26 research outputs found

    PoboljŔanje planova pokusa viŔekriterijskim pristupom

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    Sociological Aspects of Group Production

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    U radu autori razmatraju osnovne socioloÅ”ke probleme do kojih dolazi u različitim pokuÅ”ajima uvođenja grupne proizvodnje. Iznosi se niz zanimljivih primjera uvođenja grupne proizvodnje u svijetu i navodi se niz pozitivnih i negativnih iskustava. Posebno se ukazuje na tehničke elemente organizacije proizvodnje koji u velikom stupnju determiniraju i mogući doseg promjena kojima teži grupna proizvodnja. U drugom dijelu rada, iznose se iskustva viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg eksperimenta u jednoj naÅ”oj tvornici kao i rezultati socioloÅ”kih istraživanja koji su preliminarno pokazali da do bitnijih promjena za sada joÅ” uvijek nije doÅ”lo iako su uvedene mnogobrojne izmjene u organizaciji proizvodnih procesa: Osnovni zaključak koji proistječe iz dosadaÅ”njeg toka eksperimenta je da na institucionalnoj razini joÅ” uvijek nisu ostvarene sve potrebne pretpostavke za realizaciju promjena te se to, a ne eventualno pogreÅ”ne koncepcije smatra osnovnim uzrokom nedovoljno provedenih promjena.The authors discuss the main sociological aspects of introduction of group production in industry. The authors also analyse numerous examples of the introduction of group production which in great determine the possible innovations of new group production. In the second part of the article the authors give the basic results of the complex socio-technical experiment of the introduction of group production in one Yugoslav factory. Preliminary results of the sociological investigation show that the introduction of group production did not bring many changes, but some minor ones are registered. The authors emphasize the minute changes which were only slightly introduced on the institutional level as the main obstacle to the more fruitful results after the introduction of group production

    Sociological Aspects of Group Production

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    U radu autori razmatraju osnovne socioloÅ”ke probleme do kojih dolazi u različitim pokuÅ”ajima uvođenja grupne proizvodnje. Iznosi se niz zanimljivih primjera uvođenja grupne proizvodnje u svijetu i navodi se niz pozitivnih i negativnih iskustava. Posebno se ukazuje na tehničke elemente organizacije proizvodnje koji u velikom stupnju determiniraju i mogući doseg promjena kojima teži grupna proizvodnja. U drugom dijelu rada, iznose se iskustva viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg eksperimenta u jednoj naÅ”oj tvornici kao i rezultati socioloÅ”kih istraživanja koji su preliminarno pokazali da do bitnijih promjena za sada joÅ” uvijek nije doÅ”lo iako su uvedene mnogobrojne izmjene u organizaciji proizvodnih procesa: Osnovni zaključak koji proistječe iz dosadaÅ”njeg toka eksperimenta je da na institucionalnoj razini joÅ” uvijek nisu ostvarene sve potrebne pretpostavke za realizaciju promjena te se to, a ne eventualno pogreÅ”ne koncepcije smatra osnovnim uzrokom nedovoljno provedenih promjena.The authors discuss the main sociological aspects of introduction of group production in industry. The authors also analyse numerous examples of the introduction of group production which in great determine the possible innovations of new group production. In the second part of the article the authors give the basic results of the complex socio-technical experiment of the introduction of group production in one Yugoslav factory. Preliminary results of the sociological investigation show that the introduction of group production did not bring many changes, but some minor ones are registered. The authors emphasize the minute changes which were only slightly introduced on the institutional level as the main obstacle to the more fruitful results after the introduction of group production

    Značaj uporabe planiranja pokusa pri optimiranju procesa i proizvoda

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    Visoki zahtjevi koje suvremeno tržiÅ”te postavlja na sve aspekte kvalitete proizvodnih i tehnoloÅ”kih procesa zahtijevaju uporabu različitih metoda kontrole i upravljanja kvalitetom kako u procesima proizvodnje tako i u njihovu projektiranju. Uz već uobičajene metode i tehnike upravljanja kvalitetom, sve se viÅ”e koristi i metodologija planiranja i analize pokusa (Design of Experiments), koja se pokazala vrlo učinkovitom, posebice žele li se postići optimalna rjeÅ”enja kako u funkcionalnim značajkama proizvoda tako i u pogledu parametara odvijanja tehnoloÅ”kog i proizvodnog procesa. U radu su izložene osnovne postavke metodologije planiranja i analize pokusa uz ilustraciju na stvarnim primjerima. Posebice je ukazano na mogućnosti optimizacije uvjeta procesa i značajki proizvoda kao nužnog uvjeta ostvarenja visoke razine kvalitete prema zahtjevima Å EST SIGMA strategije

    Improvement of experimental plans using multi-criteria approach

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    Proces planiranja i oblikovanja eksperimenata u osnovi se bazira na odabiru broja i rasporeda stanja pokusa (eksperimentalnih točaka). Cilj kvalitetnog procesa planiranja eksperimenata je postizanje optimalnog oblika plana pokusa obzirom na maksimizaciju preciznosti konačnog modela. Zbog ograničenosti resursa poput utroÅ”ka vremena i direktnih troÅ”kova procesa izvođenja eksperimenta, potrebno je ta ograničenja uzeti u obzir i kako pri izradi eksperimenata, tako i poboljÅ”anju postojećih modela. Navedena ograničenja u resursima (vrijeme i troÅ”ak) bit će definirani kao novi kriteriji. U radu će biti definiran postupak modifikacije postojećeg plana pokusa uzimajući novouvedene kriterije maksimizirajući preciznost rezultirajućeg modela. Novi pristup modifikaciji i poboljÅ”anju plana pokusa moguće je koristiti kao podrÅ”ku klasičnom pristupu oblikovanju eksperimenata.The process of designing experimental plans is based on the choice of the number and placement of design points. The question which should be answered is how to choose the design points and number of replications to achieve a more precise model. Due to the limitation of research resources like time and costs of performing certain design points, it is necessary to take these constraints into account when designing experiments. The mentioned time consumption, cost and model precision are defined as new criteria. The scope of the research is to define the procedure of maximizing model precision using multi-criteria approach. The study refers to the research and development of a new procedure which will be a support in the process of improvement of experimental plans

    Pokusi sa smjesama - primjena pri optimiranju svojstava materijala

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    Pokusi sa smjesama (mjeÅ”avinama) predstavljaju racionalnu Å”irokoprihvaćenu metodologiju iz područja planiranja i analize pokusa (Design of Experiments), osobito pri rjeÅ”avanju problema ispitivanja utjecaja pojedine od komponenti smjese na svojstva i značajke materijala. U radu će se iznijeti osnovne teorijske postavke pokusa sa smjesama (Experiments with Mixtures), te na primjerima izvedenih pokusa ilustrirati vlastita eksperimentalna istraživanja pri procesu lijevanja aluminijskih legura, s posebnim osvrtom na mogućnost viÅ”ekriterijalnog optimiranja sastava Å”arže (uloÅ”ka) pri optimiranju svojstava legura


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    Beekeeping in Croatia has a long tradition. There are favourable climate and vegetation conditions for development of beekeeping in Croatia. The number of registered beekeepers in Croatia is 3.404 with total of 313.978 beehives. Most of them are partā€“time beekeepers (53 %), hobby beekeepers comprise 37 % and professional beekeepers represent the smallest part with 11 % [3]. Beekeeping production is mainly organized on family farms [5]. Karlovačka county, in the cental part of Croatia, was chosen to analyse the economic attributes of beekeeping. The number of beekeepers in Karlovačka county in 2007. was 179 with total of 17.636 beehives [3]. Beekeepers were interviewed during the regular meeting of the Beekeepers Association. Fortyā€“five beekeepers were interviewed which is a representative sample of beekeepers in Karlovacka county. Beekeepers were categorized as hobby beekeepers (151) based on the number of beehives. There are 56 % of hobby beekeepers, 31 % of partā€“time beekeepers and 13 % are professional beekeepers. Fixed assets in beekeeping consist of equipment, beehives and vehicles used in beekeeping (trucks, trailers, personal car). Hobby beekeepers generate 5.031,55 ā‚¬ of total income per year with 52 average beehives per beekeeper. They achieve the highiest selling price an average of 3,20 ā‚¬ per kilo for their honey. Partā€“time beekeepers generate 9.875,74 ā‚¬ total income per year. The average number of beehives per partā€“time beekeeper is 110 and they achieve a selling price of 2,69 ā‚¬ per kilo. Professional beekeepers generate 26.681,36 ā‚¬ total income per year with an average number of 329 beehives per beekeeper. Their actual selling price, on average, is 2,07 ā‚¬


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    Beekeeping in Croatia has a long tradition. There are favourable climate and vegetation conditions for development of beekeeping in Croatia. The number of registered beekeepers in Croatia is 3.404 with total of 313.978 beehives. Most of them are partā€“time beekeepers (53 %), hobby beekeepers comprise 37 % and professional beekeepers represent the smallest part with 11 % [3]. Beekeeping production is mainly organized on family farms [5]. Karlovačka county, in the cental part of Croatia, was chosen to analyse the economic attributes of beekeeping. The number of beekeepers in Karlovačka county in 2007. was 179 with total of 17.636 beehives [3]. Beekeepers were interviewed during the regular meeting of the Beekeepers Association. Fortyā€“five beekeepers were interviewed which is a representative sample of beekeepers in Karlovacka county. Beekeepers were categorized as hobby beekeepers (151) based on the number of beehives. There are 56 % of hobby beekeepers, 31 % of partā€“time beekeepers and 13 % are professional beekeepers. Fixed assets in beekeeping consist of equipment, beehives and vehicles used in beekeeping (trucks, trailers, personal car). Hobby beekeepers generate 5.031,55 ā‚¬ of total income per year with 52 average beehives per beekeeper. They achieve the highiest selling price an average of 3,20 ā‚¬ per kilo for their honey. Partā€“time beekeepers generate 9.875,74 ā‚¬ total income per year. The average number of beehives per partā€“time beekeeper is 110 and they achieve a selling price of 2,69 ā‚¬ per kilo. Professional beekeepers generate 26.681,36 ā‚¬ total income per year with an average number of 329 beehives per beekeeper. Their actual selling price, on average, is 2,07 ā‚¬