22 research outputs found

    Marketing automation processes as a way to improve contemporary marketing of a company

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    The main aim of this article is to identify the possibilities which are given to contemporary companies thanks to the usage of processes included in marketing automation system. This publication deals with the key aspects of this issue. Its shows how the importance of the organization changes, how its value increases, as a result of using the tools which are provided by the processes included in the concept of marketing automation. This article defines the factors and processes which influence an effective course of actions taken as a part of marketing automation. Because the concept of marketing automation is a completely new reality; it is giving up the communication based on mass distribution of a uniform contents for really personalized individual and fully automated communication. This is a completely new idea, a kind of coexistence, in which both a sales department and a marketing department cooperate with each other closely to achieve the best result. It is also a situation in which marketing can definitely confirm its contribution to the income generated by the company. But marketing automation also means huge analytical possibilities and a real increase of a company’s value, its value added generated by the system – the source of information about clients, about all processes both marketing and sales, taking place in a company. The introduction of marketing automation system alters not only the current functioning of a marketing department, but also marketers themselves. In fact, everything that marketing automation system provides, including primarily accumulated unique knowledge of the client, is also a critical marketing value of every modern enterprise

    Inbound marketing as a form of the internet marketing

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    Inbound Marketing is opposed to outbound marketing - traditional way of communicating, which is all about ..pushing out" information, advertising message to the potential customer. Inbound marketing is focused on activities on the Internet, which allow the customers to find the message they are looking for. Internet media are characterized. Strategies of presence in social media are revealed. Non-invasive approach in social media is presented. Credibility and reach of social media media are analyzed. Position of public institutions in social media is discussed

    The image of a research institution as an important element in shaping the level of competitiveness of the organisation

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    The primary objective of the publication is defining the factors and processes affecting the efficient course of actions undertaken around building a positive image of the organisation. The study raises key aspects of this issue. The diagnosis providing that the recipient is guided in his/her purchasing decisions by the opinions about a given product or service that reach them through all the available content distribution channels is appearing increasingly often in subsequent study findings. The same studies have also confirmed that an inherent feature of a knowledge-based economy is the level of the intangible asset share as regards determining the position of an organisation (brand, reputation). The unbridled increase in competition has led to the generation of a growing volume of advertising offers for buyers, as a result of which standing out among other market players has now become more of an issue. One of the ways to enhance an organisation’s presence in a changing environment includes measures promoting its positive image creation and shaping of favourable (valuable) opinions about it. The selection of the appropriate image concept to a constantly changing business environment in terms of competing or consumer preferences requires an effective response to their experiences in the cognitive, emotional and behavioural dimensions. If they are positive, they will contribute to building a favourable mindset among consumers, which in turn will facilitate the formation of a positive image of the organisation

    Wykorzystanie narzędzi strategii content marketingu w polskich instytutach badawczych

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    In the article were described issues associated with the use by scientific institutions content marketing strategy tools. This article shows the extent to which tools of modern marketing are used in the Internet communication by scientific institutions. Currently content marketing concept is accepted not only as a fashionable trend of modern marketing but above all, it is treated as an important tool to improve enough Internet message, to effectively interest to the users. A optimal selection and use content marketing tools it provides opportunities for enhancing efficiency in the reception (acceptance) of the generated message.W artykule scharakteryzowane zostały zagadnienia związane z wykorzystaniem przez instytuty badawcze narzędzi wpisanych w strategię content marketingu. Artykuł ten pokazuje, w jakim stopniu narzędzia współczesnego marketingu stosowane są przez instytucje badawcze w komunikacji internetowej. Obecnie koncepcja content marketingu odbierana jest nie tylko jako modny trend współczesnego marketingu, ale traktowana jest przede wszystkim, jako ważne narzędzie pozwalające na tyle udoskonalać internetowy przekaz, by skutecznie zainteresować nim użytkowników sieci. A optymalne dobranie i wykorzystanie narzędzi wpisanych w strategię content marketingu stwarza możliwości pozwalające na zwiększenie efektywności w odbiorze wygenerowanego przekazu

    Inbound marketing as an integral part of the marketing strategy of a modern enterprise

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    The essential premise of this publication is to define the benefits brought to modern enterprises by introduction of multi-channel marketing strategy, or inbound marketing, to their business.This article defines the factors and processes that influence the effective course of actions undertaken in the framework of inbound marketing.In addition, it is demonstrated how the importance of an organization changes, how its value and importance realistically increases as a result of applying the instruments provided by inbound marketing. The purpose of the article is to present how the concept of inbound marketing is changing the perspective of looking at the modern marketing instruments and how their field of impact changes as a result of their application.It also illustrates how the choice of appropriate mechanisms influences consumer decisions and demonstrates that the key to understanding the processes embedded in the strategy is to reflect on the relationship between the enterprise and potential customers and communication with the customers

    Proces marketing automation jako kierunek doskonalenia współczesnego marketingu przedsiębiorstwa

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    The main aim of this article is to identify the possibilities which are given to contemporary companies thanks to the usage of processes included in marketing automation system. This publication deals with the key aspects of this issue. Its shows how the importance of the organization changes, how its value increases, as a result of using the tools which are provided by the processes included in the concept of marketing automation. This article defines the factors and processes which influence an effective course of actions taken as a part of marketing automation. Because the concept of marketing automation is a completely new reality; it is giving up the communication based on mass distribution of a uniform contents for really personalized individual and fully automated communication. This is a completely new idea, a kind of coexistence, in which both a sales department and a marketing department cooperate with each other closely to achieve the best result. It is also a situation in which marketing can definitely confirm its contribution to the income generated by the company. But marketing automation also means huge analytical possibilities and a real increase of a company’s value, its value added generated by the system – the source of information about clients, about all processes both marketing and sales, taking place in a company. The introduction of marketing automation system alters not only the current functioning of a marketing department, but also marketers themselves. In fact, everything that marketing automation system provides, including primarily accumulated unique knowledge of the client, is also a critical marketing value of every modern enterprise.Głównym celem niniejszej publikacji jest zidentyfikowanie możliwości jakie współczesnym przedsiębiorstwom dostarcza zastosowanie procesów wchodzących w skład systemu marketing automation. Opracowanie to porusza kluczowe aspekty tego zagadnienia. Pokazuje, jak zmienia się znaczenie organizacji, jak realnie wzrasta jej wartość w następstwie korzystania z narzędzi jakie dostarczają procesy wpisane w koncepcję marketing automation. W artykule zdefiniowano czynniki i procesy, które mają wpływ na efektywny przebieg działań podejmowanych w ramach automatyzacji marketingu. Bowiem koncepcja marketing automation to zupełnie nowa rzeczywistość, to rezygnacja z komunikacji opartej na masowej dystrybucji jednolitego przekazu na rzecz tej realnie spersonalizowanej, indywidualnej i w pełni zautomatyzowanej. To zupełnie nowa idea, swoista koegzystencja w której dział sprzedaży i dział marketingu ściśle ze sobą współpracują by osiągnąć jak najlepsze rezultaty. To także sytuacja, w której marketing może zdecydowanie potwierdzić swój wkład w generowany przez przedsiębiorstwo przychód. Ale marketing automation to także ogromne możliwości analityczne, to realny wzrost wartości przedsiębiorstwa, jego wartość dodana, jaką jest pozyskany przez system zasób wiedzy o klientach oraz o wszystkich procesach, zarówno marketingowych, jak i sprzedażowych realizowanych w przedsiębiorstwie. Wprowadzenie systemu marketing automation wpływa na zmianę dotychczasowego modelu funkcjonowania nie tylko działu marketingu, ale również samego marketingowca. Bowiem wszystko to, co dostarcza marketing automation, w tym przede wszystkim skumulowana unikalna wiedza o kliencie, to także krytyczna wartość marketingowa każdego współczesnego przedsiębiorstwa

    Content marketing as a important element of marketing strategy of scientific institutions

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    Czym jest content marketing? Najogólniej, content marketing to technika marketingowa polegająca na tworzeniu, a następnie rozpowszechnianiu wartościowych z punktu widzenia odbiorców treści, zmierzających do pozyskania uwagi, a tym samym zaangażowaniu społeczności skupionej wokół określonej grupy docelowej. Content to treść, którą użytkownicy chcą czytać, poznawać, oglądać czy doświadczać. Z perspektywy biznesu, content jest istotną informacją prezentowaną na stronie internetowej, w aplikacji lub za pośrednictwem innych dostępnych kanałów cyfrowej prezentacji, której misją jest komunikacja. Dziś content marketing nie jest już czymś, co dobrze mieć. To trzeba mieć. Konieczne jest przy tym tworzenie treści na bieżąco. Nie może to być rzecz jasna zwykła treść, ale treść w przekazie rzetelna i wysokiej jakości. Ponadto musi być na tyle wartościowa, by na drodze interakcji z odbiorcą przekaz ten dostarczył mu takich korzyści, które zaspokoją jego potrzeby i oczekiwania. Istotnym aspektem w content marketingu jest także określenie grupy docelowej, do której kierowana jest treść przekazu. Pociąga to za sobą konieczność tworzenia a następnie dystrybucji takich informacji, które wprowadzą odbiorcę w obszar marki, produktu czy usługi, której jest tematem.Content marketing is a marketing technique which involves creating and spreading contents valuable from the point of view of recipients of the content, aimed at drawing attention and thus engaging a community gathered around a particular target group. Internet as a tool of global digital communication is evolving constantly. Every entity which wants to achieve profit through the exceptional potential of the message which is its source should use the instruments it provides to the greatest possible extent. Along with the quality of the published content, the quantity and distribution play a major role, as through broader dissemination of the created content its influence grows. For this reason, every marketing specialist who wants to derive benefits from content marketing should take into consideration not only information gathered around a product, or service he represents, but also information associated with various aspects of people's lives. When most people think about content, they see written words, as well as visual and audio messages in form of images, photographs, video and audio presentations, charts or infographies. In the digital environment this content can be conveyed in a convincing way through the tools that the strategy of content marketing provides. These messages can be educational, informative in character and in case of purchasing decisions they may be helpful, often funny and above all useful. Regardless of what kind of method for conveying content we choose, whether it is just a text, photograph or video material, or all these instruments combined, the essence of the issue is strategy which guarantees that the generated content is interesting, creative and provides recipients with value. Content marketing creates value and helps people, it answers questions and provides fundamental, basic information. This in turn leads to a situation in which the recipient, consumer, is educated and informed enough to make a decision concerning a potential purchase, or thanks to having this information he can recommend the purchase to his friends, family or superiors. It is employed by marketers from big and small companies running marketing activities both using the business-to-business and business-to-customer model. Some use content in order to expand the scope of traditional advertising campaigns. Others take advantage of the content strategy to completely replace traditional forms of marketing and advertisement. The message can evoke the engagement of the customer on every stage of the purchasing cycle. It can also help establish lasting contacts, which in the long term expand client base. The message can strengthen the existing relationship, relations, stimulate (lead to) up-selling or cross-selling, contribute to the reactivation of relations or gaming contacts by recommendation. Creating good, convincing, educational, ñinny and helpful content is important, but not sufficient. It is also very important to disseminate the content using all available channels of digital distribution. This also requires working out such a strategy of distribution and dissemination of content that will allow the recipient to find it easily. Publishing content on a website, blog or in the social media may be effective, but it shouldn't be limited to these means. Strong strategy of distribution (dissemination) creates opportunities greatly raising the influence and coverage of the generated message

    The impact of modern technology on changing marketing actions in organisations. Marketing 4.0

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    The article presents the theory that modern technologies are changing the way in which marketing is organised and that they will transform the prevailing composition of the market, while enterprises should come to terms with the act that having a market share will no longer suffice to maintain the market leader position. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the key challenges generated by technological innovations and to identify the opportunities for marketing in light of the new communication and information technologies so that quantifiable benefits can be gained. The research topic underpinning this paper is: 1) an analysis of social media use by the Millennial generation; 2) an evaluation of the attitudes of SMEs towards the incorporation of information technology into their current marketing practices; 3) determining the implementation possibilities of Marketing 4.0 by promoting a flexible approach to organising marketing actions. Following a review of the available literature on the subject, we will present a concept of the model of the flexible organisation of marketing actions. The D3I2C concept combines today’s marketing actions and digital transformation. It can be harnessed by academia and other organisations seeking guidance on the implementation of transformation in the organisation of marketing actions

    Content marketing as an important element of marketing strategy of scientific institutions

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    Content marketing is a marketing technique which involves creating and spreading contents valuable from the point of view of recipients of the content, aimed at drawing attention and thus engaging a community gathered around a particular target group. Internet as a tool of global digital communication is evolving constantly. Every entity which wants to achieve profit through the exceptional potential of the message which is its source should use the instruments it provides to the greatest possible extent. Along with the quality of the published content, the quantity and distribution play a major role, as through broader dissemination of the created content its influence grows. For this reason, every marketing specialist who wants to derive benefits from content marketing should take into consideration not only information gathered around a product, or service he represents, but also information associated with various aspects of people's lives. When most people think about content, they see written words, as well as visual and audio messages in form of images, photographs, video and audio presentations, charts or infographies. In the digital environment this content can be conveyed in a convincing way through the tools that the strategy of content marketing provides. These messages can be educational, informative in character and in case of purchasing decisions they may be helpful, often funny and above all useful. Regardless of what kind of method for conveying content we choose, whether it is just a text, photograph or video material, or all these instruments combined, the essence of the issue is strategy which guarantees that the generated content is interesting, creative and provides recipients with value. Content marketing creates value and helps people, it answers questions and provides fundamental, basic information. This in turn leads to a situation in which the recipient, consumer, is educated and informed enough to make a decision concerning a potential purchase, or thanks to having this information he can recommend the purchase to his friends, family or superiors. It is employed by marketers from big and small companies running marketing activities both using the business-to-business and business-to-customer model. Some use content in order to expand the scope of traditional advertising campaigns. Others take advantage of the content strategy to completely replace traditional forms of marketing and advertisement. The message can evoke the engagement of the customer on every stage of the purchasing cycle. It can also help establish lasting contacts, which in the long term expand client base. The message can strengthen the existing relationship, relations, stimulate (lead to) up-selling or cross-selling, contribute to the reactivation of relations or gaming contacts by recommendation. Creating good, convincing, educational, ñinny and helpful content is important, but not sufficient. It is also very important to disseminate the content using all available channels of digital distribution. This also requires working out such a strategy of distribution and dissemination of content that will allow the recipient to find it easily. Publishing content on a website, blog or in the social media may be effective, but it shouldn't be limited to these means. Strong strategy of distribution (dissemination) creates opportunities greatly raising the influence and coverage of the generated message

    Inbound marketing w instytucjach badawczych

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    We live in times of revolution! We are witnessing a revolution in the way we choose new products and in the way we look for business partners. Nowadays, almost everybody who is looking for a pram for his child or a new accounting company for his small business, always starts by turning on the computer. We start with Google or any other search engine, we ask our friends from the Internet, our family members and colleagues for assistance, usually via e-mail, online chats, Facebook or Twitter. We live in times of revolution – as a result of this revolution companies without huge budgets and not resorting to eyecatching tv commercials are able to attract our attention. Nowadays, we pay more attention to companies offering us excellent content on the Internet – a good example here is Zaoppos, a company selling shoes which rapidly evolved into a multi-billion-dollar business. There is no doubt that currently an attractive form of presence in the web is of utmost importance for any company. The main force driving this new revolution is inbound marketing. This revolution has a global and universal reach and affects everybody without regard to his or her social or economic status, his or her education or culture. The term of Inbound Marketing hasn’t been translated into Polish yet. It can be interpreted as active, incoming marketing. Inbound Marketing is opposed to outbound marketing – traditional way of communicating, which is all about „pushing out” information, advertising message to the potential customer. Inbound marketing is focused on activities on the Internet, which allow the customers to find the message they are looking for. The potential customer is following issues he is looking for on the Internet, which leads him to the source of the message. The idea of inbound marketing is about taking such actions in the sphere of media that allow potential customers to find what they are looking for. Inbound marketing combines elements of Internet marketing which can efficiently draw customers into the sphere of activities of marketing specialists. The main areas of interest are: • Marketing in search engines, • Activities associated with creation of content in the blogosphere, • Taking advantage of social networks and microblogs.Żyjemy w czasach rewolucji. Na naszych oczach dokonuje się rewolucja w sposobie wybierania nowych produktów i poszukiwania partnerów biznesowych. Dziś niemal każdy, kto poszukuje wózka dla dziecka lub nowej firmy księgowej do obsługi swojej działalności gospodarczej siada najpierw do komputera. Zaczynamy od Google lub dowolnej innej wyszukiwarki, zasięgamy opinii grona internetowych przyjaciół, członków rodziny i współpracowników, z którymi kontaktujemy się za pomocą poczty elektronicznej, komunikatorów internetowych, czatów, Facebooka lub Twittera. Żyjemy w czasach rewolucji – rewolucji polegającej na tym, że naszą uwagę zwracają na siebie firmy, które nie mają wielkich budżetów i nie promują się za pomocą przyciągających wzrok reklam telewizyjnych. Dziś zwracamy uwagę na firmy, które oferują nam świetne treści w Internecie – przykładem może być tu Zaoppos, firma zajmująca się sprzedażą obuwia, która błyskawicznie rozwinęła się w biznes wart wiele miliardów dolarów. Nie ulega najmniejszej wątpliwości, że atrakcyjna forma obecności w sieci ma dziś kluczowe znaczenie dla każdej firmy. Wiodącą siłą tej nowej rewolucji jest inbound marketing. Rewolucja ta ma zasięg globalny, uniwersalny i dotyczy każdego, bez względu na to jakie miejsce w hierarchii społecznej, gospodarczej, naukowej czy też kulturowej zajmuje. Pojęcie inbound marketingu nie doczekało się jeszcze tłumaczenia na język polski. W wolnym tłumaczeniu można je interpretować jako marketing przychodzący, aktywny. Inbound marketing stoi w opozycji do outbound marketingu – tradycyjnego sposobu komunikowania się polegającym na „wypychaniu” informacji, przekazu reklamowego do potencjalnego klienta. Inbound marketing skupia się na działaniach w Internecie umożliwiających klientom odnalezienie interesującego ich przekazu. Potencjalny konsument podąża za zagadnieniami, których poszukuje w sieci, co prowadzi go do nadawcy komunikatu. Idea inbound marketingu polega na podjęciu takich działań w mediasferze, aby potencjalni klienci sami znaleźli to, czego szukają. Inbound marketing łączy elementy marketingu internetowego, które w skuteczny sposób pozwalają wciągnąć klientów w sferę działań marketerów. Głównymi obszarami zainteresowań są : • marketing w wyszukiwarkach internetowych, • działania związane z tworzeniem treści w blogosferze, • wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych i mikroblogów