31 research outputs found

    Theresian Institute of Noblewomen at Prague Castle

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    Předmětem disertační práce je Tereziánský ústav šlechtičen na Pražském hradě, který sloužil od svého založení císařovnou Marií Terezií roku 1755 jako zaopatřovací institut pro neprovdané ženy ze starobylých šlechtických rodin. Práce mapuje vývoj instituce od jejího vzniku až do úplného zrušení na počátku 50. let 20. století, a to v širších historických souvislostech a v komparaci s jinými dámskými zaopatřovacími instituty, zejména v Brně, Innsbrucku, Štýrském Hradci a Vídni. Analyzuje charakter nadace, její vnitřní strukturu a podobu ekonomického zajištění, pozornost věnuje také praktickému chodu ústavu, jeho společenskému významu i každodennímu životu jeho členek. Práce představuje příspěvek k bližšímu poznání sociální role neprovdaných urozených dam ve společnosti habsburské monarchie, v širším kontextu ilustruje proměnu samotné šlechtické společnosti ve druhé polovině 18. a v "dlouhém 19. století", stejně jako její osudy v konfrontaci se změněnými poměry první republiky a posléze totalitními režimy první poloviny 20. století.The topic of the dissertation is the Theresian Institute for Noblewomen at Prague Castle, which from its founding by Maria Theresa in 1755 served as an institute for unmarried women of the old noble families. The dissertation maps out the development of the institution from its founding until its complete dissolution at the beginning of the 1950s, both within the broader historical context as well as in comparison with other such institutes for the care of ladies, particularly in Brno, Innsbruck, Graz and Vienna. It analyses the character of the foundation, its internal structure and the form of its economic provision while also focusing on the practical functioning of the institute, its significance in society and the everyday lives of its members. The dissertation represents a contribution to better understanding the social role of unmarried noblewomen in Habsburg society. In a broader context it illustrates the transformation of noble society in the second half of the 18th century and in the "long 19th century" as well as its fate in the confrontation with the changing relations in Czechoslovakia's first republic and finally with the totalitarian regimes in the first half of the 20th century.Ústav světových dějinInstitute of General HistoryFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Media reflection of Václav Havel during his presidental elections

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    Hlavním cílem diplomové práce je sestavit mediální obraz Václava Havla v čase jeho prezidentských voleb a zjistit, zda lze na příkladu zobrazení daného fenoménu vysledovat ideologické zázemí deníků - politickou orientaci, tendenční informování apod. Václav Havel patří mezi nejvýznamnější postavy novodobé české historie. Tento dramatik a spisovatel za svoji disidentskou činnost několikrát skončil ve vězení, jeho divadelní hry a umělecké texty nesměly být před rokem 1989 publikovány. Přesto se výrazným způsobem podílel na pádu režimu, když během sametové revoluce vyjednával s politiky KSČ o budoucnosti země. Za politickou a občanskou angažovanost ho Federální shromáždění 29. prosince 1989 poprvé zvolilo prezidentem ČSSR. V dalších letech funkci několikrát obhájil. Z vrcholné politiky odešel v roce 2003, nadále se ale vyjadřuje k důležitým vnitropolitickým otázkám. Jako vhodnou metodu jsem zvolila kvalitativní obsahovou analýzu, protože umožňuje detailní vhled do problematiky. Použiji přitom metodu zakotvené teorie. Výsledkem bude sonda do ideologického zázemí dvou deníků, konkrétně Rudého práva/Práva a Mladé fronty/Mladé fronty DNES. Tyto deníky přečkaly pád režimu, takže jsou jedinou možnou variantou.The main objective of my diploma thesis is compiling media reflection of Václav Havel during his presidential elections and find out whether it is possible to determine some ideological background of newspapers - their political orientation, a tendentious way of informing etc. Václav Havel is one of the most significant personalities in Czech modern history. This dramatist and writer was several times imprisoned for dissident activity, his dramas and essays were prohibited before 1989. In spite of this he markedly participated in fall of the regime when he dealt with members of KSČ about the future of the state during the Velvet Revolution. Thanks to his political and citizen involvement he was elected the president on 29th December 1989 by Federal Assembly. The next years he succeeded again. He left high politics in 2003 but he continues to comment important national issues. I choose qualitative research as an appropriate method, because it allows a detailed analysis. I am going to use "grounded theory". The result will be a probe into ideological background of two dailies - Rudé právo/Právo and Mladá fronta/Mladá fronta DNES. These dailies have survived the fall of the regime, so they are the only possible variant.Department of Media StudiesKatedra mediálních studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Transport of humic substances into leafs

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    Tato bakalářská práce simuluje foliární hnojení listů a popisuje transportní procesy huminových látek. Experimenty byly realizovány pro dvě oblasti. První se zaměřovala na tok skrz rostlinnou kutikulu, jakož to hlavní selektivní bariéru. V druhé následovalo studování transportu huminových látek do listu. Difúzní proces byl vyhodnocen pomocí koncentračního úbytku roztoků lignohumátu, jakož to média nesoucí huminové látky v prostředí roztok-list. Výsledky prokázaly vliv kutikuly na penetraci živin a závislost jejích selektivních vlastností na její kondici. Novými získanými poznatky jsou transportní děje huminových látek do listů, které se ukázaly efektivní již v krátkém časovém úseku, a to převážně při vyšších koncentracích použitého roztoku lignohumátu.This bachelor thesis simulates leaf foliar fertilization and describes transport processes of humic substances. Experiments were performed for two areas. The first focused on the flow through the plant cuticle as the main selective barrier. In the second one the transport of humic substances to the leaf was studied. The diffusion process was evaluated by the concentration loss of lignohumate solutions, which served as the medium of humic substances in the solution - leaf model. The results showed the effect of cuticle on nutrient penetration and its dependence on its condition. New findings are the transfer processes of humic substances into the leaves, that have proved effective in a short period of time, mainly at higher concentrations.

    Y Soft Campus - the semi-abandoned shooting range area in Brno-Pisarky

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    Projekt se nachází v Brně - Pisárkách, za muzeem Anthropos a podél řeky Svratky. Návrh zahrnuje sídlo rychle rostoucí firmy Y Soft, které již nestačí stávající plochy. Kromě plochy se zde nachází další firmy a služby jako obchod, školka.. Dále bydlení a velký sportovní areál. Samotná firma je členěna do více budov, které jsou spojeny prosklenou organicky tvarovanou halou.This project is located in Brno-Pisarky behind the Anthropos museum and along the Svratka river. This draft involves a residence of the quickly growing company "Y Soft" which has already outgrown its current land. Besides this land there are other companies and service trades located here, such as a grocery store, kindergarten etc., but also living spaces and big sports grounds. The firm itself is divided into more buildings that are connected by an organically shaped hall made of glass.

    Being Daughter and Mother : Middle-aged Women in Three-generation Living

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the position of middle-aged women who are part of multigenerational households. Drawing on 20 in-depth interviews with these women, we investigate how middle-generation women understand their roles in the family and intergenerational relations, how they position themselves in relation to older and younger generations, and how they interpret the responsibilities and expectations and their fulfillment in the context of multigenerational living. What are the pressures, tensions, and advantages of being in the middle? We demonstrate several levels of being “in between” while analyzing the care demands, responsibilities, and expectations that these women experience in daily life. The article investigates three kinds of activities that women perform in multigenerational living: care for people, care for intergenerational family relationships, and care for homes. We conclude that middle-generation women struggle between the drive for independence and the appreciation of interdependency among the generations that is both a burden and a relief

    Converting Insulin-like Growth Factors 1 and 2 into High-Affinity Ligands for Insulin Receptor Isoform A by the Introduction of an Evolutionarily Divergent Mutation

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    Insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF-1 and -2, respectively) are protein hormones involved not only in normal growth and development but also in life span regulation and cancer. They exert their functions mainly through the IGF-1R or by binding to isoform A of the insulin receptor (IR-A). The development of IGF-1 and IGF-2 antagonists is of great clinical interest. Mutations of A4 and A8 sites of human insulin lead to disproportionate effects on hormone IR binding and activation. Here, we systematically modified IGF-1 sites 45, 46, and 49 and IGF-2 sites 45 and 48, which correspond, or are close, to insulin sites A4 and A8. The IGF-1R and IR-A binding and autophosphorylation potencies of these analogues were characterized. They retained the main IGF-1R-related properties, but the hormones with His49 in IGF-1 and His48 in IGF-2 showed significantly higher affinities for IR-A and for IR-B, being the strongest IGF-1- and IGF-2-like binders of these receptors ever reported. All analogues activated IR-A and IGF-1R without major discrepancies in their binding affinities. This study revealed that IR-A and IGF-1R contain specific sites, likely parts of their so-called sites 2′, which can interact differently with specifically modified IGF analogues. Moreover, a clear importance of IGF-2 site 44 for effective hormone folding was also observed. These findings may facilitate novel and rational engineering of new hormone analogues for IR-A and IGF-1R studies and for potential medical applications

    Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Analogs Clicked in the C Domain : Chemical Synthesis and Biological Activities

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    Human insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is a 70 amino acid protein hormone, with key impact on growth, development, and lifespan. The physiological and clinical importance of IGF-1 prompted challenging chemical and biological trials toward the development of its analogs as molecular tools for the IGF-1 receptor (IGF1-R) studies and as new therapeutics. Here, we report a new method for the total chemical synthesis of IGF-1 analogs, which entails the solid-phase synthesis of two IGF-1 precursor chains that is followed by the CuI-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition ligation and by biomimetic formation of a native pattern of disulfides. The connection of the two IGF-1 precursor chains by the triazole-containing moieties, and variation of its neighboring sequences (Arg36 and Arg37), was tolerated in IGF-1R binding and its activation. These new synthetic IGF-1 analogs are unique examples of disulfide bonds' rich proteins with intra main-chain triazole links. The methodology reported here also presents a convenient synthetic platform for the design and production of new analogs of this important human hormone with non-standard protein modifications

    Probing Receptor Specificity by Sampling the Conformational Space of the Insulin-like Growth Factor II C-domain

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    Insulin and insulin-like growth factors I and II are closely related protein hormones. Their distinct evolution has resulted in different yet overlapping biological functions with insulin becoming a key regulator of metabolism, whereas insulin-like growth factors (IGF)-I/II are major growth factors. Insulin and IGFs cross-bind with different affinities to closely related insulin receptor isoforms A and B (IR-A and IR-B) and insulin-like growth factor type I receptor (IGF-1R). Identification of structural determinants in IGFs and insulin that trigger their specific signaling pathways is of increasing importance in designing receptor-specific analogs with potential therapeutic applications. Here, we developed a straightforward protocol for production of recombinant IGF-II and prepared six IGF-II analogs with IGF-I-like mutations. All modified molecules exhibit significantly reduced affinity toward IR-A, particularly the analogs with a Pro-Gln insertion in the C-domain. Moreover, one of the analogs has enhanced binding affinity for IGF-1R due to a synergistic effect of the Pro-Gln insertion and S29N point mutation. Consequently, this analog has almost a 10-fold higher IGF-1R/IR-A binding specificity in comparison with native IGF-II. The established IGF-II purification protocol allowed for cost-effective isotope labeling required for a detailed NMR structural characterization of IGF-II analogs that revealed a link between the altered binding behavior of selected analogs and conformational rearrangement of their C-domains

    Insulin-Insulin-like Growth Factors Hybrids as Molecular Probes of Hormone : Receptor Binding Specificity

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    Insulin, insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF-1 and -2, respectively), and their receptors (IR and IGF-1R) are the key elements of a complex hormonal system that is essential for the development and functioning of humans. The C and D domains of IGFs (absent in insulin) likely play important roles in the differential binding of IGF-1 and -2 to IGF-1R and to the isoforms of IR (IR-A and IR-B) and specific activation of these receptors. Here, we attempted to probe the impact of IGF-1 and IGF-2 D domains (DI and DII, respectively) and the IGF-2 C domain (CII) on the receptor specificity of these hormones. For this, we made two types of insulin hybrid analogues: (i) with the C-terminus of the insulin A chain extended by the amino acids from the DI and DII domains and (ii) with the C-terminus of the insulin B chain extended by some amino acids derived from the CII domain. The receptor binding affinities of these analogues and their receptor autophosphorylation potentials were characterized. Our results indicate that the DI domain has a more negative impact than the DII domain does on binding to IR, and that the DI domain Pro-Leu-Lys residues are important factors for a different IR-A versus IR-B binding affinity of IGF-1. We also showed that the additions of amino acids that partially "mimic" the CII domain, to the C-terminus of the insulin B chain, change the binding and autophosphorylation specificity of insulin in favor of the "metabolic" IR-B isoform. This opens new venues for rational enhancement of insulin IR-B specificity by modifications beyond the C-terminus of its B chain