17 research outputs found
GLM Analysis for fMRI using Connex Array
In the last decades, magnetic resonance imaging gained lot of popularity, and also functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), due to the fact that MRI is a harmless and efficient technique for human cerebral activity studies; fMRI aims to determine and to locate different brain activities when the subject is doing a predetermined task. In addition, using fMRI analysis, nowadays we can make prediction on several diseases. This paper’s purpose is to describe the General Linear Model for fMRI statistical analysis algorithm, for a 64 x 64 x 22 voxels dataset on a revolutionary parallel computing machine, Connex Array. We make a comparison to other computing machines used in the same purpose, in terms of algorithm time execution (statistical analysis speed). We will show that by taking advantage on its specific parallel computation each step in GLM analysis, Connex Array is able to answer successfully to computational challenge launched by fMRI computation: thespeed-up
Contemporary treatment of hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux disease
Introduction: The Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is the primary concern for the XXI
century gastroenterology due to the hereinafter mentioned facts:
• GERD ranks among the most common gastrointestinal diseases among mature population; 10%
of global population suffers from GERD, fact which caused the appearance of the term ‘Gastroesophageal
Reflux’ in the 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases.
• GERD requires a long-lasting antacid medication (min 3-6 months) and frequently repeated
treatment courses inducing a high treatment cost.
• Patients suffering from GERD are exposed to the high risk of morphohistological inflammatory,
metaplasia and cancer complications (Reflux Esophagitis, Esofag Barrette, Esophagial Adenocarcinoma).
Goal: Optimisation of contemporary individualized treatment of HH and GERD.
• Research of drug treatment schemes to elucidate the most efficient treatment schemes in curing
the GERD depending on its evolution
• Research and description of indications, methodology and short-term results of laparoscopic
surgeries performed under GERD treatment by comparing the efficiency and gaps created by the implemented technologies.
• Research of endoscopic methodology of GERD surgery to elucidate strengths and gaps among
the short- and long-term results.
Materials and methods: The authors highlighted the principles of the GERD treatment basing on
data received after the retrospective, descriptive and monocentric study performed at the Municipal
Clinical Hospital Nr. 1, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, during 2010 - 2012. The authors have studied
medical records of a group of 30 patients hospitalized according to the schedule into the section ‘Aseptic
Surgery’ being diagnosed with GERD and HH.
• Medical treatment: Is implemented step by step (step up/down) depending on the clinical and
paraclinical evolution, is long-lasting (2-6 months) with disease’s relapse in 87-90% of cases at 12 months
after the cessation of the treatment, PPI appear to be the most efficient causing 61% of clinical resolution
cases compared to 41% in H2 blockers’ case.
• The endoscopic treatment: is poorly studied with short term results (12 months) that shows the
reduction of the ER in 62% cases and healing in 40%. The abandoning of the PPI post operative treatment
in 87% of cases. Is a bridge between the drug treatment and the laparoscopic one of the GERD.
• The surgery tactics could be applied in only 10% of the total number of GER patients who face at least several conditions: HH and GER symptoms, complications (ER, EB, AE, SDH), the conservative
treatment failed or appeared to be impossible, too young age (being an asset in the choice of the therapeutical technique).
Conclusions: The study of the GERD modern treatment methods, both drug and surgery, has concluded that a patient who suffers from GERD needs an individual approach taking into consideration the
stage and the evolution of the disease to deal successfully with it
Peripheral mesenteric vasculopathy in type I neurofibromatosis
Catedra chirurgie generală-semiologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”
IMSP SCM nr.1, ChişinăuIn the paper is presented an extremely rare case of neurofibromatosis syndrome type I, complicated by peripheral mesenteric arterial vasculopathy with repeated necrosis of small bowel loops. The case was resolved by a limited resection of small intestine, with subsequent favorable and uneventful postoperative course. However, postoperative angiographic study has shown a 40-50% stenosis of superior mesenteric artery and ~50% stenosis of the left hepatic artery, as well as the complete occlusion of inferior mesenteric artery. Pathology examination of mesentery specimen shows fibromuscular dysplasia with intimal thickening of all medium and small peripherial arteries, their severe stenosis with segmental occlusion. A brief review of the literature, concerning to incidence, diagnosis, clinical, and histopathological pattern of neurofibromatosis type I vasculopathy also is presented.
În articol este prezentată o observaţie clinică extrem de rară de neurofibromatoză tip I, complicată cu vasculopatie mezenterială periferică şi necroza repetată a anselor intestinului subţire. Cazul a fost rezolvat prin rezecţia economă a intestinului subţire, urmată de o evoluţie postoperatorie favorabilă şi necomplicată. Totodată, examinarea angiografică postoperatorie a demonstrat stenoza de 40-50% a arterei mezenterice superioare şi stenoza de ~50% a arterei hepatice stângi. Investigaţia histologică a pieselor operatorii a evidenţiat displazia fibromusculară cu îngroşarea intimei în toate arterele mici şi medii periferice din mezoul intestinului rezecat, cu stenozarea severă şi ocluzia segmentară a acestora. În lucrare, de asemenea, este prezentată o scurtă revistă a literaturii, referitoare la incidenţa, particularităţile clinice, diagnostice şi histopatologice ale vasculopatiei, cauzate de neurofibromatoza tip I
Национальный Профиль по управлению обращением химических веществ в Республике Молдова и роль Министерства Здравоохранения в решении проблемы химической безопасности
Summary. The article contains information about the
elaboration of a National Profile that regards the
sound management of chemicals in the Republic
of Moldova. The role of the Ministry of Health
is discussed in the context of chemical safety:
management strategy main functions and responsibilities of the Ministry of Health in assuring
chemical safety, medical and hygienic aspects of
the given problem during the implementation of
the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), legislative basis and
main informational sources for identification of
the most important problems associated with
chemicals application.Резюме. Статья содержит информацию о разработке Национального Профиля по рациональному
обращению химических веществ в РМ. Обсуждена роль Министерства здравоохранения (МЗ) в системе управления обращением
химических веществ: основные функции и ответственность МЗ в обеспечении химической
безопасности, а также медико-санитарные
аспекты данной проблемы при осуществлении в стране Стратегического подхода к
международному регулированию химических
веществ (SAICM), законодательная база,
основные источники информации для установления приоритетных проблем, связанных
с применением химикатов
Reviving calm technology in the e-tourism context
Tourism industry practitioners should understand the controversial nature of the information and communication technology (ICT) proliferation to ensure the ICT solutions do not consume too much of their attention, thus jeopardizing consumer enjoyment of tourism services. The concept of calm technology or calm design serves this purpose. Calm design suggests that technology should quietly recede in the background and come into play with users when and if required, thus delivering and/or enhancing a desired experience. Although this concept is of relevance to e-tourism, until recently, it has never been considered within. This is where this paper contributes to knowledge as, for the first time, it introduces calm design into the e-tourism context and critically evaluates the determinants of its broader adoption within the tourism industry. It positions calm design within the e-tourism realm, discusses its implications for customer service management, supply chain management and destination management, and discloses opportunities for future research
Calm ICT design in hotels: A critical review of applications and implications
There has recently been a call for revisiting the effect of ICT on guest experience in hotels. This is because ICT solutions can act not only as enhancers of hotel guest experience, but also as its inhibitors. In response to this call, the notion of calm ICT design has recently been introduced. Calm ICT design describes the ICT solutions that are used only when and if required, thus not calling user’s attention at all times. Although this concept is highly relevant to the hospitality industry, it has never been systematically considered within. This paper conceptualizes calm ICT design for application in the hospitality context. To this end, it analyzes the ICT solutions that are currently employed by hospitality businesses from the calm ICT design perspective; discusses how the opportunities offered by calm ICT design can be better capitalized upon by hospitality managers; and outlines directions for future research
An analysis of the legislative basis of rational use of medicines
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie ’’Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Utilizarea neraţională a medicamentelor prezintă în continuare o criză globală serioasă a sănătăţii publice. în procesul de redresare a situaţiei, un rol deosebit revine politicelor de sănătate, care trebuie să conţină principii regulatorii ce ar asigura utilizarea raţională a medicamentelor. în acest context devine actuală analiza situaţiei privind asigurarea legislativă a utilizării raţionale a medicamentelor (URM).
Scopul lucrării. A aprecia cadrul legislativ al Republicii Moldova în domeniul asigurării utilizării raţionale a medicamentelor.
Material şi metode. Material al cercetării a servit legislaţia farmaceutică a Republicii Moldova. Metode: analiza de conţinut, analiza literaturii de specialitate.
Rezultate. Documentul fundamental de politică în domeniul medicamentului este Hotărârea Parlamentului Republicii Moldova nr. 1352 din 03 octombrie 2002 cu privire la aprobarea Politicii de stat în domeniul medicamentului (PSM). In pct 3.13 sunt trasate principalele obiective pentru dezvoltarea conceptului utilizării raţionale a medicamentului:
- utilizarea raţională a medicamentelor are ca scop asigurarea unui raport optim între riscurile, beneficiile şi costul medicamentelor la toate nivelurile sistemului de sănătate, precum şi obţinerea unui efect maxim al farmacoterapiei;
- aplicarea sistemului de formular farmacoterapeutic;
- instituirea comitetelor formularului farmacoterapeutic în spitale ca instrumente de utilizare raţională a medicamentelor;
- instruirea continuă a lucrătorilor medicali în domeniul medicamentelor esenţiale şi tratamentul raţional;
- implementarea standartelor de tratament - actualmente punându
O altă lege care reglementează un singur aspect al URM este cu privire la medicamente nr. 1409 din 17 decembrie 1997. Art 22 alin (1) al acestei legi stabileşte că „scopul principal al informaţiei despre medicamente şi al publicităţii lor este asigurarea utilizării lor raţionale şi eficiente şi protecţia consumatorilor”.-se accent pe utilizarea protocoalelor clinice.
Alte acte legislative, care să legifereze obiectivele trasate de PSM în domeniul URM, în Republica Moldova nu sunt.
Unicul act sublegislativ care prin titlul său s-ar părea că promovează URM este Ordinul MS RM nr. 287 din 12 iulie 2006 „Cu privire la utilizarea raţională a medicamentelor”. Fiind prin titlu consacrat URM, acest ordin este destinat doar promovării sistemului de formular farmacoterapeutic.
Totodată, unele studii realizate în Republica Moldova au evidenţiat diverse abateri de la normele URM, cum ar fi amploarea polipragmaziei şi politerapiei [1], utilizarea neconformă şi abuzivă a antibioticelor[2], creşterea reacţiilor adverse[3], prevalarea farmaciei comerciale asupra celei etice[4] şi altele.
în aceste condiţii devine extrem de actuală necesitatea fortificării normelor juridice şi reglementărilor concrete a principiilor URM precum şi adoptarea de măsuri stimulatorii de implimentare a lor.
Concluzii. S-a demonstrat insuficienţa cadrului legislativ-normativ care să asigure utilizarea raţională a medicamentelor în Republica Moldova.Introduction. Irrational use of medicines continues to pose a serious global public health crisis. Health policy initiatives which should include regulatory principles that would ensure the rational use of medicines have a special role in the process of recovery from this situation. In this context, the analysis of the situation that secures the legislative basis of the rational use of medicines (RUM) becomes actual.
The aim of the study. To evaluate the legislative framework that ensures the rational use of medicines in the Republic of Moldova.
Material and methods. The pharmaceutical legislation of the Republic of Moldova served as research materials. Research methods: content analysis, analysis of published literature.
Results. The fundamental policy act in the field of drug regulation is The Parliament Decision of the Republic of Moldova no. 1352 from 03.10.2002 regarding the approval of State policy in the field of medicine (SPM). The main objectives are outlined in subparagraph 3.13 for the development of the concept of rational use of medicines: -rational use of drugs is aimed to provide an optimal ratio between risks, benefits and cost of medicines at all levels of the health system, as well as the obtaining a maximum effect for pharmacotherapy;
-application of pharmacotherapeutic formulary system; -establishment of committees of pharmacotherapeutic formulary system in hospitals as tools of rational use of medicines;
-continuous training of health workers in the field of essential drugs and rational treatment;
-the introduction of standards of treatment - currently the focus is on the use of clinical protocols.
Another law that regulates one aspect of the rational use of medicines is the law on medicines no. 1409 from 17.12.1997. The first (1) subparagraph of article 22 establishes that „the main purpose of information and advertising of medications is to ensure the rational and efficient use and protection of consumers”.
There are no other legislative documents, which would enact objectives of SPM in the field of RUM in Republic of Moldova.
The only document that through its title seems to promote RUM is The Order MS RM no. 287 from 12.06.2006 „With regard to the rational use of medicines”. Being established by title to RUM, this order is intended only to the promotion of pharmacotherapeutic form system.
Furthermore, some studies carried out in the Republic of Moldova have highlighted various deviations from the rules of RUM, such as the extent of the practice of polypharmacy and polytherapy [1], improper use and abuse of antibiotics [2], the increase in adverse reactions [3], the predominance of commercial pharmacy over the ethical one [4] and others.
Under these circumstances, the necessity to strengthen the legal norms and concrete rules of the principles of RUM as well as the adoption of stimulatory implementation measures is imperative.
Conclusions. It has been demonstrated that there is an insufficient legal framework to ensure the rational use of medicines in the Republic of Moldova
The slavic language into Romanian Church life: historical approach
This doctoral thesis aims to make known for the first time in the Greek area the phenomenon of the presence in Romanian people's live of Slavic language. In preparing this thesis I used a rich bibliography: historical sources and auxiliary works, especially from Romanian space. The work consists of Introduction and two sides. The Introduction has the subtitle: Cyrillic alphabet and Slavic language - historical premises. The first part, Historical data on the presence of the ancestors of the Romanian people and the Christian faith in their lives. The second part, which is in fact the theme of the work is entitled: The Slavic language and Cyrillic alphabet into Romanian Church life. The first contact with Slavic language of Romanians was done orally and was set towards the end of the 6th century. After researchers opinion, the start of Slavic writing in Cyrillic alphabet by the Romanian people is set at the beginning of the 10th century, when the foundations were laid of the first Bulgarian state under Simeon I (893-927). In all likelihood, the Romanian people borrowed Slavic language, religious tradition, the Holy Liturgy and other political organization data from the South Slavs, especially the Bulgarians. The main reasons that have led the Romanian people to use Slavic language were historical and political. Since the 16th century in the writings of the Romanian people can see the beginning of the replacement of Slavic language with Romanian. This process took place gradually and ended by late 17th century. The Slavic-Byzantine culture gradually withdraw from the life of the Romanian people from the 17th century, when the Church Slavonic language used in official documents of state gives way to national Romanian language. In an attempt to replace the Slavic with Romanian language, a role played Hellenism, which in the 18th century reached its peak during the Romanian countries known as "Phanariot". Noteworthy is that the spirit of Romanian culture during the 17th century and 18th century remains Orthodox Byzantine the same as in the Middle Ages. Cyrillic writing persists in Romanian language until the 19th century. Only in the 19th century is felt the influence of Western culture. Replacing of Cyrillic alphabet with the Latin one is legislated in 1862. At that time under Alexandru Ioan Cuza, the ruler of the United Romania, the Latin alphabet becomes the official Romanian language. Romanian Language was formed once with the Romanian people through a long process that took centuries. Romanian is the only language that was preserved directly from the Latin spoken and has remained in the north area of the Danube since the Roman Empire.Η παρούσα εργασία έχει ως στόχο να κάνει γνωστό (για πρώτη φορά στον ελληνικό χώρο) το φαινόμενο της παρουσίας της σλαβικής γλώσσας στο ρουμανικό λαό. Για την εκπόνηση της διατριβής χρησιμοποίησα πολλές ιστορικές πηγές και πλούσια βοηθητική βιβλιογραφία, ιδίως από το ρουμανικό χώρο. Η εργασία απαρτίζεται από την Εισαγωγή και δύο μέρη: Η Εισαγωγή έχει ως υπότιτλο: Το κυριλλικό αλφάβητο και η σλαβική γλώσσα - Ιστορικές προϋποθέσεις. Το πρώτο μέρος, Ιστορικά στοιχεία περί των προγόνων του ρουμανικού λαού και περί της παρουσίας της χριστιανικής πίστης σ’ αυτούς. Το δεύτερο μέρος, που αποτελεί και το κύριο θέμα της εργασίας φέρνει τον τίτλο: Η σλαβική γλώσσα και το κυριλλικό αλφάβητο στη ζωή της Ρουμανικής Εκκλησίας. Οι αρχές της πρώτης επαφής των Ρουμάνων με τη σλαβική γλώσσα πραγματοποιήθηκαν πρώτα σε προφορικό επίπεδο και προσδιορίζονται στο τέλος του 6ου αιώνα. Η αρχή της χρήσεως της σλαβικής γραφής με το κυριλλικό αλφάβητο από το ρουμανικό λαό προσδιορίζεται από τους περισσότερους ερευνητές στις αρχές του 10ου αιώνα, δηλαδή κατά το πρώτο Βουλγαρικό Κράτος, που ξεκίνησε υπό του Συμεών του Α' (893-927). Κατά πάσα πιθανότητα ο ρουμανικός λαός υιοθέτησε τη σλαβική γλώσσα, την εκκλησιαστική παράδοση, τη Θεία Λειτουργία και άλλα στοιχεία πολιτικής διοργανώσεως από τους Νότιους Σλάβους, κυρίως από τους Βουλγάρους και ο κύριος λόγος που οδήγησε τους Ρουμάνους να χρησιμοποιούν τη σλαβική γλώσσα ήταν ιστορικο-πολιτικός. Από το 16ο αιώνα στη γραμματεία του ρουμανικού λαού παρατηρείται το φαινόμενο αντικατάστασης της σλαβικής με τη ρουμανική γλώσσα. Αυτό το φαινόμενο πραγματοποιήθηκε σταδιακά και ολοκληρώθηκε προς το τέλος του 17ου αιώνα. Έτσι, η σλαβο-βυζαντινή κουλτούρα υποχωρεί από τη ζωή του ρουμανικού λαού από το 17ο αιώνα, όταν η σλαβική γλώσσα στην Εκκλησία και στο Κράτος αφήνει χώρο για να εκδηλωθεί η εθνική ρουμανική γλώσσα. Στην προσπάθεια αντικατάστασης της σλαβικής γλώσσας έναν καθοριστικό ρόλο είχε ο Ελληνισμός που το 18ο αιώνα έφτασε στη μεγαλύτερη ακμή στις Ρουμανικές Χώρες επί της λεγομένης περιόδου «φαναριωτικής εποχής». Πρέπει να υπογραμμίσουμε όμως ότι το ήθος της ρουμανικής κουλτούρας το 17ου και το 18ου αιώνα έμεινε ορθόδοξο βυζαντινό όπως και το μεσαίωνα. Ακόμη και το αλφάβητο που χρησιμοποιούσε η ρουμανική γλώσσα στη γραφή μέχρι το 19ο αιώνα ήταν το κυριλλικό. Μόνο το 19ο αιώνα γίνεται αισθητή η επιρροή της δυτικής κουλτούρας. Η αλλαγή του κυριλλικού αλφαβήτου με το λατινικό νομιμοποιείται το 1862. Τότε, υπό του Alexandru Ioan Cuza (= Αλεξάνδρου Ιωάννου Κούζα) της ενωμένης Ρουμανίας, το λατινικό αλφάβητο γίνεται το επίσημο αλφάβητο της ρουμανικής γλώσσας. Η ρουμανική γλώσσα διαμορφώθηκε μαζί με το σχηματισμό του ρουμανικού λαού. Είναι η μοναδική άμεση διατηρημένη γλώσσα της προφορικής λατινικής που έχει επικρατήσει αδιάκοπα στις παραδουνάβιες επαρχίες από την περίοδο της ρωμαϊκής αυτοκρατορίας