17 research outputs found
Human Resources Management in the Selected Company
Bakalářská práce se zabývá řízením lidských zdrojů ve vybrané společnosti, Střední průmyslové škole Ostrov, příspěvkové organizaci. Cílem je charakterizovat řízení lidských zdrojů ve školství a analýza personálních činností v dané škole. Poté na základě uskutečněné analýzy, statistického šetření a dotazníkového šetření doporučit návrhy na zlepšení řízení lidských zdrojů. Teoretická část obsahuje definice odborných pojmů na základě studia odborné literatury. Praktická část práce obsahuje informace o Střední průmyslové škole Ostrov, posouzení současného stavu řízení lidských zdrojů a doporučení ke zlepšení na základě provedeného statistického šetření a dotazníkového šetření. Bakalářská práce byla sepsána na základě odborné literatury, analýzy řízení lidských zdrojů, informací od zástupce ředitele školy, statistického šetření a dat získaných z dotazníkového šetření provedeného na Střední průmyslové škole Ostrov.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis deals with human resources management in the selected company, Střední průmyslová škola Ostrov, příspěvková organizace. The aim is to characterize the management of human resources in education and the analysis of personnel activities in chosen school. Then, based on the analysis, statistical survey, and questionnaire survey, recommend proposals for improving human resource management. The theoretical part contains definitions of technical terms based on the study of professional literature. The practical part of the work contains information about the Střední průmyslová škola Ostrov, an assessment of the present state of human resources management and recommendations for improvement based on statistical survey and questionnaire survey. The bachelor's thesis was written based on professional literature, analysis of human resources management, information from the deputy headmaster, statistical survey and data obtained from the questionnaire survey conducted at Střední průmyslová škola Ostrov
Human Resources Management in the Selected Company
Bakalářská práce se zabývá řízením lidských zdrojů ve vybrané společnosti, Střední průmyslové škole Ostrov, příspěvkové organizaci. Cílem je charakterizovat řízení lidských zdrojů ve školství a analýza personálních činností v dané škole. Poté na základě uskutečněné analýzy, statistického šetření a dotazníkového šetření doporučit návrhy na zlepšení řízení lidských zdrojů. Teoretická část obsahuje definice odborných pojmů na základě studia odborné literatury. Praktická část práce obsahuje informace o Střední průmyslové škole Ostrov, posouzení současného stavu řízení lidských zdrojů a doporučení ke zlepšení na základě provedeného statistického šetření a dotazníkového šetření. Bakalářská práce byla sepsána na základě odborné literatury, analýzy řízení lidských zdrojů, informací od zástupce ředitele školy, statistického šetření a dat získaných z dotazníkového šetření provedeného na Střední průmyslové škole Ostrov.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis deals with human resources management in the selected company, Střední průmyslová škola Ostrov, příspěvková organizace. The aim is to characterize the management of human resources in education and the analysis of personnel activities in chosen school. Then, based on the analysis, statistical survey, and questionnaire survey, recommend proposals for improving human resource management. The theoretical part contains definitions of technical terms based on the study of professional literature. The practical part of the work contains information about the Střední průmyslová škola Ostrov, an assessment of the present state of human resources management and recommendations for improvement based on statistical survey and questionnaire survey. The bachelor's thesis was written based on professional literature, analysis of human resources management, information from the deputy headmaster, statistical survey and data obtained from the questionnaire survey conducted at Střední průmyslová škola Ostrov
Effect of the load and recovery time on a physiological response in sport rock climbers
Title: Effect of the load and recovery time on a physiological response in sport rock climbers Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to assess the inluence of various types of climbing loads on a physiological response in sport rock climbers. Methods: Seven experienced (8 to 9+, UIAA - Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme) sport climbers (age 25,4 ± 7 years, body 64,8 ± 6 kg, height 175,8 ± 5,3 cm) were subjected to climbing test until exhaustion, which involved three excercises that included various types of load: continuous, intermittent with 30s load and 30s rest periods (test 30/30) and intermittent with 90s load and 90s rest periods (test 90/90). All subjects refrained from exercising at least 48h between each testing. The monitored variables were performance of climbing steps, heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption (VO2), minute ventilation (VE), energy expenditure (EE) and blood lactate (LA). Results: Peak values of monitored variables show that a climbing intensity was similar among all tests (HRpeak 168 ± 11 to 172 ± 7 bites/min, VO2peak 35,2 ± 4,7 to 40,3 ± 5,3 ml/kg/min, LA 4,1 ± 1,1 to 4,9 ± 1,4 mmol/l). EE was in average 9,0 to 9,8 kcal. Subjects climbed longest (4min 45s ± 37s) in the test 30/30 (six climbers achieved maximum defined time 10 x 30s), whereas total..
Effect of climbing time and recovery time on repeated bouts of climbing performance
The objective of this research was to assess continuous and intermittent training load and its influences to a rock climbing performance. Fifteen (11 M and 4 F) experienced (7- to 9 RP, UIAA) sport climbers (age 24,1 ± 2,7 years, body mass 66,4 ± 9,8 kg, height 173,1 ± 7,7 cm, HRmax 197,5 ± 3,7 beats .min-1 ) were subjected to climbing test, which involved three exercises of continuous and intermittent load. The first exercise involved 30s of climbing and 30s of passive recovery, maximum 12 repetitions. The load and recovery time in the second exercise were doubled and in the third exercise subject climbed until exhaustion. The pace of climbing was assigned 25 movements .min-1 at negative angle 135ž or 120ž, owing to their present climbing abilities. All subjects refrained from exercising at least 24h between each testing. Significant differences in performance were found between intermittent and continuous load. Climbers achieved the highest performance (165,5 ± 45,4 steps; time of climbing 6:22 ± 1:44) during intermittent exercise 1. Worse performance (135,6 ± 80,6 steps; time of climbing 5:08 ± 3:02) was noticed in the second intermittent exercise. The worst performance (53,7 ± 14,9 steps; time of climbing 2:06 ± 0:32) among of all exercises was noticed during continuous load. Mean HRmax values..
Effect of the load and recovery time on a physiological response in sport rock climbers
Title: Effect of the load and recovery time on a physiological response in sport rock climbers Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to assess the inluence of various types of climbing loads on a physiological response in sport rock climbers. Methods: Seven experienced (8 to 9+, UIAA - Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme) sport climbers (age 25,4 ± 7 years, body 64,8 ± 6 kg, height 175,8 ± 5,3 cm) were subjected to climbing test until exhaustion, which involved three excercises that included various types of load: continuous, intermittent with 30s load and 30s rest periods (test 30/30) and intermittent with 90s load and 90s rest periods (test 90/90). All subjects refrained from exercising at least 48h between each testing. The monitored variables were performance of climbing steps, heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption (VO2), minute ventilation (VE), energy expenditure (EE) and blood lactate (LA). Results: Peak values of monitored variables show that a climbing intensity was similar among all tests (HRpeak 168 ± 11 to 172 ± 7 bites/min, VO2peak 35,2 ± 4,7 to 40,3 ± 5,3 ml/kg/min, LA 4,1 ± 1,1 to 4,9 ± 1,4 mmol/l). EE was in average 9,0 to 9,8 kcal. Subjects climbed longest (4min 45s ± 37s) in the test 30/30 (six climbers achieved maximum defined time 10 x 30s), whereas total..
The effect of upstream turbulence and its anisotropy on the efficiency of solar wind – magnetosphere coupling
The importance of space weather and its forecasting is growing as interest in studying geoeffective processes in the Sun – solar wind – magnetosphere – ionosphere coupled system is increasing. This paper introduces the proper selection criteria for solar wind magnetic turbulence events during duskward electric field and southward <i>B<sub>z</sub></i> driven geomagnetic storms. Two measures for the strength of solar wind fluctuations were investigated: the standard deviations of magnetic field components and a proxy for the so-called Shebalin anisotropy angles. These measures were compared to the strength of geomagnetic storms obtained from a SYM-H index time series. We found a weak correlation between standard deviation of interplanetary magnetic field GSM component <i>B<sub>z</sub></i> and SYM-H index, and a strong correlation between Shebalin anisotropy angle and the SYM-H index, which can be the result of an increase of probability of magnetic reconnection in fluctuating magnetic fields