4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of ABCC1 gene expression, encoding MRP1, in patients with depression

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    Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, depression is the most common mental disorder. Over 350 million people suffer from this disease, making it the fourth most important health problem in the world. Multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1), encoded by ABCC1 gene is co–creating the blood– brain barrier and blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier. Changes in the expression of ABCC1 can influence the bioavailability of antidepressants, and thereby, determine the efficacy of the treatment. The aim of the study was to evaluate ABCC1 gene expression in patients with depression. Material and methods: We analyzed 32 samples of RNA isolated from the leukocytes of peripheral blood, derived from Babinski Hospital patients suffering from recurrent depressive episodes. The investigated gene expression was assessed using the technique of Real–time PCR. Results: On the basis of qualitative analysis, ABCC1 gene expression has been shown in 30 samples, and the GAPDH gene expression in 32 samples. All 32 samples were quantitatively analyzed. The level of ABCC1 gene expression relative to GAPDH gene was variable among all 32 cases. An average, positive and significant correlation (r = 0.3988) between age of the patients and the relative expression level of ABCC1 has been shown. Conclusions: The relative level of gene expression increases with the age of the patients with depression. The obtained results require confirmation in a larger group of patients.Wstęp: Według Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia depresja jest najczęściej występującym zaburzeniem psychicznym. Ponad 350 milionów ludzi na całym świecie cierpi na tę chorobę, co czyni ją czwartym z najważniejszych obecnie problemów zdrowotnych. Białko oporności wielolekowej 1 (MRP1), kodowane przez gen ABCC1, jest elementem współtworzącym barierę krew–mózg oraz krew–płyn mózgowo–rdzeniowy. Zmiana ekspresji genu ABCC1 może wpłynąć na biodostępność leków antydepresyjnych, a tym samym na skuteczność farmakoterapii. Celem pracy była ocena ekspresji genu ABCC1 u pacjentów chorych na depresję. Materiał i metody: Badaniu poddano 32 próby RNA wyizolowane z leukocytów krwi obwodowej pacjentów chorych na depresję, leczonych w szpitalu im. Babińskiego w Łodzi. Ekspresja badanego genu została oceniona przy użyciu techniki Real–time PCR. Wyniki: Na podstawie analizy jakościowej wykazano ekspresję genu ABCC1 w 30 próbach, a genu referencyjnego GAPDH w 32 próbach. Wszystkie 32 próby poddano analizie ilościowej. Poziom ekspresji genu ABCC1 względem genu GAPDH we wszystkich 32 przypadkach był wysoce zróżnicowany. Wykazano przeciętną, dodatnią, istotną statystycznie korelację (r = 0,398 pomiędzy wiekiem pacjentów, a względnym poziom ekspresji genu ABCC1. Wnioski: Względny poziom ekspresji genu ABCC1 jest tym wyższy, im wyższy jest wiek pacjentów w grupie badanej. Uzyskane w pracy wyniki badań wymagają potwierdzenia na większej grupie pacjentów

    Does the expression of the ACVR2A gene affect the development of colorectal cancer?

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    Abstract Colorectal cancer has become a serious problem, especially in highly developed countries. As reported by the World Health Organization, the number of colon cancer cases in the world in 2012 amounted to 1.36 million. It is the second most common cancer in females (614,000 cases, 9.2% of the total) and the third in males (746,000 cases, 10.0% of the total) worldwide. It is believed that TGFβ pathway elements are involved in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. This study assessed one of these elements, the ACVR2A gene. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the ACVR2A gene in 84 patients with colorectal cancer was performed. There was no statistically significant association between ACVR2A gene expression and age, gender, histological type, grading of tumor, vascular invasion, and presence of lymphocytes in tumor tissue. No association was observed between the ACVR2A gene expression level and the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes and distant metastases. In this study, larger tumors (T3 and T4) were characterized by higher ACVR2A expression compared to smaller tumors (T1 and T2). This may indicate an association between ACVR2A expression and the severity of pathological changes in the tumor growth process

    Importance of Altered Gene Expression of Metalloproteinases 2, 9, and 16 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Preliminary Study

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    Acute myeloid leukemia is a group of hematological neoplasms characterized by a heterogeneous course and high mortality. The important factor in the neoplastic process is metalloproteinases, proteolytic enzymes capable of degrading various components of the extracellular matrix, which take an active part in modifying the functioning of the cell, including transformation to cancer cell. They interact with numerous signaling pathways responsible for the process of cell growth, proliferation, or apoptosis. In the present study, changes in the expression of MMP2, MMP9, and MMP16 genes between patients with AML and people without cancer were examined. The impact of cytogenetic changes in neoplastic cells on the expression level of MMP2, MMP9, and MMP16 was also assessed, as well as the impact of the altered expression on the effectiveness of the first cycle of remission-inducing therapy. To evaluate the expression of all studied genes MMP2, MMP9, and MMP16, SYBR Green-based real-time PCR method was used; the reference gene was GAPDH. For two investigated genes MMP2 and MMP16, the lower expression level was observed in patients with AML when compared to healthy people. The MMP9 gene expression level did not differ between patients with AML and healthy individuals which may indicate a different regulation of gene expression in acute myeloid leukemia. However, no correlation was observed between the genes’ expression of all tested metalloproteinases and the result of cytoreductive treatment or the presence of cytogenetic changes. The obtained results show that the expression of MMP2 and MMP16 genes is reduced while the expression of MMP9 is unchanged in patients with acute myeloid leukemia. This may indicate a different regulation of the expression of these genes, and possible disruptions in gene transcription or posttranscriptional mechanisms in the MMP2 and MMP16 genes, however, do not affect the level of MMP9 expression. Obtained results in AML patients are in contrary to various types of solid tumors where increased expression is usually observed

    Differential Expression of AP-2 Transcription Factors Family in Lung Adenocarcinoma and Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma—A Bioinformatics Study

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    Members of the activator protein 2 (AP-2) transcription factor (TF) family are known to play a role in both physiological processes and cancer development. The family comprises five DNA-binding proteins encoded by the TFAP2A to TFAP2E genes. Numerous scientific reports describe differential expression of these TF and their genes in various types of cancer, identifying among them a potential oncogene or suppressor like TFAP2A or TFAP2C. Other reports suggest their influence on disease development and progression, as well as response to treatment. Not all members of this AP-2 family have been comprehensively studied thus far. The aim of the present article is to gather and discuss knowledge available in bioinformatics databases regarding all five members of this family and to differentiate them in relation to the two most common lung cancer subtypes: adenocarcinoma (LUAD) and squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC). In addition, to assess the difference in levels depending on a number of clinicopathological factors, the impact on patient survival and interactions with tumor-infiltrating immune cells. This article may help to identify the target for further original research that may contribute to the discovery of new diagnostic biomarkers and define the molecular differences between LUAD and LUSC, which may affect the therapy effectiveness improvement and longer survival