13 research outputs found

    A multi-gene approach to differentiate papillary thyroid carcinoma from benign lesions: gene selection using support vector machines with bootstrapping

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    Selection of novel molecular markers is an important goal of cancer genomics studies. The aim of our analysis was to apply the multivariate bioinformatical tools to rank the genes – potential markers of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) according to their diagnostic usefulness. We also assessed the accuracy of benign/malignant classification, based on gene expression profiling, for PTC. We analyzed a 180-array dataset (90 HG-U95A and 90 HG-U133A oligonucleotide arrays), which included a collection of 57 PTCs, 61 benign thyroid tumors, and 62 apparently normal tissues. Gene selection was carried out by the support vector machines method with bootstrapping, which allowed us 1) ranking the genes that were most important for classification quality and appeared most frequently in the classifiers (bootstrap-based feature ranking, BBFR); 2) ranking the samples, and thus detecting cases that were most difficult to classify (bootstrap-based outlier detection). The accuracy of PTC diagnosis was 98.5% for a 20-gene classifier, its 95% confidence interval (CI) was 95.9–100%, with the lower limit of CI exceeding 95% already for five genes. Only 5 of 180 samples (2.8%) were misclassified in more than 10% of bootstrap iterations. We specified 43 genes which are most suitable as molecular markers of PTC, among them some well-known PTC markers (MET, fibronectin 1, dipeptidylpeptidase 4, or adenosine A1 receptor) and potential new ones (UDP-galactose-4-epimerase, cadherin 16, gap junction protein 3, sushi, nidogen, and EGF-like domains 1, inhibitor of DNA binding 3, RUNX1, leiomodin 1, F-box protein 9, and tripartite motif-containing 58). The highest ranking gene, metallophosphoesterase domain-containing protein 2, achieved 96.7% of the maximum BBFR score

    Comparison of Simple Models of Periodic Protocols for Combined Anticancer Therapy

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    Several simple ordinary differential equation (ODE) models of tumor growth taking into account the development of its vascular network are discussed. Different biological aspects are considered from the simplest model of Hahnfeldt et al. proposed in 1999 to a model which includes drug resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapy. Some of these models can be used in clinical oncology to optimize antiangiogenic and cytostatic drugs delivery so as to ensure maximum efficacy. Simple models of continuous and periodic protocols of combined therapy are implemented. Discussion on the dynamics of the models and their complexity is presented

    Upper bounds on the solution of coupled algebraic riccati equation

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    Advanced Technologies for Intelligent Systems of National Border Security

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    One of the world’s leading problems in the field of national security is protection of borders and borderlands. This book addresses multiple issues on advanced innovative methods of multi-level control of both ground (UGVs) and aerial drones (UAVs). Those objects combined with innovative algorithms become autonomous objects capable of patrolling chosen borderland areas by themselves and automatically inform the operator of the system about potential place of detection of a specific incident. This is achieved by using sophisticated methods of generation of non-collision trajectory for those types of objects and enabling automatic integration of both ground and aerial unmanned vehicles. The topics included in this book also cover presentation of complete information and communication technology (ICT) systems capable of control, observation and detection of various types of incidents and threats. This book is a valuable source of information for constructors and developers of such solutions for uniformed services. Scientists and researchers involved in computer vision, image processing, data fusion, control algorithms or IC can find many valuable suggestions and solutions. Multiple challenges for such systems are also presented.

    Optymalne sterowanie w modelu radiochemioterapii uwzględniającym uwrażliwienie

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      In this work, we consider a simple mathematical model of radiochemotherapy which includes a term responsible for radiosensitization. We focus on finding theoretically optimal controls which maximise tumour cure probability for a finite, fixed therapeutic horizon. We prove that the optimal controls for both therapies are of 0-bang type, a result which is not altered by the inclusion of the radiosensilization term. By means of numerical simulations, we show that optimal control offers a moderate increase in survival time over a sequential treatment. We then revisit in more detail a question of measuring the synergy between the therapies by means of isobolograms, a common experimental technique for measuring the additivity of two treatments

    Mathematical model predicts response to chemotherapy in advanced non-resectable non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with platinum-based doublet.

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    We developed a computational platform including machine learning and a mechanistic mathematical model to find the optimal protocol for administration of platinum-doublet chemotherapy in a palliative setting. The platform has been applied to advanced metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The 42 NSCLC patients treated with palliative intent at Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Gliwice Branch, were collected from a retrospective cohort of patients diagnosed in 2004-2014. Patients were followed-up, for three years. Clinical data collected include complete information about the clinical course of the patients including treatment schedule, response according to RECIST classification, and survival. The core of the platform is the mathematical model, in the form of a system of ordinary differential equations, describing dynamics of platinum-sensitive and platinum-resistant cancer cells and interactions reflecting competition for space and resources. The model is simulated stochastically by sampling the parameter values from a joint probability distribution function. The machine learning model is applied to calibrate the mathematical model and to fit it to the overall survival curve. The model simulations faithfully reproduce the clinical cohort at three levels long-term response (OS), the initial response (according to RECIST criteria), and the relationship between the number of chemotherapy cycles and time between two consecutive chemotherapy cycles. In addition, we investigated the relationship between initial and long-term response. We showed that those two variables do not correlate which means that we cannot predict patient survival solely based on the initial response. We also tested several chemotherapy schedules to find the best one for patients treated with palliative intent. We found that the optimal treatment schedule depends, among others, on the strength of competition among various subclones in a tumor. The computational platform developed allows optimizing chemotherapy protocols, within admissible limits of toxicity, for palliative treatment of metastatic NSCLC. The simplicity of the method allows its application to chemotherapy optimization in different cancers

    System engineering approach to planning anticancer therapies

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    This book focuses on the analysis of cancer dynamics and the mathematically based synthesis of anticancer therapy. It summarizes the current state-of-the-art in this field and clarifies common misconceptions about mathematical modeling in cancer. Additionally, it encourages closer cooperation between engineers, physicians and mathematicians by showing the clear benefits of this without stating unrealistic goals. Development of therapy protocols is realized from an engineering point of view, such as the search for a solution to a specific control-optimization problem. Since in the case of cancer patients, consecutive measurements providing information about the current state of the disease are not available, the control laws are derived for an open loop structure. Different forms of therapy are incorporated into the models, from chemotherapy and antiangiogenic therapy to immunotherapy and gene therapy, but the class of models introduced is broad enough to incorporate other forms of therapy as well. The book begins with an analysis of cell cycle control, moving on to control effects on cell population and structured models and finally the signaling pathways involved in carcinogenesis and their influence on therapy outcome. It also discusses the incorporation of intracellular processes using signaling pathway models, since the successful treatment of cancer based on analysis of intracellular processes, might soon be a reality. It brings together various aspects of modeling anticancer therapies, which until now have been distributed over a wide range of literature. Written for researchers and graduate students interested in the use of mathematical and engineering tools in biomedicine with special emphasis on applications in cancer diagnosis and treatment, this self-contained book can be easily understood with only a minimal basic knowledge of control and system engineering methods as well as the biology of cancer. Its interdisciplinary character and the authors’ extensive experience in cooperating with clinicians and biologists make it interesting reading for researchers from control and system engineering looking for applications of their knowledge. Systems and molecular biologists as well as clinicians will also find new inspiration for their research

    Predykcja odpowiedzi na kombinowaną terapię dla niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuc przy użyciu modelu hybrydowego

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    The paper presents a novel approach to prediction of the combined therapy outcome for non-small lung cancer patients. A hybrid model is proposed, consisting of two parts. The first one is a mathematical model of tumor response to therapy, whose parameters are estimated by a neural network based regressor, constituting the second component of the hybrid model. Estimation is based on data from mass spectrometry of patient blood plasma samples. Comparison of clinical and simulation-based survival curves is used to evaluate the quality of the model