25 research outputs found

    Business excellence as a success factor for the performance of large Croatian enterprises

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    Croatian companies need a new approach that will provide them with sufficient competitive strength, based on business excellence. Focusing only on financial indicators and measures is insufficient. Therefore new concepts should be introduced, especially by large companies that are traditionally inert and exposed to global competition, and situated in the countries with ongoing transition, such as Croatia. Today 75% of the source of value within a company cannot be measured by means of the standard accounting techniques anymore, and in the 21st century it is impossible to rely exclusively on measuring financial parameters. According to the authors, in addition to financial measuring, a way should be found to measure non-financial parameters within a company. The paper is therefore aimed at exploring the influence of business excellence and its values on business in the Croatian business practice. The authors carried out a research on 106 large Croatian enterprises with more than 250 employees, exploring the connection between the values of business excellence and company performance, Results show a positive correlation between applying the principles of business excellence and successful company performance in practice


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    Moderno poduzeće djeluje u uvjetima turbulentne okoline, čije su glavne karakteristike složenost, dinamičnost, neizvjesnost i nestabilnost. Ove uvjete generiraju brze, burne i neočekivane promjene koje postaju glavno obilježje vremena u kojem živimo. Pod utjecajem ovakvih promjena mijenja se i okolina modernog poduzeća, koja preko datih okolnosti i prijetnji snažno utječe, kako na pojavu "organizacijskog darvinizma"-prema kojoj se opstanak poduzeća vezuje za njegovu sposobnost neprekidnog praćenja promjena i adekvatnog prilagođavanja njima, tako i na razvoj poduzeća koji se vezuje za njegovu sposobnost utvrđivanja odgovarajuće poslovne strategije kao načina za ostvarivanje temeljnih ciljeva poduzeća. Nedvojbeno je da upravo okolina, putem svojih već spomenutih karakteristika, presudno utječe na ponaÅ”anje i djelovanje modernog poduzeća. S tim u vezi mogu se postaviti dva ključna pitanja, od posebnog značaja za razumijevanje problematike stavljene u srediÅ”te zanimanja ovoga rada, a to su: kako okolina utječe na poduzeće i kako poduzeće odgovara na utjecaje koji dolaze iz njemu relevantne okoline. Polazeći od odgovarajućih teorijskih doprinosa na prvo je pitanje moguće vrlo kratko odgovoriti: okolina utječe na poduzeće preko promjena koje izazivaju različite utjecaje. Poduzeće preko svoje organizacijske strukture prima te utjecaje, doživljavajući ih kao svojevrsne prijetnje ali i kao određene pogodnosti na koje ono mora pravovremena reagirati, i na njih brzo i djelotvorno odgovoriti. Upravo s tim je povezan i odgovor na drugo pitanje: kako poduzeće odgovara na utjecaje iz okoline. Iako je u literaturi poznato viÅ”e načina kako poduzeće može reagirati na utjecaje iz okoline ono to najčeŔće čini na dva načina: "strategijskim odgovorom", odnosno izborom odgovarajuće poslovne strategije i "organizacijskom promjenom", odnosno preoblikovanjem postojeće i dizajniranjem nove organizacijske strukture. Stoga se u radu iscrpno obrađuju inženjering poduzeća i poslovni procesi kao novi organizacijski koncepti koji, u kontekstu odgovora na drugo pitanje, mogu značajno doprinijeti izgradnji djelotvorne organizacijske strukture modernog poduzeća

    Quality Management Strategies in Croatian Hoteliership with Baldrige Method Application

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    Today, business quality and quality management evolve to become the strategic components of modern companies. Business quality can not be partially evaluated; all organizational sequences must be systematically comprehended. Quality management is developed globally. With that purpose different methods of national awards in quality management are developed constantly. One of above mentioned awards is also the American national quality award (MBNQA); representing one of the service/product quality improvement systems with a strategic goal of achieving business excellence. This business quality research is focused on the sample of two hundred and fifty five Croatian hotel companies. Through its improvement even better results can be achieved


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    Regardless of the type of organization and management level, the basic task of the manager is to give a prompt and proactive answer to any kind of pressure which is a part of his/her daily business, with the final aim of providing adequate service to customers (clients, consumers, businessesā€¦). Over the decades, the hotel industry has experienced continued evolution by becoming one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. Today, the hotel industry is exposed to dynamic changes and great market heterogeneity, and, therefore, managers in the hotel industry need to be in a constant race for competitive advantage achievements. Among the numerous sources of competitive advantage, managerial skills also stand out because they produce higher value and affect organizational performance. It is well documented that skilful managers are the key determinants of organizational success. Unquestionably, only skilful managers could become effective managers, and effective managers are crucial for organizational success. An effective manager is the one who should have an extensive set of developed skills in all essential areas of managing which, with the companyā€™s growth and progress, become more complex and demand more attention. This paper focuses on the managerial skills, considering the main skill areas of management. The main aim of this paper is to analyse managerial skills in the Croatian hotel industry, specifically in large hotels in the Split-Dalmatia County. The main research question is: whether the level of managerial skills relates to organization effectiveness - is there a relationship between managerial skills and organizational performance in large hotels in the Split-Dalmatia County? In the light of posed research questions, two hypotheses are settled. Quantitative research was conducted and interesting results were found. To collect data, a questionnaire was used as the main research instrument. Out of 61 questionnaires that were sent, a total of 36 correctly completed questionnaires were used for analyses, yielding a response rate of 59%.Two hypotheses were accepted and the research question positively answered. Results showed that managerial skills are well developed; that organizational performance of large hotels in the Split ā€“ Dalmatia County depend on managerial skills in directing them to compete on the market. In addition, the research result pointed out that the effect of communication skill is larger than any other


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    Regardless of the type of organization and management level, the basic task of the manager is to give a prompt and proactive answer to any kind of pressure which is a part of his/her daily business, with the final aim of providing adequate service to customers (clients, consumers, businessesā€¦). Over the decades, the hotel industry has experienced continued evolution by becoming one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. Today, the hotel industry is exposed to dynamic changes and great market heterogeneity, and, therefore, managers in the hotel industry need to be in a constant race for competitive advantage achievements. Among the numerous sources of competitive advantage, managerial skills also stand out because they produce higher value and affect organizational performance. It is well documented that skilful managers are the key determinants of organizational success. Unquestionably, only skilful managers could become effective managers, and effective managers are crucial for organizational success. An effective manager is the one who should have an extensive set of developed skills in all essential areas of managing which, with the companyā€™s growth and progress, become more complex and demand more attention. This paper focuses on the managerial skills, considering the main skill areas of management. The main aim of this paper is to analyse managerial skills in the Croatian hotel industry, specifically in large hotels in the Split-Dalmatia County. The main research question is: whether the level of managerial skills relates to organization effectiveness - is there a relationship between managerial skills and organizational performance in large hotels in the Split-Dalmatia County? In the light of posed research questions, two hypotheses are settled. Quantitative research was conducted and interesting results were found. To collect data, a questionnaire was used as the main research instrument. Out of 61 questionnaires that were sent, a total of 36 correctly completed questionnaires were used for analyses, yielding a response rate of 59%.Two hypotheses were accepted and the research question positively answered. Results showed that managerial skills are well developed; that organizational performance of large hotels in the Split ā€“ Dalmatia County depend on managerial skills in directing them to compete on the market. In addition, the research result pointed out that the effect of communication skill is larger than any other

    Linking individual and organizational cultural competences: One step closer to multicultural organization

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    The main purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the link between individual (IC) and organization (OC) cultural competence leading to the multicultural organization development (MOD), as proposed in earlier studies. We built on theoretical postulates that define OC as management of IC and that assert that MOD is achieved through organizational adaptation to multicultural surroundings. We proposed the managerial role as the independent variable reflecting the link between the IC and OC and assigned MNC subsidiary organizational innovativeness (OI) the dependent variable role reflecting the degree of MOD. Accordingly, we constructed a new expatriate IC model and tested its impact on OI as MNCā€™s subsidiary. We introduced contingency variables with the aim to increase the robustness and the merit of the research model. The survey was carried out in Croatia, on a sample of 146 expatriates by using the questionnaire method. The research results confirmed most of the hypotheses. The main contributions of this paper are the theoretical formulation of the new IC model (as an independent variable) and its empirical verification through examination of its relation with a subsidiary OI, as a dependent variable

    Determinants of studentsā€™ entrepreneurial intention: An empirical research

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    As to contribute to the literature on entrepreneurial intention, a survey was conducted on a sample of Croatian students and their entrepreneurial intentions, by using Ajzen\u27s (1991) theory of planned behaviour. This theory determines intention through attitudes, behavioural control (self-efficacy), and social norms. Additional four determinants were investigated: role models, education, needs for achievement, and propensity towards risk. We propose that individuals exposed to role models and entrepreneurial education, as well as those who have a higher level of need for achievement and propensity towards risk, are more likely to set up a venture. The survey was conducted at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, University of Split, Croatia and the obtained data were analysed by using the structural equation modelling technique. A total of 160 survey responses from students were obtained. It was found that attitudes and propensity towards risk positively affect entrepreneurial intention. Surprisingly, self-efficacy and social norms, in addition to role models, education, and the need for achievement, failed to produce a significant effect on entrepreneurial intention


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    Social media marketing does not undermine the value of traditional marketing approach; instead, it enhances it and brings it up to a new level. Touristic boards, as destination management organisations, have to constantly aim creation of sustainable tourism in order to preserve and evaluate destination as a whole. Previously is not possible without systematic appliance of social media marketing strategies. Touristic boards have to strategically access social media platforms usage. It is crucial to pick the proper metrics which will ensure long-term success. The goal of the paper is to emphasise the importance of sustainable approach and the power of social media marketing strategies in a modern business environment


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    Iako su vizije postavljene pri osnivanju brodarskih poduzeća, promjene koje su nastupile u hrvatskom gospodarstvu tijekom proÅ”lih tranzicijskih godina imale su utjecaja i na njih. Postojanje vizije bilo je i jeste presudno u postupku utvrđivanja dugoročne strategije hrvatskih brodarskih poduzeća. Istraživanja su pokazala da pojedina brodarska poduzeća nisu imala jasne vizije razvoja, Å”to je neminovno dovelo, između ostalog, i do stanja u kakvom se danas nalaze. Hrvatska brodarska poduzeća koja su tijekom promjena iz socijalističke privrede u tržiÅ”no gospodarstvo, unatoč turbulentnim uvjetima na svjetskom brodarskom tržiÅ”tu, dobro odabrala i postavila, odnosno redefinirala svoje vizije, osigurala su sebi sigurnu i prosperitetnu budućnost s očekivanom dobiti. Precizno i jasno određena misija je od velike važnosti za brodarska poduzeća, te predstavlja uvjet njihovog postojanja i opstanka. Misija govori o usmjerenju i pravcu kretanja, razvoju i opstanku brodarskih poduzeća, te im daje osobnu prepoznatljivost, određujući djelokrug rada. Specifična misija brodarskih poduzeća u početku je uvijek jasna, ali pod utjecajem okruženja u kojem ona djeluju ona može postati nejasna. TržiÅ”ne promjene kroz koje danas prolaze hrvatska brodarska poduzeća zahtjevaju obvezu redefiniranje vizije i misije


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    Vodstvo je menadžerska funkcija koja je izravno usmjerena na ljude i na druÅ”tvenu interakciju, jednako kao i proces utjecaja na ljude, da bi mogli ostvarivati pojedinačne i zajedničke ciljeve organizacije. Bez kvalitetnoga vodstva, visoke motiviranosti i angažmana ljudi nema uspjeÅ”ne organizacije. Zbog svojih specifičnosti i kompleksnosti i zbog pristupa vođenju, u istraživanje je uključena hotelska industrija karakteristična po konkurentnosti i promjenljivom okruženju i po promjenama koje se događaju u turističkoj potražnji. Svrha je rada dijagnosticirati dominantni stil vodstva u hotelskim poduzećima Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije, pa je zato provedeno empirijsko istraživanje da bi se odredili stilovi vodstva u hotelijerstvu metodom anketiranja vrhovnog i srednjeg menadžmenta hotelskih poduzeća na reprezentativnom uzorku u ljeto 2004. utemeljenom na Likertovom modelu vodstva. Rezultati istraživanja stilova vodstva prikazani su u ovome radu.Leadership is a managerial function which is directly connected to human resources and their interactions in order to achieve individual and group organizational aims. Without qualitative leadership, high motivation and human factor there is no successful organization. Because of its specifics, complexity and the way of leading, hotel enterprises are characterised with competitiveness and changing environment in a tourism demand. The aim of the paper is to diagnose the dominant leadership style in hospitality industry in Dubrovnik-neretvian county through the survey of top and middle management in the summer 2004. established on a Likert leadership models. Research results are presented in the paper