4 research outputs found

    The Social Media Addiction: What Have We Learned So Far? – A Review

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    In the last 20 years, computer technology has developed rapidly, and internet-based social networks (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, or Twitter) have proliferated even faster, becoming a very important part of people's lives. But in recent years, a dependence to these sites has emerged, called by many authors social media addiction.In the present study, we aim to analyze if there really is an addiction to social media networks, what are its demographic aspects, which are the health problems that occur in these addicted people, and how to intervene therapeutically in these cases. Currently, social media addiction is not recognized as a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, but is considered more of a behavioral addiction or a subtype of Internet addiction.If we look at this matter from an anthropological and philosophical point of view, such type of addiction can originate in what is related to the specificity of man in the contemporary world.Symptoms of excessive use of SM networks may include decreased ability to concentrate and decreased academic performance, insomnia, altered self-perception, decreased self-esteem, anxiety, depressed mood, and psycho-emotional lability.SM addiction prevention strategies should be implemented based on behavioral risk factors and demographic characteristics. The goal of treatment for this type of addiction, unlike other addictions, is not total abstinence, but rather controlled use of social networks, and relapse prevention should use strategies based on cognitive-behavioral therapies.</em

    Behavioral Intervention Technologies – Historical, Medical, Philosophical, and Ethical Perspectives

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    In this study, we will analyze, from philosophical, medical and bioethical points of view, the genetic ways in which the biological foundations of human behavior can be identified, as well as the technologies that can contribute to the modification of certain human behaviors, especially aggressive ones.Ideas about the inheritance of a certain behavior have been identified since Greek antiquity, but in the 20th century, along with sequencing and mapping of all genes of the members of our species, the possibility of identifying possible genes for learning and memory has emerged and therefore the ability to act on them through “behavioral genetics” could develop. In the dawn of the 21st century, researchers begin to consider that abnormal behaviors had a certain genetic mutation located on the “X” chromosome or on the “Y” chromosome and the concept of “genetics of intellectual disability” was introduced in the medical literature. After the identification of the genes or the constellation of genes that underlie the occurrence of psychiatric disorders, the researchers developed genetic engineering to be performed on certain groups of neuronal cells, but these activities lead to the question: how useful or dangerous these new genome editing technologies will be, especially in terms of conservation and perpetuation of the human species.We conclude that the chimera-type people, whose genetic structure is artificially constructed, would raise issues primarily about their identity, their integration into traditional societies, but also about the need for a new legislation. However, the future society will have, at some point, to accept the reality of genetic interventions, the purpose of which is to achieve much more radical transformations in human nature.</p

    The Postmodern World, Schizophrenia-Wise

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    We will go along the presumption that the schizoid/schizophrenic dimension is a constitutional element of the postmodern world. We will further explore especially the speed-induced schizoid/schizophrenic trait, starting in existentialism and beat, and coming into its own in science-fiction or rather in Philip K. Dick’s fiction, and also in pop culture or rather in Andy Warhol’s hoarding philosophy of life. We will finally get right into the core of the schizoid/schizophrenic idiom, which turns out to be roughly similar to the postmodern discourse.</h1