21 research outputs found

    The Crystal Structure of Mercuric Oxychloride: 2HgCl2 ∙ HgO

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    The single crystals of the compound 2HgCl2 . HgO were studied by the use of the X-ray methods. The dimensions of the unit cell quoted in the literature were confirmed. The crystals are cubic, the space group being T4-P213. The twodimensional Patterson synthesis allowed the preliminary x, y coordinates of mercury atoms to be determined. The complete X-ray analysis of this compound as well as of the other mercury oxyhalides is in progress

    On the Mercury Phosphoiodide Hg3P2I2

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    M. Granger decribed the preparation and the properties of mercury phosphide Hg3P4. The present authors repeated Granger\u27s experiments and obtrained a crystallized compound showing the same properties but with a composition given by the formula: Hg3P2l2. No compound which contained only phosphorus and mercury could be obtained by the method described

    Obnova pročelja zgrade u Vukovarskoj 35 – 35 a arhitekta Drage Galića

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    Članak je osvrt na nedavno završenu obnovu pročelja stambene zgrade u Vukovarskoj 35 – 35 a arhitekta Drage Galića, sagrađene 1957. godine po uzoru na Le Corbusierov Unité d\u27 Habitation u Marseilleu. Navode se osnovni podaci te uspoređuju oba zdanja. Govori se o specifičnosti problema obnove s obzirom na materijale vanjskoga plašta zgrade sirovog betona i kulira, te o dvojbama oko načina njihove sanacije. Posebno se ističe autorov umjetnički senzibilitet vidljiv, među ostalim, i kroz zanimljivo koloriranje žbukanih dijelova fasade, koje se nastojalo kvalitetno reinterpretirati, čuvajući autentičnost arhitektonskog izraza. Zgrada je pojedinačno zaštićeno kulturno dobro pa su radovi izvođeni uz konzervatorski nadzor Gradskog zavoda za zaštitu i obnovu spomenika kulture i prirode

    A New Molybdenum Cluster Compound. An X-Ray Investigation

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    It was in 1957, when McCarroll, Katz and Ward1 discovered the presence of an equilateral triangle of · molybdenum atoms in the crystal structure of Zri 2 Mo 3 0 8 , which was only one representative of a series of isostructural compounds of the general formula APMo} V0 8 where A might be Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, or Cd. More recently, Ansel and Katz2 have carried out a refinement on the Zn2Mo 30 8 structure and the essential structural features of the original proposal of McCarroll, Katz and Ward were found to be correct. After the refinement, the Mo-Mo distance in the triangle was 2.524 + 0.002 A

    The Structure of Thorium(IV) Dititanium(IV) Oxide, ThTi206

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    The crystal structure of a modification of ThTbOG, obtained from the melt at 1100 °C, has been analysed by X-ray diffraction and refined to the R value of 0.051. The crystals are monoclinic with a= 1.0799(7), b = 0.8570(6), c = 0.5192(3) nm and p = 115.29(3)0 , space group C2/c, Z = 4, F(OOO) = 728. The structure is based on a near-hexagonal close-packing of the oxygen atoms, with the thorium and titanium atoms in »octahedral sites«. The coordination polyhedron of Th is a distorted square antiprism with Th-0 distances from 0.232 to 0.265 nm, that of Ti a distorted octahedron with Ti-0 distances from 0.187 to 0.201 nm like those characteristic for Ti02 polymorphs. The Ti coordination polyhedra form layers parallel_to the (100) which are connected by zig-zag chains of the Th coordination polyhedra which run in the [001] direction. The relations to another ThTi20 6 polymorph structure1 (isomorphous with brannerite) have been examined

    Uranium Minerals in the Radlovac Series Metasediments at Mt. Papuk, Croatia

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    Applying a combination of different methods – X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, gamma-spectroscopy and X-ray spectroscopy, a suite of uranium minerals, meta-torbernite, meta-uranospinite and meta-zeunerite was identified in metasediments of the Radlovac series at the Mt. Papuk area, Croatia. The accessory minerals galena, zircon, rutile, chalcopyrite and cuprite, as well as an unidentified Ni-bearing phase are also present. The mineral assemblage indicates a sequence of epigenetic and supergene processes affecting the Radlovac series