5 research outputs found
Behind the mask : analysis of the character from the comic book Batman
Od početka pisanog jezika ljudi su bili općinjeni pričama o herojima, toliko da je upravo
prvo veliko književno dijelo priča o heroju. I tako počevši od Gilgameša, do Herkules,
pa sve do današnjih superheroja ova tradicija se nastavila. Poput Herkulesa, ti superheroji
predstavljaju našu modernu mitologiju, te njihove priče i simboli prominiraju diljem
cijelog svijeta. Njihov utjecaj na kulturu je značajan, a među njima je najpopularniji i
najznačajniji Batman (Bruce Wayne), stoga vrijedi pogledati kakvom se heroju danas
divimo. Bruce je fiktivni lik s mračnom povjesti koja započinje ubojstvom roditelja pred
njegovim očima i taj događaj zauvjek mjenja njegov život. Batman se "rađa" kao
simbolička adaptacija na tu traumu, i služi ublažavanju simptoma PTSP-a i pražnjenju
potisnutoga bijesa i želje za osvetom. Također pokazuje znakove drugih poremećaja
poput opsesivno-kompulzivnog i narcističnog poremećaja ličnosti, ali oni vijerovatno
proizlaze iz narcističnih obrana i odgadanja procesa žalovanja. Ono što razlikuje Batmana
od mnogih superheroja je da on pokazuje napredak, ponajviše u nošenju sa strahom i
osjećajem bespomoćnosti uzrokovane traumom, i u stvaranju dubokih odnosa s drugim
ljudima što značajno stabilizira njegovo ponašanje.Since the beginning of written language, people have been mesmerized by stories of
heroes, so much that the world's first truly great work of literature was the story of a hero.
So starting from Gilgamesh, to Hercules, to the present day superheroes, this tradition has
continued. Like Hercules, these superheroes represent our modern day mythology, and
their stories and symbols permeate our entire world. Their influence on culture is
significant, and among them the most popular and the most important is Batman (Bruce
Wayne), so it's worth taking a look at what kind of heroes we admire today. Bruce is a
fictional character with a dark history that begins with the murder of his parents in front
of his eyes, this changes his life forever. Batman is "born" as a symbolic adaptation to the
trauma, and serves to alleviate the symptoms of PTSD and to channel the repressed anger
and desire for revenge. He also shows signs of other disorders like obsessive-compulsive
and narcissistic personality disorders, which probably stems from narcissistic defenses
and the avoidance of the mourning process. What makes Batman different from many
superheroes is that he shows progress, particularly in dealing with the fear and sense of
helplessness caused by the trauma, and in creating deep relationships with other people,
which significantly stabilizes his behavior
Kronična pseudo-opstrukcija sigmoidnog kolona - prikaz slučaja
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a rare syndrome characterized
by signs of intestinal obstruction lasting for 6 months or more, in the absence of a definitive cause
of obstruction. We report a case of CIPO in a 49-year-old female patient with a 6-month history of
ongoing irregular bowel movements, manifested as constipation and diarrhea accompanied by abdominal
pain and bloated feeling. Contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography and magnetic resonance
enterography revealed focal thickening of a segment of the lienal flexure and intermittent areas
of wider and narrower caliber along the sigmoid colon. No signs of a definitive cause of obstruction
were found, but evidence for dolichosigma was revealed, which was later confirmed with colonoscopy.
Due to persisting symptoms, the patient agreed to elective resection of the sigmoid colon. Following
the procedure, symptoms regressed with a significant improvement in the quality of life. The patient
has been regularly monitored in an outpatient setting and reports absence of the symptoms since the
procedure. Pathophysiology of the resected section revealed more prominent lymphatic tissue, follicular
arrangement, and reactively altered germinal centers, which can suggest CIPO.Kronična intestinalna pseudo-opstrukcija (KIPO) je vrlo rijedak sindrom obilježen znakovima intestinalne opstrukcije
koji traju 6 mjeseci ili duže, a u odsutnosti definitivnog jasnog uzroka. U našem prikazu slučaja radi se o 49-godišnjoj bolesnici
koja je više od 6 mjeseci imala stalne nepravilne stolice koje su se manifestirale izmjenom proljeva i konstipacije, a bile su
praćene nadutošću i bolovima u trbuhu. Učinjenom obradom koja je uključivala kontrastnu kompjutoriziranu tomografiju i
magnetsku enterografiju kod bolesnice je utvrđeno žarišno zadebljanje segmenta lienalne fleksure i isprekidana područja šireg
i užeg kalibra duž sigmoidnog kolona. Nije nađen jasni uzrok opstrukcije, ali je otkrivena anatomska varijanta dolihosigme
koja je kasnije potvrđena i kolonoskopijom. Zbog vrlo izraženih dugotrajnih simptoma koji nisu regredirali na konzervativne
metode liječenja bolesnica je pristala na preporučenu elektivnu resekciju sigmoidnog kolona. Nakon zahvata simptomi su se
povukli uz značajno poboljšanje kvalitete života, a bolesnica se redovito prati u gastroenterološkoj ambulanti. Patohistološki
nalaz reseciranog dijela sigmoidnog kolona otkrio je istaknutije limfno tkivo, folikularni raspored i reaktivno promijenjene
germinativne centre, što ide u prilog dijagnoze KIPO-a
Cerebellar Kv3.3 potassium channels activate TANK-binding kinase 1 to regulate trafficking of the cell survival protein Hax-1.
Mutations in KCNC3, which encodes the Kv3.3 potassium channel, cause degeneration of the cerebellum, but exactly how the activity of an ion channel is linked to the survival of cerebellar neurons is not understood. Here, we report that Kv3.3 channels bind and stimulate Tank Binding Kinase 1 (TBK1), an enzyme that controls trafficking of membrane proteins into multivesicular bodies, and that this stimulation is greatly increased by a disease-causing Kv3.3 mutation. TBK1 activity is required for the binding of Kv3.3 to its auxiliary subunit Hax-1, which prevents channel inactivation with depolarization. Hax-1 is also an anti-apoptotic protein required for survival of cerebellar neurons. Overactivation of TBK1 by the mutant channel leads to the loss of Hax-1 by its accumulation in multivesicular bodies and lysosomes, and also stimulates exosome release from neurons. This process is coupled to activation of caspases and increased cell death. Our studies indicate that Kv3.3 channels are directly coupled to TBK1-dependent biochemical pathways that determine the trafficking of cellular constituents and neuronal survival
Behind the mask : analysis of the character from the comic book Batman
Od početka pisanog jezika ljudi su bili općinjeni pričama o herojima, toliko da je upravo
prvo veliko književno dijelo priča o heroju. I tako počevši od Gilgameša, do Herkules,
pa sve do današnjih superheroja ova tradicija se nastavila. Poput Herkulesa, ti superheroji
predstavljaju našu modernu mitologiju, te njihove priče i simboli prominiraju diljem
cijelog svijeta. Njihov utjecaj na kulturu je značajan, a među njima je najpopularniji i
najznačajniji Batman (Bruce Wayne), stoga vrijedi pogledati kakvom se heroju danas
divimo. Bruce je fiktivni lik s mračnom povjesti koja započinje ubojstvom roditelja pred
njegovim očima i taj događaj zauvjek mjenja njegov život. Batman se "rađa" kao
simbolička adaptacija na tu traumu, i služi ublažavanju simptoma PTSP-a i pražnjenju
potisnutoga bijesa i želje za osvetom. Također pokazuje znakove drugih poremećaja
poput opsesivno-kompulzivnog i narcističnog poremećaja ličnosti, ali oni vijerovatno
proizlaze iz narcističnih obrana i odgadanja procesa žalovanja. Ono što razlikuje Batmana
od mnogih superheroja je da on pokazuje napredak, ponajviše u nošenju sa strahom i
osjećajem bespomoćnosti uzrokovane traumom, i u stvaranju dubokih odnosa s drugim
ljudima što značajno stabilizira njegovo ponašanje.Since the beginning of written language, people have been mesmerized by stories of
heroes, so much that the world's first truly great work of literature was the story of a hero.
So starting from Gilgamesh, to Hercules, to the present day superheroes, this tradition has
continued. Like Hercules, these superheroes represent our modern day mythology, and
their stories and symbols permeate our entire world. Their influence on culture is
significant, and among them the most popular and the most important is Batman (Bruce
Wayne), so it's worth taking a look at what kind of heroes we admire today. Bruce is a
fictional character with a dark history that begins with the murder of his parents in front
of his eyes, this changes his life forever. Batman is "born" as a symbolic adaptation to the
trauma, and serves to alleviate the symptoms of PTSD and to channel the repressed anger
and desire for revenge. He also shows signs of other disorders like obsessive-compulsive
and narcissistic personality disorders, which probably stems from narcissistic defenses
and the avoidance of the mourning process. What makes Batman different from many
superheroes is that he shows progress, particularly in dealing with the fear and sense of
helplessness caused by the trauma, and in creating deep relationships with other people,
which significantly stabilizes his behavior
AgRP neurons control structure and function of the medial prefrontal cortex
Hypothalamic agouti-related peptide and neuropeptide Y-expressing (AgRP) neurons have a critical role in both feeding and non-feeding behaviors of newborn, adolescent, and adult mice, suggesting their broad modulatory impact on brain functions. Here we show that constitutive impairment of AgRP neurons or their peripubertal chemogenetic inhibition resulted in both a numerical and functional reduction of neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of mice. These changes were accompanied by alteration of oscillatory network activity in mPFC, impaired sensorimotor gating, and altered ambulatory behavior that could be reversed by the administration of clozapine, a non-selective dopamine receptor antagonist. The observed AgRP effects are transduced to mPFC in part via dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area and may also be conveyed by medial thalamic neurons. Our results unmasked a previously unsuspected role for hypothalamic AgRP neurons in control of neuronal pathways that regulate higher-order brain functions during development and in adulthood