2 research outputs found

    Protection and Conservation of the Value of Public Infrastructure\ud \ud

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    This paper discusses the system of public infrastructure protection on the systemic and implementation levels, and public infrastructure as a part of the local community assets. In this regard, special attention is paid to the present position and particular role of the cadastre of public infrastructure in ensuring the protection of public infrastructure, real depreciation accounting and the establishment of new relationships between local community and utility companies

    Zaščita in ohranjanje vrednosti gospodarske javne infrastrukture : Protection And Conservation Of The Value Of Public Infrastructure

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    V prispevku sta obravnavana sistem zaščite gospodarske javne infrastrukture na sistemski in izvedbeni ravni ter javna infrastruktura kot del premoženja lokalnih skupnosti. S tem v zvezi so posebej obravnavani položaj in vloga katastra gospodarske javne infrastrukture pri zagotavljanju zaščite in varnosti javne infrastrukture, pri obračunavanju realne amortizacije ter vzpostavitvi novih razmerij med lokalno skupnostjo in izvajalcigospodarskih javnih služb. This paper discusses the system of public infrastructure protection on the systemic and implementation levels, and public infrastructure as a part of the local community assets. In this regard, special attention is paid to the present position and particular role of the cadastre of public infrastructure in ensuring the protection of public infrastructure, real depreciationaccounting and the establishment of new relationships between local community and utility companies