6 research outputs found

    Przypadek urazowego oderwania oskrzela płata środkowego

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    A Successful Resection of Two Giant Mediastinal Neurogenic Tumors

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    We reported two cases of the giant mediastinal neurogenic tumors. Patients were women in middle age. In both cases the chest X-ray and CT (computed tomography) demonstrated the huge mass in a pleural cavity without intraspinal invasion. Radical procedures with removal of the giant tumors were performed. The postoperative treatment course was uneventful. The pathology showed schwannoma and neurofibroma. The follow up examination (6-24 months) showed no recurrence of the disease

    Transthoracic versus transhiatal esophagectomy – influence on patient survival

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    Aim: To evaluate the survival of patients after surgery of the esophagus/cardia using the transthoracic and transhiatal methods. Material and methods : In the years 2007–2011, 102 patients were radically treated for cancer of the esophagus/cardia: 24 women and 78 men at the average age of 59.5. There were 38 transthoracic procedures and 64 transhiatal procedures. All patients had a conduit made from the stomach, led through lodges in the esophagus and combined with the stump of the esophagus in the neck following the Collard method. Two-pole lymphadenectomies were performed in all patients. Results: Patients after transthoracic procedures had statistically more (p < 0.05) lymph nodes removed than patients after transhiatal procedures. The 5-year survival rates in transhiatal and transthoracic procedures did not statistically differ, being 8% and 0% respectively. The length of patient survival was influenced by metastases in the nearby lymph nodes (p < 0.0001) and the presence of adenocarcinoma. Conclusions : Surgical access (transhiatal and transthoracic surgery) does not affect the 5-year survival rates. Transhiatal surgery allows a greater number of lymph nodes to be removed. The main factor influencing the 5-year survival rate is the presence of metastases in the nearby lymph nodes

    Complications after treating esophageal strictures with prostheses and stents – 20 years’ experience

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    Introduction : Over 80% of patients with esophageal cancer are qualified only for palliative treatment. The main goal of the therapy is to eliminate symptoms of dysphagia. Aim: To analyze complications after insertion of prostheses and stents in patients with inoperable cancer of the esophagus/cardia. Material and methods : From 1996 to 2015 prostheses of the esophagus were implanted in 1309 patients. In the strictures of the lower part of the esophagus, Barbin-Mousseau prostheses (102 cases) and Häring prostheses (324 cases) were placed. In the strictures of the upper and middle part of the esophagus, Wilson-Cook prostheses (65 cases) and Sumi prostheses (51 cases) were implanted using rigid oesophagoscopy. Since 2001, 867 esophageal stents have been implanted. Results: Complications occurred in 146 (11%) patients, including 7 (0.6%) cases of death. The most common complication was the recurrence of swallowing disorders (74 patients). In 51 patients, tumor overgrowth over the stent/prosthesis was responsible for that symptom, and in 23 patients its clogging. A fistula (22 cases) and the passage of the prosthesis/stent (25 cases) were the second most common group of complications. Compression of the trachea, bleeding, and dehiscence of wounds occurred in a total of 18 patients. Complications were mostly treated through the repositioning of the prosthesis/stent or the insertion of an additional one. Conclusions : The most common complications after esophageal prosthetics are the recurrence of dysphagia, a fistula and the displacement of the prosthesis/stent. The basic treatment of complications is the repositioning or insertion of an additional prosthesis

    Assessment of the Functioning Profile of Patients with Lung Cancer Undergoing Lobectomy in Relation to the ICF Rehabilitation Core Set

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    Lung cancer often presents with pain and breathlessness, frequently necessitating surgical procedures, such as lung lobectomy. A pivotal component of postoperative care is rehabilitation, aimed not only at improving the clinical condition but also at influencing the patient’s functional profile. In a study conducted at the Clinic of Thoracic Surgery and Respiratory Rehabilitation in the Regional Multispecialist Center for Oncology and Traumatology of the Nicolaus Copernicus Memorial Hospital in Lodz, the effectiveness of rehabilitation intervention was assessed in 50 patients (n = 27 M, n = 23 F) postlobectomy due to early stage nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health—ICF Rehabilitation Core Set was used to evaluate the functional profile, the modified Laitinen scale for pain assessment, and the modified Borg scale for breathlessness evaluation. Additionally, lung-expansion time was monitored. The significance level of the statistical tests in this analysis was set at α = 0.05. The study employed an analysis of the normality of the distributions of the numerical variables, reporting of variable distributions, estimation of differences between groups, estimation of differences within groups, estimation of the independence of categorical variables, and regression analysis. The research confirmed that rehabilitation partially improves the functional profile of patients and reduces the sensation of breathlessness postsurgery. The study highlighted the need for future research with a larger number of participants and an extended observation period to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of rehabilitation on patients after lung lobectomy procedures