44 research outputs found

    Javnozdravstvena iskustva iz međuratne Hrvatske (Jugoslavije) i stvaranje zapadne medicine u Kini 1930-ih

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    To gain control and domination over a particular territory, medicine was often used as a tool for promoting different interests. Using the activities of the League of Nations Health Organization and the Rockefeller Foundation on the territory of China in 1930s, this paper analyses the interconnection of the international and local factors in the transformation of the traditional Chinese milieu to suit the new and trendy public health projects. These activities were conducted not only to improve the public health conditions in the country, but also to introduce the Chinese public health to the processes of internationalization and standardization to the west oriented type of medicine and medical education. Initiated processes necessarily interfered with the political influences, economical interests and cultural environment as well as with military actions in this very turbulent time of Chinese history. Public health activities were carried out by the group of international experts. Among them the main position took two Croatian physicians: Andrija Å tampar (one of the founders of the World Health Organisation later) and Berislav Borčić (a director of the School of Public Health in Zagreb). On the basis of correspondence between these two physicians, as well as the travel diary of Andrija Å tampar, this essay presents some less known details about the situation in China and the interlacing between politics and medicine.Da bi se stekla kontrola i prevlast na određenom području, medicina je često služila kao alat za promicanje različitih interesa. Tragom aktivnosti Zdravstvene organizacije Lige naroda i Rockefellerove fondacije na području Kine 1930-ih, ovaj rad analizira međusobno povezivanje međunarodnih i mjesnih čimbenika u preobrazbi tradicionalne kineske sredine u skladu s novim i trendovskim projektima javnog zdravstva. Te su aktivnosti provedene ne samo radi poboljÅ”anja uvjeta javnog zdravstva u zemlji već i zbog uvođenja kineskoga javnog zdravstva u proces internacionalizacije i standardizacije prema zapadno orijentiranom tipu medicine i medicinskog obrazovanja. Politički utjecaji, gospodarski interesi i kulturno okruženje, kao i vojne akcije u ovom vrlo burnom razdoblju kineske povijesti nužno su djelovali na započete procese. Djelatnosti javnog zdravstva provodila je skupina međunarodnih stručnjaka. Među njima glavnu su ulogu imala dva hrvatska liječnika: Andrija Å tampar (poslije jedan od osnivača Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije) i Berislav Borčić (ravnatelj Å kole javnog zdravstva u Zagrebu). Na temelju korespondencije između ta dva liječnika, kao i putopisnog dnevnika Andrije Å tampara, ovaj esej prikazuje neke manje poznate pojedinosti o stanju u Kini i međusobnom isprepletanju politike i medicine

    Pretrpljene boli, preÅ”ućene tuge. Obiteljsko nasilje kao strukturalno nasilje u kulturnom kontinuitetu

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    In the last few decades, awareness has been raised about the persistence and increase of domestic violence and intimate partner violence. The initial hypothesis developed here is that toward those forms of violence linked to the most intimate sphere ā€“ home ā€“ we, as a society, practice spatiotemporal ā€œdistancing,ā€ thus allowing for this structural and cultural violence to continue. This paper aims to take up this contemporary theoretical premise in order to analyze historical accounts of cultural practices related to DV and IPV.Posljednjih se desetljeća podigla razina svijesti o učestalosti i porastu nasilja u obitelji i intimnog partnerskog nasilja. Početna pretpostavka razvijena u radu jest da prema oblicima nasilja koji su povezani s domom, najintimnijom sferom, mi kao druÅ”tvo prakticiramo prostorno- vremensko ā€œdistanciranjeā€ te tako dopuÅ”tamo da se to strukturalno i kulturno nasilje nastavlja. Cilj je ovog rada uzeti u obzir ovu suvremenu teorijsku premisu radi analize povijesnih prikaza kulturnih praksi povezanih s nasiljem u obitelji i intimnim partnerskim nasiljem

    Health Education about Tuberculosis in Croatia between WW1 and WW2

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    U radu se obrađuje zdravstveno prosvjećivanje protiv tuberkuloze u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju između dvaju svjetskih ratova. Tuberkuloza je u to doba vrlo raÅ”irena, a zdravstveno prosvjećivanje o načinima njezina Å”irenja, zaÅ”titi i liječenju postaje jedan od osnovnih načina borbe protiv te bolesti. U ispitivanom razdoblju dolazi do ključne promjene u načinu zdravstvenog prosvjećivanja, ono prestaje biti povremena djelatnost pojedinaca, oslonjena na entuzijazam i humanitarnost, već postaje točno programski defi nirana djelatnost koju provode specijalizirane ustanove i stručno osposobljeno osoblje. Na tom su se području osobito istakli Å kola narodnog zdravlja u Zagrebu te brojni novoosnovani antituberkulozni dispanzeri. DruÅ”tvo za suzbijanje tuberkuloze u Zagrebu preuzima također važnu ulogu u zdravstvenom prosvjećivanju te organizira brojne i različite aktivnosti, poglavito tridesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Na osnovi arhivskih izvora i sekundarne literature ovaj rad prikazuje različite metode zdravstveno-prosvjetnog rada u međuratnoj Hrvatskoj, od predavanja, projekcija fi lmova, antituberkuloznih izložbi, publiciranja zdravstveno- -prosvjetnih materijala do javnih manifestacija kao Å”to su Dani borbe protiv tuberkuloze.This article discusses health education about tuberculosis in Croatia in the period between two World Wars. As tuberculosis was spread to a large extent at that time, the health education about the modes of transmission, prevention and treatment became one of the basic methods in the fi ght against this disease. A crucial change in health education was its transformation from an occasional activity of enthusiastic individuals and humanitarians to a defi ned activity conducted by specialised institutions and professionals. The School of Public Health in Zagreb and numerous newly established tuberculosis centres played a special role in that fi eld. The League Against Tuberculosis in Zagreb also took an important role in health education and organised various activities, especially during the thirties. Based on archival sources and secondary literature, this article presents various methods of health education in the interwar Croatia, i.e. lectures, fi lm showings, anti-tuberculosis exhibitions, publication of health education materials, and public manifestations such as days of fi ght against tuberculosis

    Votive Gifts for Health in the Collection of the Dominican Monasteries in Stari Grad (Island of Hvar)

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    U radu su prikazani zavjetni darovi za zdravlje koji se čuvaju u muzejskoj zbirci u dominikanskom samostanu u Starom Gradu na otoku Hvaru. Istraženi zavjetni darovi pripadaju skupini anatomskih ili identifikacijskih motiva, dakle predmeta koji svojom plastičnom formom oponaÅ”aju izgled pojedinih dijelova ljudskog tijela. Izrađeni su uglavnom od srebra, a starost im se kreće od XIX. do polovice XX. stoljeća. U najvećem broju prikazuju anatomske formacije donjih i gornjih ekstremiteta. Takvi su se motivi u pučkoj pobožnosti rabili prilikom različitih zdravstvenih teÅ”koća. Njihovo prinoÅ”enje u hramu trebalo je predstaviti molitelja i njegov zdravstveni problem, a jednako tako zahvaliti svecu zaÅ”titniku ako je molitva bila usliÅ”ana. Istraženi motivi su rijetki svjedoci pradavne koncepcije liječenja (i zaÅ”tite od bolesti) prema kojoj se preko predmeta u svetiÅ”tu predstavljala određena osoba i njezin zdravstveni problem.This work explores the votive gifts for health kept in the museum collection of the Dominican Monastery in Stari Grad on the island of Hvar. The studied votive gifts belong to a group of anatomic or identification votive gifts that represent the parts of the human body. They were made of silver in the period from the 19th century until the first half of the 20th century. They mostly represent upper and lower extremities. In popular religious practice, votive gifts were used to heal various health conditions. They were offered in the temples and represented devout persons and their health problems, and they also expressed their gratitude to patron saints for answering their prayers. The studied votive gifts are rare witnesses of the primordial approach to healing and protection from various illnesses where a particular object represented a particular person and his health problems

    History of tuberculosis - from tuberculin to antituberculotics (Part II)

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    Otkriće uzročnika tuberkuloze M. tuberculosis 1882. godine bilo je jedno od najvažnijih otkrića u povijesti medicine, osobito u bakteriologiji. Obzirom da uzročnika tuberkuloze nije bilo moguće liječiti, postojali su mnogi pokuÅ”aji da se tuberkuloznim bolesnicima pomogne. Njemački liječnik Hermann Brehmer izgradio je prvi sanatorij 1857. godine u Gƶrbersdorfu u Njemačkoj za liječenje i oporavak tuberkuloznih bolesnika. Jedan od osnivača lječiliÅ”ta za tuberkulozu u Hrvatskoj (Brestovac na Sljemenu) bio je dr. Milivoj Dežman. Godine 1888. talijanski liječnik Carlo Forlanini napravio je prvi umjetni pneumotoraks uzrokujući kolaps pluća i napunio pleuralne Å”upljine duÅ”ikom. KirurÅ”ki tretmani tuberkuloze razvijali su se i primjenjivali sve do 1940-tih godina. Znatan iskorak u dijagnosticiranju tuberkuloze bilo je otkriće rentgentskih zraka 1895. godine. Robert Koch je otkrio 1890. godine tuberkulin, koji se nije zadržao kao lijek, ali je postao dijagnostičko sredstvo. Velikom napretku u borbi protiv tuberkuloze doprinijeli su Albert Calmette i njegov suradnik Camille GuĆ©rin. Oni su uspjeli razviti BCG (Bacillus Calmette- GuĆ©rin) cjepivo protiv tuberkuloze koje je 1921. godine prvi put primijenjeno u bolnici u Parizu. Početkom 1943. godine Jƶrgen Eric Lehmann otkrio je paraminosalicilnu kiselinu (PAS), a 1944., biokemičar Selman Abraham Waksman i njegovi suradnici razvili su antibiotik streptomicin. Bili su to prvi lijekovi kojima se liječila tuberkuloza. Od sredine 1950-tih kombinaciji streptomicin i PAS dodan je i izoniazid, a kasnije su otkriveni i mnogi drugi lijekovi poput pirazinamida (1954.), a ethambutol i rifampicin uvedeni su u liječenje 1961. i 1963. pa je nastala nova era liječenja tuberkuloze, a mnogi su sanatoriji za tuberkulozu bili zatvoreni. Novi način liječenja tuberkuloze, zajedno s BCG-om, u zapadnom svijetu smanjio je umiranje od tuberkuloze za gotovo 90 %, a trajanje terapije skraćeno je s dvije godine na Å”est mjeseci. Povijest kontrole i liječenja tuberkuloze uÅ”lo je u novo poglavlje.The discovery of the causative agent of tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis in 1882 was one of the most important events in medical history, especially bacteriology. Since the causes of tuberculosis were not treatable, there were various attempts to help tuberculosis patients. The German physician Hermann Brehmer built the first sanatorium in Gƶrbersdorf, Germany in 1857 to treat tuberculosis patients. One of the founders of the tuberculosis sanatorium in Croatia (Brestovac on Mt. Sljeme) was Dr. Milivoj Dezman. In 1888, Italian doctor Carlo Forlanini performed the first artificial pneumothorax, causing lung collapse and filling the pleural cavities with nitrogen. Tuberculosis surgical treatments were developed and applied until the 1940s. A significant step forward in diagnosing tuberculosis was the discovery of the X-ray in 1895. Robert Koch discovered tuberculin in 1890, which initially was not a medicament but a diagnostic agent. Albert Calmette and his aide, Camille GuĆ©rin, achieved great progress in combatting tuberculosis. They succeeded in developing BCG (Bacillus Calmette- GuĆ©rin), a vaccine against tuberculosis first administered at a Paris hospital in 1921. In early 1943, Jƶrgen Eric Lehmann discovered paraminosalicylic acid (PAS), and in 1944, biochemist Selman Abraham Waksman and his associates developed the antibiotic streptomycin, the first medicine to treat tuberculosis. In the mid-1950s, an isoniazid was added to the combination of streptomycin and PAS, while and many other medicines such as pyrazinamides were subsequently discovered (1954). Ethambutol and rifampicin were introduced to the treatment protocol in 1961 and 1963, respectively. A new era of treatment for tuberculosis has begun and many tuberculosis sanatoriums have since been closed. The new treatment of tuberculosis in the Western world, together with BCG vaccination, reduced tuberculosis deaths by nearly 90% and shortened the duration of therapy from two years to six months. With this, the history of tuberculosis control and treatment has entered a new chapter

    The Votive Offerings of Saint Fosca and Health

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    Ovaj prilog obrađuje votive koje su stanovnici Istre prinosili svetoj FoÅ”ki kao izraz molbe i/ili zahvale vezane uz zdravlje u svetičinoj crkvi kraj sela Batvača, nedaleko od Vodnjana, a koji su se sastojali od moliteljeve odjeće i oruđa koje je bilo izvor povrede. Pojedini dijelovi odjeće su predstavljali određeni dio tijela i time ukazivali na bolesti zbog kojih se traži zagovor svetice.The paper deals with the votive offerings brought by Istrians to the church of St. Fosca near the village of Batvači (Vodnjan). They were brought in connection to certain diseases or as a gratitude for recovery. Certain parts of clothes and implement used in everyday work, or implement which caused injury, were given as the votive offerings. Such parts of clothing represented particular parts of body and its illnesses