7 research outputs found

    Stil privrženosti i dijadička prilagodba kod žena: medijacijska uloga percipirane učinkovitosti u rješavanju bračnih sukoba

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    In this study, we examined perceived efficacy in solving marital conflicts as a mediator between adult attachment style and dyadic adjustment, while controlling for the effects of duration of marriage. A total of 1921 married women participated in the research. The results suggest that women with high attachment avoidance are more likely to perceive themselves as inefficient in marital conflict resolution and maladjusted to the dyadic relationship, compared to women with high attachment anxiety. Furthermore, the results suggest that perceived efficacy in solving marital conflicts mediates the effects of insecure attachment styles on dyadic adjustment. Finally, there is evidence for a reciprocal causation between efficacy expectations and dyadic adjustment.U ovoj smo studiji ispitali doprinos percipirane učinkovitosti u rješavanju bračnih sukoba kao posrednika u objašnjenju veze između stila privrženosti odraslih i dijadičke prilagodbe, istodobno kontrolirajući učinak duljine braka. U istraživanju je sudjelovala 1921 udana žena. Rezultati sugeriraju da će se žene sklone izbjegavajućoj privrženosti vjerojatno smatrati neučinkovitima u rješavanju bračnih sukoba te slabije prilagođenom partnerskom odnosu u usporedbi sa ženama s visokom anksioznom privrženosti. Nadalje, rezultati sugeriraju da uočena učinkovitost u rješavanju bračnih sukoba posreduje učincima nesigurnih stilova privrženosti na dijadičku prilagodbu. Konačno, možemo pretpostaviti postojanje uzajamne uzročne veze između očekivanja učinkovitosti u rješavanju bračnih sukoba i dijadičke prilagodbe

    Učinak razlike u procjeni osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera na procjenu kvalitete bračnog odnosa: dijadni pristup

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    The main aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mate value assessment and mate value discrepancy on perceived marital quality, using an assessment of personal and partner mate value obtained by both partners. The sample included 442 heterosexual couples that have lived together for at least a year. The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) was used to investigate the effects of personal and partner mate value assessment on the evaluation of marital quality. In addition, two interaction effects were added to the model to examine the effect of mate value discrepancy on perceived marital quality. The APIM model showed significant actor and partner effects of the partner\u27s mate value assessment on the evaluation of both husbands\u27 and wives\u27 marital quality. The model also showed a significant effect of personal mate value assessed by wives on husbands\u27 marital quality assessment. However, the current evidence does not confirm the assumption of a possible combination of partners\u27 mate value promoting marital quality above and beyond the contribution of both partners\u27 mate value.Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti učinke procjene osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera i razlike u spomenutim vrijednostima na procjenu kvalitete bračnog odnosa, koristeći se procjenom osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti dobivene od oba partnera. Uzorak istraživanja obuhvaćao je 442 heteroseksualna para, koji su zajedno živjeli najmanje godinu dana. Model međuovisnosti aktora i partnera (APIM) iskorišten je za istraživanje učinaka procjene osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera na procjenu kvalitete braka. Osim navedenoga, modelu su dodana dva interakcijska učinka, kako bi se istražio učinak razlike u procjeni osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera na procijenjenu kvalitetu braka. APIM model pokazao je značajne aktorske i partnerske učinke procjene supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera na procijenjenu kvalitetu braka obaju supružnika. Model je pokazao i znatan učinak procjene osobne vrijednosti supruge kao partnerice na suprugovu procjenu kvalitete bračnog odnosa. Međutim, model ne potvrđuje pretpostavku o interakcijskom učinku procjene osobne i supružnikove vrijednosti kao partnera na procjenu kvalitete braka


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    The main objective of the research presented in this paper was to determine whether or not there are significant differences in marital quality and stability among women in various stages of marriage, and to determine the structure of these differences, if they exist. We have also examined the differences in the characteristics of marriage between the wives in the first stage of marriage, i.e. the marriage period without children, and the wives in the next stage, after the childbirth. Those differences were analyzed separately because numerous studies from other countries suggest that the transition to parenthood changes marital relationships and makes them more difficult. The studies also suggest that the motherhood affects a wife’s life much more to than fatherhood affects the life of the man. The sample included 1580 wives of different socioeconomic status, 19 to 64 years old, living in formal or informal marriage. The quality of the marital relationship was meas­ured by a Dyadic Adjustment Scale – DAS (Spanier, 1989), and marital stability was assessed through the indicators of the potential for the divorce (Booth, Johnson, & Edwards, 1983). Discri­minant function analysis of the different periods of marriage, found only one statistically signifi­cant discriminant function (Rc = 0.26, p = 0.00), which was interpreted as “High attractiveness of the marriage along with reduced barriers to leaving the relationship.” The results are suggesting a downward tendency of the marital quality and marital satisfaction followed by the decrease in the divorce potential across the stages of marriage. In other words, there is a continual tendency of decreases in marital quality and satisfaction, and the increase of the marital stability over the dif­ferent developmental stages of marriage. The greatest differences on isolated dicriminant function are between wives from the first and last of the examined stages of marriage, i.e. marriages in which the children are not yet born and marriages with late adolescent children that are ready to leave their parents. Second discriminant function analysis showed significant discriminative di­mension (Rc = 0.25, p = 0.00), primarily determined by the potential for divorce, and marital satisfaction. Based on the results of this study, we may conclude that the transition to parenthood significantly strengthens marriage, and that the perception of marital quality and satisfaction steadily declines from the beginning to the end of marriage continuum. It is important to empha­size that, despite the existence of statistically significant inter-group differences, there is a large individual variation among wives within the same marital stage, and therefore it is not possible to make a reliable prediction of perceptions of the quality and stability of marital relations based solely on the stage of the marriage


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    In order to determine the extent to which perceptions of various aspects of the quality of marriage and marital instability, i.e. the potential for divorce, is related to the intention of women to seek professional psychological help, we were examined 777 wives living in the formal or informal marriage. The quality of the marital relationship was measured by a Dyadic Adjustment Scale - DAS (Spanier, 1976, 1989), and marital instability was measured by indicators of the potential for divorce (Booth, Johnson, & Edwards, 1983). Intention to seek professional psychological help was measured with the instrument (Šakotić-Kurbalija, 2011), which includes past and present experiences, intention to seek professional psychological help in the future, as well as the reasons why the respondent has or does not intend to seek professional psychological help. The results of the multiple regression analysis are suggesting that a correlation between the set of predictors and the intention of wives to seek professional psychological help is statistically significant, but the association is very low R=0.23 (F (5.771) = 8.28, p <0.000) while the adjusted R2 = 0.045, thus it seems that the intention to seek professional psychological help is much more influenced by another factors. Based on the qualitative data collected in this study (questions about why women have or do not intend to seek professional psychological help), it is assumed that the attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help, and their prejudices on this issue play important role in forming their intentions and actual seeking of professional psychological assistance. Since the early and adequate professional psychological support is one of the basic protective factors of mental health, therefore is of great importance to promote the work of professionals and mental health agencies

    The relationship between coping strategies and the intention to seek professional psychological help

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    Coping strategies represent everything that person do in attempt to deal with (external or internal) physical, psychological, or social threats. According to some authors psychological help-seeking also represent a coping mechanism. This paper presents and discusses the research results aimed to determine the correlation between the coping strategies, measured by Brief COPE Scale (Carver, 1997), and the intention to seek professional psychological help, measured by a questionnaire (Šakotić-Kurbalija, 2011) constructed for the purposes of the broader research project that includes this study. Data were collected on a sample of 2206 women of diverse socio-economic status (19 to 76 years), from the Republic of Serbia. The results of multiple regression analysis are showing statistically significant but low correlation between the set of coping strategies and the help-seeking intentions (R=0.30; F(14.1860)=6.13, p<0.001). Individual predictors of help-seeking intentions were: Seeking of Instrumental Social Support (β=.15, p<.01), Denial (β=-.15, p<.01), Use of psychoactive substances (β=.12, p<.01), Self-blame (β=0.11, p<.01), Religion (β=.09, p<.01), Focus on and Venting of Emotions (β=.09, p<.01), Behavioral Disengagement (β=-.06, p<.05) and Active Coping (β=.06, p<.05). Low correlation between the set of coping strategies and the help-seeking intentions can be interpreted as a result of one’s ability to deal with distress without professional help, as well as the lack of awareness about the benefits of professional psychological help. It can also be assumed that the intention to seek professional psychological help is determined by some factors other than coping strategies

    Achievement motive and locus of control as motivation factors of European identity

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    The research presented in this paper is a part of the project "Condition, Factors and Development of European Identity in Serbia and Montenegro" which is financed by the Ministry for Science and Protection of Environment of the Republic of Serbia. The goal of this research is to determine the relation between the achievement motive and locus of control on the one hand, and European identity on the other. These motivational factors were selected as the indicators of the active orientation of persons, which is a psychological prerequisite for the development of consciousness of the people and the society as a whole. The research was carried out during 2003 with the sample of 2635 subjects from four regions of Serbia and Montenegro, of both sexes, different levels of education, 18 to 43 years old. The scale EUROID2002 was applied to measure the European and national identity. The achievement motive was measured with the MOP2002 scale, and locus of control with LOKKON2002. All these instruments were created at the Department of Psychology in Novi Sad. The canonical correlation analysis was used to process the data. The results point to the existence of two statistically significant regularities in the relation between the achievement motive and European identity. The achievement of the goal, which is experienced as a source of pleasure and followed by the need to compete with others, was related to two factors of social identity, namely with the need to preserve national identity and with the exclusive national attachment. Thus, the results indicate that the persons for whom competition with others is a significant goal also express a higher degree of nationalism. Furthermore, the results indicate that the degree of nationalism is higher with the higher degree of persistence in the competition with others. In the relation between the locus of control and European identity, three statistically significant regularities were obtained. If the faith in the power of destiny is more pronounced, the need to preserve national identity and exclusive national attachment is also more pronounced. Stronger internal locus of control is related to greater openness for technological progress. Furthermore, the results indicate that those who in achievement situations attach great importance to the activities of other people also have a more pronounced pro-European orientation

    Relation between European and national identity and rigidity as a personality trait

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    The research presented in this paper is a part of the project “Condition, Factors and Development of European Identity in Serbia and Montenegro”, which started in 2002 with the financial support of the Ministry for Science and Protection of Environment of the Republic of Serbia. The research studied the relation between certain kinds of social identity ( European, i.e. national identity ) on the one hand, and the degree of rigidity of the subjects on the other. The sample consisted of 2685 inhabitants of Serbia and Montenegro, of both sexes, different levels of education and 18 to 43 years old. European, i.e. national identity was measured with the questionnaire EUROID2002, which consisted of 36 items related to different aspects of social identity. Factor analysis singled out five factors of social identity: pro-European orientation, advocating the preservation of national identity, confronting traditional values and technological civilization, globalization as a threatening factor for small and poor nations, and exclusive national attachment. Rigidity of the subjects was determined with the application of the RG-2 questionnaire which consists of 30 items related to the rigidity of thought in various life situations. Factor analysis singled out two factors of rigidity: rigidity toward oneself and others, as well as rigidity in one’s life habits. The relation between social identity and rigidity was determined with the technique of canonical analysis. Two significant canonical roots were singled out: the first canonical root includes two aspects of rigidity which were positively related to the factors implying a strongly pronounced national identity ( advocating the preservation of national identity and exclusive national attachment ). The second canonical root indicates a positive relation between rigidity in life habits and traditional standpoints and fear of globalization