26 research outputs found

    Fibre-optic delivery of time and frequency to VLBI station

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    The quality of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) radio observations predominantly relies on precise and ultra-stable time and frequency (T&F) standards, usually hydrogen masers (HM), maintained locally at each VLBI station. Here, we present an operational solution in which the VLBI observations are routinely carried out without use of a local HM, but using remote synchronization via a stabilized, long-distance fibre-optic link. The T&F reference signals, traceable to international atomic timescale (TAI), are delivered to the VLBI station from a dedicated timekeeping laboratory. Moreover, we describe a proof-of-concept experiment where the VLBI station is synchronized to a remote strontium optical lattice clock during the observation.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, matches the version published in A&A, section Astronomical instrumentatio

    Problems of Complex Evaluation of Production Process Efficiency

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    Analysis of production process efficiency is an essential analytical tool of each enterprise. Focusing on market competitiveness, managers are forced to use increasingly detailed analysis of processes occurring in enterprise. Analysis of production process efficiency is not clearly defined in the scientific literature, making it difficult to correct use in business practice. In this article the authors present problems of properly define the production efficiency in the scientific literature and analyze problems of utilization of these methods in the research of economic practice

    Model oceny efektywności ekonomicznej procesu produkcji

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    Background: Economic activity focused on manufacturing and supplying products for sale is one of the basic processes in the logistics supply chain. The specificity of production processes requires concentration on the factors, which are crucial for the continuity of the material flowin terms of both business practice and in relation to the relevant literature. The significant impact of production processes on the financial result of the company affects the costs, revenues, turnover of assets and working capital cycle, so this is the main reason to focus production management on ways to improve process efficiency for both internal and external supply chain, and also on the continuous supervision and evaluation of the results obtained. This article presents an original model for the analysis and evaluation of production process efficiency in economic terms. Material and methods: The results of research carried out in Polish companies in 2011-2013 and the results of a literature review indicate the unsatisfactory use of efficiency analyses in managing production processes, related supply chains and the production environment. These formed the basis for the selection and compilation of factors to evaluate the production process' economic efficiency. Complementary research concerning the importance of each factor in business practice was carried out in the first half of 2015 in 138 manufacturing companies in Wielkopolska Voivodship. Results: Based on the results and observations, the authors developed a model for evaluating the economic efficiency of the production process, which will make it possible to conduct multivariate simulations using parametric models of production processes and the environment at later stages of their research. Conclusions: Despite numerous considerations in the literature, the issue of production process efficiency has not yet been comprehensively presented nor developed. The concept for evaluation of production process efficiency presented here applies to its economic aspects. The authors are aware of the need to combine the analytical scope with analysis and evaluation of operational efficiency, thus further research will aim to provide a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of production process efficiency and value engineering in its operational development.Wstęp: Działalność gospodarcza skoncentrowana na wytwarzaniu i dostarczaniu produktów przeznaczonych na sprzedaż, jest jednym z podstawowych procesów zachodzących w logistycznym łańcuchu dostaw. Specyfika procesów produkcji powoduje konieczność koncentracji na czynnikach, które mają kluczowy wpływ na ciągłość przepływu materiałowego, zarówno w odniesieniu do praktyki gospodarczej, jak również w odniesieniu do literatury przedmiotu. Znaczący wpływ procesów produkcji na wynik finansowy przedsiębiorstwa, oddziałując na koszty, przychody, rotację aktywów oraz cykl kapitału obrotowego, jest główną przesłanką ukierunkowania zarządzania produkcją na sposoby poprawy efektywności procesów, zarówno wewnętrznego, jak i zewnętrznego łańcucha dostaw oraz ciągłego nadzorowania i oceniania uzyskanych rezultatów. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie autorskiego modelu analizy i oceny efektywności procesu produkcji w aspekcie ekonomicznym. Metody: Wyniki badań w polskich przedsiębiorstwach przeprowadzonych w latach 2011-2013 oraz badań literaturowych, świadczą o niezadowalającym stopniu wykorzystania analiz efektywności w zarządzaniu procesami produkcji, powiązanymi łańcuchami dostaw oraz środowiskiem produkcyjnym. Na ich podstawie dokonano wyboru i zestawienia wskaźników oceny efektywności ekonomicznej procesu produkcji. Badania uzupełniające dotyczące stopnia ważności poszczególnych wskaźników w praktyce gospodarczej przeprowadzono w pierwszej połowie 2015 roku w 138 przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych z województwa wielkopolskiego. Wyniki: Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników i obserwacji, Autorzy opracowali model oceny efektywności ekonomicznej procesu produkcji, który umożliwi Autorom przeprowadzenie wielowariantowych symulacji parametrycznych modeli procesów i środowiska produkcji w dalszych etapach prowadzonych badań naukowych. Wnioski: Problematyka efektywności procesu produkcji, pomimo wielokrotnego podejmowania rozważań literaturowych, nie została do tej pory kompleksowo przedstawiona i opracowana. Zaprezentowana koncepcja oceny efektywności procesu produkcji dotyczy aspektu ekonomicznego. Autorzy mają świadomość konieczności sprzężenia tego zakresu analitycznego z analizą i oceną efektywności operacyjnej, kierunkując dalsze badania na kompleksową analizę i ocenę efektywności procesu produkcji oraz inżynierię wartości w jego operacyjnym kształtowaniu

    Geographic variability of major non-traumatic lower limb amputations in diabetic and non-diabetic patients in Poland

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    Introduction. High amputation of the lower limb not only causes immense physical disability but also the destruction of the patient’s mental state, and helps to shorten life of patients with diabetes. The incidence of amputations in diabetic patients is 10 times higher in comparison to non-diabetic subjects (2.8% vs. 0.29%). The purpose of the study is an analysis of the geographic variability of major non-traumatic lower limb amputation in diabetic and non-diabetic patients in Poland. Materials and method. All major non-traumatic lower limb amputations performed for the first time, in particular data between 1 January 2013 – 31 December 2013, and between 1 January 2014 – December 2014, were identified in the National Health Fund (NHF) database. In the presented study, the patients were grouped in relevant provincial departments of the NHF according to their place of residence, and not according to the hospital where lower limb amputation was performed. Results. In 2013 in Poland, 4,727 major non-traumatic lower limb amputation were performed in diabetic patients, and 4,350 in 2014. On the other hand, in non-diabetic patients, 3,469 major non-traumatic lower limb amputations were performed in 2013, and 3149 in 2014. The mean number indicator of major non-traumatic lower limb amputations in diabetic patients in Poland, compared to the average indicator of amputations in patients without diagnosed diabetes in Poland was 19.9-fold in 2013 and 19.4-fold higher in 2014. Conclusions. In populations of diabetic patients and individuals without diagnosed diabetes major non-traumatic lower limb amputations are performed over 19-fold more frequently

    Assessment of the incidence rate of end-stage renal disease in patients with and without diabetes in Poland

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    Introduction. Several studies have suggested, that diabetes is very important factor of the risk of the chronic a renal disease. The paper aims to present a retrospective analysis of incidence of end-stage renal disease in subgroups of patients with and without diabetes in Poland. Material and methods. For assessing this problem an electronic search was performed using Polish National Health Fund data base from 01.01.2011 until 31.12.2013 in general population and from 01.01.2012 until 31.12.2012 in 2 populations: with diabetes and without diabetes mellitus. Results. The 43.70 % patients with end-stage renal disease was diabetic. The incidence rate in 2012 was: 292.48 ± 90.97 diabetic men / 100,000 diabetic population; 203.10 ± 90.97 diabetic women / 100,000 diabetic population; 23.44 ± 6.34 non-diabetic men / 100,000 non-diabetic population; 17.88 ± 6.33 non-diabetic women / 100,000 non-diabetic population. Conclusions. The incidence rate of end-stage renal failure in diabetics was multiple times higher than the incidence rate in non-diabetics. The incidence rate of new ESRD cases in Poland estimated to be 36.17 per 100,000 of general populations in 2011, 35.28% in 2012 and 30.46 per 100,000 of general populations in 2013. In 2012, the incidence rate of new ESRD cases in male diabetics was 292.48 ± 90.97 per 100,000 of diabetes men population, and in women diabetics 203.10 ± 66.06 per 100,000 of diabetes women population. In the same 2012 year, the incidence of new ESRD cases in men non-diabetics was 3.44 ± 6.34 per 100,000 of non-diabetes, and in women non-diabetes 17.58 ± 6.33 per 100,000 of non-diabetes women population