48 research outputs found

    Preuzimanje, sređivanje i stručna obrada arhivske građe organa uprave s područja Makarske

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    Historijski arhiv u Splitu vrši nadzor nad arhivima i registraturama na području četrnaest srednjodalmatinskih općina. Naša stručna služba ulaže velike napore kod zaštite, osobito kad se radi o građi od izuzetne vrijednosti, jer je to jedan od glavnih preduvjeta za kasniji rad u Arhivu i za znanost


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    Najstarija matična knjiga dijela Dalmatinske zagore 1679 - 1710. pod nazivom Žmina, čuva se u Historijskom arhivu u Zadru. U ovu knjigu uz Muć i Ogorje uneseni su upisi za Skradin, Velim, Varoš (dio Šibenika), Perušić i Knin. Ova matica obuhvaća vrijeme završetka velikih mletačko-turskih ratova, kad se granica često pomicala, pa su mnoga mjesta bila čas pod turskom čas pod mletačkom vlašću. Zbog toga je stradalo stanovništvo mnogih krajeva, a također je to bio uzrok iseljavanju naročito prema Primorju i doseljavanju stanovnika iz Bosne koje je bježalo pred Turcima. Objavljivanje prikaza stanovnika navedenih krajeva ovog burnog razdoblja naše povijesti veoma je dragocjeno, tim više što su dosadašnja današnja saznanja o tom razdoblju prošlosti naše Zagore veoma oskudna.The ordest Record of births, marriages and deths of a part of Dalmatinska zagora (Dalmatian inland), from 1679-1710, has been kept under the name of Zmina at the Historical archives of Zadar. Besides Muć and Ogorje this book contains the registrations covering Skradin, Velim, Varoš (a part of Šibenik), Perušić and Knin. This registry takes place at the end of the great Turko-Venetian wars during which the border shifted back and forth every now and then so that a number of paces used to fall under either the Turkish or the Venetian control. This caused the perish of the inhabitants of various parts of the country and made a lot of emigrants move to the Littoral in particular causing numerous migrations from Bosnia escaping from the Turks. Giving a picture of the inhabitants of these regions in those turbulent times of our history is very precious all the more so since we have little knowledge today of that past of our Zagora


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    Il numero degli abitanti di Spalato, dalla fine del XVI sec. fino al IV decenio del XVII sec. varia spesso. Verso il 1570 la città conta 5.000 anime mentre all’inizio del 1600, secondo il rapporto del conte di Spalato Paolo Trevzan, ce ne sono 2.887 entro le mura della città. Questo calo della popolazione e’dovuto alle guerre devasttrici e alla peste. Presentare la cittadinanza attraverso i registri ha un grande valore, poiche’ questi sono gli unici a darci dei dati etnici e sociali su questa, a differenza dei dati statistici che sono più in uso. Nei registri di battesimo, dei matrimoni, dei morti che sono stati analizzati in quest’ordine, e che comprendono il periodo tra il 1578 e il 1635, sono registrati 2.568 battesimi di bambini, dei quali 1346 maschi e 1.118 femmine. I nati sono più numerosi tra il periodo che va dal 1610 al 1635, a meno numerosi dal 1601al 1607. Tra il 1611 al 1635 sono stati registrati 442 matrimoni, e dal 1617 al 1635 : 771 decessi. L’ età media dei doceduti adulti varia tra i 55-60 anni e per i bambini tra i 5-10 anni. Accanto ai nomi dei bambini sono notati anche i nomi dei loro genitori e patrini. Altretanto per i matrimoni accanto ai nomi degli sposi ci sono i nomi dei rispetivi genitori e testimoni, e nel registro dei morti oltare ai dati dei defunti ci sono quelli dei sacerdoti che presero parte alle ceremonie funebri. Oltre ai numerosi nomi e cognomi sono molto validi anche i dati sulle loro origini e professioni. Secondo i dati a raccolti la cittadinanza di Spalato era composta dalla lpopolazione del luogo e da immigrati stranieri. Oltre alla popolazione del luogo a Spalato c’era una grande affluenza di abitanti dalle vicine isole e dal retroterra, mentre minore era l’affluenza degli abitanti dell’ interno. Gli isolani sono più numerosi degli abitanti del retroterra. Gli isolani più numerosi sono quelli dell’ isola di Brazza, mentre del retroterra quelli di Poglizza i quali sono con frequenza menzionati nella proffessioni militari nonche’ immigrati dei Castelli. Dall’ interno si nominano spesso gli immigrati dalla Bosnia. Degli stranieri i pi`¨numerosi provengono dalla Penisola Appenninica, per la maggior parte de Venezia. I Veneziani si nominano di frequente nelle carche dell’ amministrazione comunale, e di raro come artigiani. Delle altre nazionalità sono nominati Albanesi, Francesi, Greci, nonché uno della Transilvania, e uno da Vienna. Mentre le professioni intelettuali si nominano di raro, le più numerosi, invece, sono quelle degli artigiani, seguono i cittadini, cittadini di riguardo, di raro la nobiltà, militari, armatori, professioni nel Lazaretto, sacerdoti, commercianti, marinai ed altri

    The Gligo family and their heritage in the period of Neoclassicism

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    U tekstu se donosi kratko saznanje o povijesti bračke obitelji Gligo te se ističu njihovi gospodarski i civilizacijski dosezi, posebno na polju graditeljskih ostvarenja, u 18. i 19. stoljeću. Kao najmarkantniju osobu obitelji autorice posebno ističu Matu Gliga, dvorskog savjetnika, koji je svojim obrazovanjem, znanjem i duhom u vremenu klasicističkih zasada nastanka klasicizma unio europsko ozračje u sredinu u kojoj je živio i djelovao.Gligo is a nickname of the Marinčević family. In historical documents, the surname Marinčević Gligo was first mentioned at the end of the 17th century, and from the middle of the 18th century it was mentioned only as Gligo. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Gligos were known as landowners, seafarers and sailboat owners. They traded wine and oil, not only with Venice, but with Corfu as well. The trade procured economic prosperity to the Gligos, which made them feel economically strong enough to start constructing representative buildings characteristic for their shape and stylistic features. In the 18th century the Marinčević Gligos built a defence Castle in Bobovišće port which assumed a more economic and rustic function through time. The only historical source which more elaborately described the appearance of the Castle is an agreement on the division of property dating from 1781. Another grandiose edifice of the late baroque classicism is the Gligo house situated at the western side of the village towards the Bobovišće port. It was built in the first half of the 19th century as a monumental two-storey building with a mansard, whose size and shape represent a very significant example of architecture of the time. Mate Gligo, the court advisor, gave the Castle its final appearance, reconstructing and refurbishing it in 1884. He lived in the Castle till the day he died. Mate Gligo is the most prominent person from the Gligo family. He was a renowned lawyer and personality not only on the island of Brač and in Dalmatia, but beyond its borders. His travels outside Dalmatia, especially to Italy, influenced his thoughts, cognition and taste. In the ambience of Neoclassicism Mate Gligo built a family tomb at the local cemetery in Bobovišće. The tomb was inspired by the small Roman temple of the Diocletian`s Palace in Split. This construction achievement with overt artistic features has not been hitherto validated or known to wider cultural public. The tomb is shaped like a classic monument, which represents a valuable work of art of the sepulchral architecture with its appearance and proportions. The members of the Gligo family were seafarers, traders, renowned lawyers, court advisors. Construction legacy they left behind as members of the civic stratum represents a regionally, culturally and historically important heritage

    Moderatorski učinak tjelesne visine na povezanost tjelesne mase i onesposobljenosti uzrokovane kroničnom nespecifičnom križoboljom u žena i muškaraca

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    The aim of the study was testing the hypothesis that body height has a moderating effect on the association of weight and chronic low back pain (LBP) induced disability, and that this moderating effect is different in women and men. We performed a nested cross-sectional analysis using data collected at baseline in a prospective cohort study conducted in 2008-2009 at a special hospital for medical rehabilitation in Croatia. The outcome was the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) score. The independent variable was body weight. The focal moderators were body height and sex. The moderation analysis was adjusted for seven sociodemographic and clinical covariates. We analyzed data on 72 patients with a median (interquartile range) age of 50 (43-55) years, 36 (50%) of whom were women, treated for nonspecific, chronic LBP. The interaction of sex, body weight and height was a significant predictor of the RMDQ score after adjustments for all covariates (increase of R2=0.13; p=0.001; false discovery rate <5%). In both sexes, the correlation between body weight and the RMDQ score was significantly moderated by body height but in opposite ways. In conclusion, the effects of body weight on physical disability are moderated by body height, but this moderation effect differs between women and men.Cilj je bio testirati hipotezu da tjelesna visina ima moderatorski učinak na povezanost težine i onesposobljenosti uzrokovane kroničnim bolovima u križima (KBK) te da se taj moderatorski učinak razlikuje kod žena i muškaraca. Proveli smo ugniježđenu presječnu analizu koristeći podatke prikupljene na početku prospektivne kohortne studije provedene 2008.- 2009. godine u specijalnoj bolnici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju u Hrvatskoj. Ishod je bio rezultat Roland-Morrisova upitnika onesposobljenosti (RMDQ). Neovisna varijabla bila je tjelesna masa. Ciljani moderatori bili su tjelesna visina i spol. Analiza moderacije prilagođena je za sedam sociodemografskih i kliničkih kovarijata. Analizirali smo podatke za 72 bolesnika s medijanom (IQR) dobi 50 (43-55) godina, od kojih su 36 (50%) bile žene, liječenih zbog nespecifične KBK. Interakcija spola, tjelesne mase i visine bila je značajan prediktor rezultata RMDQ nakon prilagodbi za sve kovarijate (porast R2=0,13; p=0,001; stopa lažnih otkrića <5%). U oba spola je korelacija između tjelesne mase i rezultata RMDQ značajno moderirana tjelesnom visinom, ali u suprotnim smjerovima. U zaključku, učinci tjelesne mase na tjelesnu onesposobljenost moderirani su tjelesnom visinom, ali taj se moderatorski učinak razlikuje kod žena i muškaraca


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    Aim: To find out which symptoms are the most associated with a breast cancer patients’ quality of life (QoL) and depression. Subjects and methods: We performed this cross-sectional study from February to April 2015 at the Department of Medical Oncology, University Hospital for Tumors, Zagreb University Hospital Center "Sestre milosrdnice", Zagreb, Croatia on the sample of 147 breast cancer patients. Primary outcomes were EORTC QLQ-C30 version 3.0 Global QoL scale and Beck Depression Inventory II. Results: After the adjustment for other symptoms, sociodemographic and clinical variables, fatigue (ȕ=-0.47, P<0.001), pain (ȕ=-0.24, P=0.023), and appetite loss (ȕ=-0.18, P=0.037) were statistically significantly correlated with QoL. Fatigue was the only symptom significantly associated with depression (ȕ=0.39, P=0.006). Conclusion: Fatigue, pain, appetite loss contributes the most to the overall breast cancer patients QoL. Although correlated, fatigue and pain contribution to lower QoL is independent from each other. Future studies should investigate whether there is an interaction between fatigue and pain changes over course of treatment. Fatigue and number of children are positively, while age and treatment in daily hospital are negatively associated with depression measured by BDI-II

    Reliability and validity of the Croatian version of Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) Measure in primary care setting

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    Aim To translate the Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) Measure into Croatian and validate the Croatian version of the questionnaire. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in July 2011 in 8 general practices (GP) in Croatia. Following two stages of translation, back-translation, and pilot testing, the Croatian version of the CARE was tested on 568 consecutive patients. Results Face validity was high, the number of missing values was low (9%), and the internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) was 0.77. A principal component analysis of 10 CARE Measure items extracted two components with eigenvalues >1. These two components explained 43.6% of the total instrument variance. Conclusion The Croatian version of the CARE Measure had acceptable reliability and face validity, but its intended component structure was not reproduced and further research is needed to understand its dimensionality. Receive