6 research outputs found
Un ouvrage important sur la collection de manuscrits slavons du Monastère Dragomirna
In this paper the author makes known the presence of am important, yet less known work about the collection of Slavonic manuscripts in Dragomirna Monastery. It is about the work entitled Slavonic-Romanian Manuscripts in Moldavia. Dragomirna Monastery Fund and it was made before 1962 by the researchers Ioan Iufu and Victor Brătulescu. It has been kept, as a manuscript in a typed copy, for about five decades and it must be published for the benefit of the researchers of the old Romanian culture. The manuscripts are described on a thematic basis, starting with “Mineele”, books that contain the services for the saints celebrated by each day. The description of the manuscripts (pp. 13-322) is preceded by an Introduction (pp. 1-12). The work has some Final Notes (pp. 323-327); no Contents, no Index. After the description of the work’s manuscript, the author presents an abstract of the information included in the Introduction. This paper represents a first important step towards a general catalogue of the Slavonic manuscripts in Moldavia. A necessary edition will have to contain the updated bibliography, a general index and facsimiles, after at least one representative page for each manuscript
Archaeological Research in the Proximity of Drăguşeni Village (Suceava County) in the Letters sent by Dimitrie Drăguşanu to Vasile Ciurea
The Romanian interwar archaeology was an activity dependent of some enthusiastic amateurs. A few specialized institutions could not cover the whole country and were underfunded. This situation was specific for the Falticeni region, where a regional and a complex museum existed since 1914. Vasile Ciurea, its director, worked with many intellectuals in the region to identify archaeological sites and recover the valuable objects for the institution he led. One of these employees was Dimitrie Drăguşanu, a teacher from Drăguşeni. In one of the collections of „Gallery of notable people” can be found five postcards sent by Dimitrie Drăguşanu to Vasile Ciurea. They contain information on investigations from Drăguşeni - Citadel, undertaken by both intellectuals, but also by Vladimir and Hortensia Dumitrescu, and about other archaeological sites in the region
Une econnaissance bien meritee: l’accordage du titre de Doctor Honoris Causa au professeur Nicolae Ursulescu
This article presents an important event in the scientific life of the Department of History and International Relations: the investiture of Professor Nicolae Ursulescu of the University "Al. I. Cuza "of Iaşi with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa. The material outlines the procedure and the componence of the commission that decided to grant the highest academic distinction. Also, it is published the full text of "Laudatio", and the main merits of Professor N. Ursulescu, as well as his gratitude response to the University Suceava
Les marquages corporels chez les communautés néolithiques et énéolithiques Carpato Danubiennes (I)
In this paper, the author discusses those anthropomorphic statuettes and vases of Neolithic from Carpatho-Balkan and Danubian area, which showing components of bodily marks (tattoos, piercing, scarification’s etc.) practiced by proto-historical communities. These bodily marks had probably an important role in the socialization of individual, within the micro and macro social group, to highlight the identities of gender, age, status, ethnicity, religion etc., in the complex societies
Pan-European phylogeography of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus)
To provide the most comprehensive picture of species phylogeny and phylogeography of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), we analyzed mtDNA control region (610 bp) of 1469 samples of roe deer from Central and Eastern Europe and included into the analyses additional 1541 mtDNA sequences from GenBank from other regions of the continent. We detected two mtDNA lineages of the species: European and Siberian (an introgression of C. pygargus mtDNA into C. capreolus). The Siberian lineage was most frequent in the eastern part of the continent and declined toward Central Europe. The European lineage contained three clades (Central, Eastern, and Western) composed of several haplogroups, many of which were separated in space. The Western clade appeared to have a discontinuous range from Portugal to Russia. Most of the haplogroups in the Central and the Eastern clades were under expansion during the Weichselian glacial period before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), while the expansion time of the Western clade overlapped with the Eemian interglacial. The high genetic diversity of extant roe deer is the result of their survival during the LGM probably in a large, contiguous range spanning from the Iberian Peninsula to the Caucasus Mts and in two northern refugia
Panta Rhei benchmark dataset: socio-hydrological data of paired events of floods and droughts (version 2)
As the negative impacts of hydrological extremes increase in large parts of the world, a better understanding of the drivers of change in risk and impacts is essential for effective flood and drought risk management and climate adaptation. However, there is a lack of comprehensive, empirical data about the processes, interactions and feedbacks in complex human-water systems leading to flood and drought impacts. To fill this gap, we present an IAHS Panta Rhei benchmark dataset containing socio-hydrological data of paired events, i.e. two floods or two droughts that occurred in the same area (Kreibich et al. 2017, 2019). The contained 45 paired events occurred in 42 different study areas (in three study areas we have data on two paired events), which cover different socioeconomic and hydroclimatic contexts across all continents. The dataset is unique in covering floods and droughts, in the number of cases assessed and in the amount of qualitative and quantitative socio-hydrological data contained. References to the data sources are provided in 2023-001_Kreibich-et-al_Key_data_table.xlsx where possible. Based on templates, we collected detailed, review-style reports describing the event characteristics and processes in the case study areas, as well as various semi-quantitative data, categorised into management, hazard, exposure, vulnerability and impacts. Sources of the data were classified as follows: scientific study (peer-reviewed paper and PhD thesis), report (by governments, administrations, NGOs, research organisations, projects), own analysis by authors, based on a database (e.g. official statistics, monitoring data such as weather, discharge data, etc.), newspaper article, and expert judgement. The campaign to collect the information and data on paired events started at the EGU General Assembly in April 2019 in Vienna and was continued with talks promoting the paired event data collection at various conferences. Communication with the Panta Rhei community and other flood and drought experts identified through snowballing techniques was important. Thus, data on paired events were provided by professionals with excellent local knowledge of the events and risk management practices