1 research outputs found

    Students’ attitudes of the faculty of health sciences to persons with disabilities

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    Wst臋p. Stosunek do os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych radykalnie zmienia艂 si臋 na przestrzeni wiek贸w. Cel pracy. Ocena postaw student贸w wobec os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych. Materia艂 i metody. Badania oparte na autorskim kwestionariuszu ankiety przeprowadzone w grupie 228 student贸w. Wyniki. Respondenci w swoim otoczeniu mieli osoby niepe艂nosprawne (12%) i w 60,4% deklarowali gotowo艣膰 niesienia im pomocy. Poj臋cie „niepe艂nosprawno艣膰” kojarzy艂o si臋 im z regu艂y z brakiem ca艂kowitej sprawno艣ci ruchowej (21,5%). W opinii 26% badanych stosunek spo艂ecze艅stwa do niepe艂nosprawnych jest raczej niedobry, ale powinni oni zawiera膰 ma艂偶e艅stwo (95%), mie膰 dzieci (81%), pracowa膰 (95%), je藕dzi膰 samochodem (96%), uczy膰 si臋 w klasach integracyjnych (81%), a opiekowa膰 si臋 nimi powinna z regu艂y rodzina (81%). Najch臋tniej (67,5%) studenci opiekowaliby si臋 osobami s艂abo s艂ysz膮cymi, a najrzadziej (30,3%) z widocznym zniekszta艂ceniem, oszpeceniem cia艂a. Badani preferowali model separacyjny funkcjonowania osoby niepe艂nosprawnej (32%). Najwi臋ksz膮 trudno艣ci膮 w funkcjonowaniu os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych by艂o znalezienie pracy (21%), a grup膮 o najwi臋kszych problemach — osoby z g艂臋bszymi zaburzeniami mowy i osoby nies艂ysz膮ce (po 21%). Badani uwa偶ali niepe艂nosprawnych za biernych w 偶yciu zawodowym i spo艂ecznym (po 38%), a wszelkie kampanie spo艂eczne ich dotycz膮ce za potrzebne (22%) lub dra偶ni膮ce (22%). A偶 88% respondent贸w nie potrafi艂o wymieni膰 偶adnej organizacji dzia艂aj膮cej na rzecz os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych. Wnioski. Opinie student贸w na temat stosunku spo艂ecze艅stwa do os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych oraz jego przygotowania do opieki nad nimi by艂y podzielone. Studenci preferowali model separacyjny funkcjonowania osoby niepe艂nosprawnej oraz uwa偶ali, 偶e s膮 one bierne w 偶yciu zawodowym i spo艂ecznym. Badani deklarowali gotowo艣膰 niesienia pomocy niepe艂nosprawnym, ale uzale偶niali powy偶sze od rodzaju niepe艂nosprawno艣ci. Wi臋kszo艣膰 respondent贸w nie potrafi艂a wymieni膰 kampanii spo艂ecznych i organizacji dzia艂aj膮cych na rzecz os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych oraz znanych os贸b niepe艂nosprawnych, mog膮cych pos艂u偶y膰 za wz贸r dla innych os贸b. Problemy Piel臋gniarstwa 2012; 20 (4): 487–496Introduction. Attitude towards the disabled persons changed vitally over the centuries. The aim of the study. To assessment of students’ attitudes toward disabled persons. Material and methods. The study was conducted based on the original questionnaire, addressed a group of 228 students. Results. Almost 12% of respondents have or had in their environment people with disabilities and 60.4% declared their willingness to help them. The term „disability” reminded them of the rules of the lack of mobility of the total (21.5% of respondents). People’s attitude toward people with disabilities is in the opinion of 26% is rather bad. In the opinion of respondent’s people with disabilities can get married (95%), have children (81%), work (95%), drive a car (96%), to learn in the classroom integration (81%), and take care of them should generally family (81%). Most (67.5%) students looked to be hard-of-hearing people, and the least (30.3%) persons and visible deformity, disfigurement of the body. Respondents preferred separation model functioning person with a disability (32%). The greatest perceived difficulty was finding people with disabilities jobs (21%). The group considered the biggest problems people with people with deeper speech disorders and deaf people (21%). Respondents considered passive disabilities in working life and society (38% of responses), and all their public awarepa藕dzierness campaigns on the need or irritation (22%). However, 88% of respondents could not name any organization acting on behalf of people with disabilities. Conclusions. Students’ opinions on the attitude of society towards people with disabilities and their preparation to care for them were divided. Students preferred model of disability separation operation and believed that they are passive in working life and society. The respondents declared their readiness to provide assistance to disabled people, but it depended on the disability type. Most respondents could not mention social campaigns and organizations for disabled people and famous people with disabilities, which may serve as a model for other people. Nursing Topics 2012; 20 (4): 487–49