340 research outputs found

    Technical Characteristics of Incunabulum in Europe

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    Incunabula are printed materials created in Europe from the time of Johann Gutenberg\u27s invention until 1500. Incunabula originate from the Latin language (lat. Incunabulum) and mean cradle or the beginning of something. In this paper, the representation of individual states and cities in the creation of incunabula is investigated and presented. The persons responsible for such development are also listed. Special attention is given to the presentation of Croatian incunabula. The mentioned works describe the characteristic features. Incunabula testify to a high level of culture, standards, and technological development of a particular area. The studied works reveal and confirm, as confirmed in this paper, the attitude of society towards literacy, education, and the national culture of each nation. This paper aims to comprehensively present the importance of incunabula for the development of European and Croatian culture, technological and comprehensive progress

    Ecologically Sustainable Printing: Aspects of Printing Materials

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    Development of non-wood fibers has been one of strategies to ensure a sustainable fiber supply, including plantation management, reforestation and recycling. Some of alternative fibers are algae that can be used as raw material for papermaking. The Shiro Alga Carta papers made from algae in combination with Forest Stewardship Council certified fibers (FSC - fibers) were used for this research. Three offset inks were used in printing: vegetable-based inks with different amount of renewable raw materials and mineral oil - based ink. Three series of prints were made: non-varnished, varnished with water-based dispersion, and varnished with UV cured varnish. The possibility of reusing fibers was determined by methods of re-pulping (loop I, loop II, loop III). The vegetable based ink toward improved structure give bather results in terms of brightness, ink content and dirt count and area compared with the mineral oil-based ink. Something lower brightness gain and Ī”ERIC is obtained with water-based dispersion overprint samples. The lowest results are obtained for samples overprinted with UV cured varnish. The results of the research contribute to the explanation of paper/ink/varnish interaction on the reuse of the fibers, which takes into the area of the ecological sustainable development

    RadioloŔka dijagnostika dojke

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    Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women in Croatia. Most of breast surgery in our country is performed in our surgical department. Imaging is essential for the early detection, accurate diagnosis and clinical staging of breast cancer. Population screening with mammography aims to reduce mortality by detecting the disease at an earlier stage, before it has spread beyond the breast. Mammography and ultrasound are the fi rst-line imaging investigations in women with breast symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging is established as an adjunctive diagnostic tool because of its high sensitivity for invasive breast cancer. Percutaneous image-guided breast biopsy is used for the pathological assessment of breast lesions. It is used also as fi rst stage of treatement for neoadjuvant chemotherapy when breast cancer is in advanced stage.Karcinom dojke je najčeŔći zločudni tumor ženske populacije u Hrvatskoj. Većina operacija dojke u Hrvatskoj obavlja se u Klinici za tumore u Zagrebu. RadioloÅ”ka dijagnostika je važna za rano otkrivanje, točnu dijagnozu i procjenu kliničkog stadija karcinoma dojke. Svrha mamografskog probira je rano otkrivanje bolesti. U primarne metode dijagnostike spadajumamografija i ultrazvuk. Magnetska rezonanca se koristi samo kao dodatna metoda zbog svoje visoke osjetljivosti za invazivni karcinom dojke. Perkutana biopsija pod kontrolom ultrazvuka se koristi za patohistoloÅ”ku dijagnostiku ciljane tvorbe u dojci i kao prvi stadij terapije kod uznapredovalog karcinoma koji se liječi neoadjuvantnom kemoterapijom

    Design of Information Visualizations in the Internet of Nano-Things Air Quality Systems

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    Today\u27s age is characterized by large amount of information that surrounds us in which visual information plays a significant role. Nanosensor air quality measurement systems that use Internet of Nano-Things technology enable the collection of big data. Ease of display and storage of information that the user can easily interpret are imperative in designing a visual interface. Only a good combination of visual elements complemented by data and map display will contribute to the clarity of the processed data. This paper will give an overview of the factors that affect the excellence of the transmission of visual information. Ways of presenting visualizations of air quality data measured by IoNT systems will be discussed through descriptive and empirical analysis of visualizations. A special emphasis is on the review of existing practices and principles, and the possibilities of visual presentation of information in this area will be explained through the discussion

    Trends, Habits and Attitudes towards Suntanning

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    Epidemiological studies suggest a relationship between suntanning habits and high risk of malignant melanoma (MM). The incidence of MM is increased during the last 40 years. Sun exposure is highly prevalent in all age groups, especially among young and it is influenced by certain believes and attitudes towards suntanning and stimulated by peer pressure and aesthetic references. What is the cause of higher incidence of MM? Is it only trend and attitudes towards suntanning? A prototype of a young female of 21st century is attractive, slim, with bronze complexion, dresses in the bathing suit, whereas the lady of the 19th is pale, dressed in white dress and with hat or sunshade that protects face and hair from the sun. When did social mores and medical knowledge about sun exposure change? A critical interplay occurred between the end of 19th century and the start of the 20th century with significant success of phototherapy and the growing popularity of sunbathing which reflected number of social changes. During the same time of invigoration of sun exposure, appeared the first reports about correlation between sunlight and skin cancer, but without significant repercussion on medical profession and therefore without knowledge of the public. The 1920s and 1930s were highlighted with the great discovery that ultraviolet wavelengths less than 313 nm played the role in vitamin D synthesis which prevents rickets. Numerous other medical benefits were soon attributed to the sunlight. Finally, the cancerogenity of UV light came to attention when scientist succeeded in induction of skin cancer in rodents after UV light exposure. The etiology of sunlight in development of skin cancer was mentioned in scientific articles and public magazines in 1940s and 1950s. Over the decades the message that sunlight exposure leads to increased risk of skin cancer, reach the public. But despite the knowledge, even at present people believe that tan person looks healthier. Additional and continuous educational campaigns are needed for changing peopleā€™s behavior

    Dermatomyositis as paraneoplastic syndrome of peritoneal and ovarian relapse after long-term complete remission in patient with metastatic bilateral breast cancer [Dermatomiozitis kao paraneoplastički sindrom peritonealnog i ovarijalnog relapsa nakon dugog perioda potpune remisije u bolesnice s metastatskim bilateralnim rakom dojke]

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    Dermatomyositis is a rare disease characterised by inflammatory muscle affection and characteristic cutaneous changes. When occuring in a patient with cancer, dermatomyositis may indicate recurrence or progression and poor outcome. Herein, the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, metastatic pattern, characteristics of long-term survivors, and link between dermatomyositis and breast cancer are discussed and the literature reviewed. We report a 57-year old female patient with metastatic bilateral breast cancer whose ovarian and peritoneal relapse after long-term remission was disclosed by occurence of paraneoplastic dermatomyositis. The patient previously had a 15-year long disease free-period after primary treatment for breast cancer before onset of pulmonary dissemination. Following antracycline-based chemotherapy, the complete remission lasting another 15 years was accomplished. Dermatomyositis had been resolved upon induction of second-line taxane-based chemotherapy. After completion of six cycles of gemcitabine and paclitaxel chemotherapy, check-up revealed further progression. The patient subsequently underwent six cycles of third-line CAP chemotherapy (cyclofosfamide, doxorubicine, cisplatin) but disease progressed and oral capecitabine chemotherapy was initiated. The patient received four cycles of capecitabine followed by further vast progression and finally expired following massive pulmonary embolism. Our case stresses the need of thorough staging and check-up when dermatomyositis arises in patients with breast cancer, regardless of previous stable long-term complete remission. Furthermore, we believe that treatment with curative intent in young patients with metastatic breast cancer, who have good performance statuses and no comorbidities is required, because it is more likely to produce long-term complete remission. However, following disease relapse a poor outcome can be expected
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