174 research outputs found
The well at Musov - technical and technological aspects of the construction project dating to the beginning of the common era
Archaeological excavation at the site Musov
- Neurissen conducted between 1993 and 1994 revealed
a well belonging to the building with the apse. Both archaeological
features were part of the Roman military
camp from the Augustan era. The well remained unfinished,
however its dimensions (10 x 10 Roman feet
(2.96 x 2.96 m) and expected depth of up to approximately
16 m) suggest that this location was chosen intentionally
for a realisation of a demanding construction
Control of the weakly damped System with the embedded system support
This paper deals with the experimental verification of the importance of embedded systems with an applied MEMS sensor in controlling weakly damped systems. The aim is to suppress actively residual oscillations. The model of a planar physical pendulum with a prismatic joint was chosen for the experiment. The sensor made by MEMS technology, in which three-axis gyroscope and three-axis accelerometer are integrated, has been used for sensing the angle of deflection of the load from the equilibrium position. The simulation model represents the crane arm with a moving carriag
Workplace for testing of the photodiodes
Táto práca je zameraná na návrh a vytvorenie pracoviska vhodného na meranie základných parametrov a charakteristík bežných fotodiód. Súčasťou je experimentálne overenie jeho možností a porovnanie nameraných výsledkov s katalógovými hodnotami, ako aj vytvorenie programu na grafické spracovanie nameraných údajov.This paper is focused on design of the workplace for measuring basic parameters and characteristics of standard photodiodes. There is also experimental test of its possibilities and comparison of the measurement results with the catalogue data. It also includes elaboration of an algorithm that processes the measurement data into visual presentation.
Application of plain bearings for four-stroke internal combustion engines
Predmetom tejto bakalárskej práce sú klzné ložiská a hlavne ich použitie a uplatnenie v konštrukciách štvordobých spaľovacích motorov. Práca je rozdelená na dve hlavné časti. Prvá časť poskytuje základný popis klzných ložísk, ich rozdelenie a vývoj. Ďalej pojednáva o ich materiáloch a teórii hydrodynamického mazania. V druhej časti je spracovaná koncepcia klzných ložísk v spaľovacích motoroch a ich zaťaženie, spojené s výberom správneho materiálu. Popisuje tiež jednotlivé ložiskové uzly a spôsob rozvodu maziva. Ide o uloženie kľukového a vačkového hriadeľa, piestneho čapu, ojnice a ďalšie miesta použitia klzných ložísk v motore.Subject of this thesis are plain bearings and especially their application for four-stroke internal combustion engines. Thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part provides a basic description of plain bearings, their distribution and evolution. It also discusses their materials and the theory of hydrodynamic lubrication. The second part covers concept of sliding bearings in internal combustion engines and their load associated with the election of right material. It also includes description of particular application of plain bearings and the method of oil distribution. It handles the mounting of crankshaft and camshaft, piston pin, connecting rod and other places where sleeve bearings are use.
Internal Conflicts in Works of Thucydides and Machiavelli
Hybrid threats are considered among the most serious risks that Western societies currently face. The aim of actors using such threats is to influence decision-making processes, and in order to do so they use a rich spectrum of methods to instigate conflict in society, seeking to undermine trust in institutions, abet radicalisation, and so on. Activities aimed at creating internal conflict, and the prevention of such activities, are not, of course, a new phenomenon; they differ only in their extent, intensity and the techniques used. The aim of this paper is to investigate how classic strategists – Thucydides and Machiavelli – described in their works how internal conflict is fomented among the enemy and how it can be prevented. The paper describes and analyses various ways of instigating and mitigating internal conflict as noted in their works, and assesses their relevance for the current debate.Hybridní hrozby jsou považovány za jedno z nejdůležitějších rizik, se kterými se potýkají společnosti Západu. Cílem aktérů užívajících těchto postupů je ovlivnit rozhodovací procesy, k čemuž jim mj. slouží pestrá škála postupů, kterými podněcují konflikty ve společnosti (podrývání důvěry v instituce, podpora radikalizace společnosti atd.). Aktivity, jejichž cílem je podnítit vnitřní konflikty a na straně druhé prevence proti těmto aktivitám ale nejsou novým fenoménem, liší se pouze svým rozsahem, intenzitou a použitými technikami. Cílem textu je zaměřit se na podněcování vnitřních konfliktů u nepřítele a obrana proti těmto aktivitám v dílech klasických stratégů (Thúkydidés a Machiavelli). V textu jsou popisovány a analyzovány různé způsoby podněcování či zmírňování vnitřních konfliktů v jejich dílech a posouzena jejich relevance pro současnou diskusi
Communication protocols for Free-Space Optical links
Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá správaním protokolu TCP/IP pri prechode bezdrôtovým optickým spojom, ktorý je ovplyvnený atmosférickými turbulenciami. Tie spôsobujú fluktuáciu prijímaného optického výkonu a tým zmenu bitovej chybovosti spoja. Navrhnutý simulačný model využíva generovanie náhodnej úrovne prijímaného optického signálu a jeho prepočet na okamžitú bitovú chybovosť. Model je implementovaný do časovej analýzy sieťového simulátoru OMNeT++. Na základe simulácií je navrhnutá vyrovnávacia pamäť vo vysielači, ktorá pozastaví vysielanie v prípadoch výpadku linky. Metóda vyrovnávacej pamäte je realizovaná pomocou FPGA.This master’s thesis is focused on behaviour of the TCP/IP protocol on free-space optical link which is affected by the effect of atmospheric turbulence. This causes fluctuation of the received optical power and therefor bit error rate changes. In the simulation model short-time bit error rate is calculated from random generated received optical signal and then used in time-domain analysis of the OMNeT++ network simulator. A buffer in transmitter is designed based on simulation results. It pauses the data transmitting in cases of FSO link outage. This method is then implemented into FPGA device.
Road Detection in the Camera Image
Bakalářská práce se zabývá hledáním cesty v obraze z kamery. Obsahuje přehled v současnosti používaných metod v této oblasti a jejich nejčastější využití, stručný úvod do zpracování obrazu a k aplikačnímu rámci ROS. Dále obsahuje návrh a detaily implementace aplikace, která s využitím knihoven ROS a OpenCV provádí analýzu obrazu a jeho segmentaci za účelem oddělení cesty od okolí pomocí metody globální tresholding. Aplikace je otestována na datech nahraných pro účely soutěže Robotour 2013 a na sérii vlastních dat. Na závěr obsahuje vyhodnocení výsledků a diskuzi na téma možné pokračovaní této práce.Bachelor's thesis deals with road detection in camera image. It contains overview of used methods in this area and their most frequented usage, brief introduction to image processing and to ROS framework. Then it gives proposal and details of implementation of application, which analyzes the image and performs segmentation in order to separate the road and it's surroundings by global thresholding method with use of ROS and OpenCV libraries. Application is tested on the data gathered for purposes of Robotour 2013 contest and on series of own recorded data. Finally it contains evaluation of results and discussion about future work on this project.
How the Tailor of Marrakesh Suit Has Been Altered: Advantage Ratio as a Tool in Post-Communist Electoral Reforms Research
The text analyzes the character of the second wave of electoral system reform in post-communist countries. It describes the direction of the change in status quo after the first reform, which was usually implemented by participants on the basis of imperfect or incomplete information. We claim that the character of the second reforms favored the bigger and established parties and accentuated the tendencies towards establishing electoral competition between political parties at the expense of other participants (independent candidates). We furthermore use a sample of 40 electoral events in 15 post-communist countries to analyze the potential of the strongest electoral parties and other parliamentary parties to transform votes into seats, and we connect this characteristic with the electoral changes made, arguing that the logic of the electoral rules and the effects arising from the actual shares of the vote won in elections sometimes reinforced one another but at least in some electoral events - also ran in opposite directions
Architektura barbarů na Moravě v prvních staletích našeho letopočtu - stavební materiály, konstrukce a půdorysné dispozice
The article presents buildings representing architecture of the barbarian populations, which
during the 1st-3rd century AD inhabited area of Moravia (Czech Republic) lying north of the Roman
border on the Middle Danube. During archaeological excavations there were documented structures
founded at the ground level, with pillars digged into the ground. There were used wooden structures
with supporting elements in the form of stakes staffed in the ground, the walls were built using
wicker and clay. There are known forms of large dimensions, but also small utility constructions. The
surprising finding is fact, that when assessing the seemingly primitive recessed structures there were
implemented measuring procedures requiring good knowledge of geometry and abillity to stake of
right angles can be expected
Forward and Inverse Kinematics Using Pseudoinverse and Transposition Method for Robotic Arm DOBOT
Kinematic structure of the DOBOT manipulator is presented in this chapter. Joint coordinates and end-effector coordinates of the manipulator are functions of independent coordinates, i.e., joint parameters. This chapter explained forward kinematics task and issue of inverse kinematics task on the structure of the DOBOT manipulator. Linearization of forward kinematic equations is made with usage of Taylor Series for multiple variables. The inversion of Jacobian matrix was used for numerical solution of the inverse kinematics task. The chapter contains analytical equations, which are solution of inverse kinematics task. It should be noted that the analytical solution exists only for simple kinematic structures, for example DOBOT manipulator structure. Subsequently, simulation of the inverse kinematics of the above-mentioned kinematic structure was performed in the Matlab Simulink environment using the SimMechanics toolbox
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