336 research outputs found
Istraživanje arheoloÅ”kog lokaliteta ViniÄica kod Josipdola (2005.ā2010.)
U ovom se radu donosi pregled obavljenih arheoloÅ”kih i povijesnih istraživanja lokaliteta ViniÄica kod Josipdola u razdoblju od 2005. do 2010. godine. Važnost prapovijesnog naselja na ViniÄici daleko izlazi iz mikroregionalnih okvira. U svojem je dugom postojanju ovo naselje iskoristilo svoj pogodan geostrateÅ”ki položaj i odigralo ulogu posrednika u povezivanju unutraÅ”njosti, jadranske obale, alpskog i balkanskog prostora. Stoga je poduzeto sustavno arheoloÅ”ko istraživanje ovog lokaliteta u razdoblju od 2005. do 2010. godine. Istraživanje Äe biti nastavljeno i iduÄe godine. Bogatstvo nalaza potvrÄuje tezu da se radi o vrlo bogatom naselju koje je imalo srediÅ”nju ulogu u mikro i makroregionalnom kontekstu. Od 2002. godine do 2010. godine na ViniÄici su otvorene Äetiri sonde dimenzija 4 x 4 m (sonde 1, 4, 5 i 6 ), Äetiri kontrolna rova dimenzija 2 x 6 m (sonde 2, 3, 8, 9) te jedan profil presjeÄene fortifikacije. Od 2005. do 2010. godine dovrÅ”eno je israživanje sondi 4, 8, 9 i profil fortifikacije. Sonda 7 otvorena je 2010. godine i predstavlja zavrÅ”etak faze probnih sondažnih istraživanja te poÄetak otvaranja Å”irih povrÅ”ina istraživanja. Izuzetno brojni nalazi pronaÄeni tijekom istraživanja, obraÄeni su i prireÄeni za prvu cjelovitu objavu. Istraživanje se nastavlja.The paper presents an overview of archaeological and historical research of the ViniÄica site near Josipdol which was conducted in the period between 2005 and 2010. The importance of the prehistoric settlement in ViniÄica far exceeds the micro-regional framework. In the course of its long existence, the settlement took advantage of its convenient geo-strategic position and played the role of a mediator in connecting the interior and the Adriatic coast, the areas of the Alps and the Balkans. This was the reason systematic archaeological excavations of the site were conducted from 2005 to 2010, and will be continued next year. Rich finds attest to the hypothesis that the site contains a very rich settlement which had a central role in a micro and macro-regional contexts. From 2002 to 2010, the archaeological survey included the cutting of four 4x4 m trenches (trenches 1, 4, 5, 6, 8), three 2x6 m control trenches (trenches 2, 3, 9) and one profile of a section of the fortification walls. Excavation of the trenches 4, 8, and 9 was completed in the period from 2005 to 2010. The trench 7 was excavated in 2010 and it marks the final stage of trial trenching and the beginning of excavation of larger areas. Especially numerous finds unearthed during the excavations were analyzed and prepared for the first comprehensive publishing. The research will continue
Predicting the Pressure Drop of Corrugated Sheet Structured Packings in Deep Vacuum Applications
Advanced corrugated sheet structured packings are considered a natural choice for deep vacuum distillation. In many of these applications that occur at absolute pressures below 0.01 bar at the top of the column, the low density gas/vapor driven by pressure ascends through an irrigated packed bed under laminar flow conditions. This implies that the packing geometry features aiming to reduce the form drag of advanced packing may not be as effective, if at all, as experienced in common applications where turbulent flow prevails. To consider this appropriately, a theoretically founded expression for laminar flow friction factor has been incorporated into Delft model (DM). With this extension, the predicted pressure drop within laminar flow region approaches closely that estimated using well-established empirical model available in software package SULCOL. In absence
of adequate experimental evidence, extended DM was validated using newest data obtained at FRI with an advanced wire gauze structured packing in total reflux experiments carried out with paraxylene/orthoxylene system at 0.02 and 0.1 bar top pressure in
a column with internal diameter of 1.22 m
IzmeÄu individualnog i kolektivnog iskustva: Prvi svjetski rat u rumunjskom romanu
World War I (1914 ā 1918) spread across the majority of Europe and was the first conflict of such proportion in history. Its ending brought significant changes in economic relations on world level, leaving a lasting demographic effect, and ā by enabling the creation of new countries ā it changed the geographical map of the war-ravaged area. The trauma of war was reflected in the modern novel rather shortly after these events. Writing about war, especially while its memory is still fresh to the readersā mind, holds great responsibility, bearable only by great writers. This is why three canonical novels of Romanian literature written in the first two decades following the war have been selected for closer reflection in this book: "Forest of the Hanged by Liviu Rebreanu" (1922), "The Dragon" by Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu (1923) and "The Last Night of Love, The First Night of War" by Camil Petrescu (1930). All three share the theme of World War I, but each of the three authors approaches it with different experiences, builds different structure and chooses different narrative techniques. Thus, the reader is offered three different perspectives of Romania and the war.Prvi svjetski rat zahvatio je gotovo cijelu Europu i bio je prvi sukob takvih razmjera u povijesti. Njegov zavrÅ”etak donio je znaÄajne promjene u gospodarskim odnosima na svjetskoj razini, ostavio je neizbrisiv demografski trag i, omoguÄivÅ”i stvaranje novih država, promijenio geografsku kartu zahvaÄenog prostora. Trauma rata naÅ”la je svoj odraz i u suvremenom romanu relativno brzo nakon dogaÄaja. Pisanje o ratnim zbivanjima, osobito dok su sjeÄanja na njih u svijesti Äitatelja joÅ” svježa, nosi sa sobom veliku odgovornost koju mogu ponijeti samo veliki pisci. Zato su za pobliži prikaz u ovoj knjizi odabrana tri kanonska romana nastala u prva dva desetljeÄa nakon rata: "Å uma objeÅ”enih" Liviua Rebreanua (1922.), "Zmaj" Hortensije Papadat-Bengescu (1923.) i "Posljednja noÄ ljubavi, prva noÄ rata" Camila Petrescua (1930.). Svima im je zajedniÄka tema Prvi svjetski rat, ali svatko od troje autora temi pristupa s razliÄitim iskustvima, gradi drukÄiju strukturu i bira razliÄite narativne tehnike. Äitatelju se time otvaraju tri razliÄita pogleda na Rumunjsku i ratna zbivanja
Experimental Characterization of Liquid Distribution Quality of a Multiple-Nozzle Spray Distributor
Spray distributors as used in conjunction with large diameter packed beds consist of a multiplicity of spray nozzles that produce a circular liquid distribution pattern, arranged in a rectangular grid with a large degree of overlap to avoid ādry spotsā. This inherent non-uniformity is reflected in an uneven cross sectional distribution of the liquid,
the extent of which depends on the factors such as spray angle, homogeneity of spray cones, nozzle pattern, and, importantly, the distance between the nozzles and the bed. The information on the performance of spray distributors is scarce and mainly qualitative,
and therefore it is not surprising that rules for spray distributor design are unavailable in open literature. This paper aims at filling this gap and describes experiments carried out to characterize the liquid distribution of a 4-nozzle distributor, equipped with full-cone, wide-angle spray nozzles. The TU Delft column hydraulics simulator with an internal diameter of 1.4 m was used for this purpose. The test system was water/air at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature. Particular attention was paid to the effects of the nozzle pressure and the spacing between the nozzles and the bed; however, the distance required to smooth out poor initial distribution to an acceptable level appeared to be impractical
The Security Challenge of Disruptive Technologies
Dynamic changes that characterize the modern security environment have been significantly driven and shaped by the rapid pace of technological development. Of particular importance is the emergence and development of technologies that revolutionary change the character of the security environment - disruptive technologies.
The paper analyzes disruptive technologies aimed at the automation, acceleration and autonomy of the data processing process, decision-making abilities, and actions independent of human factor. These technologies affect all spheres of social life and subsequently security.
Unlike previous disruptive technologies that influence security driven by the states and their defense sectors, the recent technologies are predominantly developing in private sector. This fact leads the countries to dependency on the private sector, and face them with significant challenges in identifying threats, its content and possible responses. Technologically less developed countries are particularly vulnerable.
Based on the hypothesis of how disruptive technologies influence the design of security environments, an analysis of strategic security documents of Croatia, the USA, Russia, China, NATO, EU, and the states from the Croatian neighborhood has been conducted to determine if these countries recognize disruptive technologies as a security threat and how they approach them.
The research has shown that Croatia does not recognize disruptive technologies as a specific threat. The analysis also indicates that, in the case of technologically less developed countries, such as the case of Croatia, security communities such as the EU or NATO provide a platform for responding to those threats.</p
Faux amis roumaino-croate
U radu se iznose tzv. lažni parovi (prijatelji), leksemi u hrvatskom i rumunjskom jeziku koji zbog svoje izrazne podudarnosti navode na pogreÅ”no prevoÄenje. Navode se znaÄajke koje su dovele do takvih pojava. S obzirom na podrijetlo, najÄeÅ”Äe je rijeÄ o leksemima naslijeÄenima iz latinskoga jezika ili kasnijim romanizmima te dakako slavenskima, kojih je u rumunjskome nezanemariv broj. Izdvojeni se leksemi razvrstavaju u tablicu koja omoguÄuje njihovu prozirniju usporedbu i lakÅ”e prepoznavanje.Lāarticle traite des faux amis en croate et roumain, mots qui ont la mÄme forme dans les deux langues mais pas le mÄme sens. On cherche Å trouver parmi ces deux langues les marques principales attribuĆ©es Å cette notion. On constate que la plupart de ces mots proviennent soit du latin soit du vieux slave. Lāarticle comporte un tableau qui prĆ©sente la liste des faux amis accompagnĆ©e de dĆ©finitions
The Security Challenge of Disruptive Technologies
Dynamic changes that characterize the modern security environment have been significantly driven and shaped by the rapid pace of technological development. Of particular importance is the emergence and development of technologies that revolutionary change the character of the security environment - disruptive technologies.
The paper analyzes disruptive technologies aimed at the automation, acceleration and autonomy of the data processing process, decision-making abilities, and actions independent of human factor. These technologies affect all spheres of social life and subsequently security.
Unlike previous disruptive technologies that influence security driven by the states and their defense sectors, the recent technologies are predominantly developing in private sector. This fact leads the countries to dependency on the private sector, and face them with significant challenges in identifying threats, its content and possible responses. Technologically less developed countries are particularly vulnerable.
Based on the hypothesis of how disruptive technologies influence the design of security environments, an analysis of strategic security documents of Croatia, the USA, Russia, China, NATO, EU, and the states from the Croatian neighborhood has been conducted to determine if these countries recognize disruptive technologies as a security threat and how they approach them.
The research has shown that Croatia does not recognize disruptive technologies as a specific threat. The analysis also indicates that, in the case of technologically less developed countries, such as the case of Croatia, security communities such as the EU or NATO provide a platform for responding to those threats.</p
PredoÄivost i subjektivna uÄestalost 500 procijenjenih rijeÄi u Hrvatskoj leksiÄkoj bazi
Properties such as word class, length, phonological and morphological complexity, concreteness, frequency, age of acquisition, and imageability have to be controlled in research
and clinical practice, since they strongly affect the speed and accuracy of language processing by monolinguals and bilinguals as well as by speakers with language disorders. The
purpose of this paper is to present the online Croatian Lexical Database (Cro. Hrvatska leksiÄka baza [HLB], http://polināhlb.erf.hr/) that contains different (psycho)linguistic word
properties, and to use the HLB to provide the first analyses about (1) the relationship between frequency and imageability for the rated 500 nouns, and (2) the influence of
ratersā age, gender and education on their judgement. The results indicate a significant positive correlation between noun frequency and imageability, but no significant influence
of the three nonālinguistic rater factors on judgements about (psycho)linguistic property.Pojedina obilježja rijeÄi, kao Å”to su vrsta, duljina, fonoloÅ”ka i morfoloÅ”ka složenost, konkretnost,
uÄestalost, dob usvajanja, predoÄivost itd., potrebno je kontrolirati u istraživanjima kao i u
kliniÄkoj primjeni. Naime, prethodna istraživanja govore kako navedena obilježja rijeÄi imaju
znaÄajan utjecaj na brzinu i toÄnost jeziÄne obrade kod osoba s razliÄitom jeziÄnom pozadinom
ā kod jednojeziÄnih i dvojeziÄnih govornika, govornika urednoga jeziÄnog razvoja, govornika s
jeziÄnim poremeÄajima. Svrha je ovoga rada predstaviti Hrvatsku leksiÄku bazu ā HLB (engl.
Croatian Lexical Database) ā dostupnu na internetskoj poveznici http://polināhlb.erf.hr/, a koja
sadržava (psiho)lingvistiÄka obilježja rijeÄi. TakoÄer, cilj je i dati prve podatke 1) o odnosu
uÄestalosti i predoÄivosti na 500 procijenjenih rijeÄi te 2) o utjecaju nelingvistiÄkih Äimbenika
kao Å”to su dob, spol i razina obrazovanja ispitanika na njihovu procjenu. Rezultati upuÄuju na
znaÄajnu pozitivnu korelaciju izmeÄu uÄestalosti i predoÄivosti imenica, ali ne i na znaÄajan
utjecaj triju ispitanih nelingvistiÄkih Äimbenika ispitanika na procjenu tih obilježj
- ā¦