293 research outputs found

    Why globally GDP, trade, profits, wages, employment decrease and why poverty increases?

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    The purpose of the paper is to propose a scientific explanation of why gdp, trade, profits, wages and employment have been globally decreasing and why poverty has been globally increasing between the 2nd quarter of 2008 and the 3rd quarter of 2009. I explain these facts in a scientific manner, that is, by deriving the present state of the global economy (crisis) from the principles of the present global economy (predominately organized in a capitalistic manner). I therefore prove that the crisis necessarily follows from the way the present global economy functions. I argue that the reason for the crisis is the fundamental contradiction between the purpose of companies (increasing profits) and necessary ways in which companies try to increase profits, and that the consequences of this fundamental contradiction are triggered by a general lack of credits

    Model za ocenjevanje tehnološke sposobnosti podjetij

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    Technology, wealth and modern management of technology

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    In the paper, we propose somewhat different conceptualizations of technology, of a fundamental relationship between technology and wealth in a society, of technological capability, and of management of technology. We based our proposed conceptualizations on the current general and relevant technological practice. In order to infer these conceptualizations, we studied todayʼs largest companies worldwide in different production and technology sectors as well as some general reporting on technology from technology-oriented media. These fundamental conceptualizations may be of interest to all those who are practically or theoretically concerned with technology, wealth, technological capability and management of technology, and who want to comprehend the essence of technology and its relations to phenomena, such as wealth and management (\u27to get the big pictureʼ). At the end, we explain why there is a need in modern companies to manage technologies and what a new paradigm of management of technology is, i. e. what new challenges and trends a modern management of technology has to face

    Organisational climate components and their impact on work engagement of employees in medium-sized organisations

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    The purpose of this article is to present research on the importance of requisitely holistically selected organisational climate components and to determine their impact on work engagement of employees in 626 medium-sized organisations in Slovenia, the EU. The quantitative research is based on the implementation of an exploratory factor analysis, a simple linear regression analysis and the CFA 6-factor solution for validity purposes. Based on the research results, we confirmed the hypothesis that organisational climate components leadership, employee relations, employee commitment, employee satisfaction and employee motivation have a significant positive impact on work engagement of employees in medium-sized organisations. The results help users to better understand the importance of organisational climate in the Slovenian organisations. Successful organisations should realise the importance of organisational climate components, which enhance job performance and work engagement. Thus, they must fully master all of the employee-related processes of the organisation. The article is based on examination of the selected components of organisational climate with which organisations can impact work engagement of their employees. A new conceptual model was developed and confirmed

    Enterprise values and enterprise policy interdependence

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    Enterprise governance results in enterprise policy, which is influenced by enterprise values. The aim of our research was to identify how enterprise values influence enterprise policy innovation. The study focuses on four value factors and their relationships as well as on their influence on enterprise policy innovation. The results show that enterprises should pay attention to the chain of value factors identified in our study (V3!V2!V4!V1). Namely, factors‘extremes of the values of enterprise’s key stakeholders’(V3), ‘analysis of the values of enterprise’s key stakeholders’ (V2), and‘importance of the examination of the values of enterprise’s key stakeholders’(V4) have an indirect impact on factor‘enterprise policy innovation (EPI) via factor‘ values of enterprise’s key stakeholders’(V1), which influences the factor ‘enterprise policy innovation’ (EPI) directly. The identified chain of value factors has a strong effect on factor‘enterprise policy innovation’(EPI) via factor‘values of enterprise’s key stakeholders’(V1). The implications happen via enterprise’s management and the basic-realisation process

    Better Performance through Enterprise Governance and Management Process Innovation

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    All the changes we are facing today take place within the global economic environment. These changes are caused by increasingly important inventions, suggestions, potential innovations, and innovations (and their diffusion to many users) resulting from crucially needed creativeness and innovativeness, new ideas, and constructive thinking; we are living in the era of different viewpoints and each of them originate from different knowledge, values, and experiences. This is why also the enterprise’s performance, and the ways of its achievement are continuously changing. One way of reaching enterprise competitiveness is provided by enterprise governance’s and management’s process innovation (GMPI) whose importance we will try to introduce here. We will discuss about enterprise policy, strategic management, innovativeness, competitiveness, and better performance of enterprises on the basis of GMPI.

    Dekonstrukcija mita o superheroju u djelu Alana Moorea The Watchmen

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    During the times of the Great Depression, especially with the start of World War II, the comic book industry experienced a big rise in popularity. Serving as a way out from all the disasters happening in the world, comic books offered comfort and hope to mankind in times of trouble. Because of their vast popularity, the superhero myth was created in order to make some general use of this new media rather than just see it as an entertainment form. Action-packed and interesting stories at first, moral coaches on second glance. Two major superheroes can be put in contrast when talking about the superhero myth. On one side there is Superman, who embodies the ideals of humanity, possesses superhuman powers and teaches us moral values. On the other side there is Batman, a regular, powerless human being, who uses his inner and outer strength to overpower astonishing tasks in order to show us that with enough willpower and dedication, we are also capable of exceeding our limits. All these characteristics of the superhero myth were best deconstructed, or broken down in pieces, in Alan Moore's The Watchmen. By using regular people as hero-protagonists, omitting the main supervillain and placing the plot in the real world, Moore managed to make a comic book which both follows and critiques the guidelines of the superhero myth at the same time.Za vrijeme trajanja Velike depresije, doživjevši vrhunac u Drugom svjetskom ratu, industrija stripova doživjela je veliki rast popularnosti. Služeći kao svojevrsni izlaz iz katastrofa koje se događaju u svijetu, stripovi su ponudili utjehu i nadu čovječanstvu u teškim vremenima. Umjesto da se stripovi smatraju samo kao štivo za zabavu i razonodu, iskoristila se njihova iznimna popularnost i nastao je mit o superheroju. Na prvi pogled to su zanimljive priče pune akcije, no na drugi pogled postaju moralni treneri. Kada pričamo o mitu o superheroju, možemo usporediti dva glavna heroja. S jedne strane imamo Supermana, koji predstavlja ideale čovječanstva, posjeduje nadljudske moći i uči nas moralnim vrijednostima. Na drugoj strani je Batman, običan čovjek bez nadljudskih sposobnosti, koji koristi svoju unutarnju i vanjsku snagu da savlada nevjerojatne zadatke da bi nam ukazao da smo i mi, uz dovoljno volje i ustrajnosti, u mogućnosti nadmašiti svoje vlastite mogućnosti. Sve te odlike mita o superheroju najbolje je dekonstruirao, tj. rastavio na proste dijelove, Alan Moore u svom stripu The Watchmen. Koristio je obične ljude kao herojeprotagoniste, izbacio klasičnog antagonista i postavio radnju u stvaran svijet. Time je uspio napraviti strip koji istovremeno prati i kritizira smjernice mita o superheroju

    Lutka zijevalica u radu s djecom rane i predškolske dobi

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    Svrha završnog rada je stvoriti pregled važnih spoznaja vezanih uz primjenu luke zijevalice u radu s djecom rane i predškolske dobi. Lutka kao medij poznata je kao sredstvo u radu s djecom. Ovim radom nastoji se prikazati široki spektar utjecaja lutke zijevalice u radu s djecom i njezinu važnost u stvaranju dječje pozitivne slike o sebi, emocionalnom i socijalnom razvoju i komunikaciji. Lutka je figura koja nas asocira na djetinjstvo i na igru. Uz nju se često vežu uspomene i postoji emocionalna veza između djeteta i lutke. Lutka zijevalica izražava se putem govora. Usta i glava ove lutke najizraženiji su dio, dok je tijelo manje bitno. Za razliku od ostalih lutaka, zijevalica ima mogućnost otvaranja i zatvaranja usta. Velika je pedagoška vrijednost u igri s lutkom zijevalicom. Igra lutkom simbolička je igra. Upravo takva igra osnovna je dječja aktivnost i put je razvoju dječjih emocija i sposobnosti. Djeca često svoje osjećaje ne mogu izraziti riječima, a simbolička igra lutkom može biti rješenje tog problema. Lutka je sredstvo koje zadovoljava dječje potrebe, potiče ih na samostalnost i djetetu olakšava komunikaciju s odraslim ljudima (roditeljima, odgojiteljima).The sole purpose of this final paper is to create a review of important cognition related with applying mouth puppet in work with children of early and preschool age. Puppet as a media is known as an instrumentality in work with children. This final paper is trying to show a wide spectar of influence of the mouth puppet in work with children and its importance in creating a childs positive image about themselves,emotional and social development and communication. A puppet itself is a figure that associates us of our childhood and playing. With it we often relate a lot of memories and there is an emotional bond between a child and its puppet. Mouth puppet is expressed through speech. Unlike other puppets, mouth puppet has an option of opening and closing its mouth. There is a great pedagogical value in playing with mouth puppet. Playing with the puppet is a simbolic game. A simbolic game as it is,is a basic childs activity and a way of developing childs emotions and abilities. Children often can not express their feelings verbally, but simbolic game with the puppet can be solution to that problem. A puppet is an instrumentality that satisfies childs needs,encourages them to be independent and it also eases childs communication with adults (parents,educators)