura Legradskog praga. Struktura Legradskog praga oblikovana je uz rasjed Ludbreg-Nagykanizsa koji, uz Dravski rasjed kao dominantu strukturu u stvaranju Dravskog bazena, predstavlja najvažniju strukturu u promatranom području. Posebice se to očituje kada promatramo hidrogeološke značajke dvaju najvažnijih crpilišta na području Koprivnice, Ivanščak i Lipovec, formiranih u kvartarnim naslagama. Naime, pokazalo se da ta prostorno vrlo bliska crpilišta upravo zbog utjecaja navedenih struktura imaju vrlo različitu geometriju vodonosnika i hidrauličke značajke. Pored toga intenzivni pokreti uz rubne dijelove struktura imali su presudan utjecaj na uvjete taloženja vodonosnih naslaga, a time i na kakvoću podzemne vode sadržane u njima.Koprivnička Podravina area in structural sense belongs to structural unit of Drava basin. Special role in research area has structure of Legrad which is formed along Ludbreg-Nagykanizsa fault, and together with Drava fault as dominant structure in formation of Drava basin, represent most important structure in area. This is specially important when observing hydraulic characteristics of main well field in Koprivnica area-Ivanščak and Lipovec. Both of them are formated in quternary deposits, but have very different hydraulic and spatial characteristics. Intensive movement along structures has also dominant influence on sedimantation conditions, and consequently to groundwater quality

    An application for chemical assessment of water intended for human consumption and irrigation

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    Cilj je ovoga rada bio razviti aplikaciju za prikaz kemijskih analiza vode koja se koristi za ljudsku potrošnju kao i vode za navodnjavanje. Aplikacija je programirana u programskom jeziku PHP te služi za bržu obradu laboratorijskih podataka, kvalitetniju ocjenu kakvoće podzemne i površinske vode te precizniju klasifikaciju vode za navodnjavanje s obzirom na fizičke, kemijske i mikrobiološke probleme. Tabličnim unosom podatci se analiziraju prema graničnim MDK-a vrijednostima, a unosom glavnih aniona i kationa u aplikaciju dobivaju se fizikalni i kemijski parametri važni za klasifikaciju vode za navodnjavanje. Aplikacija računa vrijednost elektrovodljivosti (EV), ukupne tvrdoće (UT), nekarbonatne tvrdoće (NKT), ukupno otopljenih tvari (UOT), postotka natrija (Na%), odnosa adsorbiranoga natrija (SAR), rezidualnih karbonata (RK), indeksa permeabiliteta (PI) i ukupne koncentracije soli (UKS). Osim navedenih parametara, korištenjem aplikacije mogu se provjeriti potencijalni problemi inkrustacije i korozije u slučaju korištenja analizirane vode.The objective of this paper was the development of an application for presenting chemical analyses of water used for human consumption and irrigation. The application is created in the PHP programming language and used for faster processing of laboratory data, better assessment of groundwater and surface water quality and a more accurate classification of irrigation water in view of physical, chemical and microbiological issues. Data entered in the tables are analysed according to the limit MAC values, whereas the major anions and cations entered in the application show physical and chemical parameters important for the classification of irrigation water. The application calculates the values of electrical conductivity (EC), total hardness (TH), non-carbonate hardness (NCH), total dissolved solids (TDS), sodium percentage (Na%), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), permeability indeks (PI) and total salts concentration (TSC). In addition to these parameters, the application can be used for checking potential incrustation and corrosion issues when the analysed water is used

    Utjecaj ekstremnih odstupanja u količinama padalina na razine podzemnih voda dubokog kvartarnog vodonosnika

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    U radu su dani podaci višegodišnjeg praćenja razina u dubokom kvartarnom vodonosniku izražene heterogenosti iz kojeg se zahvaćaju značajne količine vode. Obrađeni podaci su prikupljeni tijekom rada crpilišta Vinogradi u Osijeku, za koje postoje pouzdani podaci o njegovom radu, te uhodan sustav monitoringa. Kako je mehanizam obnavljanja podzemnih voda, definiran ranijim istraživanjima, dominantno pod utjecajem padalina, u ovom radu analiziran je utjecaj ekstremnih odstupanja u godišnjim količinama padalina (koji se zapaža naročito zadnjih 10-15 godina) na razine podzemne vode. Kako se crpne količine na godišnjoj razini vrlo malo mijenjaju, a podaci o razinama podzemne vode ne pokazuju izrazito velike amplitude čak niti kod najvećih odstupanja u količinama oborine od dugogodišnjih srednjih vrijednosti zaključeno je kako ovakav tip vodonosnika predstavlja vrlo značajan vodni resurs. Zbog toga u budućnosti posebnu pozornost treba posvetiti kontinuiranom monitoringu, te očuvanju prirodne kakvoće podzemne vode

    Pregnancy and Vaginal Delivery in Epidural Analgesia in Woman with Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt

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    Hydrocephalus is a medical condition characterized by enlargement of cerebral ventricles due to abnormal cerebro- spinal fluid accumulation. Hydrocephalic women with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts are now surviving to reproduc- tive age, but still there are doubts regarding the mode of delivery, analgesia and anesthesia. Postpartal complications are more frequently described in deliveries ended by cesarean section than in spontaneous vaginal deliveries. We present a case of labor in the 32-year old woman, with congenital hydrocephalus and a preexisting ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt. After thorough review of current literature, we came to conclusion that without absolute neurosurgical indication or acute development of listed symptoms (headaches, irritability, light sensitivity, hyperesthesia nausea, vomiting, ver- tigo, migraines, seizures, weakness in the arms or legs, strabismus and double vision) the best way to finish the preg- nancy of woman with VP shunt is spontaneous vaginal delivery with the use of epidural analgesia, mediolateral episiotomy and vacuum extraction

    Tracing hydrological processes: insights from hydrochemical and isotopic investigations in the northern part of Croatian Dinaric karst

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    This study presents the findings derived from a three-year monitoring programme focusing on the hydrochemical composition and stable isotope signatures (δ18O, δ2H) within the vulnerable karst groundwater system in Croatia\u27s northern Dinaric karst region. Covering an area of 1980 km2 across Kapela Mountain and its foothills, this groundwater system falls within the Kupa River basin and encompasses the catchment areas of the main springs across two spring levels of the Dobra, Mrežnica, and Slunjčica Rivers (namely the Vitunj, Zagorska Mrežnica, Dretulja, Veliko Vrelo, Gojak, Tounjčica, Mrežnica, and Slunjčica springs). Given the complex hydrogeological framework, prior studies have not extensively addressed the hydrochemical characteristics of this region, thereby necessitating a comprehensive investigation to elucidate system dynamics. This paper outlines the first investigation employing stable isotopic analyses within the karst groundwater system of Kapela Mt. The main results and conclusions of the research include: (i) the aquifers across Kapela Mt. drain mainly limestones, (ii) water–rock interaction and carbonate weathering are significant contributors to water geochemistry, (iii) there is a slight human impact on the Gojak and Tounjčica spring waters, (iv) the mean residence time of water in the observed aquifer is up to 1.5 years, (v) the new LMWL was calculated for Kapela Mt. based on a three-year dataset (June 2018 – May 2021), (vi) in the north Dinaric karst, the predominant origin of precipitation is from the Mediterranean air mass, (vii) Velebit Mt. has a strong influence on the precipitation isotopic composition of the study area


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    Ležišta arhitektonsko-građevnog kamena (u nastavku: a-gk) uglavnom su heterogenog sastava i neujednačenih svojstava. U svrhu istraživanja ležišta a-gk potrebno je izvesti određene rudarske radove kako bi se prikupili podaci za utvrđivanje: postojanja, položaja i oblika ležišta, količine i kakvoće, te uvjeta eksploatacije a-gk. Položaj i oblik ležišta imaju presudan utjecaj na uvjete eksploatacije a-gk, Kao posljedica dinamičkih i kemijskih procesa u stijenama su nastali diskontinuiteti različitih položaja, dimenzija i oblika. Eksploatacija a-gk iz ležišta izvodi se dobivanjem što je moguće geometrijski pravilnijih i, po dimenzijama, većih blokova. Eksploataciju a-gk potrebno je uskladiti s položajem i oblikom ležišta kao i diskontinuitetima u svrhu dobivanja što većeg iskorištenja stijene. Međutim, poseban zahtjev građenja predstavlja dobivanje a-gk, prvenstveno, ujednačenog izgleda i drugih svojstava. Stoga je nužno optimizirati rudarske radove u svrhu dobivanja i ugradnje a-gk ujednačenog izgleda, što je opisano i prikazano na nekoliko primjera u ovom radu.Deposits of dimension stone (hereinafter: DS) are mostly of heterogeneous composition and non-uniform properties. For the purpose of exploring the DS deposit, it is necessary to perform certain mining work in order to collect data for the determination of: existence, position and shape of the bed, quantity and quality, and the conditions for exploitation of DS. The position and shape of the deposit have a crucial influence on DS exploitation conditions. Discontinuities of different positions, dimensions and shapes were formed as a result of dynamic and chemical processes in the rocks. The exploitation of DS from the deposit is performed by obtaining as geometrically regular and as large in size blocks as possible. The DS exploitation should be harmonized with the position and shape of the deposit as well as discontinuities for the purpose of obtaining the highest possible exploitation of stone. However, a special requirement of construction is to obtain the DS, primarily of uniform appearance and other properties. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize mining works for the purpose of obtaining and installing DS of a uniform appearance, as described and shown on several examples in this paper


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    Sirenomelija i sindrom kaudalne regresije su rijetke kongenitalne malformacije. Iako se sirenomelija prijašnjih godina smatrala teškim oblikom sindroma kaudalne regresije, danas se zna da su to dva različita stanja kojima je zajedničko da različitim patogenetskim mehanizmima nastaju u ranom embrionalnom razvoju ploda. Za sirenomeliju se smatra da nastaje zbog tzv. »fenomena krađe krvi«, a sindrom kaudalne regresije zbog poremećaja u diferencijaciji mezoderma. Jedan i drugi poremećaj nastaju u ranom embrionalnom razvoju ploda tijekom četvrtog postkoncepcijskog tjedna, za vrijeme razdoblja gastrulacije. U prikazu dva slučaja antenatalno dijagnosticiranih malformacija prikazane su razlike u patogenezi, pridružene anomalije, antenatalna dijagnostika te prognoza, s posebnim naglaskom na antenatalni probir malformacija koji omogućuje rano postavljanje dijagnoze te indikaciju za rano, manje traumatično dovršenje trudnoće.Sirenomelia and caudal regression syndrome present a rare congenital malformation. Although sirenomelia was thought to be severe type of the caudal regression syndrome in the previous years, it is known today that the sirenomelia and the caudal regression syndrome are, in fact, two mutually diverse states. Both states appear during the early embryogenic development of the fetus due to the different pathogenic mechanisms. The sirenomelia is considered to appear due to the vascular steal theory, whereas the caudal regression syndrome appears due to the disorder of the mesoderm differentiation. The sirenomelia and caudal regression syndrome come into existence in the early embryologic development of the fetus during the fourth postconceptional week at the period of gastrulation. The two reported case studies show the distinction between the pathogenesis, as well as the associated anomalies based upon the antenatally diagnosed malformations. The antenatal diagnostics and prognosis are discussed, especially emphasizing the antenatal screening of the malformations which enables the early diagnosis, as well as the indications for the early and less traumatic pregnancy termination