9 research outputs found

    Possibility of integration of navigational information on electronic chart

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    This article presents the problem of proper use of navigational integrated equipment installed on modern vessels. Large number of electronic aids to navigation and even greater amount of information obtained make it possible to integrate and arrange these devices in a proper way. Such arrangement of all instruments make it possible to present all their data and information on the screen of electronic chart. The dynamic development of information technology gave rise to electronic charts. The authors focused on the possibilities which are offered by electronic charts and presented the possibility of integrating individual instruments such as gyrocompass, log, echo sounder, GPS, ARPA and AIS and the information gathered from them with an electronic chart. This is a subject with further prospects and both all the companies producing the software as well as the ship-owners aim at the most efficient use of this device in order to improve the safety of navigation. This work also presents the mistakes which are made when electronic charts are used improperly. The further development of this system and the possibilities it can offer the future users are also presented here

    Criteria and elements necessary for ensuring safety of shipping during designing of approach fairway for lng vessel

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    W artykule przedstawiono czynniki, jakie należy uwzględnić przy projektowaniu toru wodnego dla statków przewożących ładunki niebezpieczne. Omówiono i dokonano obliczeń dla przykładowego statku. Możliwości przejścia w danych warunkach hydro-meteo poparto wynikiem badań symulujących realizowanych dla statku LNG do Świnoujścia.Paper contain abbreviated procedure for projecting the port fairway. Basis for consideration was construction of LNG terminal and possible updating of approach channel to Outer Port in Świnoujście . In the paper introduced major factors influencing the project procedure, including the LNG ship simulation. This method allow for more reliable detailed results necessary for establishing limiting values of fairway dimension and discovering ships manoeuvring capabilities and limitations

    Comparison of the Efficiency of Williamson and Anderson Turn Manoeuvre

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    The paper presents comparison of the ‘Person over board’ manoeuvres. The article was based on research con-ducted on a group of students of the Faculty of Navigation of Gdynia Maritime University. People involved in studies previously conducted on board training on school training ships: "Dar M?odzie?y" and "Horyzont II", but did not have experience as an officers. Research was carried on the Polaris Ships Bridge Simulator, located at the faculty of Navigation, of Gdynia Maritime University

    Determination of the wind speed limits causing the break away of the vessel from jetty p in naftoport : simulation study

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    The safety of the tanker during the loading operations carried out in the oil terminal is influenced by many factors. Based on the observations of port personnel and weather analyses in that area it was found that for Naftoport one of the most important factors affecting the security of the tanker is the wind, and more precisely – its direction and speed. Less important are accompanying waves and generated by it variable and periodic wind current. In this selected area of the Baltic Sea the direction and speed of wind change very dynamically depending on the activity of pressure patterns, which are very closely related to the occurrence of seasons. For the purpose of the article simulations were carried out of variable wind speeds, from directions causing the breakaway of the ship from the jetty, with an application of the model of the tanker in the least favourable load condition. The results obtained – the load in the mooring ropes from simulation tests were compared with the requirements of the OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum), determining the methodology of performing calculations of these forces for the selected type of tanker

    Analiza obrazu MRI u chorych z guzem ośrodkowego układu nerwowego : próba opracowania algorytmu postępowania

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    Magnetic resonance imaging study is currently the reference method for the detection and diagnosis of the central nervous system tumors. A large number of tumors, especially high-grade, has a higher water content in the cells, which results in prolongation of MRI T1 and T2 what appearance as increased signal intensity in in T2-weighted images and the reduction in T1-weighted images. MRI can be performed with administration of contrast agent, which shortens T1 and increases signal on T1-weighted sequences. This allows to identify areas of increased angiogenesis), which is the exponent of the cancer malignancy degree and its biological activity. Obtained MRI images are analyzed and evaluated by a radiologist and a clinician. Most of the time it is the "by the eye" analysis, which is based on the MRI image evaluation by the generally accepted radiological standards. However, this method is relatively inaccurate. which in turn can bring to the wrong diagnosis of the disease and implementation or even lack of implementation of appropriate treatment. More and more researches are conducted in this area, but developed methods are usually very complicated and difficult to carry out by the "layman" which is the clinician. That is why the attempt is made, to develop a simple and clear algorithm for MRI image analysis in patients with the central nervous system tumors, allowing for quick and objective evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging study.Badanie metodą rezonansu magnetycznego jest aktualnie metodą referencyjną przy wykrywaniu i diagnozowaniu nowotworów centralnego układu nerwowego. Duża część nowotworów, zwłaszcza o wysokim stopniu złośliwości, charakteryzuje się większą zawartością wody w komórkach, co w badaniu MRI skutkuje wydłużeniem T1 i T2, uwidocznionym jako nasilenie sygnału w obrazach T2-zależnych oraz jego obniżeniem w obrazach T1-zależnych. MRI można przeprowadzić z podaniem środka kontrastowego, co powoduje skrócenie czasu T1 i podniesieni

    Extent of the frontal sinuses in the aspect of neurosurgical craniotomy approaches

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    Frontal sinuses within the frontal bone can be a potential obstacle in neurosurgical approach in this region. Their unintended opening during craniotomy is not beneficial due to the risk of brain infections by bacteria inhabiting the sinus mucosa.  Therefore, such opening should be avoided whenever the surgical procedure does not involve the sinus itself. The aim of the study was the morphometric analysis of the frontal sinuses based on computed tomography imaging. The width, height, projection surface area and location of the highest and most lateral points of the sinuses were determined. The vertical diameter of the sinuses was found to be greater in men compared with women. The most lateral point of the sinuses was located higher in men, and in men was located higher on the left side. The results obtained may indicate that the frontal sinuses tend to be larger in men and that air cells in men extend further in the upper - lateral direction on the left side of the frontal bone. This may cause an increased risk of unintentional opening of the left frontal sinus during frontal craniotomy or pterional craniotomy with frontal extension