2 research outputs found


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    Provedena je ·retrospektivna studija u vidu upitnika na 221 bolesnika s recidivirajućim lumbalnim bolnim sindromom, a odnosila se na desetogodišnje razdoblje. U ispitivanje je uključeno 124 muškarca (65,2%) i 97 žena (43,8%). Prosječna dob prve atake lumbalnog bolnog sindroma bila je 31,1 godinu s rasponom od 15-60 godina, a zadnje atake 48,9 godina s rasponom od 25-80 godina. Prosječni vremenski interval između prve i zadnje atake bio je 17,1 godina. Najveća učestalost lumbalnog bolnog sindroma bila je u dobnoj skupini od 40-44 god. (28% bolesnika). U više od jedne trećine bolesnika javila se lumboishialgija, a u 50% bolesnika rendgenološki osteohondroza L;; - S1 segmenta.. U ostalih 20% bolesnika nađene su kongenitalne anolalije· i statički deformiteti lumbalne kralješnšice. U navedenom vremenskom razdoblju 83% bolesnika koristilo je bolovanje, 2,7% skraćeno radno vrijeme, 10% bolesnika je moralo promijeniti radno mjesto i 4% zanimanje radi osnovne bolesti.A retrospective study covering a period of 10 years was performed in 221 patients suffering from reccurent lumbar painful syndrome. All patients were asked to complete a questionnaire. The study group i.ncluded 124 men (65.2%) and 97 women (43.8%). The mean age of patients at the time of the first attack was 31.1 years with a range of 15 to 60 years, the oorresponding figures for the last! attack being 48.9 years with a range of 25 to 80 yeaTs. The mean interval between the first and the last attack was 17 .l years. The highest recurrence rate wa-s observed in those aged 40 to 44 years (28% of patients). Disc herniation was found in 4.5% of patients, whereas 36.6% developed lumbo-sciatica. Degenerative changes in the form of osteochondrosis or discarthorsis were established in 80% of patients. In 50% of them osteochondrosds affected the L 5 - S1 segment. The remaining 20% had congenital abnormalities and static deformit\u27ies of the lumbar spine. Over the 10-year period studied 83% of patients stayed off work for an average of 28 months per patient or 2.6 months per year. Only 2.7% worked part-time. 10% were forced to change their jobs and another 4% to be retrained for new occupat:ions


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    Provedena je ·retrospektivna studija u vidu upitnika na 221 bolesnika s recidivirajućim lumbalnim bolnim sindromom, a odnosila se na desetogodišnje razdoblje. U ispitivanje je uključeno 124 muškarca (65,2%) i 97 žena (43,8%). Prosječna dob prve atake lumbalnog bolnog sindroma bila je 31,1 godinu s rasponom od 15-60 godina, a zadnje atake 48,9 godina s rasponom od 25-80 godina. Prosječni vremenski interval između prve i zadnje atake bio je 17,1 godina. Najveća učestalost lumbalnog bolnog sindroma bila je u dobnoj skupini od 40-44 god. (28% bolesnika). U više od jedne trećine bolesnika javila se lumboishialgija, a u 50% bolesnika rendgenološki osteohondroza L;; - S1 segmenta.. U ostalih 20% bolesnika nađene su kongenitalne anolalije· i statički deformiteti lumbalne kralješnšice. U navedenom vremenskom razdoblju 83% bolesnika koristilo je bolovanje, 2,7% skraćeno radno vrijeme, 10% bolesnika je moralo promijeniti radno mjesto i 4% zanimanje radi osnovne bolesti.A retrospective study covering a period of 10 years was performed in 221 patients suffering from reccurent lumbar painful syndrome. All patients were asked to complete a questionnaire. The study group i.ncluded 124 men (65.2%) and 97 women (43.8%). The mean age of patients at the time of the first attack was 31.1 years with a range of 15 to 60 years, the oorresponding figures for the last! attack being 48.9 years with a range of 25 to 80 yeaTs. The mean interval between the first and the last attack was 17 .l years. The highest recurrence rate wa-s observed in those aged 40 to 44 years (28% of patients). Disc herniation was found in 4.5% of patients, whereas 36.6% developed lumbo-sciatica. Degenerative changes in the form of osteochondrosis or discarthorsis were established in 80% of patients. In 50% of them osteochondrosds affected the L 5 - S1 segment. The remaining 20% had congenital abnormalities and static deformit\u27ies of the lumbar spine. Over the 10-year period studied 83% of patients stayed off work for an average of 28 months per patient or 2.6 months per year. Only 2.7% worked part-time. 10% were forced to change their jobs and another 4% to be retrained for new occupat:ions