5 research outputs found

    Overview of Solid Target Studies for a Neutrino Factory

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    The UK pro­gramme of high power tar­get de­vel­op­ments for a Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry is cen­tred on the study of high-Z ma­te­ri­als (tung­sten, tan­ta­lum). A de­scrip­tion of life­time shock tests on can­di­date ma­te­ri­als is given as part of the re­search into a solid tar­get so­lu­tion. A fast high cur­rent pulse is ap­plied to a thin wire of the sam­ple ma­te­ri­al and the life­time mea­sured from the num­ber of puls­es be­fore fail­ure. These mea­sure­ments are made at tem­per­a­tures up to ~2000 K. The stress on the wire is cal­cu­lat­ed using the LS-DY­NA code and com­pared to the stress ex­pect­ed in the real Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry tar­get. It has been found that tan­ta­lum is too weak to sus­tain pro­longed stress at these tem­per­a­tures but a tung­sten wire has reached over 26 mil­lion puls­es (equiv­a­lent to more than ten years of op­er­a­tion at the Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry). An ac­count is given of the op­ti­mi­sa­tion of sec­ondary pion pro­duc­tion from the tar­get and the is­sues re­lat­ed to mount­ing the tar­get in the muon cap­ture solenoid and tar­get sta­tion are dis­cussed

    Tungsten Behavior at High Temperature and High Stress

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    Re­cent­ly re­port­ed re­sults on the tung­sten life­time/fa­tigue tests under con­di­tions ex­pect­ed in the Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry tar­get have strength­ened the case of solid tar­get op­tion for a Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry. This paper gives de­scrip­tion of the de­tailed mea­sure­ments of the tung­sten prop­er­ties at high tem­per­a­ture and high stress. We have per­formed ex­ten­sive set of mea­sure­ments of the sur­face dis­place­ment and ve­loc­i­ty of the tung­sten wires that were stressed by pass­ing a fast, high cur­rent pulse through a thin sam­ple. Ra­di­al and lon­gi­tu­di­nal os­cil­la­tions of the wire were mea­sured by a Laser Doppler Vi­brom­e­ter. The wire was op­er­at­ed at tem­per­a­tures of 300-2500 K by ad­just­ing the pulse rep­e­ti­tion rate. In doing so we have tried to sim­u­late the con­di­tions (high stress and tem­per­a­ture) ex­pect­ed at the Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry. Most im­por­tant re­sult of this study is an ex­per­i­men­tal con­fir­ma­tion that strength of tung­sten re­mains high at high tem­per­a­ture and high stress. The ex­per­i­men­tal re­sults have been found to agree very well with LS-DY­NA mod­elling re­sults

    Overview of Solid Target Studies for a Neutrino Factory

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    The UK pro­gramme of high power tar­get de­vel­op­ments for a Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry is cen­tred on the study of high-Z ma­te­ri­als (tung­sten, tan­ta­lum). A de­scrip­tion of life­time shock tests on can­di­date ma­te­ri­als is given as part of the re­search into a solid tar­get so­lu­tion. A fast high cur­rent pulse is ap­plied to a thin wire of the sam­ple ma­te­ri­al and the life­time mea­sured from the num­ber of puls­es be­fore fail­ure. These mea­sure­ments are made at tem­per­a­tures up to ~2000 K. The stress on the wire is cal­cu­lat­ed using the LS-DY­NA code and com­pared to the stress ex­pect­ed in the real Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry tar­get. It has been found that tan­ta­lum is too weak to sus­tain pro­longed stress at these tem­per­a­tures but a tung­sten wire has reached over 26 mil­lion puls­es (equiv­a­lent to more than ten years of op­er­a­tion at the Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry). An ac­count is given of the op­ti­mi­sa­tion of sec­ondary pion pro­duc­tion from the tar­get and the is­sues re­lat­ed to mount­ing the tar­get in the muon cap­ture solenoid and tar­get sta­tion are dis­cussed

    Solid target for a neutrino factory

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    The UK pro­gramme of high power tar­get de­vel­op­ments for a Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry is cen­tred on the study of high-Z ma­te­ri­als (tung­sten, tan­ta­lum). A de­scrip­tion of life­time shock tests on can­di­date ma­te­ri­als is given as a part of the re­search into a solid tar­get so­lu­tion. A fast high cur­rent pulse is ap­plied to a thin wire of the sam­ple ma­te­ri­al and the life­time mea­sured from the num­ber of puls­es be­fore fail­ure. These mea­sure­ments are made at tem­per­a­tures up to ~2000 K. The stress on the wire is cal­cu­lat­ed using the LS-DY­NA code and com­pared to the stress ex­pect­ed in the real Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry tar­get. It has been found that tan­ta­lum is too weak at these tem­per­a­tures but a tung­sten wire has reached over 26 mil­lion puls­es (equiv­a­lent to more than ten years of op­er­a­tion at the Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry). Mea­sure­ments of the sur­face ve­loc­i­ty of the wire using a laser in­ter­fer­om­e­try sys­tem (VISAR) are in progress, which, com­bined with LS-DY­NA mod­elling, will allow the eval­u­a­tion of the con­sti­tu­tive equa­tions of the ma­te­ri­al. An ac­count is given of the op­ti­mi­sa­tion of sec­ondary pion pro­duc­tion and cap­ture in a Neu­tri­no Fac­to­ry and of the lat­est solid tar­get en­gi­neer­ing ideas