26 research outputs found
Angioedema Caused by Agents Acting on the Angiotensin System
Blokatori reninsko-angiotenzinskog sustava (RAS) Äesto su primjenjivani lijekovi s dokazanim pozitivnim utjecajem na kardiovaskularne i bubrežne bolesti. Lijekovi koji utjeÄu na RAS dijele se u Äetiri skupine, od kojih su najÄeÅ”Äi inhibitori angiotenzinkonvertirajuÄeg enzima (ACEI) te blokatori angiotenzinskih receptora (ARB). Ti se lijekovi opÄenito smatraju sigurnima i djelotvornima u veÄine pacijenata, no u nekim sluÄajevima može doÄi do nuspojava. Angioedem uzrokovan blokatorima RAS-a rijedak je, no potencijalno smrtonosan dogaÄaj. Kako je zadnjih nekoliko godina doÅ”lo do eksponencijalnog porasta uporabe blokatora RAS-a u cijelome svijetu, prisutna je poveÄana prevalencija angioedema uzrokovanog ovom skupinom lijekova.Rennin angiotensin system (RAS) blockers are commonly used drugs with proven benefits for cardiovascular and renal diseases. There are four classes of drugs acting on the angiotensin system, the most commonly used being angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) followed by angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB). These drugs are generally considered safe and effective in the majority of patients, but in some cases adverse drug reactions may occur (ADRs). Angioedema
resulting from RAS blocker treatment is a rare but potentially life-threatening event, and we should keep in mind that in recent years the exponential growth of the use if RAS blockers has been evident
worldwide, resulting in increased prevalence of angioedema induced by RAS blockers in these patients
Hypersensitivity Reactions to Iodinated Contrast Media
Jodni kontrastni mediji uporabljuju se pri rentgenskim postupcima te mogu izazvati neposredne i odgoÄene reakcije preosjetljivosti. Zbog njihove poveÄane primjene, reakcije preosjetljivosti takoÄer su u porastu. Nakon uvoÄenja neionskih, niskoosmolarnih kontrastnih medija, smanjio se broj reakcija preosjetljivosti, no moguÄe teÅ”ke reakcije, kao Å”to je anafilaksija, i dalje su ozbiljan problem. Radiolozi i kardiolozi trebaju imati na umu da dosad neizloženi pacijenti mogu veÄ imati razvijenu osjetljivost te mogu pokazati reakciju preosjetljivosti nakon prve primjene kontrastnog medija. U pacijenata koji su veÄ imali reakciju (tj. u prijaÅ”njih reaktora), pogotovo kad su bile posrijedi teÅ”ke
reakcije, alergoloÅ”ka obrada može pomoÄi pri izboru prikladnoga kontrastnog medija. U pacijenata s potvrÄenom alergijom na kontrastne medije treba se koristiti kontrastnim medijem koji je imao negativan
kožni test, uz dodatne premedikacije. Ipak, treba imati na umu da ove mjere ne mogu u potpunosti osigurati spreÄavanje ponovljene reakcije.Iodinated contrast agents are used to enhance X-ray procedures and can cause both immediate and non-immediate hypersensitivity reactions. Due to their increased use, related hypersensitivity
reactions are also on the rise. Following the introduction of nonionic, low-osmolar contrast media the number of hypersensitivity reactions has decreased, but possible severe reactions, such as anaphylaxis, still represent a major concern. Radiologists and cardiologists should keep in mind that previously non-exposed patients could already be sensitized, and could present with a hypersensitivity reaction following the first administration. In previous reactors, especially in cases of severe
reactions, an allergy work-up could provide useful information regarding contrast media selection. In patients with a confirmed allergy to contrast media, a contrast medium that has a negative skin test should be chosen, with additional premedication. However, we must keep in mind that none of these measures offer a complete protection from repeated reaction
Black Slavonian pig is an autochtonuous Croatian breed derived by crossing Mangulitza, Berkshire and Polandchina at the end of 19th century. It belongs to the group of endangered breeds. Because of its pronounced resistance, pigmented skin and ability of consuming high amounts of roughage (pasture), it is very convenient for keeping it outdoors, especially for organic production within low-input traditional technology. The investigation was conducted on 10 Black Slavonian pigs and 10 crossbreds between Black Slavonian pig (BS) and Swedish Landrace boars (SL). The pigs were fed until weighed approx. 135 kg. They were slaughtered at 12 months age and Black Slavonian pigs at 18 months. The pigs were kept outdoors in a natural low-lying pasture. The pasture area per animal was 0.05 ha. A traditional low- input technology was applied. Apart from pasture. the pigs consumed food found on stubbles after cereals had been harvested (wheat, barley, corn) and were given small amount of corn (0.15 kg/head/day). Dissection of cooled (+4oC ) right pig carcasses was done by the modified method (Weniger et.al., 1963). The meat quality was investigated on a sample of long back muscle (Muscullus longissimus dorsi ā MLD) taken between 13th and 14th rib. Outdoor keeping system and low inputs technology resulted in trunks of very significantly (P0.05) were determined between analyzed pig genotypes. Crossbreds meat, compared to Black Slavonian pig meat, was known for very significantly (P0,05) izmeÄu analiziranih genotipova svinja. Meso križanaca, u odnosu na meso crne slavonske svinje, imalo je statistiÄki vrlo znaÄajno (P<0,01) veÄi udjel vode (71,99% : 71,65%), a manji udjel masti (5,30% : 5,90%)
The Validity of ESIN Method of Osteosynthesis Compared to other Active Surgical Methods of Treatment of Diaphyseal Fractures of Long Bones in Children and Adolescents
We investigated the relationship of efficiency in the application of the ESIN method of intramedullary osteosynthesis
and other active surgical methods in the treatment of diaphyseal fractures of long bones in children and adolescents. The
study comprised 100 subjects treated by elastic stable intramedullary osteosynthesis (ESIN ā group A) and 50 subjects in
whom other active surgical methods were applied (group B). The following criteria of efficiency of treatment were applied:
1. length of perioperative hospitalization, 2. time elapsed since the operation until the beginning of loading of the
traumatized extremity, 3. time elapsed since the operation until the full loading of the extremity, i.e. until the recovery of
the fracture, 4. incidence of complications, 5. number of post-operative outpatient clinical visits until the recovery of the
fracture and 6. overall number of X-ray images of the fractured bone since the accident until the coalescence of the fracture.
The results obtained in both groups were compared. 1. The length of perioperative hospitalization is shorter in patients
in whom ESIN method was applied. The difference between arithmetic means was 4.45 days and is statistically
significant (p<0.001). 2. The time between the operation until the beginning of loading of the extremity is shorter in patients
subjected to ESIN method of osteosynthesis, the difference of mean values being 23.49 days and is statistically significant
(p<0.001). 3. The time between the operation until the full loading of the extremity is shorter in patients subjected
to ESIN method of osteosynthesis, the difference being 16.6 days and is statistically significant (p<0.001). 4. The
number of complications in patients treated by the ESIN method of osteosynthesis is not statistically different from that
in group B (Ć·
2=0.25, p=0.62). 5. In postoperative period there were fewer outpatient controls in patients to whom ESIN
method of osteosynthesis was applied, and the difference is statistically significant (Z=7.69, p<0.001). 6. Likewise, the
overall number of X-ray controls was lesser (Z=8.06, p<0.001). The results of examining the above parameters point to a
greater efficiency of treating diaphyseal fractures of long bones in children and adolescents by the ESIN method of
osteosynthesis, compared to other active surgical methods
Campylobacter spp. in the skin of broiler neck
Kampilobakterioza je zoonoza koja se na ljude prenosi sa životinja i proizvoda životinjskog podrijetla, a prouzroÄi ju bakterija iz roda Campylobacter. Kampilobakteri su sveprisutni mikroorganizmi te ih možemo naÄi u svim vrstama mesa i proizvodima od mesa, sirovom mlijeku i mlijeÄnim preraÄevinama, rjeÄe u jajima te u kontaminiranoj vodi. Kampilobakterioza je uÄestalija ljeti jer viÅ”e temperature pogoduju rastu uzroÄnika ove bolesti. Tijekom ljetnog razdoblja (lipanj, srpanj, kolovoz) 2020. godine u tri klaonice sakupljeno je 60 uzoraka kože vratova tovnih piliÄa koji su pretraživani na bakterije iz roda Campylobacter. Od ukupnog broja pretraženih uzoraka, 28 (46,67 %) uzoraka bilo je iznad graniÄne vrijednosti (1000 cfu/g) prema Uredbi (EU) 2017/1495, u 21,67 % odreÄen je broj Campylobacter spp., ispod graniÄne vrijednosti, a u 19 uzoraka je rezultat bio 1000 CFU/g), Campylobacter spp. was proven in 21.67% of samples, though at lower concentrations < 1000 CFU/g, and 19 samples did not contain Campylobacter spp. All samples were processed according to the standard method for detecting the presence and determining the number of Campylobacter spp. Considering the pathogenicity of bacteria belonging to the genus Campylobacter, thermal treatment of food, water disinfection, prevention of cross contamination, and hygiene of food preparation areas are of paramount importance to ensure food safety. Implementation of biosecurity measures and monitoring for the prevalence of campylobacters are necessary in slaughter houses to reduce the frequency of occurrence of this zoonosis
Microbiological sampling of swabs and food and water for human consumption
Postupci uzorkovanja za mikrobioloÅ”ku analizu hrane mogu utjecati na krajnji rezultat mikrobioloÅ”ke pretrage. Uzorkovanje trebaju provoditi educirane i struÄne osobe; pribor i oprema za uzorkovanje moraju biti sterilni; uzorak koji se uzorkuje mora biti reprezentativan, Å”to znaÄi da mora predstavljati jednu seriju ili lot proizvoda iz koje je uzet. Vrlo je važno uzorkovati dostatnu koliÄinu uzorka koja je dovoljna za mikrobioloÅ”ku analizu. Transport uzoraka do laboratorija i poÄetak pretrage mora se provesti u Å”to kraÄem vremenu uz poÅ”tivanje temperaturnog režima. Sa svim se uzorcima treba postupati tako da bi se izbjeglo bilo kakvo oÅ”teÄenje ambalaže. Uzorci moraju biti propisno upakirani te pravilno oznaÄeni. Subjekt u poslovanju s hranom sam odreÄuje uÄestalost uzorkovanja hrane, vode i povrÅ”ina koje dolaze u dodir s hranom koja je definirana
planom samokontrole, a nadležna tijela kontroliraju provedbu propisanih planova. Osim uzorkovanja tijekom samokontrole koje provode osobe u poslovanju s hranom u Republici Hrvatskoj postoje i službene kontrole koje su propisane od nadležnih tijela u Republici Hrvatskoj.Sampling procedures for microbiological analysis may affect the final result of the microbiological test. Sampling should only be performed by professionally educated personnel. All sampling equipment and
utensils must be sterile. The sample to be taken must be representative, i.e. it must represent one lot of the product from which it was taken. It is very important to take a sufficient quantity of samples for microbiological analysis. Transporting samples to the laboratory and commencing testing should be carried out as soon as possible, respecting the temperature regime. All samples should be handled in such a way as to avoid any damage to the packaging. Samples must be properly packed and labelled. The food business operator determines the frequency of sampling of food and water, and areas coming into contact with food in its self-control plan, while the competent authorities control the implementation of the prescribed
plans. In addition to sampling conducted as part of the self-control by food business operators, official controls are prescribed by competent bodies
Frequency of Salmonella spp. serovars in poultry meat in northwest Croatia
Salmoneloza je jedna od najuÄestalijijh zoonoza koja se prenosi hranom, a najÄeÅ”Äi izvor zaraze za ljude je kontaminirano meso i preraÄevine od mesa peradi. Tijekom petogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja od 2016. do 2020. godine provedeno je istraživanje tijekom kojeg je na Salmonellu spp., pretraženo 2457 uzoraka pileÄeg mesa koje je uzorkovano u klaonicama i mesnicama na podruÄju MeÄimurske, Varaždinske, KoprivniÄko- križevaÄke, Bjelovarsko-bilogorske i ZagrebaÄke županije. Salmonella spp. je izdvojena iz 136 (5,5 %) obraÄenih uzoraka. Godine 2016. ustvrÄena je u 5 (6 %) pretraženih uzoraka, 2017. godine u 41 (4,7 %) uzorku, 2018. godine u 33 (6,1 %) uzorka, 2019. godine u 26 (6,6 %) uzoraka i u 2020. godini u 31 (5,4 %) uzoraka. SeroloÅ”kom tipizacijom S. Infantis je identificirana u 86 (63,2 %) izdvojenih izolata; S. Typhimurium u 8 (5,9 %) izolata; a S. Enteritidis je tipizirana u 3 (2,2 %) izdvojena izolata. Tipizirani su i slijedeÄi serovarovi salmonela: S. Corvallis - 5 izolata (3,7 %), S. Isaszeg - 5 izolata (3,7 %), S. Derby- 3 izolata (2,2 %), S. Give - 2 izolata (2,2 %), S. Indiana - 2 izolata (2,2 %), i po 1 izolat 7 (5,1 %) serovara (S. Schwarzengrund, S. Goldcoast, S. Chester, S. Bredeney, S. Mbandaka, S.Newport, S. Saintpaul). U 15 (11 %) izolata tipizacija nije izvrÅ”ena. S. Infantis je tijekom svih godina bila najÄeÅ”Äe potvrÄeni serovar. Salmoneloza predstavlja znatan gospodarski problem zbog Å”teta u intenzivnoj proizvodnji, ali i kao zoonoza koja se mesom i mesnim prouzvodima od mesa peradi Å”iri na ljude. Provedbom odgovarajuÄih higijenskih mjera i dobre higijenske prakse od peradarskih farmi i klaonica do prodajnih mjesta moglo bi se doprinijeti manjoj kontaminaciji pileÄeg mesa razliÄitim serovarovima Salmonella spp.Salmonellosis is one of the most important food-borne zoonoses, and the main sources of infection for humans are contaminated meat and poultry meat products. During the five- year period from 2016 to 2020, 2457 samples of poultry meat were tested for the presence of Salmonella spp. Samples were obtained from slaughterhouses and butcher shops in five counties: MeÄimurje, Varaždin, Koprivnica- Križevci, Bjelovar-Bilogora and Zagreb. Salmonella spp. was isolated from 136 (5.5%) pro- cessed samples during the study. In 2016, it was isolated in 5 (6%) of the tested samples, in 2017 in 41 (4.7%) samples, in 2018 in 33 (6.1%) samples, in 2019 in 26 (6.6%) samples, and in 2020 in 31 (5.4%) samples. The most common identified serovar was S. Infantis in 86 (63.2%) isolates, followed by S. Typhimurium in 8 (5.9%) isolates, and S. Enteritidis in 3 (2.2%) isolates. The following salmonella serovars were also identified: S. Corvallis - 5 isolates (3.7%), S. Isaszeg - 5 isolates (3.7%), S. Derby 3 isolates (2.2%), S. Give - 2 isolates (2.2%), S. Indiana - 2 isolates (2.2%), and 1 isolate each of 7 (5.1%) serovars (S. Schwarzengrud, S. Goldcoast, S. Chester, S. Bredeney, S. Mbandaka, S. Newport, S. Saintpaul). No identification was confirmed in 15 (11%) isolates. S. Infantis was the most common serovar during the study period. Salmonellosis is a significant economic problem due to damages in intensive produc- tion, but also as a zoonosis that can spread to humans through meat and poultry meat prod- ucts. In identified isolates of Salmonella spp., the serovar S. Infantis dominated in chicken meat, which has been confirmed in earlierresearch in Croatia and other EU countries. Implementing appropriate hygiene measures and good hygiene practices from poultry farms and slaughterhouses to shops could contribute to lower contamination of chicken meat with different serovars of Salmonella spp
Angioedema Caused by Agents Acting on the Angiotensin System
Blokatori reninsko-angiotenzinskog sustava (RAS) Äesto su primjenjivani lijekovi s dokazanim pozitivnim utjecajem na kardiovaskularne i bubrežne bolesti. Lijekovi koji utjeÄu na RAS dijele se u Äetiri skupine, od kojih su najÄeÅ”Äi inhibitori angiotenzinkonvertirajuÄeg enzima (ACEI) te blokatori angiotenzinskih receptora (ARB). Ti se lijekovi opÄenito smatraju sigurnima i djelotvornima u veÄine pacijenata, no u nekim sluÄajevima može doÄi do nuspojava. Angioedem uzrokovan blokatorima RAS-a rijedak je, no potencijalno smrtonosan dogaÄaj. Kako je zadnjih nekoliko godina doÅ”lo do eksponencijalnog porasta uporabe blokatora RAS-a u cijelome svijetu, prisutna je poveÄana prevalencija angioedema uzrokovanog ovom skupinom lijekova.Rennin angiotensin system (RAS) blockers are commonly used drugs with proven benefits for cardiovascular and renal diseases. There are four classes of drugs acting on the angiotensin system, the most commonly used being angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) followed by angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB). These drugs are generally considered safe and effective in the majority of patients, but in some cases adverse drug reactions may occur (ADRs). Angioedema
resulting from RAS blocker treatment is a rare but potentially life-threatening event, and we should keep in mind that in recent years the exponential growth of the use if RAS blockers has been evident
worldwide, resulting in increased prevalence of angioedema induced by RAS blockers in these patients