16 research outputs found

    Antigenic Stimuli do not Influence Thymic B Lymphocytes: A Morphological and Functional Study in Germ-Free and Conventionally Reared Piglets

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    We have recently reported that thymic B lymphocytes (TBL) are the first B-cell subpopulation undergoing isotype switching to IgG and IgA during embryonic life. The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of antigenic stimulation on TBL location and activity using a germ-free (GF) newborn pig model, in which maternal antibodies and antigens do not affect B-cell development. Immunohistological analysis showed that TBL were disseminated mainly in the thymic medulla. There were no differences in the distribution of TBL, both in GF newborn piglets before and after colonization with Escherichia coli and in older conventionally reared (CONV) piglets. The number of immunoglobulin (Ig)-secreting cells measured by the ELISPOT method was not influenced by microflora and food antigens. IgM-positive cells secreting IgM and CD45RC-positive cells spontaneously producing IgM, IgG, and IgA were detected in newborn thymus

    Rough-and-tumble play as a window on animal communication.

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    Rough-and-tumble play (RT) is a widespread phenomenon in mammals. Since it involves competition, whereby one animal attempts to gain advantage over another, RT runs the risk of escalation to serious fighting. Competition is typically curtailed by some degree of cooperation and different signals help negotiate potential mishaps during RT. This review provides a framework for such signals, showing that they range along two dimensions: one from signals borrowed from other functional contexts to those that are unique to play, and the other from purely emotional expressions to highly cognitive (intentional) constructions. Some animal taxa have exaggerated the emotional and cognitive interplay aspects of play signals, yielding admixtures of communication that have led to complex forms of RT. This complexity has been further exaggerated in some lineages by the development of specific novel gestures that can be used to negotiate playful mood and entice reluctant partners. Play-derived gestures may provide new mechanisms by which more sophisticated communication forms can evolve. Therefore, RT and playful communication provide a window into the study of social cognition, emotional regulation and the evolution of communication systems