109 research outputs found

    Face Detection

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    Táto bakalárska práca obsahuje prehľad súčasných metód detekcie tvárí pomocou klasifikátorov. Obsahuje tiež popis tvorby systému na detekovanie tvárí. V prvej časti sú popísané rôzne metódy na trénovanie klasifikátorov. V druhej sa nachádza analýza, ktorá predchádzala tvorbe systému zameraného na čiernobiele snímky. Implementovaný systém využíva algoritmus WaldBoost a Haarove príznaky. Vo videosekvenciach je možné využiť časticový filter.This bachelor thesis contains overview of actual face detection methods using classifier. It also contains description of creating system for face detection. There are described different methods for classifier training in first part. There is analysis, which preceded creation of system focused on black-and-white picture, in second part. Implemented system is using WaldBoost algorithm and Haar features. There is option to use particle filter in video.

    Garden Computer

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je na základě současných řešení zahradních počítačů navrhnout a zrealizovat zahradní počítač s moderním grafickým uživatelským rozhraním. Práce se zaměřuje nejen na fyzické součásti takového systému a jejich vzájemné přepojení, ale také na programové vybavení. Závěr práce popisuje realizaci moderního grafického uživatelského rozhraní, které umožňuje uživatelům řídit a spravovat celý závlahový systém.The primary purpose of this study is to design and implement automatic garden irrigation system with modern graphical user interface according to research of current imple\-men\-ta\-tions. This thesis focuses on physical elements that constitutes irrigation computer system, but also programs used to direct the operation of a computer system. In conclusion, the thesis describes design and development of modern graphical user interface that provides full control of the system.

    Fluvial sediments characterization of Hornád river in its chosen parts (preliminary study)

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    Knowledge of main river sedimentary characteristics is very important source of information for next study or potentialcommercial usage of fluvial sediments. In paper is shown characterization of sediment distribution in chosen part of the river Hornád.Three main facial types were studied and described – gravel, sand and clay. Model created in this study shows that Hornád is a riverwith predominant gravel transport. This model also shows a sufficient amount of gravel for commercial use in some parts of the river

    SCRUM Software Support Application

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    Import 26/06/2013Zmena je aspekt na ktorom sú založené moderné metódy vývoja softwaru. V súčasnej dobe je potrebné aplikovať zmeny požiadaviek aj v neskorších fázach vývoja. Tradičné metódy vývoja, ako napríklad UP alebo RUP v komerčnej sfére veľmi nefungujú. Ich hlavnou myšlienkou je naplánovať všetko na začiatku a nepočíta sa s prípadnými zmenami v neskorších fázach vývoja. Cieľom tejto práce je naštudovanie pokročilých softwarových procesov. Zameriame sa na agilné metódy, najčastejšie používané v komerčnej sfére vývoja softwaru. Požiadavky na software sa stávajú čoraz viac komplikovanejšie. Dnešné softwarové systémy sú komplexnejšie a rozsiahlejšie. Toto sú dôvody, prečo nie je možné ďalej efektívne vyvíjať, bez podpory vhodných nástrojov. Na základe nadobudnutých znalostí bol vyvinutý softwarový nástroj pre podporu SCRUM. Nástroj bol implementovaný v softwarových spoločnostiach na zlepšenie riadenia vývoja, založeného na agilných metódach a na optimalizáciu navrhnutého softwarového procesu. Konkrétne, pre plánovanie času a rozpočtu projektov, automaticky zobrazované hodinové výpisy práce zamestnancov a prehľad aktuálnych stavov konkrétnych úloh.Change is an aspect that is anticipant in agile-based development. There is a demand for new models that allow developers to change the plans even later on. In the present situation, traditional methods, like UP or RUP does not work. However, at the very core of traditional methods (UP, RUP), is the idea of planning everything at the beginning of the project. Goal of this thesis is study advanced software processes. We focus on agile methodologies mostly used in commercial software development. Software requirements are becoming more and more complicated. Software systems of today are characterized by increasing complexity and size. Therefore can no longer be developed feasibly without the aid of supporting appropriate tools. Based on gathered knowledge was developed a software tool for SCRUM support. The tool was subsequently implemented in software companies to improve project management with agile software development and optimize designed software process. Specifically plan time and cost of projects, automatically report hourly time sheets of employees and an overview of the current status of specific tasks.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Recognition of Handwritten Digits

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    Rozpoznávání ručně psaných číslic je problém, který se dá použít jako modelová úloha pro vícetřídní rozpoznávání vzorů v obraze. Tato práce zkoumá různé druhy algoritmů (Samo-organizující se mapy, Stromové klasifikátory a AdaBoost) a metody pro zvyšování úspěšnosti klasifikace pomocí fúze (většinové rozhodování, průměrování logaritmických pravděpodobnostních hodnot, lineární logistická regrese). Metody fúze byly využité na kombinaci klasifikátorů s identickými parametry trénování, s rozdílnými trénovacími metodami a s podvzorkovaným vstupním vzorem.Recognition of handwritten digits is a problem, which could serve as model task for multiclass recognition of image patterns. This thesis studies different kinds of algoritms (Self-Organizing Maps, Randomized tree and AdaBoost) and methods for increasing accuracy using fusion (majority voting, averaging log likelihood ratio, linear logistic regression). Fusion methods were used for combine classifiers with indentical train parameters, with different training methods and with multiscale input.

    The need of special technique in crisis management

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    Operation of special equipment is possible in crisis situations. It is because special equipment is designed for operation in non-standard often extreme conditions and situation, it is available, it has a high degree of crossing capability and it is able to provide basic living conditions even in fi eld, e.g. provision of power for hospital, transportation of wounded and injured persons, supplies, medical care in fi eld conditions, delivery of potable and utility water etc. The authors in the paper deal with a possibility to provide electric energy through advanced renewable sources, especially in meeting tasks in areas with no public mains, possible supplies of potable and non-potable water, embedding such assets into mobile systems. The authors in publication summarize results of research within the „Use of renewable sources of energy in practice project“. System of modeling and computer-aided simulation of renewable sources of energy has been proposed within this project. Application of a system for designing of power systems in logistic containers is expected. The knowledge on power balance of logistic containers operated by the SR Armed Forces in missions abroad is summarized in the last chapter of the paper. Experiences with operating the equipment in crisis and extreme conditions have proved a possibility to export and deploy machines and weaponry equipment of the SR Armed Forces into extreme climatic conditions, e.g. out of European conditions etc

    Architecture of Robot Soccer Game

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    Import 04/07/2011Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá architektúrou hry futbal robotov, ktorú vytvárali študenti katedry informatiky. Hlavným cieľom tejto práce je koordinácia celej hry a prepojenie jednotlivých modulov do jedného funkčného systému. Okrem toho sa práca zameriava na vytvorenie knižnice, ktorá vykonáva snímanie celej hry futbal robotov za pomoci USB kamery a na vytvorenie knižnice, ktorá vykonáva analýzu obrazu nad jednotlivými snímkami hry. Nachádza sa tu aj zoznámenie so základnými pravidlami hry futbal robotov a nechýba ani popis programových funkcií kamery. Súčasťou tejto práce sú aj experimenty ukazujúce časovú náročnosť jednotlivých modulov hry futbal robotov.This diploma thesis is dedicated to architecture of robot soccer game, wich was created by students in department of computer science. Main goal of this thesis is to coordinate the whole game and link the modules into one functional system. In addition, the work aims to create a library which takes images of the whole robot soccer game using an USB camera and to create a library which performs image analysis of individual game images. There are also basic rules of the robot soccer game for familiarizing with the game and a description of camera programing functions. Part of this work are the experiments showing the time demands of the individual robot soccer game modules.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Modification of Tailgate Latch

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    Import 23/07/2015Diplomová práce pojednává o modifikaci zámku pátých dveří osobního automobilu. Konstrukční návrh zjednodušuje a výrazně mění stávající koncepci zámku. Podmínky řešení vychází z požadavků zákazníka firmy Brano a.s. . Modifikovaný zámek musí zachovat danou funkčnost a možnost ovládání elektrickým a mechanickým způsobem. Dále musí splnit kritéria celkové hmotnosti a potřebné otvírací a zavírací síly. Řešení předchází rešerše zámkového systému. Jednotlivé funkční části zařízení jsou navrženy, modifikovány, nadimenzovány a pevnostně zkontrolovány CAD softwary.This Diploma Thesis refers about modification of a Tailgate Latch of a car. The Design simplifies and changes genuine concept of a Lock. Solving conditions come out from a Brano company customer´s requirements. Modified design has to preserve a functionality of the original Lock and its electrical and mechanical controlling. Another critical aspects are overal weight of the Lock and opening/closing force parameters. For an informational purpose is a Lock products research made. Modified parts of the designed Lock system are designed, modified and analyzed by CAD softwares.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívýborn

    Development of Cave Tourism in the Domica Area in Slovakia

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    The purpose of the study. The main goal of the study is to determine the most effective solutions for the development of cave tourism and medical tourism, as well as the standard of living and infrastructure of the region, based on the used literature and the questionnaire research on tourism development. Applied methods. The study starts with information about the natural and geological heritage found in the Domica region in Slovakia. It continues with the discovery, construction and characterization of the most significant caves from a tourist and economic point of view. Following the professional characterization, the questionnaire research developed and evaluated in the last stage of the study analyzes the possibility of the development of cave tourism and health tourism in the immediate vicinity of the Domica Cave based on the opinions, remarks and experiences of the service providers in the area. Outcomes. Caves are called natural underground cavities that have formed as a result of geomorphological and geophysical processes under different natural conditions. The caves in the karst are dissolved or are created by the weathering of the bedrock, while after the leakage of gases, caves form as cavities in the volcanic rocks. Few countries have as many different underground karst formations as Slovakia, with 7,014 known caves, of which only 18 can be visited. Discovering these underground wonders is a new challenge for hikers. Interest in caves peaked in the 20th century, when the desire to return to nature and improve the health of patients with respiratory diseases (speleotherapy) became the leading motivation. Today, caves are most often used for recreation. Nevertheless, within geotourism a popular way to explore caves is caving and the associated extreme or less extreme sports that only came to the fore in the 21st century. The results of the research of this study are sufficient evidence that the region is suitable for the development of cave tourism and medical tourism, for which the most obvious solution is to create an international geopark