2 research outputs found
Analysis of intervention fire extinguishing “DES” Split
Analiza intervencije gašenja požara na specifičnom objektu kao što je gospodarski objekt u kojem se obavlja djelatnost tiskanja i uskladištenja papira, kartonske ambalaže i tekstila, odrađena je metodološki kako bi se trebale analizirati sve intervencije. U analizi su obuhvaćene cjeline od proizvodnog procesa koji se obavlja u objektu, opasnosti prilikom izbijanja požara, sam tijek intervencije, okolnosti koje su utjecale na njezin tijek, analiza utrošenih sredstava i mjere koje treba poduzeti da ubuduće intervencije budu uspješnije. Nije nužno da analizu izrađuju direktni sudionici intervencije, ali je potrebno od njih prikupiti sve relevantne podatke. Pod time se podrazumijevaju podaci o dojavi (vrijeme i način dojave, broj poziva, prikupljene informacije od dojavitelja), izlazak na intervenciju (gasni vlak, brzina izlaska, brzina dolaska na mjesto intervencije), komunikacija voditelja intervencije s operativnim centrom, tijek intervencije, čimbenici koji su utjecali na tijek intervencije i utrošena sredstva. Na kraju se nakon rasprave sa sudionicima intervencije donosi zaključak.Analysis firefighting intervention on a specific object such as a utility facility which performs printing and storage of paper, cardboard, textiles, methodological were done to analyze should all interventions. The analysis covered the whole of the production process, which is done in the house, fire hazards, the course of the intervention, the circumstances that have affected the course of the intervention, the analysis of money spent and the measures to be taken in future interventions are successful. It is not necessary to prepare an analysis of direct participants in the intervention, but it is required of them to collect all the relevant information. By that I mean data superimposed (time and method of notification, number of calls, the information collected from a pager), going to intervene (gas train, exit velocity, the speed of arrival at the scene), communications manager with the operational center of the intervention, during the intervention, factors that influenced the course of the intervention and the funds spent. Eventually, after discussions with the participants in the intervention concludes
Hepatocyte Growth Factor-mediated satellite cells niche perturbation promotes development of distinct sarcoma subtypes
Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS) and Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma (UPS) are distinct sarcoma subtypes. Here we investigate the relevance of the satellite cell (SC) niche in sarcoma development by using Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) to perturb the niche microenvironment. In a Pax7 wild type background, HGF stimulation mainly causes ERMS that originate from satellite cells following a process of multistep progression. Conversely, in a Pax7 null genotype ERMS incidence drops, while UPS becomes the most frequent subtype. Murine EfRMS display genetic heterogeneity similar to their human counterpart. Altogether, our data demonstrate that selective perturbation of the SC niche results in distinct sarcoma subtypes in a Pax7 lineage-dependent manner, and define a critical role for the Met axis in sarcoma initiation. Finally, our results provide a rationale for the use of combination therapy, tailored on specific amplifications and activated signaling pathways, to minimize resistance emerging from sarcomas heterogeneity. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.12116.00